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Smart Campus Automation system


Chandkheda, Ahmedabad

L. D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad

Project Report


Under subject of

Name of Student: Enrollment No.

1. Aachal Agarwal 230283107001

2. Hemal Bhaskar 230283107002
3. Simon Gamit 230283107010
4. Harsh Gohil 230283107011

Prof. Prof. (Dr.)

(Faculty Guide) (Head of Department)

Academic Year

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Smart Campus Automation system


This is to certify that project work embodied in this report entitled “SMART
CAMPUS AUTOMATION SYSTEM” was carried out by below mentioned
students at department of Computer Engineering, LDCE, Ahmedabad for
partial fulfilment of the subject Design Engineering 1A. This project work has
been carried out under my supervision and is to the satisfaction of department.

Name of Student: Enrollment No.

1. Aachal Agarwal 230283107001
2. Hemal Bhaskar 230283107002
3. Simon Gamit 230283107010
4. Harsh Gohil 230283107011

Date of submission:

Faculty in charge Internal Examiner Head of Department

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Smart Campus Automation system


Our journey in developing this project has been marked by invaluable

contributions from numerous individuals and organizations, and we
extend our deepest appreciation for their unwavering support. Firstly,
we express our gratitude to Prof. Pragnesh Patel for their guidance,
expertise, and continuous encouragement throughout this project's
evolution. Their insights have been instrumental in shaping our vision
and navigating the complexities of its development. Additionally, our
heartfelt thanks go to the LDCE Ahmedabad for providing the
resources, facilities, and environment conducive to our project's
advancement. Their support has been pivotal in propelling our
progress and fostering an atmosphere of innovation and collaboration.

We also extend our appreciation to the experts, professionals, and

stakeholders who have generously shared their expertise, time, and
feedback. Their valuable insights have significantly influenced the
project's direction and refinement. Moreover, we acknowledge the
dedication and commitment of our team members - Aachal, Hemal,
Simon , Harsh - whose collaborative efforts and diverse skill sets
have been integral to the project's ongoing success. Their unwavering
dedication and enthusiasm drive our collective progress forward,
ensuring a multidimensional approach to problem-solving and

Furthermore, we express our heartfelt gratitude to our families,

friends, and supporters for their unwavering encouragement and
understanding throughout this project's journey. Their steadfast
support has been a constant source of motivation, enabling us to
navigate challenges and celebrate milestones. Additionally, we
appreciate the contributions of volunteers and participants who have
generously shared their time and insights, enriching our ongoing
research and development phases. As we continue this journey of
learning and evolution, each individual's contribution remains
indispensable, shaping the project's trajectory and its future success.

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Smart Campus Automation system

Our project focuses on revolutionizing campus management through
the implementation of a Smart Campus Automation System.
Leveraging advanced technologies like IoT and machine learning, our
system offers real-time monitoring and control across various campus
functions. Security is bolstered through smart surveillance and access
control, while energy optimization ensures efficient usage of
resources, reducing costs and environmental impact. Additionally, the
SCAS enhances student experience with features like mobile apps for
navigation and event notifications.

This project optimizes resource allocation, ensuring classrooms, parking,

and facilities are efficiently utilized, preventing overcrowding or
underutilization. Transportation is streamlined with integration into campus
shuttle services, providing real-time tracking and scheduling for improved
reliability. Sustainability initiatives are also central, with the system
promoting energy efficiency and waste reduction, aligning with campus
environmental goals and fostering a greener campus.

In summary, our Smart Campus Automation System represents a

comprehensive solution for modernizing campus operations. By seamlessly
integrating technology with infrastructure, we aim to create a safer, more
efficient, and environmentally conscious learning environment. From
security enhancements to sustainability initiatives, the system sets the stage
for a smarter, more sustainable campus of the future, enriching the overall
educational experience for students and staff alike.

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Smart Campus Automation

Sr No. Title Page No.

