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Kamal abu Assaf

Unit 1: exploring business.

In this report, I will be illustrating two businesses, Mercedes Benz, and Fam properties. I will be
talking about how stakeholders affect these businesses. I will be talking about the goals and
their structures and how it helped them to succeed in their field.

Explain the features of two contrasting businesses p1.

Mercedes Benz:
Mercedes is a German luxury and commercial automotive brand. Established in 1926
Mercedes-Benz AG (formerly Daimler AG) is one of the most successful car manufacturers in
the world. Together with Mercedes-Benz AG, they are one of the world's leading suppliers of
luxury vans and passenger cars. Karl Benz, the creator of the first internal combustion engine in
the year 1886while marketing their first car in 1901 by Daimler motormen Gesellschaft. While
owning the Mercedes Benz formula team, which is one of the greatest by winning multiple
championships as well as buying the company AMG which now is their sports and performance
line of cars.

2. ownership and liability:

Private Ownership:
Private ownership describes people or organizations with the only right to own, control, use,
and transfer assets, real estate, or enterprises. In a system of private ownership, ownership is
often held by people, families, or private businesses. These owners have the authority to decide
how to utilize, manage, and get rid of their assets, frequently with the intention of making a
profit as the main consideration. Private ownership can cover a wide range of assets, from
organizations and businesses to personal property like homes and cars. It is widespread in
market-based economies where profit-seeking and competition are key tenets.
Public Ownership:
In contrast, public ownership entails the ownership and management of resources, real estate,
or enterprises by governmental bodies or the general public. In this system, resources or
businesses that are deemed necessary for the public welfare or in the interests of all citizens
together. Public parks, roads, schools, and utilities like water and electricity are a few examples
of assets that the government owns. Public services and infrastructure are frequently linked to
public ownership. Instead than focusing on maximizing profit, public ownership seeks to assure
fair access to, regulation of, and occasionally subsidization of these essential services.
Non-profit organizations were founded with a specific goal in mind and are apart from both
private and public ownership. They are also referred to as not-for-profit organizations. These
businesses exist to fulfill a mission, frequently one that is centered on social, cultural,
educational, charitable, or environmental objectives rather than to make money for their
owners. Charities, schools, religious institutions, and advocacy groups are a few examples of
not-for-profit organizations. Not-for-profit organizations often rely on donations, grants, and
funding from government organizations in addition to earned income from the services they
provide. Any excess they produce is, however, reinvested back into the organization's mission
rather than being given to owners or individuals.
Mercedes Benz is a public limited company (plc) The Mercedes-Benz share is listed on the stock
exchanges in Frankfurt and Stuttgart. Which means the company is owned by shareholders and
the investors.
liability refers to a duty or debt owed to another person. Long-term liabilities are those having
repayment terms longer than a year, such as long-term loans, mortgages, and pension
obligations. Short-term liabilities are those with typical due dates within a year, such as
accounts payable, accrued expenses, and short-term loans. Along with assets and owner's
equity, liabilities are an essential part of the balance sheet, one of the fundamental financial
statements that gives a picture of an entity's financial situation. Liabilities, which are pledges to
pay debts or perform obligations in the future, must be managed properly in order to ensure
financial stability and creditworthiness.
Because Mercedes Benz is a (plc) they have limited liability so their assets are protected
because they will only lose the money that they have invested in it while being able to raise
money through share capital, their shareholders have limited liability, in conclusion it has a
bigger ownership and less risks.
Any company, including Mercedes-Benz, that switches to a public limited company (PLC) form
has several drawbacks. The possibility of the founders and management of the company losing
control is a significant downside. As a PLC, the ownership of the business is divided between
several shareholders, which lessens the original owners' influence over company decisions.
Conflicts of interest may result, and the demands of shareholders may cause the focus to shift
from long-term strategic goals to short-term profit maximization.
The additional scrutiny and reporting requirements that come with having a publicly traded
firm are another drawback. PLCs (Public Limited Company)) are expected to publish a
substantial amount of information to the public, including their financial performance,
executive compensation, and strategic plans. PLCs are also subject to strict financial reporting
criteria. This degree of openness may impair the company's capacity to protect some secret
information and may provide them with an unfair competitive advantage.

The volatility of the stock market can also have a detrimental effect on the share price of a PLC.
Economic downturns, industry trends, or simply unfavorable news are examples of outside
factors that can have a significant impact on a company's stock price and, as a result, the
perception of its stability and financial health.
Conclusion: While switching to a PLC structure can open capital markets and have other
advantages, it also has several drawbacks that should be carefully considered before making
such a strategic choice, such as loss of control, increased scrutiny, stock market volatility, a
short-term focus, and vulnerability to takeovers.
3. sector
Primary sector
Representing companies engaged in natural resource extraction of raw materials and
Secondary sector:
It is the process of manufacturing, assembling, and construction of goods.
The tertiary sector encompasses a wide range of activities ranging from commercial to
administrative, including transportation, financial and real estate, business and personal
services, education, health, and business activities. society.
It is made of:
market services (trade, transport, financial activities, business services, personal services,
accommodation, catering, real estate, information - communication).
non-profit sectors (public administration, education, human health, social activities).
The quaternary sector usually includes intellectual services such as technological progress and
innovation. Research and development that leads to process improvement, such as
manufacturing, will fall under this category.

