Arfel Dawn M. Ibia - Educ 5 - Module 2

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IBIA Class Schedule: TTH-7:00-8:30 AM

Course/Year/Section: BEED 3A
Subject: EDUC 5

1. Examine the title, “LEARNER -CENTERED Psychological Principles. Quickly jot down at
least 10 words that come to your mind.
Critical Thinker
Problem Solver
Talented and Skillful
2. Go back to each word and write phrases about why you think the word can be associate with
LCP (Learner –Centered Principles)
Critical Thinker--- Higher Order Thinking Skills are developed
Curious--- Curiosity and Inquisitiveness are encouraged especially in Science
Problem Solver-- Critical and Problem Solver are displayed in the classroom
especially the Mathematics and Science subjects.
Talented---- Potentialities should be developed like developing their talents and
Interactor--- The students should have social interactions among learners
Differences----- Differentiated Instruction should be established in the classroom
Optimistic----- The challenging task is given to the students
Strategies----The learners learn through from different strategies of a teacher.
Capable------ Acquisition of complex knowledge and skills
Competitive---- Competitiveness should be developed among learners.


1. Describe what you can do to advocate the use of the Learning Centered Psychological
Each one of us has our own style of learning new things, and we have our own
strategies to let our students learn also. For me, the advocacy that I am going to
implement on the Learning Centered
Psychological Principles is that there should no students be left behind. As a
future teacher, I should encourage my students to express their selves if where
they can comfortable I their lives. I should be able to let them develop their
interpersonal intelligence in which they will be able to mingle and socialize with
other students. Give equal opportunities among students and give them
instructions according to the level of their knowledge. I believe in the saying that
says, a good teacher teaches from the book but the best teacher teaches from the
heart. As future teachers, be kind, considerate and loving to our dear and beloved

2. Advocate the use of the Learning Principles by means of any of the following:
a. power point presentation consisting of 5 slides or less
b. 3-minute speech

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