World Trends in Municipal Solid Waste

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World trends in municipal solid waste management

Article in Waste Management · December 1996

DOI: 10.1016/S0956-053X(96)00106-7


210 14,646

9 authors, including:

T. Taylor Eighmy David S. Kosson

University of Texas at San Antonio Vanderbilt University


Juergen Vehlow Hans A van der Sloot

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Hans van der Sloot Consultancy


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Waste Management, Vol. 16, Nos 5/6, pp. 341-350, 1996
Pergamon © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd
All fights reserved. Printed in Great Britain
0956-053X/96 $15.00 + 0.00
PII: S0956-053X(96)00106-7



S . S a k a i , a S . E . S a w e l l , b A . J. C h a n d l e r , c T. T. E i g h m y , d D . S . K o s s o n , e J. V e h l o w f
H . A . v a n d e r S l o o t , g J. H a r t l d n h a n d O . H j e l m a r j
°Environmental Preservation Center, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-01, Japan
bCompass Environmental Inc., 2253 Belmont Court, Burlington, Ontario, Canada, L7P 3N3
CA. J. Chandler and Associates Ltd, 12 Urbandale Avenue, Willowdale, Ontario, Canada, M2M 2H1
aEnvironmental Research Group Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824, U.S.A.
eDepartment of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey, P.O. Box 909, Piscataway,
NJ 08855-0909, U.S.A.
f Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institute fur Technische Chemie, Bereich Thermische, Abfallbehandlung, Germany
gSoil & Waste Research, Netherlands Energy Research Foundation, P.O. Box 1, 1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands
hSwedish GeotechnicalInstitute, Linkoping, Sweden
JVKI Water Quality Institute, Agern Alle 11, DK-2970 Horsholm, Denmark


The philosophy of the "Waste Management Hier- The concept of waste prevention is focused mainly on
archy" (prevention/minimisation, materials recovery, the product manufacturing sector. In most cases, the
incineration and landfill) has been adopted by most drive to avoid producing waste is provided by gov-
industrialised nations as the menu for developing ernment or industry policies, with the major aim
municipal solid waste (MSW) management strate- focussed on avoiding the costs associated with hand-
gies. The extent to which any one option is used ling or managing wastes. For example, industries are
within a given country (or region) varies depending very conscious of optimising production and redu-
on a large number of factors, including topography, cing resource consumption to make themselves more
population density, transportation infrastructures, competitive in today's global market economy. This
socioeconomics and environmental regulations. More- includes adopting more efficient manufacturing
over, comparing national waste statistics is not a methods in order to minimise raw material require-
simple task. Consideration must first be given to the ments (hence generating less waste), and minimising
widely different administrative definitions applied to the weight and volume of packaging while maintain-
MSW. In addition, compositional classifications and ing product integrity during shipping. Waste preven-
the manner in which the data are collected also differ. tion measures are also aimed at changing the public's
Collectively, these factors can have a significant attitude towards consumption, where improved pro-
influence on the cited data. duct quality, durability and "environmental friendli-
Recognising these differences, the International Ash ness" are being emphasised.
Working Group (IAWG) compiled available waste The reuse of materials or products is another
data from Canada, Denmark, Germany, Japan, the option which avoids the generation of waste,
Netherlands, Sweden and the United States of although it should be noted that these materials
America, for presentation at the "Seminar on Cycle must still be handled, transported and managed. In
and Stabilisation Technologies of MSW Incineration some instances, the terms reuse and recycling are
Residues" held in March 1996. The seminar was held used interchangeably, however recycling is better
at the Kyoto Research Park in Japan and was jointly defined as the use of a waste material as a raw
sponsored by the Japan Waste Research Foundation material for the manufacture of a new or similar type
and the IAWG. This paper summarises the informa- of product. The concept has been promoted as a
tion presented during the session on "National Waste means to conserve resources and prevent material
Management Overviews". 1-7 from entering the waste stream, thus reducing the

