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Opening sound : High School In Jakarta by NIKI

Once upon the time, on Pelita Harapan High School, theres a girl with the name Nicole. She’s pretty, kind,
and nice student in that school. She’s have two bestfriends, their name are Amanda and Shasya. At that
day is freshman year, and Nicole meet the senior boy for the first time, he name is Ben.

Background : on hallway school

Amanda : next month will gonna be Halloween?

Nicole : and then?

Amanda : what do u gonna wear nic?

Nicole : i dont know stupid, why you asking me right now, its just next month, c'mon!

Amanda : btw, did you hear our school will gathering night halloween party?

Nicole : i knew it, our club will gonna be one of the perfomers that night

Amanda : really, what kind the show? it might be probably-

Nicole : wait who is that? (looking at Ben suddenly)

For the first time, Nicole knows love is about. And then Nicole going to Drama Club's room. She meet
Shasya, Brian, Warren and other members from Drama Club.

Nicole : okay Brian, what should we gonna do?

Brian : i dont know Nic, i dont know what kind story we should gonna do

Shasya : but you're leader stupid!

Warren : languange missing Shasya, hes the leader

Nicole : what about romance?

Shasya : probably, you can be the main character, ROMEO AND JULIET RIGHT?

Warren : who will gonna be Romeo?

and then suddenly Ben come in.

Ben : is it drama club?

Brian : Ben right? sir. Snow have told me about you, he said senior will gonna be graduate and they
should be have final show on this school, he's send 12 senior for this show

Ben : and im the last one

Shasya : okay Ben, now you gonna be Romeo

Nicole : what, shasya nooo

Shasya : its okay nic, you both look so perfect to being about

Brian : okay, so you both being Romeo and Juliet, you two should have chemistry for perform this

Shasya's statement was approved by Brian, the two of them have to spend time together to get
chemistry in this drama.
Set 2 : Drama Club’s room

Nicole was alone right there. she was looking for clothes for a drama performance in the next 3 weeks.
She keeps scrolling down her phone to needs find out a perfect dress for being Juliet.

Nicole : why all these dress looks so bad?

And then, Ben Coming quiet. Nicole just watched Ben approach her silently. Ben sitting down next Nicole.
Quiet place, theyre both just stare at phone, until Ben talking first.

Ben : im Ben bye the way

Nicole : im Nicole

Ben : I know, want to listen music?

Nicole : sure, whats your favorite singer Ben?

Ben : Conan Gray, Billie Eilish, Mac Miller, Taylor Swift, Olivia ro-

Nicole : TAYLOR SWIFT?! Me too Ben, all too well my fucking top song!

Ben : okay you want to listening that song?

Playing song Cruel Summer by Taylor swift.

They ended up spending time listening to songs until Nicole finally felt a different feeling for Ben.

Set 3 : on hallway school

Nicole : I think I love Ben

Amanda : so quickly Nicole

Shasya : so why Amanda? She needs her own boyfriend

Amanda : I know, but sooner Ben will be graduate, Nicole will be alone untill graduate.

Nicole : I know but There's no harm in trying either

Playing song Anaheim by NIKI

Nicole : oh, Ben text me

Shasya : what he say?

Nicole : he said he wanna hang out with me this sun down on beach

Amanda : but we want to about watch movie nic

Nicole : I think we make that plan next time guys, I wanna meet Ben

Amanda : but you promised this last week, I don’t know why you really choose him than us after all of
this shit stupid things

Shasya : Amanda, well that’s fine, let Nicole meet her boyfriend

The conversation ended. the three of them went home. Nicole prefers Ben to her friends

Last set : sit down in beach

Ben : hi Nic

Nicole : hi where are you from?

Ben : im just from house, I bring something for you

Nicole : thanks

Ben : I know you’re always hungry

Nicole : yeah you right, im pretty hungry

Ben : nic, I want to say something

Nic : what?

Ben : I wanna go college to New york

Nic : but you said you want to college here

Ben : I know butt just forget about it, lets go do something

And that’s how Nicole and Ben ended up together

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