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Journal of Environmental Management 91 (2010) 1623e1633

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Municipal solid waste management in China: Status, problems and challenges

Dong Qing Zhang a, *, Soon Keat Tan b, Richard M. Gersberg c
DHI-NTU Centre, Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, N1.2-B1-02, Singapore 639798, Singapore
Maritime Research Centre, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, N1-B1a-03 Singapore 639798, Singapore
Graduate School of Public Health, San Diego State University, Hardy Tower 119, 5500 Campanile, San Diego CA 92182-4162, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents an examination of MSW generation and composition in China, providing an overview
Received 2 June 2009 of the current state of MSW management, an analysis of existing problems in MSW collection, separa-
Received in revised form tion, recycling and disposal, and some suggestions for improving MSW systems in the future. In China,
1 March 2010
along with urbanization, population growth and industrialization, the quantity of municipal solid waste
Accepted 23 March 2010
Available online 21 April 2010
(MSW) generation has been increasing rapidly. The total MSW amount increased from 31.3 million
tonnes in 1980 to 212 million tonnes in 2006, and the waste generation rate increased from 0.50 kg/
capita/day in 1980 to 0.98 kg/capita/year in 2006. Currently, waste composition in China is dominated by
Municipal Solid Waste
a high organic and moisture content, since the concentration of kitchen waste in urban solid waste
Management makes up the highest proportion (at approximately 60%) of the waste stream. The total amount of MSW
China collected and transported was 148 million tonnes in 2006, of which 91.4% was landfilled, 6.4% was
incinerated and 2.2% was composted. The overall MSW treatment rate in China was approximately 62% in
2007. In 2007, there were 460 facilities, including 366 landfill sites, 17 composing plants, and 66
incineration plants. This paper also considers the challenges faced and opportunities for MSW
management in China, and a number of recommendations are made aimed at improving the MSW
management system.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction in China in the years to come, and all aspects of China’s MSW
management systems will have to undergo great reform in order to
The Chinese population has increased over the past two decades achieve this goal.
and its economy has developed tremendously. China’s develop- There have been a number of published papers which have
ment has also brought about an unprecedented increase in the reviewed the trend of MSW generation and composition, as well as
amount of solid waste. No other country has ever experienced as MSW management including waste collection, recycling and
large and as fast an increase in solid waste quantities that China is disposal in different cities in China, e.g., Beijing (Qu et al., 2009;
now facing (Xue and Chen, 2007; World Bank, 2005; Dong et al., Xiao et al., 2007; Li et al., 2009), Shanghai (Hong et al., 2006; Zhu
2001). Urbanization, population growth and industrialization are et al., 2009), Tianjin (Zhao et al., 2009a,b; Geng et al., 2007),
three key reasons behind the large magnitude of China’s increase in Chongqing (Yuan et al., 2006), Hangzhou (Zhao et al., 2009a,b),
total waste generation. In general, China still has a long way to go in Guangzhou (Chung and Poon, 2001), Tibet (Jiang et al., 2009), etc.
the management of solid waste with respect to solid waste recy- Additionally, comparisons of MSW management among these
cling, treatment technology and management strategy when different cities have also been conducted. Chung and Poon (2001)
compared with many more developed countries, e.g., Germany, compared MS1W management in two of the most developed
Sweden, Japan, and the United States (Yuan et al., 2006). cites in China: Hong Kong and Guangzhou. In addition, other
Throughout the country, the social, financial and environmental authors have addressed different aspects relating to MSW
impacts of this growing waste generation are gaining attention and management. Wang et al. (2008) investigated a new method of
MSW management is becoming a major issue (Zerbock, 2003; community recycling and collection, which is operated by a waste
Zurbrügg, 2002). Improvement in MSW collection, recycling and collection company through door-to-door service and supported by
disposal will be an important goal for the governments of all cities the municipal government in the Haidian District in Beijing. Zhuang
et al. (2008) evaluated the possibility and effectiveness of a new
* Corresponding author. waste separation system which classified household waste as food
E-mail address: (D.Q. Zhang). waste, dry waste, and harmful waste in a residential area of

0301-4797/$ e see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1624 D.Q. Zhang et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 91 (2010) 1623e1633