342 S. SAKAI E T AL.

environmental impacts associated with extracting the different definitions of MSW, it is evident that
raw materials and managing the waste. paper and organic wastes are the major components
Although recycling has had a positive effect on (by weight) in the waste stream. It is also evident that
public attitudes towards generating waste and has there are substantial efforts underway in most coun-
been successful in diverting a fraction of the waste tries to recover and recycle waste materials, i.e. recy-
stream from ultimate disposal, its impact has been cling rates ranging from 10 to 30%.
limited. Many recycling schemes have had difficulty Waste statistics also need to be assessed on a
sustaining themselves due to widely fluctuating volumetric basis, particularly for transportation and
markets for waste materials. Moreover, the push landfill capacity issues. It is also an important tool in
to recycle higher percentages of the waste stream identifying specific waste materials for recycling or
have resulted in problems with maintaining the waste avoidance programs. According to an example
quality of the recycled waste materials and hence the of volume-based waste,statistics for Kyoto City,
sustainability of subsequent secondary product although food waste accounts for 40% of the total
manufacturing. Consequently, the benefits of imple- weight of the waste stream, it only accounts for
menting recycling strategies should be maximised by about 10% of the volumetric ratio. Conversely, waste
accounting for the limitations and tempering target paper accounts for 25% of the weight and up to 35%
recycling rates. of the volumetric ratio of the waste stream. More-
Biological treatment technologies (composting, over, plastics make up only 10% of the weight of
anaerobic digestion, etc.) are now reemerging as waste, whereas it accounts for up to 40% of the
commercially viable means to permanently remove volume. The substantial difference and implication
the organic material fraction from the waste stream. underscores the need to include this type of data col-
Because the success of these technologies relies on lection in waste characterisation programs.
securing a stable market for the treated product,
countries are implementing regulatory measures to
ensure that compost quality is commensurate with
the intended application of the product. Typically, Table 2 summarises the waste avoidance and recycling
this has resulted in a move away from mixed solid initiatives established in the seven countries. A good
waste processing to the processing of only the example of an implemented "hierarchy" is the German
putrescible fraction of the waste stream (garden, "Law on the Prevention and Disposal of Waste"
kitchen and commercial food wastes). (1986), which was then followed by the "Closed
The main objectives of MSW incineration are to Loop Economy Law" in 1994. Other countries have
sterilise the waste and reduce the volume of material followed similar approaches to waste management.
requiring final disposal. The majority of new incin- For example, the United States passed the "Pollution
eration facilities are also designed for energy recov- Prevention Act" in 1990 to entrench the concept of
ery, either in the form of electricity or process steam the waste management hierarchy. The "Act" inclu-
for industry or district heating. Over the past decade, ded waste minimisation initiatives via raw material
the concern over air emissions from these facilities substitution, product reformulation, production pro-
has resulted in most countries adopting very stringent cess design and modernisation, as well as in-plant
air emission control regulations which has increased recycling. The success of the initiative is based on
the cost of constructing and operating incinerators. government/industry collaboration and implementa-
However, some countries are now implementing new tion of incentive programs, such as provisions for
measures to reduce the volumes of post-recycled technical assistance, education and training programs.
waste destined for landfill by limiting the organic In Denmark, the "Government Action Plan on
content of the material to less than 5%, thus pro- Waste and Recycling" was established in 1993 and is
moting the use of incineration systems within an based on the priorities of waste minimisation
integrated waste management strategy. (including material substitution and adopting clean
technologies), recycling, utilisation, incineration and
QUANTITIES AND COMPOSITION landfill. The "Plan" set out a series of targets for
management of the MSW stream by the year 2000,
Before waste management strategies can be devel- which includes 54% recycling rates, 25% incineration
oped, there is a need to characterise the volumes and and 21% landfill.
composition of the waste stream within a given In addition to waste minimisation initiatives, there
region. This is particularly important when consider- are also efforts to reduce the quantities of priority
ing waste minimisation policies and specific materials pollutants in the waste stream. These measures have
for recycling, such as paper, cardboard, plastics, etc. included banning the disposal of household hazard-
Table 1 provides an overview of the quantities and ous waste, automotive batteries, mercury and nickel/
composition of wastes in the seven countries. Despite cadmium batteries, automobile scrap, non-degradable
Overview of the Quantity and Composition of Municipal Sofid Waste in Seven Countries

Canada Denmark Germany Netherlands Sweden USA Japan

Area 9,980,000 km 2 43,000 km 2 357,000 km 2 42,000 km 2 450,000 km 2 9,160,000 km 2 378,000 km 2

