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ICAO Type Questions

1) How was the beginning of your career in aviation?

2) How do you get ready to fly early in the morning?
3) How can companies help improve flight safety?
4) What can severe turbulence cause to the aircraft and passengers?
5) What were the changes in aviation after September 11th?
6) How can technology prevent engine fire?
7) What are the difficulties in relation to safety during evacuation?
8) How was your first solo flight?
9) What is the difference between V1 and V2?
10) How will avionics technology be improved in the future?
11) Why are escape slides sometimes accidentaly deployed?
12) When might pilots face fire on board?
13) How can technology prevent decompression?
14) What kind of technology can help pilots avoid volcanic ash?
15) Why must pilots have a medical certificate?
16) What changes can be expected about communications between pilots and controllers in the future?
17) What advice did your flight instructor give you before your first solo flight?
18) Can pilots disobey ATC instructions?
19) What are the advantages and disadvantages of flying with the autopilot?
20) What damages can a bolt of lightning cause in the aircraft?
21) Have you ever had a flight simulator training?
22) What is the worst emergency a pilot might have?
23) What are the differences between captains' and first officers' responsibilities?
24) Define CRM. Tell me about its importance to the safety of the flight?
25) What are the possible consequences of a bird strike?
26) What are the consequences of an engine flameout?
27) Why do mid-air collisions happen in controlled airspaces?
28) Define runway overrun or runway excursion?
29) How can bad weather lead to an accident?
30) What were your expectations for you first solo flight?
31) What is the right moment to lift off during takeoff?
32) What must aviation authorities do in order to improve flight safety?
33) What would you do if you lost electronic navigation capability?
ICAO Type Questions

34) What are the consequences of losing FMS in flight?

35) What should a pilot do if the power in all engines is lost?
36) What are the possible consequences of a bird strike?
37) How can airport authorities mitigate the risk of a bird strike?
38) Can you describe the airport you operate at the most?
39) How do you describe a good briefing?
40) What was the worst situation you have ever had in flight?
41) What are the consequences of a total electrical failure?
42) What are the results if radar contact is lost in a terminal area?
43) Why is it necessary to dump fuel in some situations?
44) How do pilots get prepared for a situation of belly landing?
45) Why are flames generally produced in a belly landing?
46) How can technology prevent decompression?
47) What were the biggest changes in Brazilian aviation industry over the last decade?
48) What should pilots take into consideration when they need to perform an emergency evacuation?
49) How can bad weather affect the safety of the flight?
50) What are the consequences of a bird strike after takeoff?
51) What can cause pilot incapacitation?
52) What kind of rules must be observed during boarding process?
53) How can companies avoid incidents with passengers on the ramp?
54) How is the medical exam for pilots conducted?
55) How do you imagine the communication between pilots and controllers in the future?
56) When is it necessary do land on longer runways?
57) Is it reliable to fly without GPS?
58) What are the basic pieces of information pilots need to fly?
59) What is the impact of huge airplanes like the A380 and B787 on the environment?
60) How should airport infrastructure be adequate to allow big airplanes operation?
61) What is the most difficult phase of a flight?
62) How can airlines improve the working conditions of pilots?
63) What was the first aircraft you flew?
64) How can non-standard phraseology hinder communication?
65) How can animals on the runway be avoided?
66) What is read back or hear back and what are the possible consequences of an error?
67) Why must pilots know all the information about dangerous goods in the cargo hold?
ICAO Type Questions - Statements

1) Airline companies should constantly invest in flight crew training about emergency situations.
2) It's more difficult to deal with volcanic ash during the night because you cannot see it.
3) Although simulators can teach pilots unexpected emergencies, dealing with them in real life is much more
challenging than in a simulation training.
4) Many accidents and incidents during landing could easily be avoided if pilots decided to execute a go
around procedure instead of trying to land.
5) Nowadays bird collisions are much likely to happen due to environmental laws. It led to an increased
number of reports, once wildlife is highly protected.
6) Fuel jettison before a gear up landing and requesting fire fighters to spray foam on the runway
before landing reduces significantly the chances of fire during the touchdown.
7) If a passenger is injured during embarkment or disembarkment, he or she may be held accountable for
8) Aviation industry is investing to develop new technologies and it may result in greater production of giant
wide body airplanes. As a consequence, the number of small commercial airplanes will decrease.
9) If the emphasis of dangerous goods training is on packing and labeling instead of focusing on the
operational aspects of transportation, pilots might not react to onboard incidents as fast and properly as
they should.

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