Hangzhou. And Cheng et al. (2007) reported on a waste-to-energy suggests that the high organic composition of MSW probably will
incineration technology based on co-firing of MSW with coal in not decline significantly even as industry grows, wealth increases
a grate-circulating fluidized bed incinerator in Changchun. and living standards improve. In this sense, kitchen waste will also
While these other studies have mainly focused on specific continue to occupy a high ratio of the waste in China in the future.
aspects of MSW management in specific cities in China, this paper Another major component of MSW in China is coal ash, which
attempts to review the overall situation of MSW management in originates from household furnaces, as coal and wood are used for
China. With this overall aim, this paper seeks to: (i) identify MSW heating in the northern part of China and for cooking in major parts
generation, quantity and composition in China; (ii) review the of the rural areas. However, this situation is changing rapidly as coal
different methods for MSW collection, recycling, treatment and is increasingly being replaced by natural gas. The proportion of ash
disposal; (iii) identify the attitudes and behaviour towards MSW has clearly decreased in some cities (Zhuang et al., 2008; Xiao et al.,
separation and recycling; (iv) investigate the current problems and 2007; Solenthaler and Bunge, 2006), and by 2030 it is estimated
barriers in MSW management in China; and (v) develop a vision for that all urban households will be using gas for home heating and
opportunities and challenges of MSW management in future. coal ash will only be a minor component in the waste stream
(World Bank, 2005).
2. Municipal solid waste generation and composition in The composition of MSW in China is extremely non-homoge-
China nous and the variation is caused by differences between cities: the
level of industrialization and income, consuming habits etc. In
Most Chinese MSW usually includes residential, institutional, some of the larger cities, the composition of the waste is roughly
commercial, street cleaning and non-process waste from industries similar to that in Western Europe and features a high percentage of
(World Bank, 2005). MSW generation in China has increased paper and plastic (10e20%). Indeed, China’s waste stream is
rapidly in the past 20 years from 31.3 million tons in 1980 to 113.0 growing fastest in paper, plastics and multi-laminates (World Bank,
million tons in 1998 and the annual rate of increase is 3e10% (Wang 2005). This composition is generally believed to be a sign of
and Nie, 2001). Currently, there are about 660 cities in China that urbanisation and rapid economic development. However, with that
produce about 190 million tonnes of solid waste annually and, said, the composition of MSW in China is still predominantly
account for 29% of the world’s MSW each year (Dong et al., 2001; kitchen waste and differs greatly from that of the western indus-
Yuan et al., 2006; Zhuang et al., 2008). In 2004, China surpassed trialized world.
the United States as the world’s largest waste generator (World Even though nationwide waste generation rates are comparable,
Bank, 2005). Table 1 shows an increasing trend of collected and it is recognized that high-income urban residents in China have
transported MSW from 1981 to 2007. In 2006, the total MSW a higher generation rate than low-income residents (World Bank,
generation was approximately 212 million tonnes, and the MSW 2005). In terms of the effect of income on waste generation, Abu
generation rate was 0.98 tonnes/capita/year (China Statistical Qdais et al. (1997) concluded that the waste generation rate was
Yearbook, 2001e2007; Raninger, 2009). Compared with other dependent on income level, and more household waste is gener-
developed countries, China has been considered as having a rela- ated with increasing residents’ income. Dennison et al. (1996) also
tively low per capita MSW generation rate. According to Yuan et al. indicated that residents’ income was positively related to the rate of
(2006), China’s per capita waste generation rate is 0.8e1.0 kg/ household waste generated. In addition, Qu et al. (2009) reported
capita/day, while a typical developed country generates that residents’ income was negatively related to daily per capita
1.43e2.08 kg/capita/day (Troschinetz and Mihelcic, 2009). The generation of kitchen wastes and positively related to daily per
MSW generation rate also varies among different cities in China, e. capital generation of waste per capita generation of waste paper
g., with rates of about 0.85 kg/capita/day in Beijing (Li et al., 2009), and plastics. Generally speaking, more affluent families have more
1.11 kg/capita/day in Shanghai (Zhu et al., 2009), 1.08 kg/capita/day opportunities to dine out in restaurants. This may be the reason
in Chongqing (Yuan et al., 2006), 1.51 kg/capita/day in Lhasa (Tibet) why kitchen waste generation decreased with increased income. In
(Jiang et al., 2009), 1.17 kg/capita/day in Hangzhou (Zhao et al., low-income families, people tend to reuse plastic bags as a result of
2009a,b), and 1.33 kg/capita/day in Hong Kong (Ko and Poon, the policy of charging for plastic bags in every supermarket in
2009). Table 2 compares the generation rate of MSW between China.
China and other selected OECD countries, and shows that China Table 4 compares MSW composition between China and other
ranked second after the USA in terms of the total amount of MSW, countries. Tchobanoglus et al. (1993) classified the distribution of
but third from last in terms of MSW per capita. components in residential MSW into low- (per capita income less
Table 3 presents a comparison of MSW composition in various than US$750), middle- (per capital income US$750e5000) and
cities in China. In general, waste composition in China is dominated upper-income (per capital income more than US$ 5000) countries.
by a high organic and moisture content, since the concentration of China belongs to the level between low- and middle-come levels.
the kitchen waste in urban solid waste makes up the highest Raninger (2009) reported that the rapidly bio-degradable waste
proportion at approximate 60% (Yuan et al., 2006). In contrast, it is (food and kitchen waste), slowly bio-degradable waste (wood,
recognized that industrialized countries’ waste consists of more paper, yard waste, composites) and non bio-degradable waste
recyclables and lower bio-degradable organic waste. The high ratio (plastic, metal, glass, ash) account for 78%, 10% and 12% of total
of organic waste in China is partly attributable to the diet, e.g., more amount of MSW in China respectively, while these same types of
fresh vegetables and fruit compared with Western culture, and solid waste account for 12%, 47% and 41% of total amount of MSW in
preferences for food that is unprocessed and unpackaged. This EU, respectively.

Table 1
Collected and transported MSW in China (Data source: China Statistical Yearbook, 2001e2007).

1981 1990 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Urban population (104) 14,400 32,530 52,376 54,283 56,157 57,706 59,379
Collected and transported MSW (104 tonnes/year) 2606 6767 14,857 15,509 15,577 14,841 15,214
Per capita quantity of MSW (kg/day/capita) 0.50 0.57 0.78 0.78 0.76 0.70 0.70
D.Q. Zhang et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 91 (2010) 1623e1633 1625

Table 2
Waste generation in selected OECD countries and China.

Countries Total amount of MSW MSW generation rate Total amount of HSW HSW generation rate
generation (1000 tonnes) (kg/capita/day) generation (1000 tonnes) (kg/capita/day)
USA (2005)a 222,863 2.05 133,718 1.23
Canada (2005)a e e 13,375 1.15
France (2005)a 33,963 1.48 22,000 0.96
Germany (2005)a 49,563 1.64 39,886 1.32
Denmark (2005)a 3,900 2.03 3,337 1.70
Switzerland (2005)a 4,855 1.78 3,237 1.21
Australia (2005)a e e 8,903 1.23
Poland (2005)a 9,354 0.68 6,496 0.47
Portugal (2005)a 5,009 1.29 e e
Hungary (2005)a 4,632 1.26 2,677 0.74
Mexico (2005)a 36,088 0.93 27,785 0.71
Japan (2005)a 51,607 1.10 34,798 0.74
Korea (2005)a 18,252 1.04 15,175 0.88
China (2006)b 212,100b 0.98 e e
OECD (2005).
China Statistical Yearbook (2001e2007); Raninger (2009).

