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2nd Part Readings (PPT)

COMPASS Chinese Invention

The earliest known compass was invented in China in the 2nd century BC and 2nd
century AD. During the Hang Dinasty.It was not used for navigation at first ; it was
used for divination like Fen Shui,to determine fortituitous placement of buildings.

Transport: BICYCLE celerifere

The earliest bicycle was a wooden scooter-like contraption called a celerifere; it was
invented about 1790 by Comte Mede de Sivrac of France.

In 1816, Baron Karl von Drais de Sauerbrun, of Germany, invented a model with a
steering bar attached to the front wheel, which he called a Draisienne. It has two wheels
(of the same size), and the rider sat between the two wheels, but there were no pedals;
to move, you had to propel the bicycle forward using your feet (a bit like a scooter). He
exhibited his bicycle in Paris on April 6, 1818.

REFRIGERATOR 1 everyday item

The first electric refrigerator was invented in 1803 by Thomas Moore. The first
commercial refrigerator designed to keep food cold was sold in 1911 (by the
General Electric Company) and in 1913 (invented by Fred W. Wolf of Fort Wayne,
Indiana, USA); these model consisted of a unit that was mounted on top of an ice
box. A self-contained refrigerator (with a compressor on the bottom of the
cabinet) was invented by Alfred Mellowes in 1915. Mellowes produced this
refrigerator commercially (each unit was hand made), but was bought out by
W.C. Durant (the president of General Motors) in 1918, who started the Frigidaire
Company in order to mass-produce refrigerators in the USA.

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