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Special Test-3, 2023-24

Class: X
Sub: Computer Science (Theory)

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes Total marks: 50

1. Fill in the blanks: 1x10=10

a. The tag _______draws a horizontal line across the web page.
b. A property and its values are collectively known as ________.
c. ________ tag indicates the beginning and end of the HTML document.
d. __________________ CSS is used to define the style for single HTML page.
e. _________ tag is used for list items.
f. In HTML ____ tag is used to define a row.
g. The<img>tag is an ______ tag, that means it has no closing tag.
h. By default, the unordered lists items are marked with __________.
i. __________ attribute is used to give border to an image.
j. The attribute ____________ is used to create hyperlink between two or more
HTML codes

2. Write T for true and F for false statement: 1x5=5

a. We can display frames with or without border.
b. Frames are required to collect some data from the site visitors.
c. Autoplay attribute of <video> tag is used to specify the URL of the Video file.
d. We cannot create an image link in HTML.
e. The most widely used image formats supported by HTML are GIF, JPEG and

3. Choose the correct option: 1x5=5

a. Which tag is used for List items?
i) <OL> ii) <LI> iii) <UL> iv) <DL>
b. Which attribute is only used with <OL>?
i) Value ii) Type iii) Compact iv) Start.
c. The correct HTML code for inserting an image is
i) <imghref= “image.gif”>
ii) <img> image.gif</gif>
iii) <imgsrc= “image.gif”>
iv) <imghref= “image.gif”>
d. Which of the following cann’t be the value of list-style-type?
i) Square ii) Circle iii) Ellipse iv) Disc.
e. Which is the correct way to commentout something in HTML.
i) Using ## and # ii) Using <! -- and -->
iii) Using </--and -/-> iv) Using <!-- and -!>

4. Answer in one or two words: 1x10=10

a. It is the most widely used language to write Web Pages.
b. It is the information displayed on the screen like text, picture, audio, video
c. It is written between < and > brackets.
d. It is the individual component of an HTML files.
e. ____________ contains the information about the HTML document.
f. It specifies that the document is written in HTML 5.
g. This tag has Noshade attribute.
h. This tag give the text a visual appearance.
i. It is the default color of active link.
j. A collection of frames in a web browser.

5. Find out the errors and rewrite correctly: 3

<Body bgcolour = Green>
<H1>Example of heading<H1>
<iframe src = “T1.html”>

6. Answer the following questions: 2x7=14

a. Write two features of HTML.

b. Differentiate between Internal CSS and External CSS?
c. Name the tags required to create a table in HTML.
d. How are images added in an HTML document? Show with an example.
e. State the use of any two properties that you use to enhance the appearance of a
f. What are frames? How are they useful.
g. Distinguish between the Internal and External linking.
7. Application based questions: 1x3=3
a) Rohan wants to divide a web page into four sections. Which tag should he use
to accomplish this.
b) Ruchika has created a table and she wants that the table border should be
collapsed into a single border. Which property should she use?
c) Kirti wants to set the image of a park as the background of her web page but
she is unable to do it. Which tag should she use to do so? Give the syntax.


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