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Position Paper: Social Media Activism and Influencer Responsibility

Delegate: Deepika Padukone

Committee: Influencer Summit
Agenda: Social Media Activism

Honorable Chairs and Esteemed Delegates,

As we gather to address the powerful phenomenon of social media activism, it is imperative that
we recognize both the tremendous potential it holds and the responsibility it places upon us, the
influencers, to drive positive change. I, Deepika Padukone, am committed to utilizing my
platform to promote meaningful activism, effecting tangible change in society.

Social media is a dynamic tool that empowers individuals to voice their concerns, spotlight
injustices, and initiate conversations on critical issues. I firmly believe that influencers bear a
substantial responsibility in shaping narratives, spreading awareness, and fostering collective
action. While social media offers a global stage, it is essential that we wield its influence
responsibly, adhering to ethical guidelines and considering the broader impact of our words and


Informed Advocacy: Influencers should engage in thorough research to ensure they are
well-informed about the issues they advocate for. Misinformation can hinder progress, so it is
vital to present accurate data and reliable sources.
Amplifying Marginalized Voices: Let us pledge to amplify the voices of marginalized
communities, sharing their stories and struggles. By providing a platform, we can raise
awareness and drive attention towards long-standing systemic injustices.
Action-Oriented Campaigns: Merely raising awareness is not enough. I propose that influencers
focus on designing campaigns that lead to actionable change. Collaborate with organizations,
governments, and experts to create meaningful impact.
Promoting Constructive Dialogue: Social media activism should encourage open discussions
and constructive dialogues. Let us foster an environment where diverse perspectives are
welcomed, and healthy debates flourish.

Mental Health Awareness: Drawing from my personal experience, I suggest initiating campaigns
that prioritize mental health awareness. By destigmatizing mental health issues, we can create a
more empathetic and supportive society.
Gender Equality: Let us work collectively to advance gender equality, challenging harmful
stereotypes and advocating for equal opportunities. Addressing gender-based violence and
discrimination should be at the forefront of our efforts.
Climate Action: Collaborating with environmental organizations, influencers can drive
campaigns that promote sustainable living, raise awareness about climate change, and
advocate for policy changes.
In conclusion, social media activism is a potent instrument that requires responsible handling.
Let us embrace our roles as influencers with integrity, promoting positive change, informed
discourse, and concrete actions. Together, we can leverage our platforms to build a more just
and equitable world for all.

Thank you.

Deepika Padukone

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