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Top Network & Cyber Security viva Question with answer

1. What is the CIA triad in the context of network security?

- Answer: The CIA triad stands for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. It is a fundamental
concept in network security, ensuring that data is secure, unaltered, and available when needed.

2. Explain the difference between authentication and authorization.

- Answer: Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user, while authorization
determines what actions the authenticated user is allowed to perform.

3. What are the key components of the OSI model, and how does it help in network security?
- Answer: The OSI model has seven layers: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session,
Presentation, and Application. It provides a framework for understanding network communication,
facilitating the implementation of security measures at each layer.

4. Define firewall and explain its role in network security.

- Answer: A firewall is a network security device that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing
network traffic based on predetermined security rules. It acts as a barrier between a trusted internal
network and untrusted external networks.

5. What is the purpose of intrusion detection systems (IDS) in network security?

- Answer: IDS is designed to detect and respond to suspicious activities or potential security threats
in a network. It monitors network or system activities and generates alerts when it identifies
anomalous behavior.

6. Explain the working of DNS and its significance in network security.

- Answer: DNS (Domain Name System) translates human-readable domain names into IP addresses.
It is crucial for internet functionality and is often targeted in attacks like DNS spoofing. Securing DNS
is essential for preventing various cyber threats.

7. What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption?

- Answer: Symmetric encryption uses a single key for both encryption and decryption, while
asymmetric encryption uses a pair of public and private keys. Symmetric is faster but requires secure
key exchange, while asymmetric provides secure key exchange but is slower.

8. Describe the concept of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

- Answer: PKI is a framework that manages digital keys and certificates, facilitating secure
communication and authentication on the internet. It includes a Certificate Authority (CA) that issues
digital certificates.

9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wireless networks compared to wired networks?
- Answer: Advantages include mobility and flexibility, but wireless networks are more susceptible to
interception and interference compared to wired networks.

10. Explain the importance of secure coding practices in software development.


- Answer: Secure coding practices help identify and eliminate vulnerabilities in software to prevent
exploitation by attackers. It reduces the risk of security breaches and enhances the overall resilience
of applications.
11. How do you perform port scanning using Nmap?
- Answer: Use the `nmap` command followed by the target IP address to perform port scanning.
For example, `nmap`.

12. Explain the steps to set up a Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) using SNORT.
- Answer: Install SNORT, configure rules, specify network interfaces in the configuration file, and
start SNORT in NIDS mode using the appropriate command.

13. Demonstrate the use of Netcat for port scanning and banner grabbing.
- Answer: Use `nc -zv target_ip start_port-end_port` for port scanning and `nc -v target_ip port` for
banner grabbing.

14. How would you capture real-time traffic using Wireshark?

- Answer: Start Wireshark, select the network interface, and click on the "Start" button to capture
real-time traffic.

15. Explain how you would study the use of network reconnaissance tools like `dig`, `traceroute`,
and `nslookup`.
- Answer: Use `dig` for DNS information, `traceroute` for network path analysis, and `nslookup` for
querying DNS information. Analyze the outputs to gather information about networks and domain

16. What are the steps involved in performing Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) about a specific
domain using WHOIS and DNS lookup?
- Answer: Use WHOIS to retrieve domain registration information and DNS lookup to gather details
about the domain's DNS records.

17. Describe the process of performing port scanning using Nmap or Zenmap with various methods
and techniques.
- Answer: Use Nmap or Zenmap to perform port scanning with options like `-sS` (TCP SYN scan), `-
sU` (UDP scan), and `-sA` (TCP ACK scan) to identify open ports.

18. How would you implement a packet capturing tool (Wireshark) and capture real-time traffic?
- Answer: Start Wireshark, select the network interface, and begin capturing by clicking

on the "Start" button. Analyze the captured packets for various protocols.

19. Explain the steps to study and analyze captured packets for different protocols and search
queries using Wireshark.
- Answer: Open the captured file in Wireshark, filter packets based on protocols (e.g., HTTP, DNS),
and use the search feature to analyze specific queries.

20. What is Nessus, and how would you use it to scan a network for vulnerabilities?
- Answer: Nessus is a vulnerability scanner. Install Nessus, configure a scan by specifying target IPs,
and launch the scan to identify and assess vulnerabilities.


21. How do you configure an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for log collection based on default
and customized rules using Snort?
- Answer: Configure the Snort IDS by editing the configuration file and defining custom rules to
specify the behavior on detecting certain activities. Start Snort in IDS mode.

22. Discuss the features of a firewall in providing network security and policy implementation.
- Answer: A firewall filters and controls network traffic based on predefined rules. It provides
protection against unauthorized access and helps implement security policies.

23. Explain the process of implementing whitelisting and blacklisting policies in a firewall.
- Answer: Configure firewall rules to allow only approved (whitelisting) or block specific
(blacklisting) traffic based on predefined criteria.

24. Describe the process of performing ARP poisoning attacks.

- Answer: ARP poisoning involves manipulating the ARP cache to associate a different MAC address
with an IP address, leading to network security vulnerabilities.

25. How would you study and report on the latest network security crimes, challenges, and
- Answer: Stay updated on recent network security incidents, analyze industry reports, and discuss
emerging challenges and solutions. Include statistics, case studies, and future trends in your report.

