Architecture Changes For CTM (July) Borrador

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Vivienda Unifamiliar SAK A N


(whit comments and doubts)
…From the page 2.

we can do
without any
About this, we could problem.
scroll the window like
we already did it. It is
not a structural problem proposal is
at all. However, we have
a doubt. If this is the accepted
panic room, its going to
be save despite this
huge window?
…From the page 3.

We can do
We already
We can do this without changed it.
any problem. We
already changed it.
…From the page 4.

We can do this
without any
problem. We
already changed
it, but please
could you explain
us a little more
about how this
element is going
to work?
…From the page 6.

We can do this without any problem. We already

changed it. However, we have a doubt, it's gonna
be the same dimensions of the dugout?
…From the page 9. …From the page 10.

We wont make
the roof bigger
because as you
can appreciate
on the draw, the
air duct are

Yes, this is the maximun size of the

skylight, including the structure
…From the page 11.

We can do this without any problem. The proposal

is accepted and we already changed it.
…From the page 12.

We can't do Due to ventilation law,

this cause the we wont be able to
purpose of the entirely close the power
door is vital for plant area like you
the function, requested. However, we
we need it for want to offer you to
the entrance of install an automatic gate
the big hydro that would open any
time the power plant is
machines. on, just in case you want
to close all the area.
…From the page 12.
We can do
We already
changed it.

You can define the window

shape like you want, but
please just conserve the width
New changes...

This is the new

closets (they are
for hide the
electric boards),
and we need it
with a hidden
concept, we send
it this cause we
need you include
in your design,
because they
have to see the
best way possible.

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