Population 29x 106 (1995) 5.2x 106 (1995) 82x l06 (1995) 15x l06 (1995) 8.9x 106 (1995) 263x l06 (1995) 125x 106 (1994)
GDP $548 billion (1994) $96 billion (1993) $1,476 billion (1994) $263 billion (1993) $154 billion (1993) $6,736 billion (1994) $4,630 billion (1994)
MSW quantity 33.76x 106 tons 2.3x 106 tons (1993) 43.5x l06 tons (1993) 12.0x l06 tons (1993) 3.2x l06 tons (1991) 207x 106 tons (1993) 50.2× 106 tons (1992)
Annual increase: Total of 9.6× 106 tons with /:
7% industrial waste
(1988 to 1992) Z

Management Composting: Recycling: 22% (48%) Sorting and recovery: 1996,2000 Recycling: 18% Recycling and composting: Recycling or composting:
methods 1.88% 13x 106 tons (30%) 22% 10.7%
Incineration and Incineration with energy Incineration: 11 x 106 Reuse: 2 2 % , 56% Composting: 2% Incineration: 16% Incineration: 74.3%
recycling: recovery: 58% (45%) tons (25%) Utilization: 0 % , 5% O
14.22% r.
Landfill: 83.9% Landfill: 20% (7%) Landfill: 20x 106 tons Incineration: 2 7 % , 39% Incineration: 53% Landfill: 62% Landfill: 14.9%
(45%) (1993)
(Target, the year 2000) Landfill: 6 1 % , 0% Landfill: 27% (1994) (1992)
MSW Composition Paper: 37.7% Paper: 19.9% Putrescible: 30% Paper: 3Y40% Physical composition Physical composition
(weight basis %) r~
Organics: 28.7% Textile: 1.5% Plastics: 4.2% Wood: 1% Paper: 37.6% ~ r g a n i c s : 42.3%
Metals: 10.4% Plastics: 6.1% Metals: 1.0% Textile, rubber, leather: 1- ~ l a s s : 6.6% --Paper: 25.0%
Plastics: 8.0% Metals: 3.9% Glass: 3.4% --Metals: 8.3% --Plastics: 11.2%
Glass: 4.4% Glass: 11.5% Bulk: 5.6% Food, yard trimmings: --Plastics: 9.3% Textile: 5.5%
Inorganics: 0.9% Minerals: 2.9% Office waste: 14.1% --Wood: 6.6% ~ l a s s : 2.9%
Others: 9.4% Putrescible: 27% Paper/cardboard: 17.1% Plastics: 6-8% --Food: 6.7% --Metal: 5.1%
Middle fraction: 15.6% Packaging: 15.6% Glass: 4-7% - - Y a r d trimming: 15.9% - - R u b b e r and leather: 0.9%
Fine fraction: 8.6% Metals: 2-5% ~ t h e r s : 9.0% ~ t h e r s : 7.1%
Others: 3. 1% (1983) Others: ~ 6 % Origin basis Origin basis
~ o n t a i n e r s and packaging: ~ o n t a i n e r s and packaging:
34.1% 25.4%
Figures before source --Nondurable goods: 26.5% --Food: 42.3%
reduction (1993)
~Commodities: 8.7%
Durable goods: 15.4% --Disposal commodities:
- - Y a r d trimmings: 15.9% 4.7%
--Food, others: 8.1% (1993) --Direct mail: 3.2%
--Business related: 4.7%
~ t h e r s : 11.0% (1990)
Others Special waste: 9.02 x 106 Industrial waste: 45 x 106 Tipping fees
tons tons
Sewage sludge: 5.48 × 106 Hazardous waste: --Landfill: $29/ton ($8-75/
tons (1993) 0.32× l06 tons (1991) ton)
--Incineration: $48/ton ($22-
80/ton) ~e
Prevention and Recycling of M u n i c i p a l Solid W a s t e in Seven Countries

