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Please fill each blank in with one of the words in the box below; each word will only

be used once.

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

Insightful Adj. Clever, perceptive
Meddler Noun Person interfering in others affairs
Modicum Noun A small amount
Obscure Adj. Not easily seen
Pathos Noun Suffering; causing compassion
Rancorous Adj. Hateful
Scour Verb To scrub clean
Smug Adv. Excessively self-satisfied
Squander Verb To waste
Wily Adj. Clever, deceptive

1. Some would say Bernie Madoff was a _____________ investor, while others would say he was just
an unscrupulous thief.

2. Tybalt’s eyes were flamed with rage and _____________ intent, one which he hoped would result in
Romeo’s death.

3. Some rappers are very talented, but most only have a ______________ of talent.

4. The reasons for that last plane crash are ________________, given that the government doesn’t want
to give out any information that might help people understand what really happened.

5. The play, showing how difficult life in the projects was, drew out the ______________ of those
students who actually lived in projects and who could identify (and feel bad for) the characters in the

6. Tyler’s teacher decided to give him an A on his last paper because of how _______________ his
argumentation was.

7. Everyone knew he was a ________________ because he was constantly getting into everyone’s

8. Time, like good fortune, is not something you should ________________.

9. You could tell how wealthy Tom Buchanan was by the ________________ expression on his face.

10. No matter how hard he tried to _______________ his hands, Macbeth could not wash the blood away.

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