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The TIPPME intervention typology for changing environments to change


Article in Nature Human Behaviour · July 2017

DOI: 10.1038/s41562-017-0140


210 4,370

10 authors, including:

Gareth J Hollands Giacomo Bignardi

University College London MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit


Marie Johnston Michael P Kelly

University of Aberdeen University of Cambridge


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The TIPPME intervention typology for changing

environments to change behaviour
Gareth J. Hollands1*, Giacomo Bignardi1, Marie Johnston2, Michael P. Kelly3, David Ogilvie4,
Mark Petticrew5, Andrew Prestwich6, Ian Shemilt7, Stephen Sutton3 and Theresa M. Marteau1

Reflecting widespread interest in concepts of ‘nudging’ and ‘choice architecture’, there is increasing research and policy atten-
tion on altering aspects of the small-scale physical environment, such as portion sizes or the placement of products, to change
health-related behaviour at the population level. There is, however, a lack of clarity in characterizing these interventions and
no reliable framework incorporating standardized definitions. This hampers both the synthesis of cumulative evidence about
intervention effects, and the identification of intervention opportunities. To address this, a new tool, TIPPME (typology of inter-
ventions in proximal physical micro-environments), has been developed and here applied to the selection, purchase and con-
sumption of food, alcohol and tobacco. This provides a framework to reliably classify and describe, and enable more systematic
design, reporting and analysis of, an important class of interventions. In doing so, it makes a distinct contribution to collective
efforts to build the cumulative evidence base for effective ways of changing behaviour across populations.

nhealthy patterns of food, alcohol and tobacco consumption the products themselves and the environments in which they are
are major contributors to the burden of non-communicable available, within places such as shops, restaurants, bars and work-
diseases—currently accounting for more than two-thirds of places. Examples include altering the portion size of food, alcohol
deaths worldwide1,2. It is now widely recognized that the physical and tobacco products, and changing their availability or position in
environments that surround us exert considerable influence on an environment, such as providing additional healthier options to
these patterns of consumption, and that changing these environ- select from or placing less healthy options further away from poten-
ments holds corollary potential as a catalyst for changing consump- tial consumers.
tion. Whilst not new, the idea that behaviour can be changed in
predictable ways, by changing the environments in which people Aims of TIPPME
make choices—‘choice architecture’3—has gained traction globally The aim of TIPPME is to provide a framework for reliably classify-
among the public, the research community and policymakers4,5. ing and describing ways in which interventions can alter proximal
However, despite the recent popularization and intuitive appeal physical micro-environments to change selection, purchase and
of these approaches, there has been an absence of definitional and consumption of food, alcohol and tobacco products, to achieve the
conceptual clarity in characterizing such interventions, particularly following:
regarding applications to public health. The absence of a reliable 1. Facilitate the synthesis of cumulative evidence about the
framework that incorporates standardized labels and definitions effects of interventions that can be mapped onto the areas of
has hampered the synthesis of cumulative evidence about interven- influence or responsibility of different potential actors (for
tion effects, resulting in an evidence base that remains uneven and example, industry, policymakers and the public), including
uncertain. It has also hindered the identification and discussion of supporting clearer reporting of intervention content in pri-
opportunities to intervene to change environments. mary and secondary research.
In response to these observations, we present and provide 2. Facilitate identification and discussion of a broader range of
guidance for a new tool—TIPPME (typology of interventions in opportunities for interventions to be developed, implemented
proximal physical micro-environments)—that aims to improve and evaluated. This is potentially useful for researchers and
researchers’ and practitioners’ ability to clearly and consistently those in positions to directly alter, or advocate for changes to,
classify and describe an important class of behaviour change inter- commercial, public-sector or domestic environments.
ventions related to concepts of ‘nudging’ and ‘choice architecture’.
The focus of the typology is on interventions that involve altering
aspects of physical micro-environments to change health-related Focus of TIPPME
behaviour, here specifically applied to the selection, purchase We define the focus of the typology as follows: Interventions or ways
and consumption of food, alcohol and tobacco products. A more to alter the properties or the placement of objects or stimuli in prox-
detailed discussion of definitions and concepts follows below, but imal (sensorily perceptible) physical micro-environments, to elicit
in essence, these interventions involve changing characteristics of particular behaviours among people in those environments. These

Behaviour and Health Research Unit, University of Cambridge, Institute of Public Health, Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 0SR, UK. 2Institute of Applied
Health Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Polwarth Building, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD, UK. 3Department of Public Health and Primary Care, University
of Cambridge, Institute of Public Health, Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 0SR, UK. 4MRC Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge, University of
Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Box 285 Institute of Metabolic Science, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK. 5Department of
Social and Environmental Health Research, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London WC1E 7HT, UK. 6School of Psychology,
University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK. 7EPPI-Centre, UCL Institute of Education, University College London, 18 Woburn Square, London WC1H 0NR, UK.

NATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR 1, 0140 (2017) | DOI: 10.1038/s41562-017-0140 | 1

