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MON TIENG ANH + VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR, * Phonetics and Vocabulary in Unit 7— Unit 11 * Grammar in Unit 7 - Unit 11: ~ Complex sentences with adverbs clauses ~Possessive pronouns ~ Prepositions of time and places ~ Adverbs of frequency = The present simple for future events Past continuous = Reported speech ( statements &questions) ~ Conditional sentences B. EXERCISES 1. PHONETICS 11. *Match the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of following question. 1. A.reduce B. release C. forest D. process 2. A. bargain B, market C. large D.range 3. A.wave B. landslide C. damage D. natural 4, A. tornado B. property C.voleanic D.crop 5. A.shuttle B. guest C.customer D. puppy 6.A. telepathy B. conference C. interact D. verbal 7. A.consume B, conserve resident D. source 8. A. access B. advantage Caffect D. addicted 9.4. conference B. computer C.connection D. communicate 38/Page Scanned with CamScanner Va 1o.A. language Bb catna inert D-lnaine 112, *Match the leer A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word tht differs from inthe ‘other three in the poston of primary sress in each following sentence. A. tsince Bi. beeen C-Chinese D seafood B. wonderful Coretgee Dateferce 3A. Viewamese BL guranee . Bhutanese Decommitee 4A. degree B.obese D.Matiese S.A.employee Bi, Japanese Taiwanese absentee 6.A national 1, teopical C.ypieal . provincial TA official 2, seasonal . violent Dtecieal B.A logical practical financial D. personal 9. A. continuous Dalaastous dangerous D.anconscious 10, A. religions B. numerous C.disastous D delicious 1. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Exercise 1: Choose the best answer to complete these sen 1 Af the temperatre rising, thepolrce caps wll et ‘Ac kept Bi keeps Cots kept D,willkeep 2. Because of, pollution, the bicycle may someday replace the automobile ‘Avwater Bair mize Disoil 5. Students shoud ean some practical ways hat help 0 polation, Bere C reduce Distoren 4 she left the ary, Jenny sid goodbye othe ost. ‘Before B.Aner .Assoonas D. Uni 5. People hin that global warming Jot of problems inthe fare. Accauses Bie causing Cwillenise Dias caused 6. We saw many beatiful birds while we inthe ke A fished would fish Cae fishing wore Hsing 17. Environmental protection refers to activites tht or rextore the quality ofthe environment. A.maintain . participate (© conceatate involve 8, Public education i probably the most important activity in wile ‘A. conservation 8B, prevention ‘Ceatnent D.stoping 9. The environment won't helps if we A.annoy B. worry lem Diaistud 10. All the items at Tian Shop are for wo days. Some of them are $0% off Acaline Bonsale C.outof stock Deexpensive 11. Two examples of shops are the Mors’ and th bakery. A.goods convenience Ciscount D. spevaiy 12.Shoppng ata shopping centre is Iehas almost everything you want ther. A. ial cheap Cconvenicnt time-consuming 13, Some people got shopping centres jus to ‘wth rend oF browse Abang out Bidiseuss Cb Dipl 14.Some people may get (online shopping. Tey canot sop buying things, even things they dn’ ell need A. inerested Bescted C.ndited D. amas w\Page Scanned with CamScanner 15, Astrong earthquake cnused aft of _f csten Japan lst week. ‘A damaged damages damaging D. damage 16, Two tornadoes stock Florida on Stturday morning and 0 homes. A.destoy B. destroyed C.destuetion| . destoying 17, We eannot prevent natural dase bu ean __ some of them, A. damage B. destroy © pret Deerupt 1s from oter sates came to Oklahoma to help find th survivors A. Scientists B, Vets C. People D. Rescue workers 19.8 {is violent storm with very song winds that move incre tornado Blood .voleano D. landslide 20, During shopping centres attrac lt of customers A. open hours B.sales coffe hous Di floods 21. - What do shopping centres offer customers on special occasions? Moly sles and entertainment Acnever Bomly C-usually D.oceasionally 22s, ‘ease o prevent harm tothe environment than repair it. Acslways Binever sometimes Dimwely 23. he heard the warning of he tornado, he went searching fr hs eildren A. During B. Assoon as While D.Whea 24, They were searching fo infomation for thee project. ‘heir parents were gardening, ‘A. soon at B.wile when D.til 25.1 had no idea about the danger of tsunamis saw the fm, ‘A. soonas B. while Chen Dai 26, Please leave a ‘on my phone if you ae unable to each me ‘A. message B. call Clete D.note 27. My teacher sid that she root me next week Avcaa Bw would Dimmuse 28, Minh old me that he on hisfovorit pictures on Twiter A shared B. will