Mercedes-Benz operates in the automobile industry, which is regarded as a secondary sector.

The extraction and production of raw materials or natural resources are primary sectors. The
automotive industry is more complex and diversified than other industries since it comprises
the full process of designing, producing, and distributing autos. It is crucial to keep this in mind.
The automotive industry is included in the broader category of manufacturing and industrial
activities, even though the primary sector (such as mining or agriculture) may be more closely
tied to the extraction of raw materials. While allowing it to be the most innovative in its
Additionally, Mercedes-Benz engages in the tertiary sector. Worldwide, Mercedes-Benz
operates a network of sales locations and dealerships.
Mercedes-Benz offers support and service to its customers through its service facilities and
dealerships. This covers standard checkups, repairs, and warranty services.
Financial Services: To help consumers purchase their vehicles, Mercedes-Benz provides financial
services like leasing and financing solutions.
Me, Mercedes Me is a digital platform that provides Mercedes-Benz owners with many
services, including remote vehicle monitoring, maintenance scheduling, and access to data on
their car's performance and health.

4. scope
The degree of a company's geographic reach and market complexity are determined by the
scale of its operations, whether local, national, or global. While national firms develop over the
entire country, engaging a more diversified audience and managing a wider regulatory
landscape, local businesses focus on serving a particular, proximate neighborhood with a
constrained customer base. International companies operate beyond national boundaries and
cater to a very diversified consumer base, but they also have to contend with the complex web
of local, national, and international legislation in every nation where they have operations. Each
level presents unique chances and difficulties that necessitate specialized techniques and
flexibility to excel in their respective fields.Mercedes Benz operates in over 30 locations around
the world which are responsible for assembly and production while having 281 dealerships
around the world. In addition to traditional auto manufacturing, Mercedes-Benz offers a wide
range of goods and services to the automotive sector, and it is always expanding to meet
changing consumer demands and market trends.
5. size
There are several sizes for businesses, and each is determined by things like the number of
employees, yearly income, and the scope of operations. Small enterprises with low sales and
specialized markets are frequently regionally oriented and owner-operated. With more
personnel and a broader market reach, medium-sized enterprises achieve a balance between
small and giant corporations. On the other hand, large corporations are intricate, frequently
global entities with enormous revenues and varied ownership structures. Microbusinesses, on
the other hand, are made up of one-person operations or modest partnerships with little sales.
Startups, which have a tremendous potential for development and innovation, may start out
with modest revenue but seek out quick growth and funding. A company's size has a big impact
on its management style, financial needs, and expansion plans.
Mercedes Benz is a large business since they have more than 250 employees working for
 The total number of employees of Mercedes-Benz Group AG in 2022 is 168,797 people,
down 2.1 compared to 2021.
 * The total number of employees of Mercedes-Benz Group AG in 2021 is 172,425
people, down 40.23% compared to 2020.
 * The total number of employees of Mercedes-Benz Group AG in 2020 is 288,481 people
(about half the population of Wyoming), down 3.41 compared to 2019.
 * The total number of employees of Mercedes-Benz Group AG in 2019 was 298,655, or
 44decline from 2018.
 This information was gathered from
b. Fam properties

Fam properties are tech-driven domain offices and help value-seeking financial specialists,
proprietors, and inhabitants accomplish prevalently comes about by advertising direction that is
based on strong showcase essentials. With a yearly income of more than AED 1.8 billion, Fam
Properties is one of UAE's real estate companies. Established in 2009, Firas Al Maddi is the Chief
Official Officer of Fam Properties, Dubai's biggest and most mechanically progressed estate
domain company.

