SAT Word List 02

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Directions: Below, you will see a list of the SAT vocabulary words, as well as their parts of

speech. Below these, you will see ten sentences, each with a blank space in it; you must look up their
definitions on your own. Please fill each blank in with one of the words in the box below; each word
will only be used once.

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

1 Accessible Adj. Attainable
2 Catastrophe Adj. Relating to a terrible event
3. Circumscribe Verb To encircle; to set limits on
4. Discord Noun Lack of agreement
5. Dogmatic Adj. Rigidly fixed in opinion
6. Empathy Noun Identification with (i.e. personally)
7. Negligible Adj. Not worth considering ; unimportant or minor
8. Partisan Noun Strong supporter of
9. Refute Verb To contradict, discredit
10. Salvage Verb To recover

1. The most recent argument between John and his father created further __________ in their

2. After the boys became shipwrecked on the tropical island, they hoped to ______________ some
supplies from the wreckage of the ship.

3. Having once been a student herself, Mrs. Johnson felt______________ for those students having
trouble with the assignment.

4. While the tea the feverish girl drank helped her to feel a little better in the short term, its overall effect
in curing her was ____________.

5. Relating subject material to students’ lives is a technique designed to make that information more
___________ to them.

6. While belief in Christ’s death and resurrection is ______________ for Catholics, it is viewed as a
strange belief to those of other religions.

7. If an argument is proven beyond the shadow of doubt, a person cannot _________ it.

8. The failure of the CIA to discover the terrorist’s plot lead to the _____________ that was 9/11.

9. By completely surrounding the enemy army, the general was able to ______________ that army’s
ability to retreat.

10. Frequently, members of government engage in _____________ politics, voting on issues according to
the way their political party tells them to vote while not considering the ideas behind those issues for

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