share share D. sharing 29, Mai sid shat she was reading 2 si- book ‘A.atthe moment Bow Ccthen Diyet 30, Have you got__pen, or would you lke toborow ‘A. yourmine B yours-my C.yours-nine D.yoursmy 3i1-Jane's voice is good. __is goo to. AL BMy Mine D.Me 3. cats adorable isadorble oo. ‘A. YourMine 8B. YouMine ©. youre-mine D.Your-My 33. Jim's car was parked here parked____ear hereto, Almy Brine Camy-mine DMine- 34. know Louis end, He's alo a frend of ‘A.yoursmy B. your C. yourmine D. yours mine 35. Lost my pencil, Can Ihave one of_? ‘A. your B. you yours Dyourselt 4olPae Scanned with CamScanner ere 2; Mark the letter A,B, C oF D to indent the Word or phrase that needs correcting in cach sentence below. 1.1 will ben the countryside an two wesks tis summer holiday. Ain Boon C. weeks Dts 2. The video conference lars at 10:15 aan. Please be ready by 10:10 a.m. so tha it ean start forte, A.stars Dat hy afer 3. Let's meet fr cofee by Wednesday aernoon, be busy in the morning, A. for Baby be Din 4 After starting the test, the teacher asked us fo emove our phones fom the test room. A. Afr Rito Com D.the 5A frond of my got a viral reality device asa birthday gif Any B Cas Da 6 always bring a charger becouse my smarione’s battery doesn’t ast in long Acalways Bimy ‘C-smanphone's Din 7. Two of Ron's brothers are twins, and they study tthe sume class at my school A Ron's Bare study Dat 8. Be quick, Lis! We need to leave by few minutes; otherwise, we'll miss the train. ABe B.toleave by Dithe 9. The fist phone with a camera appeared on May 1999, Afi B. with camera D.on 10, The students sald me tha they used Google Meet for vdeo conferencing. Asid Bathey C.for conferencing 11 They wanted to know wha the scents were searching for planes that were similar in size to Earth A. wanted what were D. were 12, Some books of us were stolen in the brary Ist week A. books Buus Cin Dc last 13. Mai said to me tat she was having an English est tomorrow. Aw that was having D. tomorrow 14.Minh asked me if did my father work for that company. Avasked Bit did my father work Dahat 15, The las rin wl eave er in five minutes, so you don have time fo take a bath, ‘A. wil eave Buin Cedon't have Da [Exercise 3: Choose the most sultable response A, B, C, or D to complete each ofthe following exchanges. 1A: Do you have open-air markets in your city? B: ‘A.No, we aren't. 'B.Not rely. But we hive similar firmer? markets ©. Why not? D. Like them. 2, A: Would you ike to go shopping with me? Bi ‘A. The maths lesson startin 10 minutes 1 don't ike. CL want some donuts. D.P'mafinid I'm busy now. 3. A:Ina supermarket, you canot bargin. Al the items have ied prices, Bi A. Lknow. B, Why do they have pres? C.No problem D, This sa prie ta, 4. A: Try our home-made brea, Tom, B supa Scanned with CamScanner A. The bread atthe bakery iss 1, Wow, did you make yourself? ©. What will you do nex? Dalsit tes SA 'B: Well I'm looking for a birthday present for my aad. A. This isa ice ti Do you like this shop? (C. What can help you with? D. What ean you look for? Exercise 4. Choose the option whieh is CLOSEST in meaning fo the underlined phrase in each sentence. 1, Hold on think his is’ the right oad, Let's ur back ‘A.Contimue! Move back! Keep tothe right! ——D. Wait, 2 She ean do telepathy? You's kidding! Is impossible. A. Ldon'tbtieve it B, You're aid C-Ste can do telepathy. Dt doesn't work 3. Learming to speak English snot apiece of cake. I requires lots of racic and hard work ‘A dalicious Bessy fin D. hard 4. The picture is so large that it doesnt fi the computer seren, Can you zoom out af it? ‘A.makeit smaller B. make it bigger (C.make it sharper D. make it stronger ‘5. Lan: Kien is ina bod mood tod. Jock: That's exactly what Lel. He go angry with me for noting thie morning. ‘A. What do you mean? 1B Can you repeat it? (CH said that to me this morning D. Leompletely agree wih you Exercise . Choose the option which Is OPPOSITE in meaning tothe underlined phrase in each 1. Isthere any way not o let other people know that you ae online on Instagram? Aofline B. fice to face accessible D. available 2, ‘Ieisour responsibilty to protest the environment and preserve i fo future generations, A. destroy Bcover litle D. contain 3. One disadvantage of online shopping is the inability to physically inspector try on the items before purchasing ‘A.cons B. demerit, benefit D. drawback 4. The storm damaged several houses and uprocied trees in the neighbourhood, A. spoiled hurt C.broke D. repaired 5. I need o strengthen my knowledge about natural disasters by reading more books on the subject ‘A. weaken B improved C. shortage D. purchased 11. READING ‘A. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank in the following passage. ‘Tornadoes ‘A tomado is a kind of storm which looks (1) 1 Iuge funnel Tornados ate the stongest winds on earth. They ean 2) 480km per hour, With such great strength, a fomad causes 8 Jot of damage. It can (3) trees, fatten buildings, and throw heavy things such a ears nundreds of mets. It is especially dangerous (4) People in cars or mobile homes. “Toeadoes (5). in hee duration and the distance they travel a2|page Scanned with CamScanner Most (6) less than ten minutes and trav five to te kilometres, Some special tornadoes an lst several hours and trvel up to more than 1S0km! Tornadoes ean occur almost anywhere (7) ath, but mos of them happen inthe Unie Sates, especially in the Great Plans region, This area may (8), ‘more than 20 tornadoes in each yea. 1A tke Bas such D.for DWAcarive Bgow C.reah Despeed 3.A.grow B uproot plant Di water A. for Cin Dat SA differ Cairne change 6A.g0 C.happen Di lest T Ain for Diu C provide Deexperonce 2B.Read the passage and choose the best answer A,B, Cor D teach ofthe following questions. ‘When Smartphones Become Even Smarter Mobile phone technologies have developed rapidly aver the list decades, and experts are making interesting predictions sbou smartphones of the futur. They sa tat by 2035, smartphones will be able to change their shapes to meet the users” needs. For example, you cn fld you phone ikea sheet of paper and put it in your wallet Similarly, you can bead it and wear it asa watch. Moreover, new ‘generations of smartphone can send and recsive holographic pictures. By using holography, you will be able to participate in metings without having o be atthe meeting venue in person. You will also beable to interact in computer games as if you were a character in it Besides, smartphones wil have super strong sensors to read your mind and complete some task, such as making to-do lists and shopping online, They wil be able to sense your mood, give aivice and play suitsble music. Inthe neat fiture, many people may consider thee smartphones thir best fiend, and they may interact with them even ‘more than they do with their human ends. 1. The pasragedeseribes predictions about fare smartphones offered by compan espe cues 2 Acting th psge, wan 1 rohit he mare by 2057 ‘A Chips isspe B:Weritaranectinc, © Make nos walt 3. Acorn oe tg, nr vps may te—1alp a inten cpu scr peut .tolpogty {ich fe folowing ta can per marten NOT do ris ‘A Cheskiod lin. B Stool, © Give ali, 5 Asoeg oth pgs poser teal tr eepone at int ee Atirsrans Bticaleagies Cuties de IN. WRITING: [Exercise Iz Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given 1. We were planting ies. Our fiends were collecting rubbish, (while) 2. The choir practiced for balan hour. Aer tha, they went onstage (Beer) 3. Tread my favourite book, Then I went o bed, (aer) [Page Scanned with CamScanner 4. The bl rg, Bveryone ced out ofthe elssroom. when) ‘Eun? go away ye. Finish cleaning up the plac ist. (ant ‘6.My sister maker a mess, My mum makes her weed the garden. (whenever) 7."You wl ike science aller you read this book,” ur teacher sid. > Ourteacher sid {8 "Weare developing an emotional bot” said the engines. > The engineer said 9, "You can havea vdeo conference and upload homework on tis platform,” said the teacher. SThe teacher sid 10, ‘Our school has a Tage laboratory, and our laches often conduct experiments there,” sad the Deadimaster, “The headmaster sid 11. "HHow often do you visit your grandarens?” Hal asked Hoa > Hai asked Hoa 12 She asked me, “What does a UFO lok ik She asked me 13. The student asked his ache, “Why isthe climate on Mars unsuitable for human if?" > The student asked his teacher, 14, "Which it longer, ay on Venus or day on Earih™ “>I wondered which 15,"Why do people cll Mas the Red Plnet™ my son > My son asked me, [Exercise 2. Write sentences using the suggested words and phrases below. You can make changes tothe words and phrases and add more words i necestary. 1. professor / ak students / what essential conditions / human ie be. 2. Tom ask scent what they /se J atch signals aliens 43.1 7ask/ teacher why couldn't move Mas immediatly, 4 Hleadmaster want/ know / who be on day tat day. ‘We talk / phone this ime / yesterday. 6-ear future, / mobile phones /nun/ sla energy telepathy devices become / popular /30 years 8 if weuse /our phones / much, Become dependent / them. ‘many eenager prefer/ chat /Tntmet/ meat hse Heads / peso, 44iPage Scanned with CamScanner

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