2. Ownership and liability

Private real estate brokerage and property management firm FAM Properties. Ownership of a
private corporation is frequently held by an individual, a collection of investors, or a family
Being a private real estate brokerage, FAM Properties would only have a small amount of
liability. Accordingly, the owners' or investors' responsibility is typically constrained to the
amount of money they invested in the organization. The personal assets of the owners or
investors are normally shielded from being utilized to settle the company's debts or resolve
legal concerns if the company were to encounter financial difficulties or legal requirements. By
lowering the personal financial risk to the owners or shareholders, limited liability is a frequent
element of private organizations and corporations and is intended to stimulate investment and
Fam Properties is a sole trader, a business organization owned and operated by one person.
This implies that the property is owned by one person and that person can hire more than one
person to work for them.
Being a sole trader with unlimited liability has its advantages and disadvantages. On the plus
side, as an individual entrepreneur, you have complete control over your business decisions
and operations. You can make quick decisions without consulting others. In addition,
administrative requirements are simpler than those of larger corporate structures. However,
the main downside is unlimited liability. This means that as an individual entrepreneur, you are
personally responsible for all debts and obligations of the business. Your assets could be at risk
if the business runs into financial difficulties. In addition, your ability to raise capital may be
limited and the workload may be overwhelming as you are responsible for all aspects of the
business. It is essential to carefully consider the benefits and risks before choosing this business
3. sector
Fam properties activities in "Services". Specifically, it is classified in the "Real Estate, Rentals"
sector, which is part of a broader service sector. This industry deals with activities related to
buying, selling, leasing, and managing real estate on behalf of clients. Real estate agents
provide services to individuals and businesses wishing to buy, sell, or rent a property, making it
a service-oriented business in the real estate industry.
4. scope
Over the past ten years, fam Properties has dominated the Dubai real estate market, becoming
the top real estate business in the city thanks to innovative strategies that help clients and
make the buying, selling, and renting processes easier. In Dubai, there are more than 300 of the
best and most skilled real estate brokers, all of whom uphold the highest standards of
professionalism. The agents at Fam Properties are highly skilled and RERA accredited, and they
offer excellent customer service. Real estate brokerage, property management, consultancy,
and advice services are just a few of the services provided by FAM Properties in the Dubai real
estate market. They offer market knowledge and direction so that clients can purchase, sell,
rent, and lease residential and commercial properties while also receiving assistance. They
cater to individuals, families, and organizations looking to navigate the volatile Dubai real estate
market with a focus on providing high-quality client service. FAM Properties is largely a regional
real estate company with a significant local presence in the Dubai market, with its headquarters
in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Even though it only serves one emirate rather than the entire
country, it demonstrates traits that are frequently found in national businesses, such as a
thorough grasp of the local market, knowledge of local laws and cultural quirks, and a
dedication to providing for UAE citizens and residents. Due to its success in Dubai, it is well-
positioned for future growth and expansion in the UAE. It embodies the knowledge and robust
regional presence that many national corporations are known for in their particular native
markets, although not entirely fitting the standard definition of a national company. Success at
FAM Properties is probably due to a number of elements working together. They are in a
position to serve as clients' trusted consultants thanks to their extensive local knowledge of the
Dubai real estate industry and their awareness of local laws and market trends. A customer-
focused strategy supported by a solid reputation for dependability and honesty promotes trust
and promotes recurring business. Their competitiveness is aided by their capacity to provide a
broad range of real estate services, adjust to shifting market conditions, and make use of
contemporary technologies. Along with a team of qualified individuals, a strong network must
be built and relationships must be kept in the business to guarantee successful transactions.
The success of FAM Properties is probably a result of their entire strategy, which emphasizes
market expertise, client satisfaction, and agility in the volatile real estate sector

P2 the influence of stakeholders

Who are the stakeholders?
Internal stakeholders include employees, management, shareholders, and the board of
directors. They are people or groups within an organization that have a direct financial,
operational, or employment-related interest in its performance. They are intricately entwined
with the business operations of the corporation, and they frequently have concerns about
profitability, sustainability, and employee welfare. On the other hand, external stakeholders
aren't a part of the internal structure but are nevertheless interested in the operations and
results of the company. Customers, suppliers, governmental agencies, and the larger
community are some of these. Their concerns are diverse and vary from good product quality
and ethical company conduct to legal compliance and corporate social responsibility. Building
trust, managing risks, and fostering collaboration require firms to comprehend the
requirements and expectations of both internal and external stakeholders. while maintaining
accountability to a wide range of issues and interests.
Employees (booth companies)
They are basic to businesses since they are on the front lines, displaying the company's
message and standards. They keep up the company's notoriety since the way they convey
administrations to clients might impact whether a client would return based on the benefit.
Representatives at Mercedes are the spine of the company's victory. Their proficient
capabilities and commitment are remarkable. In trade, we offer secure and engaging positions,
as well as broad prospects for individual development and qualification.' Representatives are
straightforwardly affected as partners in terms of budgetary well-being, as they may stress
almost how much or how frequently they are winning; they are moreover affected based on
the choices trade make, such as if the companies make an unsafe choice, which can influence
their work steadiness and put them at the chance; and they are too influenced based on
decision-making, such as on the off chance that the company makes an unsafe choice, which
can influence their work security and put them at hazard. Worker socialization can be affected
by the culture you create for your firm.


Supervisors are mindful of accomplishing the objectives and targets of an association by

overseeing its assets (human, budgetary, and operational). Administrative obligations
incorporate, but are not constrained to driving the group, setting targets, analyzing execution,
making choices, and looking into.