© 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

interventions are implemented in the same environment as that in could in theory interact with them and change their content—they
which the target behaviour is performed, and are not designed to be are not designed to elicit such interaction.
interactive or tailored to specific individuals.
Our choice of terminology regarding ‘proximal physical micro- Importance of these interventions
environments’ is intended to reflect the spatial focus of this class of Interventions in proximal physical micro-environments have sig-
interventions relative to the people exposed to them. It draws on nificant potential to change behaviour for the purpose of improv-
a conceptual distinction made in the ANGELO (analysis grid for ing population health8. This is reflected in current policy and
environments linked to obesity) framework6 between two levels of research interest. These interventions have key advantages over
environment, micro and macro. Micro-environments are settings many other types of behaviour change interventions. First, the
that people use for specific purposes (for example, shops, restau- nature of altering characteristics of physical environments means
rants and bars) and where they interact directly with objects and that these interventions have the potential to shape the behav-
stimuli in those environments. In contrast, macro-environments iour of all those exposed to that environment without the need
are the higher-level systems and infrastructure that influence the for interpersonal interaction. This means that once an interven-
characteristics of micro-environments and the relationship between tion has been developed and implemented, there will probably
them (for example, the availability of micro-environments them- be minimal ongoing resource costs associated with its continued
selves, such as the geographical distribution of shops, restaurants use. Second, because physical environments have the poten-
and bars in a given area). tial to be modified in a consistent and directly measurable way,
ANGELO also distinguishes between four types of environment: an intervention can be readily and reliably transferred to other
physical, economic, political and socio-cultural. As we are concerned locations, and scaled up in its application to reach larger popula-
with the consumption of food, alcohol and tobacco products that are tions. Third, because these interventions typically involve alter-
themselves objects within the physical micro-environment, the stated ing cues located proximally in time and space to the behaviour,
focus of TIPPME is on the physical micro-environment. We have not their effects are probably less reliant on people purposefully
attempted concurrently to map economic, political and socio-cultural and consciously engaging with the intervention over time9, or
environments, though we acknowledge their importance and the on high levels of personal agency10. This means that they may
complex interactive relationships between them, and between inter- be less affected by differential, often socially patterned, cogni-
ventions and outcomes. For example, these other types of environ- tive or motivational resources. They therefore, in theory, have
ment may be manifest in any changes made to physical environments the potential to be effective across the populations to which they
(for example, political environments may influence physical environ- are applied, without widening existing health inequalities. Such
ments) or changes made to physical environments may impact the potential is reflected in evidence suggesting that interventions
other environment types (for example, providing information may that alter the environments to which people are exposed may be
influence social norms). As well as directly influencing the nature of less likely to widen inequalities than individual-level education
physical environments, economic, political and socio-cultural envi- and counselling11. Finally, there is emerging evidence that this
ronments also determine the background conditions in which people kind of public health intervention is more acceptable to the public
are exposed to physical environments, such as times when the physical than economic interventions such as taxes on products12,13, public
environments can be accessed, and the economic costs that are acceptability being a key determinant of whether an intervention
imposed on them. Applying a sociological lens, social structures is implemented14.
constrain and enable the actions of individual human agents and set
the limits of behavioural possibilities. Humans operate in an envi- Characterizing the proximal physical micro-environment
ronment that is simultaneously social, biological and physical7. Here In addition to the ANGELO framework6, there have been several
our focus is on the physical, while acknowledging this wider set complementary research efforts that make reference to small-scale
of parameters. physical environments. The behaviour change technique taxon-
Because physical micro-environments can be very large and omy15 aims at comprehensively describing behaviour change tech-
encompass a wide range of functions and purposes for the people niques, including ‘restructuring the physical environment’, although
in them (for example, neighbourhoods or streets), this term is not it does not further classify interventions within this category. The
specific enough to capture the focus of the interventions we aim intervention mapping approach16 describes a series of steps for
to characterize. The addition of ‘proximal’ reflects our conceptual developing interventions, and includes ‘nudging’ as one possible
focus, as these interventions are typically implemented close (spa- approach to changing determinants underlying behaviour, but does
tially and temporally) to the point of decision or performance of the not disassemble this concept in terms of specific intervention con-
people exposed to them, in order to influence behaviour enacted tent. Other work has focused on classifying characteristics of ‘nudg-
in that same physical environment. We have bounded the param- ing’ or ‘choice architecture’ interventions (for example, refs 17,18),
eters of the physical environments characterized by our typology to but these typically concern broad theoretical principles and do not
those that are sensorily perceptible (that is, able to be seen, heard, describe ways of changing physical environments in any detail.
smelt, touched or tasted) by intervention recipients. In combination Previous attempts to map features of the physical environment that
with the other elements of our definition, this is intended to give cue our behaviour or ways in which it can be changed19–22 are unable
an approximate indication of the likely scale of the interventions of to address our aims adequately, as they are insufficiently detailed,
interest, given that precisely and accurately quantifying the range not systematically developed and assessed, or are not applied to
of distances is not practicable. Finally, the focus of this typology consumptive health-related behaviours.
excludes interventions that are designed to be interactive or tailored, In an earlier phase of this research, we developed a provisional
meaning those in which the intervention content is not standard- typology that focused specifically on the ways in which small-scale
ized for all recipients and is intended or enabled to vary dependent physical environments have been altered to influence food, alcohol,
on their characteristics or responses. This may result from an inter- tobacco and physical-activity behaviours23,24. This was derived from
action with a person or machine, such as a cafeteria worker or a a large-scale systematic scoping review of the research literature on
computer-based system providing personalized nutritional guid- ‘choice architecture’ interventions, intended to map the parameters
ance on the basis of food purchasing patterns, demographic char- of previous empirical research and provide a conceptual map of the
acteristics or responses to questions. While interventions included evidence base, to delineate and characterize more specific interven-
in TIPPME are not necessarily non-interactive—in so far as people tion types. In this paper, we describe further development of this

2 NATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR 1, 0140 (2017) | DOI: 10.1038/s41562-017-0140 |

© 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
Table 1 | Simplified version of TIPPME for changing selection, purchase and consumption of food, alcohol and tobacco.
Intervention focus
Class Intervention type Product Related objects Wider environment
Interventions to influence behaviour Interventions to influence Interventions to influence
by changing the product that is behaviour by changing objects behaviour by changing objects
selected, purchased or consumed. that are associated with and stimuli that are external to the
The product comprises the the product and typically product and related objects and are
consumable substance and its form part of its proximal not used to store, display, select,
immediate or integral packaging and surroundings. purchase or consume the product.
Placement Availability
Add or remove (some or Add or remove (some or all) Add or remove (some or all) Add or remove (some or all)
all) products or objects products to increase, decrease, or related objects to increase, objects from the set of objects that
to increase, decrease, or alter their range, variety or number. decrease, or alter their range, comprise the wider environment,
alter their range, variety or variety or number. to increase, decrease, or alter their
number. range, variety or number.
Alter the position, proximity Alter the position, proximity or Alter the position, proximity Alter the position, proximity
or accessibility of products accessibility of products. or accessibility of related or accessibility of objects that
or objects. objects. comprise the wider environment.
Properties Functionality
Alter functionality or design Alter functionality or design of Alter functionality or design Alter functionality or design of
of products or objects to products to change how they work, of related objects to change objects that comprise the wider
change how they work, or guide or constrain how people how they work, or guide or environment to change how they
or guide or constrain how use or physically interact with them. constrain how people use or work, or guide or constrain how
people use or physically physically interact with them. people use or physically interact
interact with them. with them.
Alter visual, tactile, auditory Alter visual, tactile, auditory or Alter visual, tactile, auditory Alter visual, tactile, auditory,
or olfactory properties of olfactory properties of products. or olfactory properties of olfactory or other atmospheric
products, objects or stimuli. related objects. properties of objects that comprise
the wider environment, or stimuli
Alter size or shape of Alter size or shape of products. Alter size or shape of related Alter size or shape of objects that
products or objects. objects. comprise the wider environment.
Add, remove or change On products, add, remove or change On related objects, add, Within the wider environment, add,
words, symbols, numbers words, symbols, numbers or pictures remove or change symbols, remove or change words, symbols,
or pictures that convey that convey information about the numbers or pictures that numbers or pictures that convey
information about the product or its use. convey information about the information about the product or
product or object or its use. product or its use. its use.
See the Supplementary Information for full version of the TIPPME typology.

work, introducing TIPPME, which is intended to improve on and Whilst related to these concepts, the focus of TIPPME has been
replace the provisional typology. Such development was needed deliberately distanced from the terminology of ‘nudging’ and ‘choice
because the nature of the provisional typology was determined architecture’, this being potentially contentious in terms of how it
by the existing research literature, and was therefore not designed has been bound to particular political and philosophical positions,
to be applied beyond organizing that specific body of literature. and which has been inconsistently interpreted and applied. As
Furthermore, in the early stages of TIPPME’s development (see Oliver25 highlights, for a nudge to align with the founding principles
Methods, Stages 1–3) we identified various conceptual issues con- of libertarian paternalism3, it should fulfil a set of essential criteria
cerning the provisional typology that undermined its validity and (for example, that it is not regulatory, and does not rely on rational
usefulness. TIPPME therefore represents an attempt to produce a reasoning processes). As interventions that are claimed to repre-
more generalizable typology with a conceptually and theoretically sent nudges often do not meet these criteria, continued imprecise
coherent structure that can accommodate both interventions that use of the term has resulted in the concept it denotes being obfus-
have been developed and tested, and those that exist only in theory. cated, and hence confusion around its meaning and potential policy
Using the original scoping review process as a platform, it has been value26. While interventions within TIPPME may map onto the
shaped in accordance with the collective understanding of experi- concept of nudging in some respects, this is not a necessary feature
enced researchers and practitioners, with the aim of producing as of the typology. It is therefore instead linked to the more general and
complete and parsimonious an account of the phenomena of inter- readily definable concept of the physical environment and the ways
est as possible. in which this can be altered to change behaviour.

NATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR 1, 0140 (2017) | DOI: 10.1038/s41562-017-0140 | 3

© 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

Table 2 | Development process for TIPPME.