Canada Denmark Germany Netherlands Sweden USA Japan

Prevention Diversion from landfill Government action plan on Closed cycle economy Ordinance of waste Producer responsibility Pollution prevention act Hierarchy under waste
minimization waste and recycling for act--a strict hierarchy prevention and recycling: (1990) - a hierarchy management law ( 1991)
1993-1997 target for the year 2000
--15-19%: recycling 1. Minimization 1. Prevention --Packaging 1. Source reduction 1. Prevention
--2%: composting 2. Recycling, utilization 2. Material recovery --Waste paper (journals 2. In process recycling 2. Reuse and recycling
and magazines)
0992) 3. Incineration 3. Energy recovery --Tires 3. Waste management with
pollution control
50% division by the year 4. Controllled landfill Production integrated envir- --Nickel-cadmium batteries
2000 is the national onment protection (1994)
Packaging waste National packaging Waste tax Packaging ordinance The producer ensures Recycling law of containers
Protocol: a target of 50% and packaging (1995)
Recycling reduction in packaging --Waste to be incinerated: --Final target: 80% of col- 1. A collection system Steel or aluminium, glass: by
$30/ton lection and recovery 1997
--Waste to be landfilled: - - D u a l system Germany 2. Reusing or recycling by Paper, plastics: by 2000
$37/ton 1 January 1997
--Recycled or utilized: --1.6 Mio tons (1995):
no tax 45% (metals, glass,
wood), 55% (plastics)
~ n e - w a y packaging --3 methods of recovery
--Disposable tableware 1. Material recovery
- - C F C s and halons 2. Thermolysis
3. Blast furnace
Composting Composting: 413,000 tons Yard waste: 304,000 tons 3 Mio tons/a in 300 Disposal ban of organic 6 central separation and MSW: 17 facilities
(7% of organic waste) (1994) composting facilities matter in landfill, composting plants:
as of 1997 60,000 tons, of which Yard waste: 3,202 facilities
20,000 tons finds a
Reactor based technology
---Central facilities: 315,000 Problem on heavy metal Separation]composting of
tons and PCDD/PCDF putricibles
--Backyard: 98,000 tons
Toxic reduction WASTE program Voluntary agreements Reduction on use of Cd Waste assessment project to Toxic reduction in MSW
present classification rules packaging
Others --Vancouver EFW facility - - A reduction of the use of Disposal ban for several (16 States, 1993) Pb, Cd, Hg,
PVC wastes by 1997 Cr(VI)
--Sources and fate of trace --Taking back nickel/cad- Waste tax is under Disposal ban
metals mium batteries, used car discussion (virtually all states)
--Putrescible organic Disposal ban (from 1997) 1. Household hazardous .m
fraction contributes a ---Combustible waste with waste rd~
significant portion exceptions of PVC and 2. Vehicle batteries
tree stumps
3. Tires m,q
4. Yard materials ~q
5. Motor oil
6. White goods