Owners have a strategic vision and plan by having the authority to make critical decisions to
maintain Mercedes Benz stability and to continue its growth
External stakeholders
the party that has conveyed an item, benefit, or advance, and is owed cash by one or more
indebted individuals. An indebted person is the inverse of a bank – it refers to the individual or
entity who owes cash.
the debtor owes an obligation to another substance. The entity may be a person, a firm, a
government, a company, or other legitimate individual. The counterparty is called a lender.
When the counterpart of this obligation course of action may be a bank, the indebted person is
more regularly alluded to as a borrower.
The government
Collecting taxes from the business, and changing any rules forces the business to adapt to it
causing a change in the business plan.
Competition in auto motive industry drives innovation, efficiency, and continuous
improvement. The strength of competition lies in its ability to push businesses to create better
car and services, streamline operations, and consistently respond to market needs. It fosters a
dynamic environment that encourages businesses to differentiate and excel, thereby benefiting
consumers with more choices and better-quality service. However, the downside of
competition is that it can lead to price wars, erode margins, and focus only on short-term
profits. Companies may also be so concerned with outperforming the competition that they
lose sight of long-term strategies or overlook partnership opportunities. Finding the right
balance between healthy competition and cooperation can be difficult, but it is essential for
sustained growth and success in a competitive marketplace.
Suppliers provide goods and services to companies such as Mercedes-Benz. Positive impacts
include improved quality, innovation, cost-effectiveness, and on-time delivery. However,
unreliable suppliers can lead to disruptions, quality issues, dependency risks and cost
fluctuations, production, and reputation impacts. Supplier management is the key to
maximizing profits and minimizing risks.
Local companies operate on a local scheme such as schools that serve the people who are close
to it
Mercedes Benz is an international company which means that their stakeholders will be around
the world, which can affect business negatively by language barriers and different cultures. But
it can be the reason for Diverse Perspectives and an easier market expansion.
Interest groups/pressure
Various groups exert pressure on and are interested in Mercedes-Benz, including
environmental organizations pushing for sustainability, consumer advocates emphasizing safety
and transparency, labor unions negotiating for worker benefits, government agencies
regulating emissions and safety, investor activists seeking improvements in corporate
governance, competitors driving innovation, industry associations setting standards, and human
rights organizations scrutinizing supply chain practices. To prosper in the automotive sector,
Mercedes-Benz must successfully navigate these pressures.
The stakeholders of fam properties.
Internal stakeholders
supervise and direct the activities and employees of the enterprise.
They perform a wide range of tasks to ensure business productivity and efficiency, including
implementing business strategies, evaluating company performance, and monitoring
The success and direction of Fam properties are heavily influenced by its owner, who also
determines its strategy, finances, staffing, and marketing They play a crucial role in directing the
agency's expansion, reputation, and long-term profitability

perform the duties of an organization leader. They use their skills, knowledge, and expertise to
fulfill a certain role in the business. The success of Fam properties depends on their
determination, commitment, work.

External stakeholder
external stakeholders indirectly affected by its decisions and outcomes include customer

Internal and external competition can have a significant impact on Fam’s performance:

Internal competition:

Positive effect:
Healthy internal competition can inspire employees to do their best, spur innovation, and boost
productivity. It can also lead to the development of new products, services, and processes as
teams try to outdo each other.

Negative effects:
However, excessive internal competition can be detrimental. This can lead to a toxic work
environment, hinder collaboration, and create barriers within the organization. If employees
focus solely on beating up their co-workers, they run the risk of ignoring the overall goals of the
company. External competition (competition with other businesses):

Positive effect
External competition can push companies to improve their services, reduce costs, and improve
the customer experience. This can lead to more innovative products and services and better
value for customers. Healthy market competition can also expand the market.

Negative effects:
Excessive external competition can lead to price wars, eroding profit margins. Companies may
cut or compromise on quality to stay competitive, which can damage their reputation.
Overall, it is important to strike the right balance between internal and external competition.
Businesses should encourage healthy internal competition in line with their goals and values. In
addition, they must monitor the external competitive landscape to adapt and thrive in the
dynamic market environment.
Fam properties' financial stability and operational effectiveness can be impacted by debtors,
including people or clients who owe money to the company. Cash flow might be hampered by
unpaid debts, resources can be diverted to collection attempts, and credit concerns can arise.
Additionally, a large amount of unpaid debt may prevent the company from investing in
expansion prospects and may even harm client relationships and reputation. Fam properties
must have efficient credit management and debt collection methods if they are to overcome
these obstacles, maintain a strong financial position, and continue operating their businesses
while reducing associated risks.
Creditors represent Fam properties' financial responsibilities, such as loans, interest payments,
and related expenses, which affect the agency's financial stability, profitability, and risk profile.
Through a variety of laws, rules, and ordinances, including licensing requirements, tax laws,
zoning and land use restrictions, consumer protection legislation, and environmental standards,
governments have a substantial impact on family properties The operational environment of
the agency may be directly shaped by these governmental acts, which may have an impact on
real estate deals, development possibilities, and market trends. Furthermore, real estate
agencies' financial health and property values can be strongly impacted by housing policies,
interest rates, economic stimulus programs, and infrastructure projects. To successfully
navigate this business and adjust to the changing regulatory and economic climate, real estate
professionals must always be aware of governmental choices and their potential effects
Customers significantly affect a property by generating revenue, recommendations, and
goodwill. Their preferences influence the agency's market focus, level of customer service, and
use of new technologies. While their expectations affect bargaining dynamics and moral
considerations, satisfied consumers can result in long-term relationships
Fam Properties operates in a national community so their stakeholders are in the country this
means there will be no language barrier and a smoother operation of business
Pressure/interest groups
promoting ethical and responsible real estate investment, consumer protection organizations
focusing on housing rights and transparency, labor unions negotiating for fair wages and
working conditions in property management

Shareholders, in the case of a publicly traded company like Mercedes-Benz, closely monitor
financial performance. Their expectations for growth and profitability can guide business
strategies, including product development, expansion into new markets, and cost

2. Customers are long-term assets:

Fam properties Real estate companies often have long-term relationships with tenants and
buyers of real estate. Customer satisfaction and retention are important as they can lead to
repeat business and referrals. Providing quality property management services and maintaining
an attractive property portfolio is essential.