3. Current MSW management in China transportation from the local collection points to points of treat-
ment, and disposal, and is undertaken as a municipal responsibility.
In China, the implementation of a MSW management system Waste collection services vary enormously between Chinese cities
depends on several important factors such as the country’s statutes, and even within different parts of cities. In Beijing, the waste
environmental requirements, strategies in environmental collection services to the modern, high-rise apartment blocks of
management, energy policy, economic and technological feasibility downtown are adequate, while refuse collection systems in the
and capabilities, and education and environmental awareness of poorer suburban areas are considerably more rudimentary.
citizens (Yuan et al., 2006; Zhu et al., 2009). All the collection, For residential areas, there are two type of urban solid waste
transportation and disposal of MSW are primarily the responsibility collection: collection at roadsides and household collection. Road-
of a central authority. Fig. 1 depicts a general diagram of the MSWM side waste collection is a method whereby residents sort recyclable
system in China including: waste generation, collection and items into the specific collection containers offered by the local
disposal processes. authorities. According to Chung and Poon (2001), the old house-
hold collection systems included “ring bell and collection” and
3.1. Waste collection “refuse chute”. The former term refers to the fact that residents are
reminded by the collection crew’s ringing bell to bring the trash to
Generally, MSW collection in the major cities in China is carried the street level for disposal. This type of operation is very popular in
out as a two-tier system: primary and then secondary collection. southern China (e.g., Guang Zhou). With fast urbanization, high-
Primary collection involves storage and transportation of the waste rise buildings are appearing in large numbers. Therefore,
from the households to local collection points, and this is achieved a centralized facility, usually called “refuse chute” has been intro-
by various means. Secondary collection includes storage and duced and implemented. However, “Ring bell and collection” and

Table 3
Comparison of typical distribution of MSW composition in various cities in China.

Composition (%) Organic garbage Paper Plastic Glass Metal Textile fiber Wood timber Ash
Beijing (2006)a 63.39 11.07 12.70 1.76 0.27 2.46 1.78 5.87
Shanghai (2009)b 66.70 4.46 19.98 2.72 0.27 1.80 1.21 2.77
Tianjin (2007)c 56.88 8.67 12.12 1.30 0.42 2.47 1.93 16.21
Shen Yang (2007)d 73.70 7.60 5.20 2.40 0.30 0.90 1.70 e
Hangzhou (2009)e 57.00 15.00 3.00 8.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 4
Qingdao (1998)f 42.20 4.00 11.20 2.20 1.10 3.20 e e
Tibet (2009)g 72.00 6.00 12.00 e 1.00 7.00 e e
Ningbo (1998)f 53.70 5.40 7.90 2.40 1.00 3.00 1.10 e
Guanghan (1998)h 50.70 8.80 6.10 0.6 0.2 0.60 0.20 32.80
Chongqing (2006)i 59.20 10.10 15.70 3.40 1.10 6.10 4.20 e
Guangzhou (1999)g 58.10 6.30 14.50 2.00 0.60 4.80 3.10 9.00
Shenzhen (1998)f 40.00 17.00 13.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 e e
Hong Kong (2009)j 44.00 26.00 18.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 e

“e” Means data absent.

Li et al. (2009).
Hong et al. (2006).
Zhao et al. (2009a).
Raninger (2009).
Zhao et al. (2009b).
Liu et al. (2006).
Jiang et al. (2009).
Hu et al. (1998).
Yuan et al. (2006).
Ko and Poon (2009).
1626 D.Q. Zhang et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 91 (2010) 1623e1633

Table 4
Comparison of typical distribution of MSW composition between China and other countries.

Composition (%) Organic garbage Paper/ Plastic Glass Metal Textile Wood Ash Construction Horticultural Others
cardboard debrits waste
China (2003)a 52.6 6.9 7.3 1.6 0.5 4.7 6.9 19.2 e e e

Singapore (2008)b 9.5 21.2 11.5 1.0 14.6 1.6 4.5 9.5 15.4 3.8 7.5
USA (2005)c 25.0 34.0 12.0 5.0 8.0 e e e e e 16.0
Japan (2000)c 34.0 33.0 13.0 5.0 3.0 e e e e e 12.0
Korea (2005)c 28.0 24.0 8.0 5.0 7.0 e e e e e 28.0
Canada (2005)c 24.0 47.0 3.0 6.0 13.0 e e e e e 8.0
France (2005)c 32.0 20.0 9.0 10.0 3.0 e e e e e 26.0
Netherlands (2005)c 35.0 26.0 19.0 4.0 4.0 e e e e e 12.0
Germany (2005)c 14.0 34.0 22.0 12.0 5.0 e e e e e 12.0
Switzerland (2005)c 29.0 20.0 15.0 4.0 3.0 e e e e e 29.0
Australia (2005)c 47.0 23.0 4.0 7.0 5.0 e e e e e 13.0
Mexico (2005)c 51.0 15.0 6.0 6.0 3.0 e e e e e 18.0
Slovak R. (2005)c 38.0 13.0 7.0 8.0 3.0 e e e e e 31.0
Portugal (2005)c 34.0 21.0 11.0 7.0 4.0 e e e e e 23.0
Hungary (2005)c 29.0 15.0 17.0 2.0 2.0 e e e e e 35.0

Europe (average)a 30.0 32.0 7.0 10.0 8.0 4.0 e 9.0 e e e

Low-income countriesd 40e85 1e10 1e5 1e10 1e5 1e5 e e e e e
Middle-income countriesd 20e65 8e30 2e6 1e10 1e5 2e10 e e e e e
Upper-income countriesd 6e30 25e66 2e8 4e12 3e13 2e6 e e e e e

“e” Means data absent.

Visvanathan et al. (2004).
National Environment Agency (NEA), Singapore (2008).
OECD (2005).
Tchobanoglus et al. (1993).

