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SECTION B- (MTh-2:00 – 4:30)


1. How did the film make you feel?
Since this is a kind of disaster movie, I felt surprised, because the film was amazingly well
addressed or directed; the first scenes was all too happy and did a good job of introducing the
characters that makes them remarkable; the incident took its time to occur in a good sequence,
which is a good thing as it established suspense.
2. What aspect of the film did you most engage with? What will you remember?
This film is a thrilling experience, to the point that it will not stop and will keep you wondering
what else will collapse in that building, the scenery was exhilarating, the effects are unbelievable
good, and undeniably this was a big production, and Koreans have proven that they can do big
movies like Hollywood and have as much fun as them. One of my favorite scenes, although it is
quite sad as it takes place on Christmas Eve, is when the nearest firefighters assist and help all
the trapped people by making a heroic attempt to save the stranded people inside and put out
the fire. It is sad that a massive party turns into a massive disaster and that accident sets the
building on fire. Dae-ho’s daughter, who had joined him for the party, becomes stranded as a
result, and Dae-ho attempts to rescue her.
3. Would you watch it again? Why/why not? If yes, how would a second viewing be
different? What would you focus on?
Yes, surprisingly I have realized that I already watched a short clip of this movie because of
some familiar scenes. In my opinion, I think a second viewing will not be that different in contrast
to the first time I’ve watched it. Still, it is truly tragic when not all of them survive. But if there is a
certain scene that I would focus on the next time I watched it, is that how the failure in the
building affects and contribute to the disaster.
4. How would different people view this film differently (dependent on gender, age,
ethnic background, worldview, etc.)?
Viewing this may lead to varied perspectives and lessons based on the viewer's age or
viewpoint. If you enjoy thrilling and exciting movies, this might be a good choice for you because
it has scenarios that will have you moving in your seat. One, it depicts how the Towe Sky
celebrated White Christmas; unfortunately, owing to the owner's selfishness, he took a mistake
that he soon regretted. As the people celebrated Christmas Eve, a shocking disaster occurred,
and one of the helicopters lost control and crashed into the building due to a strong gust of wind,
sparking a fire on the upper floors. That is when the character found themselves in a terrible
predicament, facing death.
5. What is the plot — what happens (in summary)? When do the turning points in the
narrative come? Are the major sections evenly balanced?
On Christmas Eve, a celebration turns into a major disaster when an accident sets the building
on fire. It is when Dae-ho’s daughter, who came with him for the celebration, fireworks and
helicopters flying nearby to provide a simulated snowfall. But it all turned out to a major disaster
that made the people trapped including Dae-ho who did his best to rescue her daughter, Hana.
The nearest firemen assist him, through making a heroic action to save the people trapped
inside and put out the fire. The accident itself serves as the film's focal point. Obstacle after
obstacle is put in our protagonists' way. The tragedy itself serves as the film's focal point. Hurdle
after obstacle is put in our protagonists' way. Not everyone survives, giving the picture a
suspenseful edge that leaves you guessing who will and who will not make it out alive.
6.-7) Does God have a role, or is there an impersonal force of fate? Are there are
religious themes or connections? How is faith treated (if at all)? How do characters
know right and wrong? Are the characters concerned primarily with the consequences of
our actions, with ethical principles, or with being a good person? What do the characters
When the church leader prays and believes that rescue will arrive, the movie reminds that
putting faith will safeguard you from danger. It is true that God has always been there in every
terrible scenario we have been in. Furthermore, it demonstrates not only faith, but also the
actual character of humanity, which is that when we are on the verge of death, our selfish nature
takes over and we can scarcely distinguish between right and evil in our deeds if we are to
survive. Some were labeled heroes, but others decided to be arrogant and selfish to survive,
even if it meant sacrificing others, as I hope all of us realized after viewing the film.

8. How might this film affect viewers as they return to their everyday activity? Will it
inspire more hope and faith, or more despair? Will it encourage viewers to have courage,
or will it enflame their fears? Will it inspire responsibility or recklessness?
Naturally, there are karma and retribution themes woven throughout the movie, as well as
opportunities to highlight courage and sacrifice. Moreover, given the topic matter, there is an
educational component when critiquing mass panic that leads people to do the most irrational
things, rather than what is correct in the numerous scenarios portrayed. Don't allow our
emotions take over; instead, pray and believe that assistance will come. They will come our way
as we endure with others. Be kind to individuals who are unable to help themselves, such as the
elderly, children, pregnant women, and others. The most terrible sequence that I witnessed in
the movie would be when the mayor instructs the fire chief to save two wealthy individuals
inside their suite rather than prioritizing those in worse health than them just because of their
social standing.
9. How this film be connected to Design & Construction and relate to initial design
considerations. What were the particular strengths and weaknesses?
Furthermore, when I watched the movie, I recognized that it was not just the owner's selfish
deed that caused the awful disaster when he kept the helicopters in the air, but that the tower's
design and construction also had numerous flaws to point out. First, the sprinklers aren't
operating correctly which should be checked as expected with that kind of building. This is one
of the most critical parts of the structure, and the damage might have been minimized if it was
properly designed, built, and maintained. Even though they are aware that there may be an
issue, to relieve the situation, the management decided to conceal the problem from the
officials. However, there was an improper maintenance that produced a leak and later caused
the water to freeze. Following that, the cement on each of the top floors. As soon as the fire
started, cracking and falling off the flooring were more prevalent than predicted. Because of the
type of cement used, the reinforced steel began to melt faster than it should. It is a compacted
cement that splits more quickly than conventional cement that was noticed in the movie.

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