Customers are essential to the success of Mercedes-Benz. Their brand loyalty and awareness
affect sales and brand reputation. Mercedes-Benz focuses on providing high-quality vehicles,
exceptional customer service, and innovative features to maintain and grow its customer base.

3. Employee Involvement:

Fam properties:
Employee engagement is crucial for real estate companies to provide quality services. Engaged
employees can ensure better property management, efficiently maintain properties and build
positive relationships with tenants.

In the automotive industry, employee involvement in product development, manufacturing,
and customer service is essential. Engaged employees contribute to quality control, innovation,
and customer satisfaction.

4. Corporate and social responsibility:

Fam properties:
Real estate companies have responsibilities regarding property development, sustainability,
and impact on the community. Sustainable construction practices, responsible land use, and
community involvement are critical to corporate social responsibility.

Mercedes-Benz places a high priority on corporate and social responsibility through eco-friendly
vehicle innovation, safety improvements, diversity promotion, community involvement, moral
business conduct, openness in reporting, mobility solutions for urban sustainability, responsible
supply chain management, and a strong commitment to electric vehicles. These initiatives
demonstrate their commitment to moral, environmentally friendly, and socially responsible
corporate practices that meet contemporary standards.
Corporate social responsibility is particularly important for car manufacturers like Mercedes-
Benz. They must address environmental concerns, vehicle safety, and ethical supply chain
practices. Embracing sustainability, safety, and responsible business practices can improve
brand reputation and customer loyalty.

Despite being in distinct businesses, Mercedes-Benz and FAM Properties may have a variety of
stakeholders with varying levels of communication and interests.
Mercedes-Benz Strong customer communication via dealerships, internet services, and
customer service channels. FAM Properties Open lines of communication between buyers and
sellers of real estate, including inquiries and listing requests. Mercedes-Benz Consistent internal
communication with staff members via a range of platforms, such as company-wide meetings.
FAM Properties Staff communication through meetings, operational meetings, and training
sessions. Mercedes-Benz Maintains regular contact with suppliers to discuss quality
requirements, delivery timetables, and contractual commitments. FAM Properties
Consultations with vendors for upkeep, remodeling, and related services. Mercedes-Benz
Compliance with government regulations, including safety standards, emissions, and recalls,
necessitating communication with relevant authorities. FAM Properties Adherence to zoning
laws, property regulations, and permits requiring communication with local government
agencies. There are a variety of stakeholders that Mercedes-Benz and FAM Properties
communicate with to varied degrees. The type of communication and its intensity are
determined by the stakeholder group, sector, and particular business processes. Maintaining
healthy connections and guaranteeing the profitability and sustainability of these businesses
depend on effective communication and interaction with stakeholders. Despite being in very
different industries, Mercedes-Benz and FAM Properties interact with a wide range of
stakeholders. Mercedes-Benz keeps lines of communication open with its patrons, staff
members, vendors, investors, regulators, environmentalists, neighborhood associations, and
business organizations. Similarly, FAM Properties maintains open communication with potential
property owners, employees, suppliers, investors, regulatory agencies, sustainability groups,
regional communities, and real estate associations. Although the style of communication varies
between stakeholder groups, both organizations place a strong emphasis on successful
involvement to build strong bonds, handle issues unique to the industry, and guarantee the
success and sustainability of their enterprises.

Mercedes Benz annual report 2022
Annual conferences
Fam properties profile
Fam properties annual report
Task2 section 1
Organizational strutter
Daimler AG's Mercedes-Benz business manages its automotive and mobility offerings across a
few distinct organizational divisions, including Mercedes-Benz Cars & Vans, Daimler Trucks &
Buses, and Mercedes-Benz Mobility Services. Mercedes-Benz serves a variety of customer
needs, from luxury passenger cars and high-performance AMG models to electric vehicles
through Mercedes-EQ, while also providing financial services and after-sales support, all within
a framework that allows it to adapt to the changing automotive landscape and customer
demands. Mercedes-Benz is supported by extensive research and development, a global
production network, and a robust sales and marketing apparatus.