“refuse chute” have already been taken out of service and have been a mixed state, but residents can volunteer to participate in the
replaced by the new system since 2000. Now residents are advised source-separated collection. The recyclable materials from daily use
to place their waste in bags and deposit their garbage in the are often collected at the source by scavengers and reusable waste
appointed garbage bins outside the residents’ house for collection collectors patrolling the residential areas. Residents sell their
under the new system, and then the waste is transported by truck recyclables to buyers who call door-to-door or sometimes deliver
to a transfer station. This system is usually carried out by recyclables to the service sites themselves. The buyers in turn sell
a community or business entity in China. the materials to a nearby recyclables distribution centre where the
materials are sorted and sold to factories as raw or processed
3.2. Waste separation and recycling materials. Table 5 shows the buy-back and selling price of waste for
private waste collectors in Beijing.
MSW is generally composed of three groups of materials: In China, since there is little in the way of government recycling
organic waste (kitchen waste, garden waste, etc), non-recyclable initiatives, recycling and recovery is usually conducted by the
inorganic waste (coal ash, cinder, dust, etc), and recyclable waste “informal” sector, which takes place at all levels and at every stage
(paper, plastics, glass, metal, etc.). At present, MSW is collected in of the waste management stream, and this practice strongly

Road cleaning Refuse Institutional Commercial Waste

refuse Household generation
container refuse refuse

By residents By each By each

or private By CSB institution market
By CSB collector

Collection Transfer station collection &
Site (Recyclable waste separation) separation


Industrial Waste
recycle and Sanitary landfill, composting, incineration treatment &
reuse disposal

Collection through CSB (City Sanitation Bureau)

Collection through private agency

Fig. 1. General diagram of MSWM system in China.

D.Q. Zhang et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 91 (2010) 1623e1633 1627

Table 5 MSW collected and transported was 148 million tonnes, of which
Buying and selling price of different recyclables for private waste collectors in Beijing 91.4% was landfilled, 6.4% was incinerated and 2.1% was composted.
(Fung, 1999).
Table 6 presents the current status of MSW treatment in China.
Type of Waste Buy-back price offer Selling price to In 2002, there were 651 disposal facilities with a total capacity of
to households (RMB) waste (RMB)
136 million tonnes/year for MSW in China, including 528 landfill
PC bottles (white one) 0.3e0.4 0.5 sites, 78 composting plants, and 45 incineration plants (China
PC bottles (transparent) 0.1 0.2
Statistical Yearbook, 2001e2007; Huang et al., 2006; Raninger,
Aluminium can 0.08 0.12
Steel can 0.02 0.03e0.04 2009). Five years later in 2007, there were only 460 facilities with
PET bottles (0.75 l) 0.08 0.12 a total capacity of 152 million tons/year, including 366 landfill sites,
PET bottles (0.6 l) 0.04 0.05 17 composing plants, and 66 incineration plants (China Statistical
Paper (newspaper) 0.4 per kg 0.5 per kg Yearbook, 2001e2007).
Corrugated paper 0.25 per kg 0.3 per kg
Waste electrical appliances 4e5 (for refrigerator), Unknown
Approximately 30% of the generated MSW was not collected in
negotiable 2006 (see Fig. 2) and the MSW treatment rate was only 62% in 2007
(see Table 6). Admittedly, financial and institutional constraints are
Note: I US$ ¼ 6.84 RMB (Chinese Currency).
the main reasons for inadequate collection and disposal of MSW.
Other reasons are the frequently inappropriate guidelines for siting,
influences the flow of the waste stream. Compared with developed design and operation of new landfills, and for possible upgrading
countries, there are some distinct differences in collection of options of existing open dumps. Table 7 compares the adminis-
recyclables. First of all, developed countries typically utilize curb- trative, socio-economic characteristics, and waste generation and
side recycling programs (Troschinetz and Mihelcic, 2009). The treatment methods adopted in the large cities in China and other
collection of recyclables is included within the system for MSW developed Asian countries.
management in communities and municipal government or recy-
clables collection companies collect and transport the recyclables 3.4. Incineration
together with MSW. However, in China, recyclables and MSW are
treated separately by different entities. Recyclables, with Incineration of MSW has numerous advantages such as signifi-
commercial value, typically are collected and traded. Treatment of cant volume reduction (approximately 90%) and mass reduction
the rest of MSW is still the task of the municipal government. (approximately 70%), complete disinfection, energy recovery, and
other positive benefits (Li et al., 2003; Sakai et al., 1996). It is also
a possible component of an integrated waste management program
for large cities where space for landfills may be limited. However,
3.3. Sanitary landfill incineration is usually constrained by high costs and potentially
toxic emissions. Incineration of MSW not only may produce emis-
MSW disposal in China is predominantly by means of landfill sions of toxic air pollutants, but also may generate considerable
because it is cost-effective and it can accommodate large fluctua- volumes of solid residues, e.g., bottom ash, grate sifting, fly ash, and
tions in the amount and type of waste. Generally, landfills are air pollution control (APC) residue, which are generated at different
administrated by construction departments and supervised by points in the process of MSW incineration. In China, MSW incin-
environmental protection departments. In 1991, the first MSW eration technology was initially introduced at the end of 1980s, and
landfill, Hangzhou Tianziling Solid Waste Landfill was built and put underwent rapid development in 1990s. More than 30 large and
into use. A vertical cement curtain technology was first used in the middle-scale cities already have or are underway constructing
landfill to prevent leachate from polluting the groundwater. In MSW incineration plants (Liu et al., 2006). By 2006, there were
1997, the first MSW landfill using a HDPE membrane as liner about 70 MSW incinerators and the total capacity had reached
material, Xiaoping Solid Waste Landfill in Shenzhen, was built and 33,010 tonnes/day (China Statistical Yearbook, 2001e2007).
put into use (Xu et al., 2006). There are three main types of incineration technologies used in
According to Huang et al. (2006), in 2002, the amount of MSW China. These are the mechanical stoker grate (e.g., the Pudong MSW
disposal was 74.04 million tons, of which 89.3% was landfilled, incinerating plant located in Shanghai and the Changping inciner-
3.72% was incinerated, and 6.98% composted. The distribution ation plant located in Beijing), the rotary kiln (e.g., the Longgang
tendency seemed to have remained the same in 2006. Fig. 2 pres- incineration plant located in Guangdong province) and the fluid-
ents the disposal methods for MSW in China for 2006. The total ized bed (e.g., The Xiaoshan MSW incinerating plant located in
Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province) (Liu et al., 2006). In comparison with
Europe, e.g., where most plants in operation are grate systems
composting Incineration (Vehlow, 1996), China uses the mechanical stoker gate and fluidized
Uncollected 1.5% 4.5%
bed technology for incinerating municipal waste, together which
waste 30%
account for about 80% of the existing systems (Ministry of
Construction, 2007). As far as the grate technology is concerned,
most systems have an average (500 t/d) or high capacity (1000 t/d)
in addition to a few furnaces with a very small capacity (<100 t/d).
Most fluidized bed furnaces on the other hand appear to have
a capacity ranging between 100 and 500 t/d (Liu et al., 2006). It
appears as though large cities such as Shanghai and Beijing are
Uncotrolled mainly constructing grate firing systems, while smaller and
Controlled landfill 40% medium sized cities on the other hand appear to prefer fluidized
landfills with bed combustion (Liu et al., 2006). In terms of air pollution control
basic sanitary
facilities 24% (APC) systems the active carbon adsorption system, dry or semi-dry
scrubber followed by the subsequent separation of the fly ash using
Fig. 2. Disposal method for MSW in 2006 (Raninger, 2009). textile filter equipment are commonly employed in China (Liu et al.,
1628 D.Q. Zhang et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 91 (2010) 1623e1633