Phase Stage Methods Results and actions
Identifying need 1. Developing a provisional typology Large-scale systematic scoping review to Produced provisional typology to
of physical micro-environment map available empirical evidence. configure existing literature. Agreed that
interventions further development was needed to apply
typology more widely.
2. Receiving feedback from expert Two workshops, attended by researchers Support obtained from attendees for value
workshops and practitioners (n =​45), involving a of further development. Considering other
questionnaire and group discussion. indicators of likely value, the research
team proceeded with development.
Developing and 3. Generating a preliminary version of Two-day residential meeting of the Generated a preliminary version of
elaborating TIPPME research team, with a series of structured TIPPME.
4. Identifying conceptual and practical Research team completed intervention Produced revised version of TIPPME to be
problems with a preliminary version description coding task, followed by subject to reliability testing.
structured discussion via teleconference.
Reliability testing 5. R
 eliability testing exercise 1: Coding of External experts (n =​ 33) with Demonstrated strong reliability in
and finalizing intervention descriptions by external backgrounds in public health and applying TIPPME using short intervention
experts behaviour change completed an exercise descriptions. Two-day residential meeting
involving coding content of 40 short of research team held to discuss findings.
intervention descriptions.
6. Reliability testing exercise 2: coding of Four members of the research team Demonstrated strong reliability in
intervention descriptions using full-text completed an exercise involving coding applying TIPPME to the coding of full-text
papers the content of 24 full-text papers. papers.
7. Agreement on a final version of TIPPME Research team members completed a Produced final version of TIPPME.
final check of the typology and wording, See Table 1 for simplified version
to ensure it was clear and consistent and Supplementary Information for
throughout. Teleconference held to agree full version.
on final version.

Results also distinguishes between three intervention foci representing

This section describes only the final version of TIPPME (Table 1). differences across a spectrum in the spatial focus of interventions:
The seven sequential stages of TIPPME’s development are detailed product, related objects and wider environment. The combination
in the Methods. These stages are outlined in Table 2, Table 3 illus- of rows and columns means there are 18 possible intervention cat-
trates how the typology developed, showing an early version at the egories that can be applied to describe an intervention.
end of Stage 1. The results of reliability testing exercises are pre-
sented in Table 4. Discussion
The final, complete version of TIPPME is provided in TIPPME provides a means of reliably classifying and describing an
Supplementary Information. In addition, it is available at http:// important class of interventions to change health-related behaviour (training materi- across populations. TIPPME has benefited from an extensive, itera-
als are also provided here) and at tive and explicit development process that included reliability testing
m9.figshare.5053672. This complete version includes full definitions using a sample of people involved in researching and implementing
and guidance, a set of instructions for use, and provides examples interventions, representing those that are ultimately likely to use it.
of interventions within each category in the typology. For illustra- In line with other conceptual frameworks, this framework will, with
tion only, a simplified version of TIPPME is presented in Table 1. use, be found to be imperfect, but it represents an agreement that a
TIPPME includes and encompasses interventions that meet our point of development has been reached where the typology can use-
stated definition of proximal physical micro-environment interven- fully fulfil its stated aims.
tions. In terms of the wording used and examples provided, we have First, it provides a reliable framework for the synthesis of cumula-
here applied it specifically to the selection, purchase and consump- tive evidence about the effects of interventions, with the potential for
tion of food, alcohol and tobacco, acknowledging that it could poten- a shared language. Second, it can facilitate systematic thinking about
tially be applied and adapted to other behaviours (see Discussion). and identification and discussion of a broader range of opportunities
TIPPME comprises a matrix classification structure defining for interventions to be developed, implemented and evaluated. In
six intervention types and three different spatial foci. The rows of turn, resulting findings can be integrated with a growing cumulative
the typology represent different intervention types, that is, ways evidence base to facilitate the development of more effective inter-
in which the proximal physical micro-environment can be altered ventions. In more practical terms, this typology can feasibly be used
to elicit changes in behaviour. There are six different intervention in tasks such as classifying or organizing bodies of literature; iden-
types (rows): availability, position, functionality, presentation, size tifying, framing and bounding primary research, as well as system-
and information. These six intervention types can be aggregated atic and conceptual reviews; and providing a way of listing possible
into two higher-order classes of intervention: (1) those that involve intervention strategies. It is potentially useful both for researchers
altering the placement of objects or stimuli in proximal physical and for framing the actions of those in positions to alter or influ-
micro-environments, and (2) those that involve altering the proper- ence commercial, public sector or domestic environments. This
ties of objects or stimuli in proximal physical micro-environments, could include public health practitioners and policymakers, as well
indicated by the column on the left edge of the table. The typology as those advocating for such changes. Finally, while the predominant

4 NATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR 1, 0140 (2017) | DOI: 10.1038/s41562-017-0140 |

© 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
Table 3 | Early version of the typology at the end of the first of seven stages of development.
Intervention class Intervention type
Primarily alter properties of objects Ambience — alter aesthetic or atmospheric aspects of the surrounding environment.
or stimuli.
Functional design — design or adapt equipment or function of the environment.
Labelling — apply labelling or endorsement information to product or at point-of-choice.
Presentation — alter sensory qualities or visual design of the product.
Sizing — change size or quantity of the product.
Primarily alter placement of objects Availability — add behavioural options within a given micro-environment.
or stimuli.
Proximity — make behavioural options easier (or harder) to engage with, requiring reduced (or increased) effort.
Alter both properties and placement Priming — place incidental cues in the environment to influence a non-conscious behavioural response.
of objects or stimuli.
Prompting — use non-personalized information to promote or raise awareness of a behaviour.

focus of TIPPME is on ways of altering environments, it may also these traditions. In the initial phase of development, we derived
be informative in attempts to describe physical features of environ- provisional types from empirical studies; while in later phases we
ments that (as opposed to being implemented as interventions) have sought to use a mix of realist and other forms of knowledge
already exist and may influence behaviour accordingly (or may to refine the typology to align with various priors (including theo-
moderate the effectiveness of interventions that are introduced). retical understandings) about relations between concepts and ideas,
TIPPME also contributes to and complements ongoing efforts by either as we imagine the world appears to be, or as we imagine the
the wider research community to build the foundations of a cumu- world should be if it conformed to our prior beliefs.
lative evidence base by developing domain ontologies to encode We judge the level of granularity of TIPPME to be appropriate to
and curate research knowledge about the effects of interventions, fulfil our aims; being relatively simple but enabling discrimination
and enable its more efficient identification, synthesis and use. Such between multiple intervention types. Evidence of how our provisional
domain ontologies include representation of the common and dis- typology23 has been used to, for example, frame funding calls, inform
tinct features (or attributes) of different types of interventions, policy documents and to characterize interventions in systematic
and of the proposed ‘active ingredient(s)’ that determine their reviews (see Methods), suggests that TIPPME has the potential to be
effectiveness27–29. This encompasses representation of the content similarly useable. However, its granularity could be increased, should
of interventions15 and of the mode, or form, of their delivery30. important intervention sub-types or additional characteristics be
TIPPME contributes to these efforts by specifying the common highlighted. This could be through conducting systematic reviews
and distinct features of a specific class of interventions. In par- of specific intervention types in which key intervention character-
ticular, it delineates these interventions in terms of (1) their con- istics are identified (for example, refs 33–35), or mapping relationships
tent—this being the proposed ‘active ingredient(s)’ that elicit the between TIPPME and other classification systems.
behavioural response, which in this case concerns the alteration TIPPME and the methods used to generate it have several limita-
of attributes of objects or stimuli in the proximal physical micro- tions. Our first reliability testing exercise, while demonstrating that
environment, such as their size or position; and (2) the focus of TIPPME can be reliably used by those outside of the research team,
that content. Ontological relationships both within TIPPME, and used a relatively small sample of experts, predominantly academic
between TIPPME and other relevant typologies or taxonomies, researchers. Whilst such a sample is probably broadly representa-
are likely to be complex—particularly as there may be variation in tive of some of the most likely users of the typology, there will be
the level of explanation or granularity applied in each case. Further other groups that were inadequately represented. Furthermore, the
development work is therefore needed to clarify and specify the majority of the development process was conducted by the core
form and structure of these relationships, as well as the ways in which research team. While a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds
different frameworks may be usefully applied in combination. was represented, and many of the group had extensive policy and
Relatedly, TIPPME does not at present attempt to delineate the guidance development experience, the team was weighted towards
mechanisms of action that underlie each intervention type but, if research expertise. A more rigorous and comprehensive series
it fulfils its stated aims, this should facilitate primary and second- of assessments, probably also integrating responses from a wider
ary research directed towards furthering understanding of such cross-section of potential user groups, will be required for greater
mechanisms. confidence in TIPPME’s reliability, particularly for use outside of
Whether TIPPME is viewed as a typology or, with additional the research community. A further limitation is that TIPPME is
development and validation, a more definitive taxonomy, depends currently only applied to three consumption behaviours, which,
on the epistemological position that one adopts. The way that some while highly important—with the metabolic and dietary risk factors
authors describe ontologies is unequivocally realist, whereby a prop- linked to food consumption, as well as smoking and alcohol use,
erly developed ontology will describe the real world as it is, rather all being amongst the most significant risk factors contributing to
than just as it appears to be to the observer31. Contrary to this, phe- global disease burden2—do not encompass all of the human behav-
nomenologists such as Schutz32 view ontologies as theories about iours that significantly impact on health. Most notably, although it
the nature of being in the world, and typologies and typifications as was included in the provisional typology23, physical activity was not
the means of seeing and interpreting that world; the plastic nature included here. We judged that its inclusion was not practicable due
of such conceptual constructs is emphasized. A true ontology would to it being conceptually distinct. This is because, unlike selection,
take full account of both realist and phenomenalist perspectives and purchase and consumption of food, alcohol and tobacco, physical
indeed our approach to developing TIPPME has drawn on both of activity does not necessarily relate to products that are separable

NATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR 1, 0140 (2017) | DOI: 10.1038/s41562-017-0140 | 5

© 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

Table 4 | Inter-rater reliability statistics for reliability testing exercises.

Reliability testing exercise 1: external experts Reliability testing exercise 2: full-text
(33 coders, 40 codings each) papers (4 coders, 24 codings each)
Summary statistics Summary statistics
Intervention type Intervention focus Total Intervention Intervention Total
(primary outcome) type (primary focus
Fleiss’ kappa 0.76 (0.70, 0.83) 0.62 (0.53, 0.72) 0.61 (0.55, 0.67) Fleiss’ kappa 0.80 0.71 0.73
(95% CI)
PABAK (95% CI) 0.77 (0.71, 0.84) 0.69 (0.62, 0.76) 0.63 (0.57, 0.69) PABAK 0.87 0.77 0.87
Agreement 0.81 0.77 0.65 Agreement 0.93 0.88 0.94
Category-wise statistics Category-wise statistics
Intervention type Fleiss’ kappa (95% CI) PABAK (95% CI) Intervention type Fleiss’ kappa PABAK (95% CI)
(95% CI)
Availability 0.65 (0.43, 0.87) 0.85 (0.77, 0.93) Availability 0.68 (0.36, 1.00) 0.81 (0.62, 1.00)
Position 0.93 (0.88, 0.97) 0.97 (0.95,.99) Position 1.00 (1.00, 1.00)* 1.00 (1.00, 1.00)*
Functionality 0.67 (0.48, 0.87) 0.92 (0.86, 0.98) Functionality N/A N/A
Presentation 0.77 (0.68, 0.87) 0.82 (0.74, 0.90) Presentation 0.79 (0.61, 0.98) 0.82 (0.64, 1.00)
Size 0.75 (0.63, 0.87) 0.87 (0.79, 0.95) Size 0.87 (0.70, 1.00) 0.90 (0.76, 1.00)
Information 0.82 (0.74, 0.89) 0.86 (0.79, 0.94) Information 0.90 (0.77, 1.00) 0.92 (0.80, 1.00)
Other 0.01 (−​0.01, 0.04)* 0.94 (0.91, 0.97)* Other −​0.04 (−​0.09, 0.83 (0.67, 0.99)*
Intervention focus Fleiss’ kappa (95% PABAK (95% CI) Intervention focus Fleiss’ kappa PABAK (95% CI)
CI) (95% CI)
Product 0.65 (0.55, 0.74) 0.65 (0.55, 0.74) Product 0.76 (0.54, 0.97) 0.76 (0.56, 0.97)
Related objects 0.51 (0.37, 0.64) 0.62 (0.52, 0.72) Related objects 0.72 (0.41, 1.00) 0.86 (0.70, 1.00)
Wider Environment 0.79 (0.67, 0.91) 0.86 (0.79, 0.94) Wider Environment 0.72 (0.53, 0.92) 0.74 (0.54, 0.94)
Other 0.01 (−​0.01, 0.04)* 0.94 (0.91, 0.97)* Other −​0.04 (−​0.09, 0.83 (0.67, 0.99)*
CI, confidence interval; PABAK, prevalence and bias adjusted kappa; Agreement, percent agreement; N/A, code not used by any coder.
*Very few data points contained this code (being applied on average less than once per coder over the set of intervention descriptions). Due to its low frequency, this does not allow confidence in
associated kappa statistics, which are therefore reported only for completeness.

from and placed within a given environment (see Stage 3 in the there was an inevitable degree of conceptual overlap or co-depen-
Methods for further details). dence between the different intervention categories. For example,
While the current behavioural focus of TIPPME limits its gen- if we consider an intervention in which restaurant patrons are
eralizability, the typology is intended to be broad in scope so that provided with smaller (versus larger) spoons to attempt to reduce
it could potentially be adapted to apply to other behaviours. When dessert consumption, we would expect most users to characterize
considering the current and potential future scope of TIPPME in this as a ‘size’ intervention. However, manipulating the size of a
terms of the behavioural domains to which it applies, it may be help- spoon will probably also affect the way the spoon looks and feels,
ful to map its categories to a systematically-developed framework that is, ‘presentation’, and so either or both types could feasibly
of behaviours, such as Nudelman and Shiloh’s taxonomy of health be applied for all ‘size’ interventions. While this is a fundamental
behaviours36. Within this taxonomy, TIPPME is currently aligned conceptual issue linked to the nature of the sensory, spatial and
to nutrition and risk avoidance behaviours, these being related to morphological attributes of objects and stimuli, for the purposes
consumption of products that are linked to non-communicable of the typology it can be addressed by distinguishing between the
disease. In theory, TIPPME may be applicable to a wide range of primary target of the intervention and secondary consequences.
other behaviours, including those unrelated to product consump- As explained in the typology and its accompanying instructions
tion (for example, physical activity or gambling), those linked to the (Supplementary Information), assuming a single discrete inter-
prevention of communicable disease (for example, hygiene-related vention component or manipulation is present, the user applying
behaviours) and pro-environmental behaviours to mitigate climate TIPPME will aim to identify a primary intervention type that best
change (for example, energy use or recycling). Such translation will captures it. Should there be multiple discrete, separable interven-
require specific programmes of development and testing. tion components implemented in the same environment, multiple
In the process of developing TIPPME, some challenging con- different intervention types can correspondingly be applied. In
ceptual issues were encountered. Most notably, to ensure TIPPME practice, reports of interventions will often support judgements
had the potential to discriminate, it was intended that each inter- of what the primary target of the intervention is via their stated
vention type (typology row) would represent a distinct way in aims and hypotheses, and the way in which they describe interven-
which the proximal physical micro-environment can be altered, tion content. Importantly, results of the reliability testing exercises
with any single discrete intervention component being assignable suggest that despite these potential challenges, the typology can be
to a single intervention type. However, it was quickly apparent that consistently applied by users.