Functional operational areas

The functional operational areas of Mercedes-Benz cover a wide range of activities, including
substantial global manufacturing and production operations, extensive sales and marketing
initiatives, a committed after-sales and service infrastructure, financial services for customer
support, a growing portfolio of mobility services, crucial corporate functions, stringent quality
assurance measures, and set These areas support Mercedes-Benz's capacity to provide a variety
of vehicles and mobility solutions while responding to changing consumer needs and market

Aims objectives mission statement

The goal of Mercedes-Benz is to offer unmatched driving experiences that combine luxury,
innovation, and performance while embracing sustainability. They aim to dominate the luxury
car market globally and lead the way in terms of innovation, safety, and environmental
responsibility. Their goals include providing exceptional vehicles and mobility solutions,
maintaining a strong market presence, advancing automotive technology, and prioritizing
environmental and societal concerns. They also include product excellence, customer
satisfaction, sustainability, innovation, market leadership, safety, profitability, and corporate
responsibility. For the most recent strategy direction and aims, kindly confirm their most recent
How the sector affects Mercedes Benz
The automotive industry, in which Mercedes-Benz competes, has a significant impact on the
company's strategic goals and objectives. The performance of Mercedes-Benz is closely related
to market demand, competitive dynamics, technological advancements, and changing
consumer tastes in the automobile industry. They must constantly change their objectives to
keep on the cutting edge of innovation in fields like electric and driverless vehicles,
sustainability, and advanced safety features. They also must adhere to legal and regulatory
regulations. Additionally, they consider the economy, supply chain issues, and chances for
international expansion when making strategic decisions. Mercedes-Benz's objectives change as
the automotive industry does in reaction to these dynamic external forces, assuring their
continuing market relevance and competitiveness.

Goal achievement is effectively facilitated by Mercedes-Benz's well-structured organizational

architecture. Due to its divisional structure, it can make quick decisions and innovate quickly, as
seen by the Mercedes-EQ division's electric vehicle development. High levels of customer
satisfaction are facilitated by client-focused departments and the worldwide production
network, which guarantees adaptation to regional markets. Departments with a focus on
sustainability are visible, and they support environmental objectives. The company's capacity to
respond to shifting market trends is demonstrated by the support sales and diversification
efforts received from its financial and mobility services businesses. This organizational
structure, with its distinct division of labor and strategic focus, is the foundation for Mercedes-
Benz's success in the cutthroat automobile industry. The deep interdependence between
Mercedes-Benz's functional divisions is what accounts for the company's extraordinary success.
To develop cutting-edge, environmentally friendly automobiles, research & development work
in tandem with design, engineering, and sustainability initiatives. To translate ideas into reality
and match output with market needs, manufacturing, and production collaborate closely with
Research and development. Teams from sales and marketing make use of research and
development innovations and work with after-sales and service to get feedback from customers
to ensure satisfaction. While Mobility Services broadens the range of alternatives available to
customers, Financial Services promotes sales growth by providing appealing financing solutions.
Corporate Functions offer crucial assistance, and Sustainability Initiatives pervade all functions,
boosting the brand's reputation. While Market Expansion and Customer Engagement rely on
cross-functional insights for successful market entries and customer connections, Innovation
and Technology Integration keeps Mercedes-Benz at the cutting edge of automotive
technology. Mercedes-Benz's capacity to provide superior automobiles, customer service,
sustainability, and technical innovation is essential to ensuring its ongoing success in the
cutthroat automotive sector.
The organizational structure of Fam Properties is headed by an executive leadership group that
consists of a CEO in charge of overall strategy, a COO in charge of managing daily operations,
and a CFO in charge of handling financial matters. The success of the Fam properties is
supported by a few departments and divisions, including sales and marketing, property
management, real estate agents, legal and compliance, finance and accounting, human
resources, technology, and IT, customer service, research and analytics, and facilities and
operations. Regional offices may exist in various states or cities, each with local management
teams, and employed agents may work alongside independent contractors at these offices. To
improve its service offerings and market visibility, Fam Properties frequently develops alliances
and collaborations with complementary service providers, such as mortgage brokers and title
To offer all-inclusive real estate services, Fam Properties often operates in a variety of
functional or operational sectors. These operational zones consist of:

Sales and marketing: The properties listed with Fam Properties are promoted and sold in this
region. To draw in buyers or tenants and negotiate real estate deals, it involves real estate
agents, marketers, and sales managers.

Property Management: Fam Properties' property management teams oversee running the day-
to-day affairs of rental properties. This includes tenant interactions, upkeep, rent collecting, and
making sure the properties are in good shape.
Legal & Compliance: Fam Properties employs legal experts who oversee offering legal counsel,
guaranteeing that transactions adhere to real estate rules and regulations, and managing any
legal issues associated with property transfers.

Finance and Accounting: For Fam Properties, this division oversees budgeting, accounting, and
financial reporting. It guarantees the company's financial stability and adherence to financial

Human Resources: Fam Properties' HR division manages hiring, training, and employee
relations to make sure the company has the best personnel and keeps a positive work
IT and technology: Fam Properties depends on technology for many business processes. The IT
division oversees the databases, software, and technological advancements that improve
productivity and the customer experience.
Customer service: Fam Properties' customer service teams are committed to providing buyers,
sellers, landlords, and tenants top-notch service. They respond to questions, deal with
problems, and build trusting bonds with customers.

Research and analytics: Fam Properties' research analysts gather market information, trends,
and insights to help customers make wise real estate decisions. They aid the business in
maintaining its competitiveness and adjusting to market changes.