Table 6
Current status of MSW disposal in China (China Statistical Yearbook, 2001e2007).

Year Collected & Numbers of Treatment Numbers of Numbers of Numbers of Waste disposal Waste disposal Treatment
transported MSW facilities for capacity landfill incineration compositing (104 tonnes) in a simple way rate (%)
(104 tonnes) treatment (tonnes/year) facilities facilities plants (104 tonnes)
2003 14856.5 575 219,607 457 47 70 7544.7 4631.8 50.8
2004 15509.3 559 238,591 444 54 61 8088.7 4457.7 52.1
2005 15576.8 471 256,312 356 67 46 8051.1 4444.3 51.7
2006 14841.3 419 258,048 324 69 20 7872.6 e 52.2
2007 15214.5 460 271,791 366 66 17 9437.7 e 62.0

2006; Solenthaler and Bunge, 2006). Moreover, most of the large MSW can be separately collected by using different containers
incinerators built after 2002 are equipped with a flue gas cleaning distinguished by different colors with labels and clearly written
system including a cyclone, and an active carbon adsorption system instructions, high-rise apartments especially in large cities
and a baghouse. This kind of control system would provide a quite predominate, and this makes waste separation relatively difficult so
high efficiency of the flue gas cleanup. that solid waste generated from each household is mixed and
collected in bags. To a certain extent, the convenience of discarding
4. Existing problems in MSW management waste is also responsible for the low rate of solid waste separation.
Although some of this segregation is already happening through
4.1. Waste collection the efforts of waste pickers, source-separated collection at the
household level is not a common practice in China, e.g., Xiao et al.
China’s overall MSW collection includes both formal and (2007) reported that the separation ratio of MSW in Beijing was
informal waste collection, and indeed, there are twice as many only approximately 15%.
people in the informal sector as those in the formal sector (World In terms of waste recycling, industrialized countries such as
Bank, 2005). Unfortunately, these informal waste collection Germany, Sweden, Japan and the United States have already ach-
systems make it more difficult to regulate and implement an effi- ieved remarkable results in comprehensive utilization of resources
cient and standardized waste treatment system (Zhuang et al., as well as solid waste management (Yuan et al., 2006). However,
2008; Wang et al., 2008). Additionally, rummaging through the both the recycling rates and technical level of recycling of MSW in
solid waste may have a negative impact on the health and hygiene China are lower than most other countries (Huang et al., 2006;
of these scavengers and waste collectors (Chung and Poon, 2001; World Bank, 2005) for the following reasons. First, recycling
Yuan et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2008). When the scavengers sort effort is labour-intensive, as most recyclables are recovered through
through and remove the recyclables from the waste collection the disposal process by scavenging. (Yuan et al., 2006). Secondly,
containers or stations, they also often scatter about the remaining the waste, after removing items with commercial value, may be of
unwanted waste on the street. This litter can cause sanitation low caloric value, making it unattractive for incineration (Zhuang
problems and is an additional environmental issue of concern et al., 2008).
(Yuan et al., 2006). Additionally, in some areas, waste is collected up Moreover, residents in developed countries usually sort their
to three times per day, but in others, there is no regular collection at recyclables themselves, and send them to certain sites in their
all. Overall, collection efficiency is better in the east side of China communities and pay the stipulated fee for handling/disposal.
than in the west. Whereas in China, commercial exchange is the most efficacious
mode to prompt residents to join the recycling system (Chung and
4.2. Waste separation and recycling Poon, 2001; Wang et al., 2008; Yuan et al., 2006). Finding a recy-
cling bin is extremely hard in some cities, which may explain the
Waste segregation before collection will reduce the amount of tendency of the inhabitants to dispose of all their waste together.
solid waste generation and facilitate recycling of materials, as well This is probably because the result of the lower living standard of
as reduce the overall cost of waste disposal. In China, unlike residents in China compared to other developed countries, as well
developed countries where the single household predominates and as the fact that their environmental awareness is also

Table 7
Comparison of administrative, socio-economic characteristics, waste management situations between large cities in China and other developed Asian countries.

Population Area GDP MSW rate Total waste Number of MSW facilities Proportion of facilities (%)
(million) (km2) (US$/capita) (kg/capita/day) generated
Incineration Landfill Incineration Landfill
(million t/y)
Beijing (2007) 16.33 16,808 7700 0.85 6.01 2 13 2 94
Shanghai (2007)a 18.58 6340 7000 0.96 6.91 2 4 e e
Tianjin (2007)a 11.15 11,305 6065 e 1.65 5 2 e e
Guangzhou (2007)a 5.82 7263 9302 1.22 e 2 2 e e
Chongqing (2007)a 28.16 82,403 1834 1.08 2.01 1 9 e e
Hong Kong (2006)b 6.99 1042 24,282 1.33 0.17 e 3 e 90
Singapore (2000)c 3.89 707 21,113 0.96 e 4 2 87 13
Japan (1989)d e e e 1.1 50.2 1841 2361 74.3 25.7
Tai Wan (2006)b 23 e e 0.6 8.3 26 e 83 17

“e” Means data absent.

