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The presence of beggars increases in the society which is reflective of the

poverty rate in our country. This study shows the reason behind the status of their

life. Jaro Cathedral Church is one of the most famous church in Iloilo City. Where

in they accept some of the beggars and allow them to have their I.D for the

legalization of what they are begging around the church. As researching is

considered to let people know and alert them in every ways of their lives‚ to thinks

for a result of what they are going to do. Begging occurs frequently, particularly in

developing countries where unemployment and shortage of food are the main


Begging becomes a major political issue nowadays. It is for the researcher to

determine the reasons and also the effect and solution of the beggars in society. The

purpose of this is for them to be aware of the consequences they are doing, for them

not to be complacent in their lives and to know the reason why they came up in that

kind of situations (begging) and the things that we can offer a help for every


Related Literature
The practice of street begging tends to be perceived by motorist‘s simultaneously

as a nuisance but also perhaps social conscience.

According to Al Jaazeeva (2016) begging has been a feature of life for as long as

there have been poor people with nothing and more affluent people with money to

give to them. It is certainly a common sight on the streets of towns and cities

around the world today. Begging must surely be a matter of necessity rather than an

occupation that a person would readily turn to through, yes, for, a few, it may also

be a matter of choice.

Beggars are inescapable part of our society and one has to deal with this reality.

Begging is a global phenomenon and not found in our society alone but rather it is

found everywhere in both developed and developing countries. A large proportion

of beggars are the people who are unable to get on with life in a normal passion

because of poverty, disability or other reason based on the of Dr. Gheeta (2017).

Theories taking the “begging career” perspective focus on how through a variety of

mechanisms peers, family members, or social institution surrounding individuals

influence their decision to beg for alms in cities.

The term “ street beggars” is defined in this study as individuals, including

children, elderly people, people with disabilities, and families, who normally beg or

make their living from the streets or public spaces. A beggar is a poor person who

asks others, or begs, for money or food. Another word for a beggar is a
“panhandler”, although both terms are vaguely offensive. No one wants to be a

beggar. Many people who are beggars are also homeless and have not been able to

find jobs.


This study conducted qualitative research, using a phenomenological

approach Phenomenology is a methodological approach to qualitative inquiry

which provides insight into the subjective shared experienced of a group or

individual (Creswell, 2007) the gathered information included participant’s

descriptions of her lived experiences as an adult being a beggar for 9 years.


The participant of this study is only one (1) purposively selected adult who

is currently a beggar in Jaro Cathedral. She is living in Caingin La Paz, and has a 4

children who are living in some parts of Negros and Manila.

Data Collection

Data collection measures comprised of semi-structured and open-ended

interviews conducted face to face using a pre-prepared interview guide. Before the

conducted of the interview, the participant was sent a letter to request participation

as to whether or not she would be willing to become participant. The researchers

then contacted the willing participant with the date, time, and place for the

interview. The place of the interview was arranged to ensure confidentiality. The

participants was then asked to complete informed consent including consent for

audio recording. The interviews with the audio recording. The interviews were

audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. The researchers also used a pen and

notebook along with the audio digital recorder. The interviewing process stopped

when the duration was attained.

Data Analysis

This research was phenomenological design. Descriptive analysis was used

to discover any significant statements on the lived experiences of beggar data

analysis procedures employed the process of descriptive phenomenological data.

Analysis created by Colaizzi (1978)(cited in Sanchez, 2003; Speziale and

Carpenter, 2007, Shosha, nd). This method of analysis incorporates the following:

1. Each transcript were read and reread in order to obtain a general sense about the

whole content; 2. For each transcript, significant statements that pertain to the

phenomenon order study were extracted. these statements were recorded or separate

shit noting their pages and line numbers; 3. Meanings were formulated from these

significant statements; 4. The formulated meanings were sorted into categories,

clusters of themes; 5. The findings of this study is integrate into an exhaustive

description of the Phenomenon under study; 6. The fundamental structure of the

phenomenon were described; 7. Finally, validations of the findings were sought

from the research participants to compare the researcher’s descriptive results with

their experience. The phenomenological data analysis created by Colaizzi (1978)

was used in analyzing data and identifying themes relative to adult experiences

being a beggar.


Study delimitations involved excluding other beggars such as minor, or with

mental problem and hearing problem. The intention is to focus on a senior citizen

beggar not physically disabled and at least a high school level beggar. Delimitations

pertained to an adult being a beggar.

Another delimitation is related to the purposive selection o f the participant

this was done because of the challenges in identifying the participant. The inclusion

criteria were specified. Identifying potential participant who met the criteria of a

beggar would have been a challenge considering the time during which the

transfers to beggar places, the beggar may have physical disabilities or hearing

problem. The limitations and delimitations of this beggar were done purposefully.

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