Client satisfaction is Fam Properties' priority. This group of people comprises tenants, landlords,
purchasers, and sellers of real estate. The success of the firm depends heavily on providing
excellent customer service and attending to client's real estate needs.

Market Leadership: Fam Properties may strive to become the real estate sector's market leader
in terms of market share and reputation. To do this, it must excel in providing real estate
services in its target markets.

Profitability: Fam Properties strives for sustained growth and profitability as a commercial
entity. One of the main goals is to generate income through the sale of real estate,
management fees, and related services.


Expand Market Presence: To grow its clientele and market reach, Fam Properties may establish
goals to expand its presence into new geographic regions or real estate market segments.

Diversify Service Offerings: Fam Properties may set goals to diversify its service offerings, which
could include real estate development, investment services, or specialized advice, to better
meet the changing demands of its clientele.

Client Retention: One of the main goals may be to keep current clients by supplying value-
added services, continuing assistance, and maintaining excellent client-agent relationships.

To increase sales volume, Fam Properties frequently sets precise sales targets or goals with the
intention of achieving a particular amount of volume within a given time limit. The volume of
sales or total transaction value could be used to quantify this.
Improve Online Presence: In the modern world, having an online presence is essential. To draw
in more customers and leads, Fam Properties may establish targets to enhance its website,
social media presence, and online marketing initiatives.

Compliance and Ethical Standards: Fam Properties may set compliance and ethical standards-
related goals to foster trust and uphold its reputation while assuring openness and fairness in
all business dealings.
Employee Development: To recruit and keep top personnel, the agency may establish goals for
employee development that include training courses, credentials, and chances for professional

Community Engagement: Fam Properties may establish objectives to actively connect with the
neighborhood, supporting projects or causes that are consistent with its ideals and enhance its

Financial Growth: Achieving profitability and financial growth is a similar objective. This may
contain explicit financial goals like profit margins or percentages of revenue growth.

Consumer Input and Improvement: Getting consumer input and acting on it are crucial for
improvement. Goals for raising customer satisfaction levels and addressing problem areas are
frequently in place
It is crucial to keep in mind that Fam Properties' specific aims, objectives, and goals may change
depending on its size, market emphasis, competitive environment, and overall business
strategy. These goals and objectives give the organization a road map for success in the
competitive real estate market.
Influence of the sector on the business
a major effect on its operations in several ways: The ability of Fam Properties to successfully
buy, sell, and rent properties is directly influenced by economic cycles, regulatory changes,
market conditions, and competition. Also, the agency's objectives and service offerings are
significantly shaped by changes in demographics, interest rates, world events, environmental
trends, consumer tastes, and technical improvements. To succeed in a dynamic and fiercely
competitive environment for Fam properties while guaranteeing compliance with changing
laws and addressing the changing needs of its broad clientele, fam properties must continue to
be flexible and responsive to these sector-specific variables. The various departments that
make up a real estate company, like Fam Properties, are interconnected and work together to
make the company successful. Here are a few illustrations of how these functional domains
Research and analytics combined with sales and marketing
To pinpoint new market trends and consumer preferences, the sales and marketing division
works with research and analytics.
For instance, Sales and Marketing can concentrate their efforts on promoting environmentally
sustainable houses if data indicates a rise in demand for eco-friendly residences.
combined with legal and compliance:
Property Management ensures that rental homes abide by regional construction and housing
norms, while Legal and Compliance offers legal advice to guarantee compliance with rules. For
instance, if a facility needs safety updates, facility Management can perform the upgrades while
Legal and Compliance guarantees that all safety standards are followed to the letter.
Along with sales and marketing, finance, and accounting:
Accounting and Finance keep an eye on the organization's finances and provide information for
budgeting. This knowledge aids in the efficient resource allocation of Sales and Marketing.
For instance, if there is extra money in the budget, Sales, and Marketing might spend it on a
bigger marketing effort to draw in more customers
IT, technology, sales, and marketing combined:
Online listings, client databases, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems used
by Sales and Marketing are supported by technology and IT infrastructure.
Technology is used by Sales and Marketing to launch innovative Internet marketing campaigns.
How these SMART goals for Mercedes-Benz and Fam Properties contribute to their overall
Specific Goal: To sell 20% more electric vehicles (EVs) in the upcoming year.
Measurable: The aim mentions a 20% increase in EV sales, making it concrete and quantifiable.
Achievable: Given the rising demand for EVs, this goal can be attained by targeted advertising,
increased production, and a wider variety of EV models.
Relevant: Mercedes-Benz's dedication to sustainability and market trends is in line with the
promotion of EVs.
Time-bound: The goal must be completed by the end of the following year.
Contribution to Success: Achieving this aim increases market share in the quickly expanding EV
sector, aligns with environmental sustainability objectives, and increases revenue, all of which
contribute to Mercedes-Benz's overall success.
Fam properties
1. Specific Goal: Over the next six months, increase internet lead creation by 30%.
Measurable: A 30% increase in online leads is the goal, which is explicit and measurable.
This goal is reachable via optimizing the website, enhancing SEO, and utilizing digital marketing.
Relevance: This is because more customers are looking for houses online.
Time-bound: The target has a six-month time limit.
Contribution to Success: Achieving this goal would help Fam Properties succeed by growing its
clientele, increasing the likelihood of real estate sales and rentals, and enhancing its online
presence, all of which are essential in the current real estate market.
2. Specific Goal: Within the upcoming quarter, reduce the typical time to list a property from
90 days (about 3 months) to 60 days (about 2 months).
Measurable: The goal, which aims to shorten the typical listing time, is explicit and
This goal can be accomplished through enhancing pricing and marketing tactics for real estate.
Relevance: This is due to the possibility of higher revenue and client satisfaction through
speedier property turnover.
Time-bound: The goal specifies a time limit of one quarter.
Contribution to Success: Achieving this goal would help Fam Properties succeed by boosting
productivity, lowering carrying costs for unsold properties, and even luring in additional listings
owing to a quicker turnover of properties.
The success of Mercedes-Benz and Fam Properties can be attributed to their respective
business models, goals, and advanced products and procedures.