grocery bags, glass, metals and motor oil in landfills. (DSD). The DSD program operated on a cradle to
In addition, sixteen States within the US passed grave approach to managing packaging. All pack-
toxicities reduction legislation in 1993 based on aging was labelled with a "green dot" and was iden-
guidelines proposed by the Source Reduction Coun- tiffed for separate collection and management. Paper,
cil of the Coalition of Northeast Governors. The glass and plastics were the main materials targeted
regulations include a phase out of lead, cadmium, for collection, with aluminum and steel comprising a
mercury and hexavalent chromium in packaging. It is small proportion of the overall stream collected.
believed that the use of these trace metals in inks, To further modify these initiatives, Germany devel-
dyes, pigments, adhesives and stabilisers contravenes oped the "Closed Cycle Economy Law" in 1994,
the principles of pollution prevention. However, which will come into force in October 1996. The new
banning trace metals has also been considered at the law embodies a different philosophy towards waste
international level and the results are different. For management than that in previous laws. Although
example, in 1994, a proposal to ban the use of lead in recovery, as direct reuse, material recycling and che-
manufacturing was the subject of an OECD Work- mical recycling, was part of the earlier initiatives, the
shop. Although there was consensus that a phase out new law recognises energy recovery as one of the
of lead-based compounds in gasoline and cosmetics methods to help meet the new targets of 80% source
was justified, the outright ban of lead as a raw mate- separated recovery and 80% reutilisation. For example,
rial in manufacturing was not justified. It was conclu- under the new law, waste plastics collected for use as
ded that in view of the ability of modern waste an alternative source of energy in iron manufacturing
management practices to limit human exposure to are considered as an acceptable recycling option.
waste emissions, the use of the trace metal in appli- Sweden has also legislated producer responsibility
cations requiring its special properties was reasonable. regarding packaging materials. Paper is one material
Moreover, in 1991, Environment Canada, the US targeted for recycling, with a goal of recycling 75%
Environmental Protection Agency and the Interna- of paper packaging material by the year 2000. Tar-
tional Lead Zinc Research Organization sponsored gets also exist for other wastes, such as tires, where
the WASTE Program study which was conducted in 60% must be diverted from landfill by 1996 and 80%
Vancouver, British Columbia. The main objective of by 1998. Voluntary collection targets have also been
the study was to determine the physical composition set for nickel/cadmium batteries, i.e. 60% in year one
of the waste stream and quantify the trace metal and 90% in year two of the scheme.
composition of various waste fractions. Although a In contrast, Japan, through its new Package Recy-
summary of the trace metal indicates that batteries cling legislation, stipulates that producers and con-
and other wastes can contain measurable quantities sumers must share the responsibility of ensuring that
of trace metals, the putrescible organic waste fraction materials are recycled using public waste collection
(yard/garden/food waste) was also shown to contri- systems. Recycling targets for all types of paper and
bute significant loadings of certain trace metals to the plastic containers and packaging have been set, as
overall waste stream. Thus, while toxicities reduction well as glass, steel and aluminum containers. Den-
programs may help to reduce overall trace metal mark has taken another approach to providing
loadings in waste, they are unlikely to eliminate the incentives to recycle by imposing taxes on specific
presence of trace metals in waste due to natural types of one-way packaging, disposable tableware,
background contamination levels. CFCs and selected raw materials. Moreover, wastes
which are recycled or reused are exempt from taxes,
whereas waste processed through incinerators or sent
to landfill are taxed, i.e. 160 DKK/ton for inciner-
There are several initiatives in different countries to ated waste and 190 DKK/ton for landfilled waste.
reduce the volumes of waste being generated by These taxes are scheduled to increase in January
emphasising recycling of specific materials, such as 1997, when waste will be taxed as follows: - - pro-
waste paper, glass, plastics, steel and aluminum. Most cessed at incinerator facilities with energy recovery =
of these are focussed on the producers of packaging 160 DKK/ton - - processed at incinerator facilities =
materials. For example, Germany adopted the "Law 210 DKK/ton - - sent to landfill = 285 DKK/ton.
on the Prevention and Disposal of Waste" in 1986, To assist recycling schemes and clean technology
which was followed up in 1991 with a "Packaging projects, the Danish government also provides subsi-
Ordinance". The Ordinance stipulated that packaging dies and funding under their Finance Act.
materials should be manufactured from environmen-
tally compatible materials to facilitate recycling or
reuse. Much of the responsibility was placed on the
producers of consumer products, which in turn led to Recognising that waste minimisation initiatives and
the establishment of the "Duales System Germany" recycling schemes are only capable of managing a