1 Introduction
(Describe your project in detail including domain – type, place, why
and how team selected this domain and why this domain is important
in relation to Design Thinking/Human-Cantered process etc.)
2 AEIOU Canvas
3 Mind Mapping Canvas
4 Empathy Canvas
5 Ideation Canvas
6 Product Development Canvas

7 Prototyping Canvas (If available) 18

8 Feedback Analysis with user
(Here you need to write what user think about the product/project)
9 Summary of findings of Prior Art Search (If available)

10 Summary of the learning from Design Thinking
(Your own experience in your words)
11 Conclusion & Future work
12 References

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Descriptive Caption

Sr No Figure Page Number

1 AEIOU Canvas 9

2 Mind mapping canvas 11

3 Empathy mapping canvas 12

4 Ideation canvas 14

5 Product development canvas 16

6 Prototype canvas 18

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Title: Smart Campus Automation System

Our Smart Campus Automation System project is dedicated to optimizing

energy and resource usage on campus, fostering efficiency and
sustainability. With a focus on conserving energy, our system employs
advanced technologies to monitor, analyze, and control energy
consumption across various campus facilities. By intelligently managing
lighting, heating, ventilation, and other systems, we aim to minimize waste
while ensuring a comfortable and productive environment for students,
faculty, and staff.

The issue of energy and electricity wastage has long plagued campuses and
institutions worldwide. Historically, inefficient systems and outdated
infrastructure have contributed to excessive consumption and unnecessary
costs. In many cases, buildings were equipped with rudimentary control
mechanisms, lacking the sophistication needed to adapt to changing
conditions or user behavior. As a result, energy was often wasted through
over-lighting, over-heating, or running equipment when not in use, leading
to both financial and environmental consequences.

Design Thinking:

Design Thinking is a problem-solving approach centered around

understanding people’s needs, creatively generating ideas, and
iteratively refining solutions. It’s a human-centric methodology that

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encourages empathy, collaboration, and innovation to tackle complex
problems. Here's a breakdown of its key stages:

1. Empathize: This phase involves deeply understanding the

perspectives, emotions, and experiences of the people affected
by the problem. By immersing oneself in their situation,

designers can uncover insights that might not be immediately


2. Define: Here, designers synthesize the information gathered

during the empathy phase to define the core problems or
challenges faced by users. This step involves framing the
problem in a way that guides the rest of the process.

3. Ideate: This stage is all about brainstorming and generating a

wide array of creative solutions without limitations. The focus is
on quantity and diversity of ideas rather than judging them.
Crazy ideas often lead to innovative solutions.

4. Prototype: Designers create scaled-down, inexpensive versions

of the potential solutions generated in the ideation phase. These
prototypes can be sketches, models, or even rough digital
interfaces that allow for quick testing and iteration.

5. Test: The prototypes are put in front of users to gather feedback.

This step helps in understanding how well the solutions address
the defined problems. Based on feedback, designers refine and
iterate on the prototypes.

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Figure 1: AEIOU canvas

This AEIOU Canvas emerges as a pivotal tool in the development of

the Smart Campus Automation System, offering a systematic
framework to analyze and conserve energy usage. Comprising five
essential components—Activities, Environments, Interactions,
Objects, and Users—the canvas facilitates a structured exploration of
the factors to improve energy wastage problem. As a collaborative
and visual instrument, the AEIOU Canvas encourages
interdisciplinary teams to synthesize insights from Faculties, students,
and all the higher authorities.

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Smart Campus Automation
The context of developing the Smart Campus
system Automation System, this
canvas guides the user-centered design process, laying the
groundwork for innovative and targeted solutions that
addresses the minimal of energy wastage within an area or a
 Security Monitoring
 Launch and Implementation
 Software and hardware Development
 Hardware Integration
 Testing Quality
 System Design
 Customizations
 Operation and Maintenance
 Project Planning
 Classrooms
 Workshops
 Labs
 Staff rooms
 Library
 Administrator to App
 Programmers/Developers to Application
 Staff members to app
 Students to application
 Security System
 Smart Devices
 Sensors
 User Interface
 Control Hub

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Users: system
 Staff/Teachers
 Higher Authorities
 Students/Alumni
 Clerk/Peon
 Librarians

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Unveil the essence of our project through a mind map—a visual

roadmap that encapsulates our ideas, strategies, and interconnected
concepts. Delve into the project's core, exploring its components,
goals, and the synergy between different elements. Join us as we map
out our project's landscape, fostering clarity, creativity, and a deeper
understanding of its intricate design and execution.

Figure 2: Mind mapping canvas

Dive into the heart of our project via a meticulously crafted mind map
- a comprehensive visual narrative that encapsulates the essence of
our endeavor. This intricate map serves as a dynamic blueprint,
illustrating the interplay between key project components, strategies,
and goals. Each branch unravels a facet of our project's architecture,
from initial ideation and planning to implementation phases. Traverse

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Smart Campus Automation
through the interconnected nodes, unveiling the symbiotic
relationships and dependencies within our project's ecosystem.

