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Depression III

Mental Health "Psychiatric Care"


Remember a big symptom of depression is rapid weight loss or weight gain, typically weight loss is the most tested,
since it is more common. Clients lose appetite & refuse to eat.

HESI Question Saunder’s Question

Poor nutritional intake ... imbalanced nutrition, less than body Client with depression ... poor nutritional intake.
requirements … with severe depression. The … which interventions in the plan of care?
1. Small “frequent” meals most reliable evaluation of outcomes? Select all that apply.
Weekly weighing Assist the client in selecting foods from
2. High calorie foods & fluids the food menu
Offer high-calorie fluids throughout
3. Stay with client during meals the day and evening
Offer small high-calorie, high-protein
4. Weekly weighing snacks during the day and evening
30 k

MOST tested

Vagus nerve
1. ECT - Electroconvulsive therapy stimulator

2. TMS - Transcranial magnetic stimulation

3. Vagus nerve stimulation


ECT - Electroconvulsive Therapy

ECT induces electrical activity on the scalp to create a

generalized seizure. Think of this as jumpstarting the
1. Screen for Medical History & Report to HCP brain like jumpstarting a car or doing a hard reset on
Recent myocardial infarction Saunder’s your iphone. Each seizure lasts around 15 - 20 seconds,
done 2-3 times a week for 6-12 treatments total.
Cerebral neoplasm ATI
2. Assess Concerns: ATI Question HESI Question
What are your concerns about ECT? NCLEX TIP Which of the following is a side effect … electroconvulsive therapy (ECT),
of ECT? which equipment should the nurse make
3. NPO x 6 - 8 hours NCLEX TIP Memory loss sure is available?
Select all that apply.
4. NO anticonvulsant meds NCLEX TIP Oxygen
Kaplan Question
Valproic Acid, Carbamazepine after ECT… It is most important for the
Suction equipment
Crash cart
5. Remove: dentures & contacts nurse to take which action?
Remind the client that memory loss Saunder’s Question
6. Side Effect: is temporary
ECT ... interventions before procedure?
Select all that apply.
Memory loss ATI & Kaplan Have the client void
Equipment: Obtain an informed consent
Remove dentures and contact lenses
Cardiac monitor Oxygen Temporary
Withhold food and fluids for 6 hours
Crash cart Suction
Informed Consent signed
NO driving (during course of ECT treatment) NCLEX TIP
Temporary confusion & memory loss common after

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