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Here are some vocabulary words related to capitalism:

1. Capital: wealth or assets owned by individuals or businesses that are invested in order to
generate more wealth
2. Free market: an economic system where prices and production are determined by supply and
demand, rather than government regulation
3. Entrepreneur: an individual who starts a business or enterprise with the goal of making a profit
4. Competition: the rivalry between businesses or individuals in a market to sell goods or services
5. Profit: the financial gain earned by a business or individual after expenses are deducted
6. Supply and demand: the principle that the price and quantity of goods or services in a market
are determined by the availability of supply and the level of demand from consumers
7. Invisible hand: a concept in economics that suggests that the pursuit of self-interest by
individuals in a market can benefit society as a whole
8. Consumerism: the social and economic system that encourages the consumption of goods
and services in ever-increasing amounts
9. Monopoly: a situation where a single company or entity dominates a particular market or
industry, often leading to higher prices and limited competition
10. Globalization: the process of interconnectedness and interdependence between different
countries and economies, facilitated by increased trade and communication.
Here are some vocabulary words related to socialism:

1. Socialism: an economic system where the means of production and distribution of goods
and services are owned and controlled by the community or the state, rather than by
private individuals or businesses
2. Workers' rights: the entitlements and protections afforded to employees, including the
right to collective bargaining, fair wages, safe working conditions, and job security
3. Equality: the principle that all people should have equal access to opportunities,
resources, and basic needs regardless of their social class or background
4. Public ownership: the concept of state or community ownership of resources, industries,
and services such as healthcare, education, or utilities
5. Cooperative: a business or organization that is owned and managed by its members, who
share the profits and decision-making power equally
6. Redistribution: the practice of redistributing wealth or resources from those who have
more to those who have less, in order to reduce inequality and promote social welfare
7. Nationalization: the process of transferring privately-owned assets, industries, or services
into public ownership and control
8. Collectivization: the process of organizing agriculture, industry, or services into collective
ownership and management by communities or the state
9. Revolution: a radical change in the social, political, or economic order, often achieved
through popular uprising or political transformation
10. Social democracy: a political system that combines socialist and democratic principles,
promoting social welfare and equality while preserving individual freedoms and market

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