Embark on this visual journey, where nodes converge to depict our

project's vision, strategies, stakeholders, and anticipated outcomes.
Join us as we navigate through this intricate network, exploring the
structured harmony of our project's design and unveiling the pathways
to success.

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Smart Campus Automation
system CANVAS

Figure 3:Empathy Canvas

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Smart Campus Automation
Users: system
 Web Programmer
 Students
 Administrators
 Faculty
 Energy Management
-Renewable Energy
-Predictive Maintenance
-User Engagement

 Security and Surveillance

-Unauthorized access
-Suspicious Activities
-Safety Hazards
-Smart Cameras

 Web Programmers
 Managing Director
 Government

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Unlock creativity with the Ideation Canvas—a structured framework

igniting innovative ideas and guiding strategic brainstorming. Dive
into its sections—purpose, people, activities, challenges—and witness
how it sparks collaborative innovation for our project.

Figure 4: Ideation canvas

 Students
 Administrators
 Staff Members
 Alumni
 Teachers
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Smart Campus Automation
 Energy Management
 Security and Surveillance
 Smart Appliances
 Remote Control
 Automated Alerts and Notification

 Workshops
 Classrooms
 Announcement Halls
 Cabins
 Staff rooms

Props/Possible Solutions:
 Smart Thermostats
 Motion Sensors
 Smart Lighting
 Security Cameras
 Environmental Sensors

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Figure 5:Product Development canvas

 Convenience
 Energy Efficiency
 Safety and Security
 Remote Monitoring and Management
 Accesibility

 App Programmer
 Students

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Smart Campus Automation
 Staff Members system
 Alumni
 Teachers
 Higher Authorities

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Smart Campus Automation
 NGO Staff system

Product Function:
 Automation
 Device Control
 Remote Monitoring
 Security Access control

 Access Control System
 Encryption
 User Interface
 Sensors and Automation
 Security Cameras

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Prototyping: the hands-on key to transforming ideas into reality.

Explore how this tool bridges imagination and practicality, allowing
us to test, refine, and visualize concepts for our project's success.

Figure 6: Prototype

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As our project continues its development journey, we acknowledge

that at this stage, user feedback remains an ongoing aspect yet to be
fully realized. The project, still in its developmental phase, currently
lacks the direct insights and validation that user feedback provides.
However, the team remains committed to meticulously crafting and
refining every aspect, ensuring that as soon as the project reaches a
stage where user interaction is possible, their feedback will be
actively sought and incorporated. The absence of immediate user
feedback at this developmental juncture serves as an impetus for our
team's dedication to crafting a solution that aligns seamlessly with
user needs and expectations once it reaches the stage of interaction
and testing.

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Design Thinking, a philosophy that revolutionizes problem-solving,

extends far beyond the mere resolution of issues. It's a methodology
encapsulating a mindset that revolves around human-centric
innovation. At its nucleus lies empathy, not just as a tool but as an
ingrained principle. It calls upon us to immerse ourselves in the user's
world, delving deep to unearth latent needs and unspoken desires.
This empathetic understanding forms the bedrock upon which
iterative processes thrive. Design Thinking champions an iterative
journey, where ideas undergo constant evolution and refinement
through rapid prototyping and continuous feedback loops. Failures
within this process aren't seen as setbacks but as stepping stones,
guiding us towards innovative breakthroughs.

Collaboration is the lifeblood of Design Thinking, drawing on diverse

perspectives and skill sets to forge solutions that resonate profoundly
with users. It thrives on multidisciplinary teams that combine varied
expertise, fostering comprehensive, innovative approaches to complex
challenges. Above all, Design Thinking cultivates a mindset—an
adaptable, open-minded approach that thrives in ambiguity,
encourages experimentation, and champions a culture of continuous
learning and adaptation. It's a transformative force, not solely defining
solutions but reshaping the very essence of problem-solving itself—a
philosophy that transcends methodologies, embedding itself as a
guiding principle in the pursuit of innovation and human-centered

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Looking ahead, there are several avenues for future work to further
enhance the Smart Campus Automation System. Firstly, continued
optimization of system performance and reliability, addressing
reported glitches and ensuring seamless operation across all
features, will be a priority. Additionally, expanding the scope of
energy optimization strategies to encompass more campus facilities
and integrating renewable energy sources can further reduce the
campus's environmental footprint. Furthermore, ongoing refinement
of access control measures, including policy reviews and technology
upgrades, will bolster campus security.

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Smart Campus Automation


1. Winnowsolution:

2. NGO :

3.Bootstrap :

4. Android :

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