China Statistical Yearbook (2001e2007).
Ross (2008).
Bai et al. (2002).
Sakai et al., 1996.
D.Q. Zhang et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 91 (2010) 1623e1633 1629

correspondingly lower. Another factor affecting the recycling (2008) reported that most of the landfills in major cities that were
industry is that the buying price of recycled goods by industries is built in the early 1990s have now reached the end of their design
relatively low, and therefore does not provide an incentive for service life. Expansion of the existing landfills facilities is presently
individuals to recycle. Without a market for reused materials, being undertaken in many cities of China.
recycling is pointless.
4.4. Incineration
4.3. Sanitary landfill
In comparison with developed countries, the net caloric value of
Although the Ministry of Construction in China developed MSW in China is far too low for waste heat utilization and poorly
a comprehensive technical municipal solid waste landfill standard suited to incineration because of the high concentration of foods
for China, in reality, landfills are often poorly operated and good waste and the moisture content (Zhuang et al., 2008; Liu et al.,
landfill practices are not well understood (Rissane and Naarajärvi, 2006; Yuan et al., 2006; Xiao et al., 2007; Solenthaler and Bunge,
2004). In general, landfills do not meet best practices from either 2006). Solenthaler and Bunge (2006) reported that the average
the design or management perspective, and only rarely manage the caloric value of MSW in the studied Chinese incineration plants
MSW in a manner approaching North American or European equals 5 MJ/kg. However, Zerbock (2003) suggested that for
standards (World Bank, 2005). Only newly developed landfills (e.g., incineration, the minimal heating value must on average be at least
in Shenzhen, Guangzhou) are considered to be operating at 7 MJ/kg, and must never fall below 6 MJ/kg because the low heating
anywhere near internationally accepted standards. Although more value of MSW will affect the economics of incineration especially
than 90% of waste generated in China is landfilled, in some cities, for power generation. Therefore, in the majority of Chinese incin-
the landfills are more or less open dumps, which unfortunately can eration plants, in order to keep stable burning and combustion, the
be detrimental to the urban environment (Zurbrügg, 2002). original MSW should be deposited in the waste pit for five to seven
Biogas, which is primarily composed of methane (CH4), carbon days before it is fed into the furnace.
dioxide (CO2), and hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is generated by the In terms of bottom ash, many countries have also permitted
biological degradation of organic matter, and is a serious concern in extensive use of processed bottom ash in various construction
landfills. It has been estimated that CH4 has 20 times greater global applications. In contrast, although bottom ash in China has been
warming potential than CO2 (Ishigaki et al., 2002). While the reused for construction applications (e.g., Chongqing, Shenzhen),
recovery rate of landfill gas in western countries is approximately some plants do not use processes to reclaim metals from the
60%, in China it is less than 20% (Raninger, 2009). According to Xiao residues in incinerators. Conversely, the fly ash streams (about
et al. (2007), in Beijing it is not clear what the chemical composition 1e5% of incineration residues), particularly the residues from air
of the gas produced from the landfills really is, nor what the health pollution control systems, are deemed to be a hazardous waste in
effects might be on workers of the facility who are exposed to the most counties and require special handling and disposal. As fly ash
landfill gas, or the effects on the population nearby. Among the 13 often includes high concentrations of heavy metals, it is classified
landfill sites in Beijing, only two sanitary landfills were designed to as hazardous waste in many countries and requires sound
collect methane. Yuan et al. (2006) also reported in the simple management. According to the State Environmental Protection
landfills in Chongqing, that only a negligible quantity of leachate is Agency (SEPA), fly ash should be pretreated before being taken to
treated before being discharged into the groundwater, thus this a suitable landfill. Although most incinerators now solidity fly ash
situation may endanger land, air and groundwater. cement before being taken to a suitable landfill, in some places,
In China, leachate is discharged into sewage collection systems this has not been adopted because of the high cost of cement in
in 10% of the landfills; bio-chemical methods were used in 20% of China.
the landfills; membrane methods were used in 3% of the landfills; Air pollution control (APC) residues are another significant
other methods were used in about 20% of the landfills; and leachate concern. He et al. (2004) investigated the contaminant character-
was not treated in 47% of landfills (Xu et al., 2006). Although the istics of APC residues of the first large-scale MSW incinerator in
newly established landfills in large cities in China are all lined with China located in the Pudong New Area of Shanghai. This author
clay liner or geomembrane for leachate interception, and are reported that the level of Pb substantially exceeded the permitted
equipped with leachate collection and treatment systems, prob- level of leachate toxicity for the landfill, and the residues also
lems still exist because either the quality of the pollution control contained considerable amounts of soluble salts, with a strong
systems is not adequately emphasized during construction, and/or potential to pollute the groundwater after landfilling. Furthermore,
due to careless operation and maintenance of the leachate collec- although the dioxin levels were in a similar range to those of APC
tion and treatment equipment for these facilities. residues from overseas incinerators, the levels still did not comply
It is no doubt that the present disposal situation is expected to with the environmental quality standards for soil application.
deteriorate as China experiences rapid urbanization. Housing Currently, many areas of China still use coal to heat homes and to
developments are now increasingly encircling the existing dumps generate electricity. The ash created in these processes has been
and the environmental degradation associated with these dumps is a major problem, not only for China, but for other nations as well.
directly affecting the population. Yuan et al. (2006) indicated that According to World Bank (2005), about 27.6 million tonnes of coal
siting for two sanitary landfill facilities in Chongqing is not ash enter China’s urban waste stream annually, and the material is
economically sound because of the high population density and the very difficult to dispose of, as it contains heavy metals and is
high real estate value nearby. Additionally, it is becoming increas- corrosive. Additionally, its composition reduces the lifespan and
ingly difficult to find new sites which are located at a reasonable efficiency of incinerators as well as making the residues unsuitable
distance from the collection areas. Siting landfills at greater for composting. Moreover, waste incinerators are one of the largest
distances from the central collection areas, implies higher transfer sources of air-borne mercury. Solenthaler and Bunge (2006)
costs as well as additional investments in the infrastructure, and reported using XRF (X-ray fluorescence) that the average metal
hence intensifies the financial problems of the responsible content of the Chinese slag tested (e.g., Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd) was
authorities. Moreover, the few secured landfill sites that now exist clearly lower than that of Swiss slag, but that the mercury occurred
are overloaded before their planned operational life, because of the in significantly higher concentrations in Chinese slag in comparison
unexpected increase in the volumes of waste generated. Zhan et al. to Swiss values.
1630 D.Q. Zhang et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 91 (2010) 1623e1633