A premium car company that is a component of the bigger Daimler AG Group is Mercedes-
Goals and Objectives: Mercedes-Benz wants to be the market leader for premium cars by
producing high-quality cars that put performance, safety, and innovation first. Increasing
market share, developing vehicle technology, and maintaining a premium brand image are
important goals.
Innovative Processes and Products: Mercedes-Benz has been successful because it is constantly
innovating. They have made revolutionary technological advancements including electronic
stability control (ESC), anti-lock braking system (ABS), and advanced driver assistance systems
(ADAS). Their avant-garde automobile designs combine cutting-edge technology with opulent
amenities, setting benchmarks for the industry. With the EQ brand, they have also embraced
electric and hybrid technology, remaining ahead of the transition to sustainable mobility.
Success is demonstrated by Mercedes-Benz's reputation and market presence around the
world. When it comes to sales and brand recognition, it routinely ranks among the top
producers of luxury automobiles. High levels of customer satisfaction, multiple industry honors,
and strong financial performance attest to the company's success in achieving its goals.
fam properties
Fam Properties is a real estate firm that provides property management, sales, and consulting
Goals and Objectives: Fam Properties wants to become the top real estate company in the
markets it is targeting. Increasing market share, offering outstanding client service, diversifying
service offerings, and upholding compliance with real estate rules and regulations are among
the key goals
Innovative Products and Processes: There are several ways that Fam Properties can embrace
innovation and succeed. To improve their services and expand their clientele, they can spend
money on cutting-edge property management software, virtual reality property tours, and
digital marketing methods. Fam Properties may remain competitive and satisfy changing
consumer demands by remaining up to date with market developments, providing distinctive
property solutions, and researching sustainable real estate techniques. Finally, even if
Mercedes-Benz and Fam Properties work in separate fields, they both adhere to the same ideas
about innovation and customer-centered strategies. While Fam Properties may succeed in the
competitive real estate market through innovative real estate techniques and great customer
service, Mercedes-Benz excels at developing automotive technologies and upholding a
premium brand image. Both companies serve as examples of how innovation and a
commitment to goals that are in line with client expectations are crucial for long-term success.
Both Fam Properties and Mercedes-Benz, market leaders in their respective areas, credit their
success to distinctive approaches developed for each industry. Mercedes-Benz, a maker of high-
end vehicles, has prospered thanks to constant innovation and a tenacious pursuit of quality.
They were the first to develop revolutionary automobile innovations like safety features, hybrid
and electric cars, and autonomous driving systems. Mercedes-Benz has a large selection of
vehicles available, including compact cars, high-performance sports cars, and SUVs, enabling
them to cater to a wide range of customers. Their wide-ranging global presence, which includes
a solid dealership network, guarantees their accessibility to clients everywhere. The brand has
become an aspirational symbol of luxury, performance, and craftsmanship as a result of their
successful marketing and branding strategies. On the other hand, Fam Properties, a United
Arab Emirates-based real estate development and brokerage firm, succeeds by intimately
comprehending the dynamics of the real estate industry. In keeping with their goal to represent
clients in real estate transactions, they make use of this market knowledge to offer customers
priceless insights and direction. Fam Properties can get access to unique listings and investment
opportunities by establishing and maintaining close connections with property owners,
developers, and other stakeholders. They also use cutting-edge marketing techniques, including
digital tools, social media, and online listing platforms to draw customers and effectively market
homes. Their success is largely down to a team of seasoned real estate agents who are
knowledgeable about the neighborhood real estate market, adept at negotiations, and
committed to provide first-rate customer service. A good reputation, repeat business, and
referrals are the results of their customer-centric approach, which promotes client happiness,
ethical behavior, and transparency. Fam Properties is able to adapt to the ever-evolving
dynamics of the real estate market, including market volatility, which ensures their continuing
success as they develop their plans to efficiently serve clients in a variety of situations. In
essence, both businesses have developed strategies that are in line with their goals and
objectives, illuminating the importance of comprehending and adjusting to the dynamics of
their respective industries for long-term success.

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