SAT Word List 08

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Please fill each blank in with one of the words in the box below; each word will only be used

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

71. Predictable Adj. Expected beforehand
72. Pretense Noun False appearance
73. Prudent Adj. Careful
74. Rehash Verb To bring forth again with no real change
75. Resolute Adj. Determined; with a clear purpose
76. Sophistication Noun Worldliness
77. Suppress Verb To end an activity
78. Tenacious Adj. Determined
79. Thwart Verb To prevent from happening
80. Undermine Verb To sabotage

1. In the most recent argument between John and his father, the two only managed to
___________________ their same points of view on the same subject without solving anything.

2. After the boys became shipwrecked on the tropical island, only a few were ______________ in their
decision to keep the fire burning.

3. The woman’s ability to converse in several languages and about a wide range of current events topics
both demonstrated her high level of _________________.

4. Cassius was a _________________ and methodical planner, never leaving anything to chance.

5. Will you use a __________________to convince your parents to give you permission to stay out late,
or will you tell them the truth?

6. Stubborn people are ______________ when clinging to their opinions.

7. The SWAT team was brought out in order to ____________ the violence caused by the rioters.

8. The accident was ___________________, if you consider how poor Mike’s driving ability was.

9. By spreading lies about his political rival, the politician hoped to _____________ the rival’s image as
a good person.

10. James Bond hoped to _____________ the criminal mastermind’s plan by killing him before he could
put it into effect.

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