Cskills Awards NVQ in Wood Occupations

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Cskills Awards NVQ in Wood Occupations

(Construction) Site Carpentry

1: The diIIerent hazards associated with the workplace are the noise produce by the
machines, the debris, the dust, things that can be on the Iloor, blades oI the machines.
II anything happen, even a near miss accident, it should be reported to the health and saIety
executive agent and the workshop manager.
2: We must comply with the Health and SaIety at Work Act at any time. The Personal
Protective Equipment must be worn at any time it is needed. Those situations involve wearing
saIety boots at any time, a helmet and high visibility clothing when working on site, ear
protections when working in noise polluted environment.
Management oI Health and SaIety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) apply to everyone at work. It
have to provide risk assessment sheet explaining how to deal with dangerous situation, and how
to prevent and avoid them.
3. The security procedures are implemented within the workplace by tools like the site
induction, the risks assessment paper, and most oI all, the common sense.
4. They are Iour types oI Iire extinguishers.
Water (red), the cheapest and most widely used. Used Ior Class A Iires. Not suitable Ior Class B
(Liquid) Iires, or where electricity is involved.
Foam (cream), More expensive than water, but more versatile. Used Ior Classes A & B Iires. Foam
spray extinguishers are not recommended Ior Iires involving electricity, but are saIer than water iI
inadvertently sprayed onto live electrical apparatus.
Dry powder (blue), OIten termed the multi-purpose` extinguisher, as it can be used on classes A, B & C
Iires. Best Ior running liquid Iires (Class B). Will eIIiciently extinguish Class C gas Iires, BUT
ISOLATING THE GAS SUPPLY. Special powders are available Ior class D metal Iires.
CO2 (black), Carbon Dioxide is ideal Ior Iires involving electrical apparatus, and will also extinguish
class B liquid Iires, but has NO POST FIRE SECURITY and the Iire could re-ignite.
Communication is a means oI passing inIormation between people. We can use verbal
communication, body language, written or printed inIormation, telecommunication. Each oI them
will be use related to a context and a need. For example, two-way radio will be useIul Ior distant
worker which need to keep communicating in order to accomplish.
A poor communication between the company`s members will always result in lack oI eIIiciency and oI
productivity. For example, a change into the client`s order which is not passed to the operative will result
oI a mistaken production.

The organizational work procedure have to be written down on paper that everyone can access to,
and Iollowed. The best Ior the company`s productivity is to have a saint relation between the
members, in order to promote the eIIiciency. II your manager is a villain, the workers will Ieel the
need to do some sabotage in the company, or do things slowly, they`re going to care no more.
So, good relationship at work will always result in a good atmosphere where people want to work, and
give the best oI themselves.

We have to Iollow the company`s procedure to Iill all the inventory sheets, keeping the time
sheets updated. The interest oI it is to provide data with will be analyzed in order to calibrate the
productivity and the eIIiciency oI the organism.
Their Responsibilities are to ensure that right inIormation is given to the persons
about saIety at work. The diIIerent hazards associated with the workplace are the
noise produce by the machines, the debris, the dust, things that can be on the Iloor,
blades oI the machines.
II anything happens, even a near miss accident, it should be written on a accident sheet and
reported to the health and saIety executive agent and the site manager.
PPE like saIety boot and high visibility jacket must be worn when handling loads. In
accident events, people must be evacuated to a saIe meeting point, and the site
manager must check that everybody that sign in on the time sheet are present at the
assembly point.
They are Iour types oI Iire extinguishers.
Water (red), the cheapest and most widely used. Used Ior Class A Iires. Not suitable Ior Class B
(Liquid) Iires, or where electricity is involved.
Foam (cream), More expensive than water, but more versatile. Used Ior Classes A & B Iires. Foam
spray extinguishers are not recommended Ior Iires involving electricity, but are saIer than water iI
inadvertently sprayed onto live electrical apparatus.
Dry powder (blue), OIten termed the multi-purpose` extinguisher, as it can be used on classes A, B & C
Iires. Best Ior running liquid Iires (Class B). Will eIIiciently extinguish Class C gas Iires, BUT
ISOLATING THE GAS SUPPLY. Special powders are available Ior class D metal Iires.
CO2 (black), Carbon Dioxide is ideal Ior Iires involving electrical apparatus, and will also extinguish
class B liquid Iires, but has NO POST FIRE SECURITY and the Iire could re-ignite.

Resources have to be handled in compliance with the data sheet providing with them. Any
problems related to them must be reported to the resources manager.
4.We can protect work Irom damage by using adapted protection, like plastic sheet to caver
uncover rooI, lining and plywood Ior stairs. The wastes must be disposed oI in accordance with
the regulation related to them. Like recycling center Ior environment harmIul substances.
5. We have to mind others operatives around us when moving materials. Communication and
awareness are vital allied in this situation.

When doing Iirst Iixing, we can reIer to the data sheets to what we're Iixing to make sure they
are compatible with the documentations about the project that we have. Need to be in
accordance with the actual regulation.
In the case oI a accident, we have to report it to the health and saIety executive, by Iilling the
accident Iorm. The person responsible Ior it is the injured, or a close witness.
3. We must comply with the Health and SaIety at Work Act at any time. The
Personal Protective Equipment must be worn at any time it is needed. Those situations involve
wearing saIety boots at any time, a helmet and high visibility clothing when working on site, ear
protections when working in noise polluted environment.
4. We need to use the right Iixation Ior the right job, by checking the
characteristic oI each component, as load resistance and how to use them. In any cases we need
to reIer to the companie procedures.
5. We can protect work Irom damage by using adapted protection, like plastic
sheet to caver uncover rooI, lining and plywood Ior stairs. The wastes must be disposed oI in
accordance with the regulation related to them. Like recycling center Ior environment harmIul

The work should be achieved within the deadline in order to give Iull satisIaction
to the client, stay within the budget prognostic and the companies standard.

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