4.5. Discharge/levying fees system activities while minimizing the energy and labor inputs to any
downstream process.
In China, only State Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and There are several major factors which can improve the practical
its regional branch EPA (REPA) have the rights to collect the waste application of the source separation system and recycling at the
disposal fee, and municipal Governments collect levies for the household level in China. First the sorting method should be
disposal of waste from residential, commercial and industrial well-defined as residents are easily confused by the general
producers as part of general taxation (World Bank, 2005). concepts (e.g., recyclables and non-recyclables, combustible and
However, the fee levies are extremely low and could barely cover non-combustible materials). Wang et al. (2008) indicated that
costs and only offset a small fraction of collection, transport and unlike the traditional transfer station which sorts and recycles
treatment cost for the safe disposal of waste. Moreover, existing municipal waste such as waste glass, plastic and paper, residents
policies in China are based on a flat rate charging systems and may be encouraged to sort their waste as food waste, dry waste and
present no economic incentives for waste reduction and recycling harmful waste in the future. Second, high water content waste
for waste generation. For example, in Chongqing’s main districts, should be separated from the recyclables to make recovery easier.
the MSW fee per household is now 3 RMB/month (US$0.4/month) The high moisture content of MSW is regarded as one of the
(Yuan et al., 2006). In Beijing, the city domestic garbage disposal greatest concerns, as the high moisture content of MSW not only
fee is at 2e3 RMB per household per month depending on resi- poses difficulties for the recovery of recyclable materials, but also
dency status. Xiao et al. (2007) indicated that up to 2008 the increases the amount of leachate in landfills and reduces the net
construction cost of municipal solid waste disposal establishments caloric value of MSW for incineration. Third, compatible facilities
in Beijing was far more than the fees collectable. Chung and Lo for separated waste treatment streams need to be better developed.
(2008) also reported that in Guangzhou, other than the monthly In addition, the recycling industry needs to be improved
waste collection charge of 10 RMB/household/month, the only through increased professionalization, improved product stan-
other economic measure that has been adopted is the waste dards, market development and better operating standards.
disposal charge of 5 RMB/household/month. In particular, Shang- Moreover, increasing the accessibility of recycling facilities should
hai’s households do not even have to pay any waste disposal be considered as an important factor to increase Chinese recycling
services fee. behavior, and simple and convenient methods of separating and
storing recyclable waste should be conveniently located preferably
5. Opportunities and perspectives at the individual floors of residents’ blocks. Hence, the use of
different containers with different identifying colours located in
5.1. Improving waste collection residential areas for source separation to minimize waste and
maximizing recycling is recommended. However, the collection
As an informal system is still playing a significant role in MSW vehicles and the collection methods have not been able to accom-
management in China, the local governments should consider modate this new innovation. In addition, education about waste
organizing and managing this informal system so that it can be sorting and recycling is necessary to promote this policy.
better regulated by the municipal institutions. Not only would this
improve the efficiency and cleanliness of urban solid waste 5.3. Improving design of landfill disposal
collection, it would also provide job opportunities for these
informal waste collectors as well as better protect their health and The design of appropriate landfill technology demands
welfare. In some cases, for instance in certain communities in a comprehensive approach for alternatives, including in recent
Haidian District of Beijing, the community collection system began years, the management of greenhouse gas emissions. In a compar-
to be developed under the direction of the government, and some ative study of MSW management in industrialized countries and
companies operated this under an open market system (Wang newly industrialized nations, Tränkler (2002) suggested that pre-
et al., 2008). These authors concluded that the community collec- treatment of solid waste is an option among others. The author
tion system of residential recyclables could appreciate and be indicated that pre-treatment processes might include mechanical
applied easily in China as it is developed from the current collection and biological treatment. Mechanically pretreated waste acceler-
situation e waste pickers and itinerant buyers can provide enough ates degradation in landfills by reducing the size of material
low-cost labour and actually carry out the recycling practices particles and promoting rapid organic decomposition. And bio-
instead of municipal government in the urban areas of China. Mo logical pre-treatment of solid waste is claimed to have advantages
et al. (2009) reported that with the urbanization process in Hang- such as shortening of the monitoring period, producing of better
zhou, a new recyclables collection system is being built under quality leachate requiring less or no treatment, reducing of green-
government guidance in tandem with the community’ s waste house gas production rates, and reducing of the filling up of useful
management system as a series of small collection shops, which space in the landfill due to better compacted waste. Visvanathan
collect the MSW, classify the recyclables, and sell them to collection et al. (2004) also indicated that the most common pre-treatment
enterprises. Furthermore, efficient and effective separation and practiced method in Asian countries is composting. However, pre-
collection of solid waste materials require different methodologies treatment prior to landfilling needs to be tested and be appropri-
due to differing economic situations in different districts. ately adapted to the local conditions, e.g., waste composition and
climatic conditions.
5.2. Enhancing source separation and recycling In the future, China also needs to improve the criteria for liners
and leachate collection systems to assure appropriate technology
Waste minimization and recycling will remain a major challenge investment. Simple approaches using several important indicator
in the future. Although current waste scavenging in China could parameters may yield better results. For instance, monitoring
contribute to conservation of resources, the most important driving chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen, and selected heavy
force for changing the current collection method should be based metal levels may increase understanding of the pollution potential
on the consideration of systematic waste separation, which is in the landfills and provide an early warning for groundwater
a critical component of a successful integrated waste management contamination. In addition, as anaerobic decomposition of MSW in
system and enables better financing of waste management the landfill generates relatively large amounts of greenhouse gases,
D.Q. Zhang et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 91 (2010) 1623e1633 1631

