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NIM : 2210113130
Dosen : Surya Oktaviandra, S.H, LLM
Kelas : 1.11 HKF 107



 Positive

1. I and kiyaa were eating at cafe at 9 am yesterday

Analysis : “I n Kiyaa” is Subject, “Were” is ToBe, “Eating” is Verb+ing,
“Yesterday” is Time Signal
2. She was playing gitar at 1pm last night
Analysis : “She” is Subject, “Was” is ToBe, “Playing” is Verb+ing, “1pm Last
Night” is Time Signal
3. He was playing football at 16.00 WIB
Analysis : “He” is Subject, “Was” is ToBe, “Playing” is Verb+ing, “16.00” is
Time Signal
4. I was cooking at 7 PM in this morning
Analysis : “I” is Subject, “Was” is ToBe, “Cooking” is Verb+ing, “7PM this
Morning” is Time Signal
5. Three years ago, My Mother was working at nurse in hospital
Analysis : “My Mom” is Subject, “was” is ToBe, “Working” is Verb+ing, “Three
years ago” is Time Signal

 Negative

1. Last month, They were not watching rugby

Analysis : “They” is Subject, “Were” is ToBe, “Watching” is Verb+ing, “Last
Month” is Time Signal
2. Agung were not going to campus at 7PM
Analysis : “Agung” is Subject, “Were” is ToBe, “Going” is Verb+ing, “7PM” is
Time Signal
3. I was not talking to shinta three hours ago
Analysis : “” is Subject, “was” is ToBe, “Talking” is Verb+ing, “Three hours
ago” is Time Signal
4. You was’nt reading magazine at 7 o’clock
Analysis : “You” is Subject, “Was’nt” is ToBe, “Reading” is Verb+ing, “7
o’clock” is Time Signal
5. We were not talking to the boy at 9Am
Analysis : “We” is Subject, “were” is ToBe, “Talking” is Verb+ing, “9AM” is
Time Signal
 Question

1. Were caca going to sauna last month?

Analysis : ‘Caca” is Subject, “were” is ToBe, “going” is Verb+ing, “last month”
is Time Signal
2. Was he swimming in the UNP pool at 4AM?
Analysis : “he” is Subject, “was” is ToBe, “swimming” is Verb+ing, “4PM” is
Time Signal
3. Was she wearing the same hoodie last week?
Analysis : “She” is Subject, “was” is ToBe, “Wearing” is Verb+ing, “Last week”
is Time Signal
4. Were they looking the poster for 2 hours in this morning?
Analysis : “They” is Subject, “were” is ToBe, “looking” is Verb+ing, “2 hours in
this morning” is Time Signal
5. Were Salsa fixing his phone at 3PM in this Sunday?
Analysis : “Salsa” is Subject, “were” is ToBe, “Fixing” is Verb+ing, “3PM in this
sunday” is Time Signal

2. Was Interrupted by another pas action

 Positive

1. She was watering plants when siska came

Analysis : “she” is Subject, “was” is ToBe, “watering” is Verb+ing, “when siska
came” is Time Signal
2. They were eating when I called you
Analysis : “they” is Subject, “were” is ToBe, “eating” is Verb+ing, “when I
called you” is Time Signal
3. Yessa was studying when I go
Analysis : “yessa” is Subject, “was” is ToBe, “studying” is Verb+ing, “when I
go” is Time Signal
4. Yoke was cooking when gio taking a nap
Analysis : “Yoke” is Subject, “was” is ToBe, “cooking” is Verb+ing, “when gio
taking a nap” is Time Signal
5. Frans was reading when lidya playing a game
Analysis : “Frans” is Subject, “was” is ToBe, “reading” is Verb+ing, when lidya
plying a game” is Time Signal

 Negative

1.Dea was not talking to you when her mother cooking

Analysis: “dea” is Subject; “ was not” is To Be+not; “talking” is Verb+Ing;
“when” is Conjuction; “her mother” is Subject; “cooking” is verb
2.Anita’s sister wasn’t swimming when my sister went to my house
Analysis : “Anita’s sister” is Subject; “wasn’t” is To Be+ not; “swiming” is
Verb+Ing; “when” is Conjuction; “my sister” is Subject; “went” is verb; “My house” is
3. You wasn’t playing tedy bears while amanda was taking a picture
Analysis: “You“ is Subject; “wasn’t” is To Be+ not; “playing” is Verb+Ing;
“while” is Conjuction; “amanda” is Subject; “was” is To Be; “taking” is Verb+Ing;
4.Zahra wasn’t playing for the piano when my brother slept
Analysis: “Zahra” is Subject; “wasn’t” is To Be+ not; “Playing” is Verb+Ing;
“when” is Conjuction; “my brother” is Subject; “slept” is Verb
5.Shazlia and her mother were not going to police when shinta got the accident
Analysis: “shazli and her mother” is Subject; “were not” is To Be+not; “going”
is Verb+Ing; “when”is Conjuction