6 NATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR 1, 0140 (2017) | DOI: 10.1038/s41562-017-0140 |

© 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
Because reliable application of TIPPME, as with any classifica- development would be necessary for the typology to be more widely applied. Issues
tion system, is dependent on making informed judgements from highlighted that would need to be considered in future included identifying some
inconsistencies in the intervention types concerning whether they related to the
the information that is provided, the increased attention that is content or the mechanism of the intervention (for example, one of the intervention
being given to improving the reporting of intervention studies37,38 types, ‘priming’, related primarily to a mechanism of effect and was therefore not
will be beneficial. In addition, we would hope that TIPPME will equivalent to other intervention types); whether the ‘labelling’ and ‘prompting’
enable those reporting on proximal physical micro-environment intervention types were clearly distinct; and the difficulty of coding physical
activity interventions. The intervention description coding task was principally
interventions to specify the primary target of their intervention,
intended to encourage engagement and general feedback within the workshops.
thereby reducing future ambiguities. However, in line with qualitative feedback received from participants, its results
TIPPME, provides a framework to reliably classify and describe suggested that the typology categories could be applied consistently (Fleiss’ kappa,
an important class of interventions, and enable more systematic 0.83), thereby supporting use of the provisional typology’s basic structure and
design, reporting and analysis of interventions to change health- content as a foundation for future development.
related behaviour at the population level. In doing so, we propose Subsequent actions. In preparation for future development of the typology, the initial
that TIPPME makes a distinct contribution to collective efforts to research team was extended to include two behaviour change experts with expertise
build the cumulative evidence base for effective ways of changing in developing and applying prominent typologies of behaviour change interventions
behaviour across populations. and theory, and a public health expert with expertise in environmental determinants
of health and the evaluation of public health interventions. It was agreed by the
research team that development of a new typology would be valuable, informed by
Methods both the workshops and other external indicators of potential value. For example,
The development of TIPPME is summarized in Table 2 and involved three phases the provisional typology had been used to frame two calls from a national research
of work: (1) identifying the need for a typology; (2) developing and elaborating funding body (National Institute for Health Research (United Kingdom)), had
on this typology; and (3) reliability testing and finalizing. These were completed directly informed United Kingdom policy documents and guidelines from bodies
in seven main stages. Throughout, the development process was integrated with such as the Department of Health40 and the National Institute for Health and Care
formal and informal discussions between the core research team as well as wider Excellence41, and was being used for characterizing and defining interventions in a
academic networks. The core research team (the authors) comprised ten members range of systematic reviews (for example, refs 33–35,42,43).
with a range of disciplinary backgrounds across public health, health policy,
psychology and behavioural science, sociology, and evidence synthesis, and many Stage 3. Aim. To generate by consensus a preliminary version of TIPPME that
of the group had extensive policy and guidance development experience. They would be subject to further development.
represented varied expertise in developing and applying prominent typologies
or classification systems relating to behaviour change interventions and theory, Methods. A two-day residential meeting of the core research team (the authors) was
developing, implementing and evaluating public health and behaviour change held. This meeting comprised a series of structured discussions, informed by feedback
interventions in a range of behavioural and population contexts, and developing received from the expert workshops (Stage 2) and from colleagues in wider networks.
practice and research reporting guidelines.
Results. A preliminary version of TIPPME was generated. Principal developments
Stage 1. Aim. To generate a refined definition and provisional typology of choice agreed at this stage, representing changes to the provisional typology (Table 3),
architecture interventions in physical micro-environments, and to map the were as follows:
available empirical evidence for the effects of these interventions on diet, physical
1. A new matrix classification structure was created to enable representation of
activity, and alcohol and tobacco use.
both different intervention types (the rows of the typology), as well as differ-
ences in the spatial focus of the intervention (the columns of the typology).
Methods. We conducted a large-scale systematic scoping review23, published in
This structural change stemmed from agreement that a more conceptually
2013. In brief, the methods used to develop the provisional typology involved highly
coherent position would be to view any given physical micro-environment as
sensitive searches of 15 electronic literature databases, combined with parallel
a set of objects or stimuli that could all feasibly be manipulated. This would
snowball searches, retrieving over 800,000 unique title and abstract records. We
also allow greater flexibility in thinking about the range of possible interven-
used text mining methods to prioritize these records for screening39 and manually
tions within this space, whether these are only theoretically possible or are
screened over 54,000 prioritized records to identify 346 eligible full-text articles.
represented in the current body of empirical literature.
Results. Data extracted from these 346 articles (reporting primary evaluation 2. The intervention type ‘ambience’ was removed and its place was taken by the
studies and reviews of such studies) were then used to configure, describe and ‘presentation’ intervention type applied on the scale of the wider environ-
synthesize the key characteristics of interventions. This was an iterative process, ment. This was because the new typology structure meant that objects and
incorporating regular discussion among members of the review team, and resulted stimuli in the wider environment were considered subject to the same inter-
in the provisional typology in Table 3, comprising nine types of interventions: vention types as the products themselves.
ambience, functional design, labelling, presentation, sizing, availability, proximity, 3. The intervention types ‘labelling’ and ‘prompting’ were subsumed within a
priming and prompting. generic intervention type pertaining to the communication of explicit textual,
numeric or pictorial information. This more inclusive category of informa-
Subsequent actions. The research team sought feedback on the typology from a tion-based interventions—initially named ‘words, numbers and pictures’ and
wider group of potential users concerning its usefulness and the scope for further ultimately ‘information’—was considered more coherent, as previous con-
development, including discussion of conceptual issues that had been identified by ceptual distinctions between ‘labelling’ and ‘prompting’ interventions were
the research team over the course of conducting the scoping review. unclear. This still allowed differentiation from other intervention types that
focus on the alteration of sensory, spatial and morphological characteristics.
Stage 2. Aim. To elicit expert feedback about issues with understanding and using 4. The intervention type ‘priming’ was removed as there was agreement that this
the provisional typology of choice architecture interventions. represented a specific mechanism rather than an equivalent intervention type.
5. Notably, physical activity was excluded as a behaviour of interest. It was agreed
Methods. Two typology development workshops were conducted, attended by a that it was not practicable to include this in a coherent and concise typology,
total of 45 participants working in areas of behaviour change and public health given that, unlike food, alcohol and tobacco, it does not involve the selection,
intervention. Participants were predominantly in research roles (80%, with purchase and consumption of products that are separable from and placed
20% in policy or practitioner roles), with a range of disciplinary backgrounds within a given environment. It would be possible to adapt the typology to
represented (psychology or behavioural science (38%); public health or medicine physical activity, with the equivalent of the target product or object being the
(20%); nutrition (7%), policy (11%) sociology (2%), other or missing (20%)). physical space in which, or on which, the physical activity is performed. This
To encourage engagement with the provisional typology and elicit feedback, the physical space may be a permanent part of, or the whole of, the proximal physi-
workshops involved completing the same brief intervention description coding cal micro-environment itself. However, adapting the typology to physical activ-
task (classifying 14 intervention descriptions by reference to the provisional ity would be complex and require its own specific explanation and translation.
typology) followed by a questionnaire assessing perceived value of the work and its
development, concluding with a structured group discussion. Stage 4. Aim. To use the preliminary typology to identify outstanding conceptual
and practical problems with TIPPME.
Results. There was strong support expressed for the value of developing the
provisional typology from academics and practitioners who attended: 95% Methods. The research team (n =​ 8, excluding the first two listed authors who
(41/43 responses) of participants agreed with the statement ‘developing this were responsible for producing the exercise materials), completed a task which
typology is valuable and important’. There was recurrent feedback that further encouraged engagement with the detail of the preliminary typology and its

NATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR 1, 0140 (2017) | DOI: 10.1038/s41562-017-0140 | 7

© 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
application. Each participant was given a link to an online Qualtrics task Furthermore, category-wise statistics indicate that each of the six intervention
comprising 40 short (<​150 words) intervention descriptions. These represented types and each of the three intervention foci could be applied reliably.
a sample of descriptions of interventions from the 346 papers that were included
in the aforementioned scoping review of choice architecture interventions23. We Subsequent actions. A two-day residential meeting of the research team was held
selected intervention descriptions on the basis of a quota that covered a wide range to further refine the typology. Although the structure of the typology was not
of intervention content, aiming to include at least five examples that could feasibly altered, each intervention type was given a concise single-word title (for example,
be mapped to each of the six intervention types in the typology, with a spread ‘words, numbers and pictures’ was changed to ‘information’), and some minor
across the three intervention foci and across food, alcohol and tobacco. We used changes to the wording of definitions were made. It was agreed that, because
the first example meeting our criteria that was encountered via random searching intervention descriptions used in this exercise comprised short passages focused
to ensure that the intervention descriptions were varied in nature and broadly on the intervention characteristics, this was not representative of how these might
representative of the wider empirical literature. The 40 intervention descriptions more typically be encountered in full-text papers, where details may be spread
were presented to each participant in random order. For each intervention disparately within papers, in potentially complex formats. Furthermore, it was
example, participants were asked to assess which category in the typology best important that participants were able to code the presence of multiple discrete
captured the example, how much overlap existed between the intervention types intervention types identified within one paper, where previously they had been
they considered selecting, and to describe any difficulties they encountered asked to identify a single category that best captured an intervention. Therefore,
in coding the example and any possible alterations to the typology that would a second reliability testing exercise intended to be less artificial and more
have ameliorated these difficulties. For each intervention example, they were generalizable to real-world use was planned.
encouraged to provide further qualitative feedback concerning each intervention
example, and the overall structure and content of the typology. Stage 6. Aim. Reliability testing exercise 2 aimed to assess whether interventions
described in full-text papers can be reliably coded to categories in TIPPME.
Results. Quantitative and qualitative responses from the task were synthesized.
While quantitative results suggested that intervention types could be applied
Methods. Following a pilot phase to develop the exercise, members of the research
consistently (Fleiss’ kappa, 0.69), the task was principally intended to highlight
team (n =​ 4) each coded 24 study reports within full-text articles that were
areas in which there were significant levels of disagreement, comment or criticism,
randomly selected (using a random number generator) from those included in the
to prioritize focused discussion.
initial scoping review23 but excluding review papers and those not describing any
Subsequent actions. A teleconference of the research team was convened, and intervention, those concerning physical activity interventions, and those that had
a structured discussion was conducted. This involved assessing problematic been used in previous stages of the typology development process. To ensure that
intervention descriptions in a structured format, in order to reach agreement a range of behaviours was covered, randomization was stratified by behaviour so
on steps to be taken to improve the conceptual coherence and ease of use of the that half of the papers related to food and half to alcohol or tobacco. Where there
typology. Intervention examples where ≥​50% of responses were discordant were were multiple eligible separate studies within a single full-text paper, the first was
flagged for prioritized discussion. Discussion began in order of the intervention used. The exercise involved each participant coding which (if any) categories in
descriptions that were coded least consistently, and terminated after all flagged the typology were identified in each study. The number of study reports to be
examples had been discussed. For each flagged example, individuals were coded in this exercise was derived using the KappaSize R package47, given that,
encouraged to justify their responses and propose and discuss solutions which to our knowledge, there are no gold-standard methods to precisely estimate the
could overcome the reasons why individuals coded discrepantly. A vote then required sample sizes for determining reliability kappas in cases where there are
took place to assess if participants could converge on the same answer (1) without both multiple coders and a large number of coding categories. We estimated an
any further changes to the typology and (2) with specific changes to the typology approximate, conservative sample size on the basis of the following parameters: an
(if agreed upon). As a result of this process, various changes were made to alpha value of 0.05; power of 0.80, using 4 coders; an assumption that categories
the wording of definitions, including a clarification of the distinction between will not be perfectly balanced and instead may be moderately unbalanced; a null
the columns in the typology. Additional guidance text was added where it hypothesis of a kappa of 0.4 (that is, the lower bound of ‘intermediate to good’
was agreed that there was a greater chance of perceived overlap between agreement on the Fleiss’ Kappa Benchmark Scale); and, an expected kappa of
intervention types. 0.7 (based on observed kappa values from reliability testing exercise 1). This
suggested that at least 22 study reports would be required to test whether the
kappa exceeds 0.4.
Stage 5. Aim. Reliability testing exercise 1 aimed to test whether participants likely
to use TIPPME, namely external experts involved in researching or implementing Results. Inter-rater reliability values are provided in Table 4. The observed values
interventions to change health-related behaviours, were consistent in identifying its indicate that the intervention types in the typology in its current form are strongly
intervention types and foci in short descriptions of interventions. distinguishable from one another when full-text papers are coded. Furthermore,
category-wise statistics indicate that underlying the summary statistics, each of the
Methods. We recruited external experts with backgrounds in public health and six intervention types and each of the three intervention foci could be applied reliably.
behavioural science as researchers or practitioners, meeting the following criteria
(adapted from ref. 15): ‘active in their field and engaged in designing, delivering
Stage 7. Aim. To reach consensus on a final version of TIPPME including
and/or evaluating interventions to change health-related behaviour that could be
terminology, wording and presentation.
delivered at scale to impact on population health’. Recruitment was via email and
Twitter enquiries to possible participants in our wider academic networks. Methods. Research team members completed a final check of the typology and its
A similar exercise to that described in Stage 4 was used, involving coding 40 short wording to ensure it was clear and consistent throughout. A teleconference of the
intervention descriptions (<​150 words) selected on a quota basis to represent research team was convened to discuss any identified issues.
a range of intervention content and targeted products. These were presented in
a random order, using the question ‘Which intervention category best captures
Results. Further descriptive notes and additional examples were added to the full
the above description?’. Quantitative reliability statistics were calculated for the
version of the typology to aid in its use. A final version of TIPPME was agreed on
pre-specified primary outcome of discrimination of intervention type (the rows
by the research team; described in the Results section.
of the typology), as well as for intervention focus (the columns of the typology)
and a combined total. As some agreement would be achieved by chance alone,
two different ‘chance-corrected’ agreement measures were used, Fleiss’ kappa and Data availability. The data that support the findings of this study are available
prevalence and bias adjusted kappa (PABAK)44,45. from the corresponding author upon request.

Results. Potential participants (n =​ 52) who had initially expressed an interest in Received 22 March 2017; accepted 8 June 2017;
participating were contacted via email with a link to the exercise. All participants published 17 July 2017
(n =​ 33) who started the exercise completed it. Of these, 58% were female, and most
were in research roles (94%, with 6% in policy or practitioner roles), with a range References
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Change: 2nd Report of Session 2010–12 HL Paper 179 (The Stationery Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to G.J.H.
Office, 2011). How to cite this article: Hollands, G. J. et al. The TIPPME intervention typology for
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Publisher’s note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
28. West, R. & Michie, S. A Guide to Development and Evaluation of
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29. Cochrane PICO Ontology (Cochrane, 2016); Competing interests
pico-ontology The authors declare no competing interests.

NATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR 1, 0140 (2017) | DOI: 10.1038/s41562-017-0140 | 9

© 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

TIPPME (Typology of Interventions in Proximal Physical Micro-Environments): full

version and guidance for use
Gareth J Hollands1, Giacomo Bignardi1, Marie Johnston2, Michael P Kelly3, David Ogilvie4, Mark
Petticrew5, Andrew Prestwich6, Ian Shemilt7, Stephen Sutton3, Theresa M Marteau1
1Behaviour and Health Research Unit, University of Cambridge, UK; 2Institute of Applied Health Sciences, University of Aberdeen,
UK; 3Department of Public Health and Primary Care, University of Cambridge, UK; 4MRC Epidemiology Unit, University of
Cambridge, UK; 5Department of Social and Environmental Health Research, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK;
6School of Psychology, University of Leeds, UK; 7EPPI-Centre, UCL Institute of Education, University College London, UK

Hollands GJ, Bignardi G, Johnston M, Kelly MP, Ogilvie D, Petticrew M, Prestwich A,
Shemilt I, Sutton S, Marteau TM (2017). The TIPPME intervention typology for
changing environments to change behaviour. Nature Human Behaviour; 1:0140.

Pages 2-3: Full version of TIPPME
Pages 4-5: Guidance for use

Typology of Interventions in Proximal Physical Micro-Environments (TIPPME), for changing selection, purchase and consumption of food, alcohol and tobacco

Spectrum of spatial focus


TYPE Interventions to influence behaviour by changing the Interventions to influence behaviour by changing objects Interventions to influence behaviour by changing objects
product that is selected, purchased or consumed. The that are associated with the PRODUCT and typically form and stimuli that are external to the PRODUCT and
PRODUCT comprises the consumable substance and its part of its proximal surroundings RELATED OBJECTS and are not used to store, display,
immediate or integral packaging and tableware select, purchase or consume the PRODUCT

Examples: - Storage areas and equipment (e.g. cupboards, refrigerators) Examples:
- The consumable food, alcohol or tobacco substance - Shop displays (e.g. shelving, display stands) - Entrances, exits, windows, stairs, surrounding walls, flooring
- Immediate or integral packaging e.g. food wrapping, wine - Shopping trolleys and baskets, cafeteria trays, portable and other fixed furniture not used to store, select, purchase
and beer bottles and cans, cigarette packets shopping scanning equipment or consume the PRODUCT
- Immediate or integral tableware and utensils handled in - Menus and menu boards and displays indicating the - Olfactory and auditory stimuli
products that are available
the process of consumption (e.g. plates, serving bowls, wine - Temperature
and beer glasses, cutlery, straws, cigarette holders) - Vending machines (i.e. the machines themselves rather than - Lighting
their product contents)
- Self-service and payment machines and equipment
- Tables used for serving or consuming
AVAILABILITY Add or remove (some or all) products to increase, Add or remove (some or all) related objects to increase, Add or remove (some or all) objects from the set of
Add or remove (some or all) products or objects decrease, or alter their range, variety or number decrease, or alter their range, variety or number objects that comprise the wider environment, to increase,
decrease, or alter their range, variety or number
to increase, decrease, or alter their range, variety Examples: Examples:
or number - Add healthier options to, or remove less healthy - Add vending machines or more shelving to enable a Examples:
DO NOT USE THIS CODE IF: options from the range of foods or drinks available in a wider range of foods or drinks to be displayed - Removing some of the entrance doors that lead to a
- Availability is altered as a secondary consequence restaurant, supermarket or vending machine (i.e. the - Add baskets, trolleys or trays to a shop or restaurant bar or cafeteria
of other intervention types, but is not the primary contents of the vending machine). For example, adding to increase the number of products that people can
target of the intervention, e.g. when availability is non-alcoholic options to a bar’s range of drinks, or select and carry
affected by altering the size or shape of products, removing less healthy snack options from a vending
code SIZE. machine

- Adding or removing information about the product - Increase or decrease total number of available product
or object within or in the form of e.g. leaflets, units within the range of available products (e.g.
posters or computer screens, code increase the number of discrete food or drink product
INFORMATION. units on display in a supermarket or cafeteria)

POSITION Alter the position, proximity or accessibility of products Alter the position, proximity or accessibility of related Alter the position, proximity or accessibility of objects
Alter the position, proximity or accessibility of Examples: objects that comprise the wider environment
products or objects - Place less healthy options further away from seating, Examples: Examples:
DO NOT USE THIS CODE IF: entrance or main thoroughfare (e.g. moving alcohol - Place alcoholic drinks menu further away from - Move dividing walls or fixed furniture to alter layout of
- Position is altered as a secondary consequence of products away from main thoroughfare) customers a supermarket, restaurant or bar
other intervention types, but is not the primary - Place healthier options closer to seating, entrance or - Move refrigerators containing sugary drinks to a less
target of the intervention, e.g. when position, main thoroughfare convenient location in a supermarket
proximity or accessibility is affected by changing - Move products to higher or lower shelves to alter
their accessibility
the range, variety or number of products,
FUNCTIONALITY Alter functionality or design of products to change how Alter functionality or design of related objects to change Alter functionality or design of objects that comprise the
Alter functionality or design of products or objects they work, or guide or constrain how people use or how they work, or guide or constrain how people use or wider environment to change how they work, or guide or
physically interact with them physically interact with them constrain how people use or physically interact with them
to change how they work, or guide or constrain
how people use or physically interact with them Examples: Examples: Examples:
DO NOT USE THIS CODE IF: - Change functionality to influence ease of consumption, Shopping trolley design: - Change types or design of seating within restaurants
Functionality is altered as a secondary such as changing the design of product packaging (e.g. - Demarcate shopping trolley space to indicate or bars
consequence of other intervention types, but is not allowing easier opening or pouring) or tableware (e.g. designated space for fruit and vegetables - Alter functionality of entrance and exit doors (e.g.

the primary target of the intervention e.g. when demarcate plate to guide amount of vegetables vs. - Shopping trolleys that are hard to push changing their opening mechanism)
functionality is affected by changing sensory meat selected)
properties of products, code PRESENTATION;
when functionality is affected by altering the size
or shape of products, code SIZE.
PRESENTATION Alter visual, tactile, auditory or olfactory properties of Alter visual, tactile, auditory or olfactory properties of Alter visual, tactile, auditory, olfactory or other
Alter visual, tactile, auditory or olfactory products related objects atmospheric properties of objects that comprise the
properties of products, objects or stimuli wider environment, or stimuli therein
Examples: Examples:
DO NOT USE THIS CODE IF: - Colours, textures and visual design of product - Colours, textures and visual design of shelf displays, Examples:
- Presentation is altered as a secondary packaging or tableware (e.g. food, alcohol or tobacco menus and other related objects - Auditory stimuli, sounds and music (excluding explicit
consequence of other intervention types, but is not packaging) communications conveying information about the
the primary target of the intervention, e.g. when - Plain packaging for cigarettes or alcohol products product or its use)
presentation is affected by changing the way - Presenting pieces of fruit in a visually appealing - Visual stimuli and decoration (e.g. colours, textures,
objects work or are used, code FUNCTIONALITY; arrangement for children images and visual design of wider environment
when presentation is affected by altering the size - Change material used for tableware (e.g. plastic vs. (excluding explicit communications conveying