properly controlled and engineered landfills may need in the future a waste management agency’s administrative costs and cause
to incorporate appropriate designs to reduce methane emissions. illegal dumping, as well as provide difficulties in identifying the
amount of waste generated by individual residents, such a system
5.4. Improving disposal level can, to a great extent, generate the economic incentives among
households to reduce waste generation. Pilot projects and
The overall MSW treatment rate is 62% in 2007 in China (see successful experience adopting PAYT system should be promoted in
Table 6). The relatively low disposal levels of MSW are related to the future.
under-capitalization. In 2002, aggregate investment in MSW Another challenge is the way in which the waste disposal fee can
disposal facilities was about 0.3 billion Yuan (0.043 billion US$) be charged efficiently and effectively, as well as how to accurately
(Huang et al., 2006), and despite the fact that the Chinese value an appropriate price scale for all social costs including envi-
government has put great efforts more recently in investing in ronmental damage. It is apparent that no single calculation can
MSW facilities, the overall MSW treatment capacity has proved comprehensively cover all of the social costs of the disposal of the
insufficient. Even in the capital of China (Beijing), the total capacity waste, and this has posed a significant challenge for decision-
of the treatment facilities cannot satisfy the need of MSW treat- making on the level of waste disposal fees that may be charged to
ment, and many of establishments must have been over-utilized to the households. A low municipal community hygiene maintenance
exceed their design capacity (Xiao et al., 2007). It is apparent that fee, on one hand, cannot relieve the municipal government’s
a lack of financial support from the centralized municipal budget is financial pressure concerning MSW treatment operations; and
a tremendous obstacle for the local waste collection system additionally, households may not have adequate economic incen-
resources to cope with the increasing amount of waste produced. tive to keep waste generation low and to modify their waste
The proportion of funding allocated for sanitation and environ- management behavior and decisions. In contrast, too high a waste
mental protection in China is even much lower when compared disposal fee may create a significant chance of an unexpected and
with other developed countries. Therefore, China’s national and unacceptable level of illegal waste dumping. In addition, in
local governments should encourage investment in solid waste imposing waste disposal fees among all households in China, the
management from the local private sector. problem of distributional equity might take place. It is unfair to
A sustainable MSW management system requires the develop- impose a waste disposal fee for low-income families when their
ment of an effective working partnership among various stake- livelihood is already poorly maintained. On the other hand, some
holders concerned with MSW management (Taylor, 1999; households may also be encouraged by the adoption of a waste
Pfammatter and Schertenleib, 1996). A limited and unsuccessful disposal fee, and make use of the chance to “buy their rights to
integration or cooperation between public and private sectors generate waste”. Therefore this equity problem needs to be taken
create MSW operational difficulties and weaken the efficiency of into account.
MSW management. In the future, all stakeholders should be
encouraged to participate in the decision-making process con- 5.6. Improving the balance between state and the local levels
cerning MSW management so as to achieve sustainable MSW
management. In particular, the contribution of the private sectors A sustainable MSW management system also requires decen-
to MSW management needs to be officially recognized, and incor- tralization, which is an essential element and can bring decision-
poration of private stakeholders into the overall stakeholder part- making close to the people and result in the provision of levels of
nership should be in place. The private sector should be encouraged services that the community can afford and maintain (Chen, 2006).
to manage its business independently, while at the same time, However, under the long-term dominance of a planned economy,
regulation and control by the local government is essential to all decisions and resources concerning MSW operation and main-
monitor the overall performance of the private sector. tenance in China are highly centralized within the state govern-
China also needs to seek foreign investment and attract inter- ment and SEPA, which deeply degrades the incentives of the
national services, outsourcing contracts, and enhance its coopera- stakeholders from the lower levels, e.g., Municipal Sanitation
tion with foreign companies. In the past decade, although foreign Bureau (MSB), District Sanitation Bureau (DSB), regional EPA, etc.,
technologies have made wide appearance in some markets, the to carry out efficient and effective MSW management. In the
MSW sector itself is still very hard to enter. Also in the past, the traditional top-down planning methods, state government formu-
main involvement of foreign companies’ has been the provision of lates plans at a national level and requires the compliance from the
technology, equipment, and services, rather than MSW manage- lower levels. In practice, it is difficult for the lower levels to adhere
ment itself. In the future, involvement and collaboration of the strictly to the directive from the state government because of
foreign sector will play a significant role as a catalyst to improve limited legislative freedom, and differing goals and perceptions.
waste handling and disposal operations. Therefore, with the view for more efficient MSW management
in China, it is important to appropriately distribute responsibilities,
5.5. Improving waste levying/charging fee system authorities, jurisdiction, functions, rights and capacity for
empowerment, to the proper levels of the various regulating
Improving the waste fee levying system can be helpful in authorities. In order to achieve a higher efficiency for all stake-
providing financial support for existing urban solid waste disposal holders, overlapping of the responsibilities and functions among
through financing programs as well as reducing the quantity of different institutions in the public sector should be overcome, and
urban solid waste generated in China (Xiao et al., 2007). Raising the roles and responsibilities at all institutional levels should be
waste collection and disposal fees can recover the costs and raise clarified.
funds for the investment in new facilities. In addition, the tradi-
tional charging fee system in China is a flat fee system, and the fee 6. Conclusion
has to be paid regardless of the use of the service. Such a strict flat
rate approach is not recommended as it is contrary to the “polluter Over the last two decades, as a result of the rapid urbanization,
pays” principle and is unable to create economic incentives for economic development and population growth in China, total
waste producers to reduce and recover waste. Although a weight/ waste generation has increased greatly. Some key findings and
volume-based Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) system will likely increase challenges are outlined below.
1632 D.Q. Zhang et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 91 (2010) 1623e1633

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