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Microbiology Lab Report 2

Cultural research method

Student Name: Osama bentareef Student ID: 20231901051

Fill in The Table: (6 marks) each 0.5

Name Of Bacteria

Observation Result
E. coli

Gram Stain Result Appears pink coloured Gram ve-(negative)

Examination Small rod-shaped structures
Type Of Hemolysis On
Blood Agar colorless to translucent colonies

MacConkey Agar
(Fermenter or Non
Fermenter ) Red -pink colonies Fermenter

Colony Form
Colony Elevation
Colony Margin
1- Both blood agar media and MacConkey agar media are differential
media explain…..! (2 marks)
Blood Agar Media: Blood agar contains red blood cells (usually sheep or horse) and nutrients. It is
differential because it allows for the detection of hemolysis, the breakdown of red blood cells by
certain bacteria. Blood agar can distinguish between different types :
Alpha :incomplete Hemolysis
Beta:complete hemolysis
Gamma :no hemolysis

MacConkey Agar Media: MacConkey agar contains lactose, bile salts, crystal violet, and neutral
red. It is differential because it allows for the differentiation of bacteria based on their ability to
ferment lactose.
Lactose fermented: Bacteria that can ferment lactose produce acid as a byproduct, causing the pH
indicator (neutral red) to turn pink/red
Non-lactose fermenters: Bacteria that cannot ferment lactose do not produce acid, so the colonies
remain colorless or pale
2- Fill in The Table: (2 marks)

Primary culture Number of Bacteria Type Example of Samples

Mixed culture
Multiple types of bacteria are present

Pure (Mono) culture

Only one type of bacteria is present


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