 Question

1.Were the audients going to studio when the headmaster breaked the classroom?
Analysis: “Were” is To Be; “the audients” is Subject; “going” is Verb+Ing;
“when” is Conjuction; “breaked” is Verb
2.Were jojo playing a piano when the inta was called him?
Analysis: “Were” is To Be; “jojo” is Subject; “playing” is Verb+Ing; “when” is
Conjuction; “inta” is Subject; “was” is Subject
3.Was the muza brewing tea when the costumer called him?
Analysis: “Was” is To Be; “muza” is Subject; “brewing” is Verb; “when” is
Conjuction; “called “ is Verb
4.Was the father fish feeding fishing her while it was snowing outside?
Analysis: “Was” is To Be; “the fater fish” is Subject; “feeding” is Verb+Ing;
“while” is Conjuction; “was” is To Be
5.Was faiz building a lego house while his sister was taking a nap?
Analysis: “Was” is To Be; “faiz” is Subject; “building” is Verb+Ing; “while” is
Conjuction; “sister” is Subject; “was” is To Be

3. Was Ongoing-In Progress over a period of time

 Positive

1.You were preparing for the olimpiade in January

Analysis: “you” is Subject; “were” is To Be; “preparing” is Verb+Ing; “in
january” is Time Signal
2. My sister was launching her first film in 2022
Analysis: “My sister” is Subject; “was” is To Be; “launching” is Verb+Ing; “in
2022” is Time signal
3. You were cooking a new recipe in the half of 2019
Analysis: “you” is Subject; “were” is To Be; “cooking” is Verb+Ing; “2019” is
Time Signal
4. Lian was come to jakarta last year
Analysis: “Lian” is Subject; “was” is To Be; “come” is Verb+Ing; “last year” is
Time Signal
5.In 2004, my dad was working as an office boy for TIGA RAKSA Inc
Analysis: “In 2004” is Time Signal; “my dad” is Subject; “was” is To Be; “working” is

 Negative

1.In february jiji was not working as a ceff in a well-known cafe

Analysis: “In february” is Time Signal; “jiji” is Subject; “was not” is To Be+Not;
“working” is Verb+Ing
2.Pito and Marta were not going to korea last years
Analysis: “Ariel and Anya” is Subject; “were not”is To Be+ not; “visiting” is
Verb+Ing; “last month” is Time Signal
3.Amanda and her friends weren’t played drama theatre in the summer
Analysis: “Amanda and her friends” is Subject; “weren’t” is To Be+ not;
“played” is Verb+Ing
4.They were not played futsal soccer from 9 P.M. to 11 P.M. last night yesterday
Analysis: “They” is Subject; “were not” is To Be+ not; “played” is Verb+ Ing;
“form 9 P.M. to 11 P.M. last night yesterday” is Time Signal
5.You weren't going camping last month
Analysis: “you” is Subject; “weren't” is To Be+ not; “going” is Verb+Ing; “last
month” is Time Signal

 Question

1.Was marta staying at school from 06.00 am to 05.00 pm theree days ago?
Analysis: “Was” is To Be; “marta” is Subject; “staying” is Verb+Ing; “06.00 am
to 05.00 pm three days ago” is Time Signal
2.Were you performing kpop dance in some showcase in december?
Analysis: “were” is To Be; “you” is Subject; “performing” is Verb+Ing; “in
december” is Time Signal
3. Were they playing volleyball beach at taplau Beach at this time last month?
Analysis: “Were” is Subject; “they” is Subject; “playing” is Verb+ Ing; “last
month” is Time Signal
4.Was juju taking olimpiade nationa last year?
Analysis: “Was” is To Be; “juju” is Subject; “taking” is Verb+ing; “last year” is
Time Signal
5. Was your younger brother going concert with her gf last week ?
Analysis: “Was” is To Be; “your” is Subject; “going” is Verb+Ing; “last week”
is Time signal

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