06 - Worksheet - 2 (STS)

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Pluses, Minuses, Interesting/Implications (PMI) Chart

1. Use the Pluses, Minuses and Interesting/Implications (PMI) Chart to evaluate the issue “Unlimited and
Advanced Artificial Intelligence Must Be Developed by Humans.”
2. In the Pluses column, enter all the positive elements, in the Minuses column enter all the negative
elements, and in the third column, enter the elements that cannot be classified precisely as positive or
negative (Interesting) or potential outcomes (Implications).
3. Assign a numerical value to each on a scale of 1 to 5 (1+lowest, 5=highest). In the Pluses column,
scores will be marked with a “+” sign and scores in the Minus column with a “-“ sign.
4. Then, review the items in the I column to see if any item should be marked as a positive or negative
value using the same scale. An item seems to not have a potential effect on the decision, it must be
marked as having zero value.
5. Total the items in each column, then add together the three (3) subtotals . A negative total indicates that
the idea should be abandoned. A positive total indicates that the decision is a good one.



Rubric for scoring:

Content Student provided precise details and demonstrated a broad understanding of the topic. 5
Analysis Analysis is clear and considered different points of view in the chart. 3
Com prehension Student stated four (4) or more answ ers for each column in the chart. 2
Total 10

06 Worksheet 2 *Property of STI

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