portion of the waste stream effectively, other man- further management. There are two generic ash
agement options are required to process the residual streams discharged from incinerators. Bottom ash is
waste. Although landfill has historically been relied generally defined as the material collected off the
upon as the ultimate disposal option, incineration incineration grates, whereas fly ash is a collective
has also been used to reduce the volume and weight term for the finer material captured downstream of
of society's waste, in addition to protecting human the furnace, i.e. in the heat recovery and air pollution
health by preventing the spread of disease. Most control system. In most countries, these two streams
modern incinerator facilities are designed with the are classified and managed differently due to the
capacity to recover a substantial portion of the significant differences in their physical, chemical and
energy inherent in the residual waste and thus sup- leaching characteristics. Table 5 provides a summary
plement or replace traditional fossil fuel powered of the management methods for the ash streams and
systems. the respective regulatory leach tests for the seven
Table 3 provides a summary of MSW incineration countries.
capacities in the seven countries. The extent to which Although most countries have deemed bottom ash
the practice is used varies widely between countries, suitable for disposal in landfills or monofills, many
ranging from about 6% of the overall MSW stream European countries have also permitted extensive use
in Canada to over 70% in Japan. There is also a large of processed bottom ash in various construction
difference in the number of incinerator facilities in applications. For example, Germany, Denmark and
the various countries, and the average size of the the Netherlands utilise 60-90% of the bottom ash
facilities. For example, there are about 50 facilities in collected in MSW incinerators as a light-weight
Germany, 70% of which are larger than 500 tons per aggregate for road construction, or as an amendment
day in capacity. Alternatively, there are 1800 incin- to asphalt and concrete products. Conversely, the fly
erators operating in Japan, of which are continuous ash streams, particularly the residues from air pollu-
operation type systems with about 300 tons per day tion control systems, are deemed to be a hazardous
capacity and many batch type systems with capacities waste in most countries and require special handling
of < 25 tons per day. and disposal. The most notable exception is in the
Since the early 1980s, countries have implemented United States, where both bottom and fly ash
increasingly stringent guidelines to address concerns streams are combined prior to disposal in designated
over the operation and emissions of MSW incinera- ash monofills with leachate collection systems.
tors. Table 4 provides a comparison of emission lim- In general, the classification of an ash stream, and
its for several parameters in the seven countries. It is determining how it needs to be managed, is based on
important to note that the actual emission limits are the trace metal analytical results from regulatory
based on different units, and on different sampling leach tests compared against established regulatory
and analytical criteria. Consequently, although the limits. As indicated in Table 5, these regulatory tests
numbers may appear to differ widely, they are in fact and the respective limits differ significantly within the
similar to one another. For example, the new emis- seven countries. In light of the different scenarios in
sion limit for PCDD/PCDF in the United States is 13 which ash can be managed (and hence the environ-
ng/Nm 3 at 7% 0 2. This translates into about 0.14 ng mental conditions), the IAWG has recommended
TEQ/Nm 3 at 11% 02; however, the standards for that the assessment of ash management options be
sampling (i.e. equipment and collection time, etc.) are based on examination of the intrinsic properties of
different from the European standards. In order to the ash rather than on the results from a single type
meet these latest regulations, modern MSW incin- of regulatory leach test. This recommended approach
erators must employ not only highly effective air includes conducting tests to determine the chemical,
pollution control systems to meet emission limits for physical and leaching properties of the ash stream. In
acid gases and other contaminants (such as either addition, more than one type of leaching test should
Best Demonstrated Available Technology or Maxi- be employed to evaluate leachability over a wide
mum Achievable Control Technology) but the oper- range of leaching conditions.
ating conditions must also be optimised to promote Different strategies have been implemented in sev-
highly efficient combustion conditions within the eral countries for ash management. For example,
furnace. waste destined for landfills must be "inert" (i.e. TOC
< 1%) and cannot contain substantial concentrations
of salts. Moreover, LAGO, a board of German State
Ministers, set the limits with respect to the utilization
such as road construction. Concentrations of trace
Although MSW incineration is capable of reducing metals such as Pb, Cd and Zn must be below the
the volume of waste by 90%, 20-30% of the original stringent limits of 0.05 mg/L, 0.005 mg/L and 0.3 mg/
weight of the waste is left as ash which requires L respectively. Other countries, such as Denmark

TABLE 3 r-
Energy Recycling of MSW Incineration
Item Canada Denmark Germany Netherlands Sweden USA Japan
MSW generated 23.2x 106 tons 2.6x 106 tons 43.5 x 106 tons 12.8x 106 tons 3.2x 106 tons 207x 106 tons 50.2x 106 tons
(1992) (1994) (1993) (1993) (1991) (1993) (1992)
M SW combusted 1.2 x 106 tons 1.5 x 106 tons 11.0 x 106 tons 2.8 x 106 tons 1.7 x 106 tons 32.9 x 106 tons 37.3 x 106 tons ,-]
( 1992) (1994) ( 1993) ( 1993) (1991 ) ( 1993) (1992) m
Percentage combusted 5% 58% (including industrial wastes) 25% 23% 55% 16% 74%
(1992) (1994) ( 1993) ( 1993) ( 1991 ) ( 1993) (1992) :Z
Bottom ash generated 0.3x 106 tons 0.Sx 106 tons 3.0x 106 tons 0.65x 106 tons 0.43× 106 tons 6.84x 106 tons 5.0x l06 tons
( 1993) ( 1993) ( 1993) ( 1993) (1990) (1990) ( 1991 ) r~
Bottom ash used 0% 90% 60% 90% 0% 0% 0%
(1993) (1993) (1993) (1993) (1990) (1990) (1991) 7
APC residues generated 0.02x 106 tons 0.05x l06 tons 0.3x l06 tons 0.09x l06 tons 0.06x l06 tons 0.91 × 106 tons 1.16x 106 tons "]
(1993) (1993) (1993) (1993) (1990) (1990) (1991)
Number of facilities 17 31 53 I1 21 148 1841 (1991)
Comparison of Regulations for Incineration Exhaust Gas (unit: mg/Nm 3, e x c e p t for other Descriptions)