or shape of products, code SIZE; when silver cutlery; plastic vs. glass wine or beer glasses) information about the product or its use))
presentation is affected by adding or removing - Environmental climate: temperature, humidity, air
information about the product or object, code pressure
INFORMATION; when presentation is affected by - Olfactory stimuli
changing the range, variety or number of - Lighting
products, code AVAILABILITY.
SIZE Alter size or shape of products Alter size or shape of related objects Alter size or shape of objects that comprise the wider
Alter size or shape of products or objects environment
Examples: Examples:
DO NOT USE THIS CODE IF: - Change portion size of a product - Change size of shopping trolleys or baskets, cafeteria Examples:
- Size is altered as a secondary consequence of - Change package size or shape (e.g. of a carton, bottle, trays or food and drink storage equipment - Size and shape of windows, or fixed furniture
other intervention types, but is not the primary bag or packet in which a product is packaged)
target of the intervention; e.g. when size or shape - Change tableware size or shape (e.g. of plates, bowls,
is affected by changing the way objects work or glasses or cutlery)
are used, code FUNCTIONALITY.
- If the number of discrete units of a product is
changed, without changing the size of those units,
INFORMATION On products, add, remove or change words, symbols, On related objects, add, remove or change words, Within the wider environment, add, remove or change
Add, remove or change words, symbols, numbers numbers or pictures that convey information about the symbols, numbers or pictures that convey information words, symbols, numbers or pictures that convey
product or its use about the product or its use information about the product or its use
or pictures that convey information about the
product or object or its use Examples: Examples: Examples:
PLEASE NOTE: Information on products and their packaging, such as: Information on related objects, such as: - Information on posters, leaflets, or computer screens,
- The use of information is the key component for - Health warnings on cigarette packets or alcoholic - Product endorsements on promotional displays in the wider environment
this code, with the properties of the information drinks packaging - Nutritional information on menus or menu boards - Standardised in-store announcements
itself that is contained within e.g. leaflets, posters - On-pack nutritional e.g. calorie labelling - Labelling on storage equipment (e.g. shelving; display
or computer screens, being of secondary - Use of pictures or symbols on food packaging to stands; shopping trolleys and baskets, cafeteria trays)
importance. communicate nutritional information (e.g. traffic light - Nutritional or health information provided at checkout
THEREFORE, USE THIS CODE IF: labelling) or influence consumption (e.g. amounts of a or self-service areas
- The intervention comprises changes to e.g. the product pictured to indicate consumption anchors)
availability, position, presentation, size or shape of - Marking alcohol consumption units on glasses
words, symbols, numbers or pictures (such as - Product endorsements on packaging
changing the layout of text on a product, menu, - Other information on packaging including: Positive
or poster). health claims; Social norm information; Typical
reference portion indicators

TIPPME (Typology of Interventions in Proximal Physical Micro-Environments):

guidance for use

Typology structure
TIPPME comprises a matrix classification structure defining six intervention types and three different spatial
foci. The rows of the typology represent different intervention types, i.e. ways in which the proximal
physical micro-environment can be altered to elicit changes in behaviour. There are six different
intervention types (rows), namely Availability; Position; Functionality; Presentation; Size; Information. The
typology also distinguishes between three intervention foci representing differences in the spatial focus of
interventions: Product; Related objects; Wider environment. The combination of rows and columns means
there are 18 possible intervention categories (Type X Focus) that can be applied to describe an

Using the typology

It is important to use this full version of TIPPME and refer back to its definitions, notes and examples. Also
note that a training exercise is available at:

In using TIPPME, the intervention category that best captures the description of an intervention should be
applied, as in the following examples:

Example 1: Providing restaurant patrons with smaller (versus larger) spoons to attempt to reduce dessert
Suggested response = Size X Product. This should be regarded as a Size intervention in terms of
intervention type (row), as the manipulation involves altering the size of an object. It should be regarded as
focused on the Product in terms of intervention focus (column), as the definition makes clear that this
includes “immediate or integral packaging and tableware”.

Example 2: Applying calorie labelling to a wine and beer product catalogue in a shop.
Suggested response = Information X Related objects. This should be regarded as an Information
intervention in terms of intervention type (row), as the manipulation involves adding words and numbers
that convey information about the product or its use. As is stated in explanatory text in the typology, the
use of information is the key component here, not the properties of the information itself that is contained
within leaflets, posters, computer screens, or, in this case, catalogues. Therefore, any changes to the
properties of that information, such as changes to the presentation or size of text or numbers within a
catalogue, remain characterised by the same category. In terms of intervention focus (column), this example
should be regarded as focused on Related objects, because the catalogue is not the consumable product
but is associated with it, due to being used in the process of selecting wine and beer.

When using TIPPME, it is expected that in many cases, single discrete intervention components will each be
able to be adequately characterised with a single intervention category. However, this may not always
clearly be the case. The intention of the typology is to capture the intervention type that reflects the
primary target of the intervention. Therefore, assuming there is only a single discrete intervention
component or manipulation, the user of TIPPME should aim to determine a primary intervention type and
apply only that, even though others could potentially be applied. For example, concerning Example 1,
manipulating the size of a spoon will also likely affect the way the spoon looks and feels (i.e. Presentation).
However, these should be considered as secondary consequences of intervening to manipulate size, and so
only Size should be applied in this case. The red text under the intervention types is designed to alert the
user to thinking about intervention types that may affect others as secondary consequences. Reports of

interventions will often support a judgement of what the primary target of the intervention is via their
stated aims and hypotheses (e.g. hypothesising that decreasing the size of the spoon will reduce
consumption) as well as the focus of their descriptions of intervention content (e.g. stating that the
intervention consisted of providing smaller (15ml) as opposed to larger (30ml) spoons).

Where there are multiple discrete, separable intervention components implemented within the same
environment, different intervention types (rows) should be applied to each. For example: changing the size
of chocolate bars in a shop (Size), and altering where the chocolate bars are positioned (Position), and
displaying a healthier eating poster (Information). Similarly, multiple discrete, separable intervention
components may be of the same intervention type but differ in their intervention focus and should each
therefore be described using a different category. For example: altering the availability of alcohol products
(Availability X Product), and altering the availability of shopping trolleys (Availability X Related objects).
Finally, whilst both intervention type (rows) and intervention focus (columns) dimensions are provided in
order to better characterise interventions, the user may opt not to use both. In particular, for some
purposes or intervention contexts, applying intervention types only may be sufficiently descriptive or

Intended focus of the typology

TIPPME includes and encompasses interventions that meet our stated definition of proximal physical micro-
environment interventions, namely:
Interventions or ways to alter the properties or the placement of objects or stimuli within proximal (sensorily
perceptible) physical micro-environments, to elicit particular behaviours among people within those environments.
These interventions are implemented within the same environment as that in which the target behaviour is
performed, and are not designed to be interactive or tailored to specific individuals.

Therefore, interventions that meet those criteria can be coded using TIPPME. The following are not within
the current intended scope of TIPPME (although it may be found to be applicable):
1) Interventions that are designed to be interactive or tailored, meaning those in which the intervention
content is not standardised for all recipients and is intended or enabled to vary dependent on their
characteristics or responses (for example, a person or computer-based system providing
personalised nutritional guidance based on recipients’ shopping purchases, demographic
characteristics or responses to questions);
2) Interventions that are not implemented within the same environment as the behaviour they are
designed to elicit is performed (for example, providing lifestyle advice in an outpatient clinic
concerning future smoking and alcohol intake);
3) Online environments (for example, changing the layout of an online supermarket);
4) Behaviours other than selection, purchase and consumption of food, alcohol and tobacco (for
example, physical activity or gambling behaviours). TIPPME has been applied specifically to these
behaviours in terms of the wording used and examples provided, although it could potentially be
applied and/or adapted to other behaviours;
5) Laboratory or analogue studies that are designed to inform understanding of the real-world
interventions within complex systems that are the subject of TIPPME (for example, studies where
people are shown mock-up health warning labels to inform possible future application to retail
product packaging);
6) Interventions that concern changes that are not perceptible prior to selection, purchase or
consumption (for example, where only the internal formulation or composition of a product is
changed, altering its nutrient, alcohol or nicotine content, or its flavour).

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