Pollutant Germany Netherlands Denmark Austria Sweden European u n i o n Canada, Ontario USA Japan (1995)
(1991) (1989) (1991) (1991) (1986) (1993) (1995) (1995)**
Standard Actual criteria
Related to 02 11% 0 2 11% 0 2 11% 02 11% CO2 10% 02 ll% 0 2 11% 02 7%
0 2 12% 02 12%
Dust 10 (30) 5 30 15 20 l0 17 24 150 10-50
SOx 50 (200) 40 300 50 -- 50 21 p p m 30 p p m or 80% Regulation o f K 10-30
removal value
NOx 200 (400) 70 -- 100 -- -- 1 l0 p p m 150 p p m 250 30-125
HCI l0 (60) 10 50 10 100 10 18 p p m 25 p p m 700 15-50
HF 1.0 1.0 2 0.7 -- 1
CO 50 (100) 50 -- -- 100 100 -- 100 p p m -- 50
8c 10 (20) 10 -- -- -- 20
Hg 0.05 0.05 0.2* 0.1 0.08 0.05 0.057 0.08 or 85% -- 0.03-0.05
Cd 0.05 0.05 O,2t O. I -- 0.0511 0.014 0.02 -- --
As -- 1.0§ -- -- 0.5§
Pb -- 1.0 -- -- 0.5 0.142 0.2 -- --
Others 1.0" 1.0 t . . . .
Dioxin [ng TEQ/ 0.1 0.1 -- 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.14 13 (0.14-0.21) '1 -- 0.5
N m 3]
Sample average 24 hr (30 mias) 1 hr -- 24 hr 1 month 1 month 4 hr 4 hr 24 hr
Average o f 3 tests Average o f 3 tests

"Sb, As, Pb, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Sn. tSb, Pb, Cr, Cu, M n , V, Sn, As, Co, Ni, Se, Te. tas C d + H g . §as N i + A s . Ilas C d + T I . l a s T E Q basis, 0 2 = 11%. **The new Clean Air Act, M A C T ( M a x i m u m
achievable control technologies), increased cost $450 million.
Ash R e g u l a t i o n s and Uses in E u r o p e a n Countries, U S A and J a p a n

Item Canada Denmark Germany Netherlands Sweden USA Japan

Leaching test type Batch agitated (reg 309 LEP)None (under formula- Batch Agi- Column None (under formula- Batch agitated (TCLP) Batch agitated (JLT-13) ~.~
tion) rated (NEN tion)
(DEV 7343) ff'q
Steps 1 3 1 1
L/S per step 20 10 up to lO 20 10
Solid 50 g ( < 10 mm) 100 g ( < 10 mm) 500 g ( < 4 ram) 100 g ( < 10 mm) 10 g (0.5-5 mm) t~
Lcachant Acetic acid (pH 4) Demineralized water Initial pH 4 Acetic acid (2 pHs) Distilled water :~
Duration 24 h 24 h/step 21 days (7 fractions) 24 h 6h ;I~
Filtration 0.45 ~ 0.45 ~ 0.45 pm 0.45 ~tm 1.0 [am m]
Regulatory limits None Cat 1 Cat 2 LAGA C4 C3 C2 [,rj
Pb [mg/L) 5.0 0.2 1 0.05 0.04 4 25 None 5.0 0.3
Cd [mg/L] 1.0 0.05 0.1 0.005 0.0004 0.05 0.2 1.0 0.3
L/S1 mg/kg

Bottom ash --Varies by province, --Extensively used in --Utilization limit of bottom ash --Used in embankment and in --Bottom ash use --Bottom ash use ~Controlled landfills ~'~
use/disposal to be tested and used in land reclamation, road base being considered under consideration
B.C. road base in road construction
~ O t h e r provinces, disposal --Utilization criteria --Used bottom ash, scrap metal --More than 90% --Normally "monofill"
as solid waste in landfills (pH in a 1% slurry
> 9.0, alkalinity
> 1.5 eqv/kg)
APC residue ---Considered hazardous, --National disposal Hazardous waste landfills --ESP fly ash: non-hazardous - - A P C residues --Double lined landfills ~ o n s i d e r c d hazar-
use/disposal sent to hazardous waste facilities to be con- --Salt mines landfills, or use as asphalt filler must be disposed in with caps, leachate dous, must be treated
landfills structed a secure landfill collection with a specified
--Presently sent to --Recovery - - A P C residues: big bags at a con-
lined landfill trolled landfill
facilities or stored

350 S. SAKAI E T AL.

and the Netherlands, have implemented ash utilisa- Despite the emphasis on waste minimisation and
tion guidelines. It should be noted that ash utilization recycling, it is recognised that society will continue to
criteria in Denmark are being reviewed with the generate waste requiring either incineration or land-
intention of replacing the "total concentration" fill disposal in the foreseeable future. As a result, the
limits for trace metals (i.e. < 3000 mg/kg of Pb, < 10 use of incineration with energy recovery is expected
mg/kg of Cd and < 0.5 mg/kg of Hg) with leaching to increase in many countries over the next decade,
criteria. especially in light of regulations which limit the
With respect to the management of fly ash, in organic content of waste materials destined for land-
addition to disposal as a hazardous material there are fill. To address public concerns, countries have adopted
four generic treatment technologies which have been stringent regulations to minimise the atmospheric
used or are under consideration. These include emissions of acid gases and other contaminants from
solidification, chemical stabilisation, ash melting MSW incinerators. In addition, regulations have also
or vitrification and extraction/recovery processes. been implemented to ensure that the residues from
Comparing the different technologies requires not incinerators are managed in an environmentally
only an assessment of the costs involved, but the sound manner. These regulations include criteria for
characteristics of the products generated from each the utilisation and disposal of bottom ash, as well as
process as well. Consequently, the high costs of the treatment of the various fly ash streams.
vitrification or extraction processes may be deemed However, the dynamic nature of consumer products,
acceptable in light of the potential use or volume packaging materials, environmental regulations and
reduction of material being generated. Conversely, public attitudes has made the development of waste
the lower costs of solidification or stabilisation pro- management strategies an increasingly complex task.
cesses must be tempered with the additional weight As the year 2000 approaches, it is likely that a greater
of the solidification reagents and the potential long- degree of flexibility will be required to ensure that
term instability due to the high salt contents of the there is a sustainable means of maintaining adequate
treated material. protection of human health and the environment.


Most countries adhere to the premise of the "Waste 1. Eighmy,T. and Kosson, S. U.S.A national overviewon waste
Management Hierarchy" as a menu for developing management, Proceedingsof Seminar on Cycle and Stabiliza-
tion Technologiesof MSW Incineration Residue, pp. 235-249,
integrated strategies for managing municipal solid International Ash Working Group (IAWG)/Japan Waste
waste. Each country has developed its own federal Research Foundation (JWRF), Kyoto (1996).
initiatives to promote the concepts of waste minimi- 2. Sawell, S., Hetherington, S. and Chandler, J. An overviewof
sation, reuse and recycling, ranging from policy dri- municipal solid waste management in Canada, Proc. of
ven diversion targets to tax incentives or subsidies for IWAG/JWRF, pp. 250-263 (1996).
3. Vehlow, J. Municipal solid waste management in Germany,
specific management options. There are also differ- Proc. of IAWG/JWRF, pp. 264-273 (1996).
ences in other factors which impinge upon the selec- 4. van der Sloot, H. Present status of waste management in The
ted strategies, such as existing transportation Netherlands, Proc. of IAWG/JWRF, pp. 274-284 (1996).
infrastructures, population densities, resource bases, 5. Hartlen, J. Waste management in Sweden, Proc. of IAWG/
land availability, energy requirements and environ- JWRF, pp. 285-291 (1996).
6. Sakai, S. Municipal solid waste managementin Japan, Proc. of
mental regulations. Consequently, the extent to IAWG/JWRF, pp. 292-313 (1996).
which any one management option is used within a 7. Hjelmar, O. Waste management in Denmark, Proc. of IAWG/
country can vary considerably. JWRF, pp. 314-322 (1996).

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