26. Explain the implementation of Caesar cipher encryption-decryption.

- Answer: Caesar cipher involves shifting letters in the alphabet by a fixed amount. Implement
functions to perform encryption and decryption by shifting letters accordingly.

27. Demonstrate the use of the Playfair cipher encryption-decryption algorithm.

- Answer: Implement the Playfair cipher using a key matrix to process pairs of letters in the
plaintext. Encrypt and decrypt messages accordingly.

28. How do you generate an SHA-1 hash using Cryptool?

- Answer: In Cryptool, go to the "Hash Functions" tab, select SHA-1, and input the data to generate
the hash.

29. Explain the process of implementing a digital signature algorithm using Cryptool.
- Answer: In Cryptool, use the "Signature" tab, select a digital signature algorithm, input the data,
and generate the signature.

30. Describe the steps to perform encryption-decryption techniques with Cryptool, including
Caesar cipher, Monoalphabetic cipher, Polyalphabetic cipher, Rectangular cipher, Columnar cipher,
and Hill cipher.
- Answer: In Cryptool, select each cipher from the respective tabs, input the data and key, and
perform encryption and decryption accordingly.
31. What is the purpose of a Honey Pot in network security?
- Answer: A Honey Pot is a decoy system designed to attract and detect attackers. It helps in
studying their methods and techniques while diverting them away from the actual critical systems.


32. Explain the concept of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities.
- Answer: Zero-Day Vulnerabilities are security flaws in software or hardware that are unknown to
the vendor or security community. Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities before a fix or patch is

33. What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric key algorithms?
- Answer: Symmetric key algorithms use the same key for both encryption and decryption, while
asymmetric key algorithms use a pair of public and private keys for these operations.

34. Discuss the role of a Certificate Authority (CA) in a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
- Answer: A Certificate Authority issues digital certificates, validating the authenticity of public
keys. It plays a crucial role in establishing trust in secure communications within a PKI.

35. What are the main challenges in securing Internet of Things (IoT) devices?
- Answer: Challenges include device diversity, limited resources, insecure communication, and the
potential for a large attack surface, making IoT security complex.

36. Explain the concept of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) and its significance in remote access.
- Answer: A VPN is a secure tunnel that allows users to access a private network over the internet.
It provides confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity for data transmitted between the user and the

37. What is the difference between a Virus and a Worm in the context of malware?
- Answer: A virus requires a host file to attach to and spread, while a worm is a standalone
program that can replicate and spread independently without relying on a host.

38. How do you use Wireshark to filter and analyze DNS traffic specifically?
- Answer: Apply a display filter like `dns` in Wireshark to filter and analyze DNS traffic exclusively.
This allows for focused analysis of DNS-related packets.

39. Demonstrate the use of a VPN client to establish a secure connection to a remote network.
- Answer: Launch the VPN client, input the necessary credentials and server information, and
establish a secure connection to the remote network.

40. Explain the process of implementing ARP spoofing detection measures in a network.
- Answer: Implement techniques like ARP spoofing detection software or use features in network
devices to detect and mitigate ARP spoofing attacks.

41. How can you secure a wireless network against common threats like eavesdropping and rogue
access points?
- Answer: Use encryption protocols (e.g., WPA2/WPA3), implement strong authentication
mechanisms, regularly scan for rogue access points, and monitor network traffic for suspicious

42. Discuss the role of a Hardware Security Module (HSM) in enhancing cryptographic security.
- Answer: An HSM is a physical device that manages and safeguards cryptographic keys. It
enhances security by providing a dedicated, tamper-resistant environment for key operations.


43. Explain the concept of a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack and how it can be prevented.
- Answer: In a MitM attack, an attacker intercepts and potentially alters communication between
two parties. Prevention measures include using encryption, secure protocols, and digital signatures.

44. How do you conduct a network vulnerability assessment using tools like OpenVAS?
- Answer: Configure OpenVAS with the target network, initiate a vulnerability scan, and analyze the
results to identify and prioritize potential security issues.

45. Discuss the importance of Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems in
network security.
- Answer: SIEM systems collect and analyze security data from various sources, providing real-time
visibility into network activities. They play a crucial role in detecting and responding to security

46. Explain the process of implementing a Web Application Firewall (WAF) to protect against web-
based attacks.
- Answer: Configure a WAF to filter and monitor HTTP traffic between a web application and the
internet. It helps protect against common web-based attacks like SQL injection and cross-site

47. How would you use network segmentation to enhance security in a large organization?
- Answer: Implement network segmentation to divide a large network into smaller, isolated
segments. This limits lateral movement for attackers and reduces the impact of security incidents.

48. Discuss the advantages and challenges of using biometric authentication in network security.
- Answer: Biometric authentication offers strong user verification, but challenges include privacy
concerns, potential spoofing, and the need for specialized hardware.

49. Explain the concept of Hash-Based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) and its role in
network security.
- Answer: HMAC is a cryptographic construct that uses a secret key to authenticate the integrity
and origin of a message. It is commonly used in network protocols to ensure data integrity.

50. Describe the steps involved in conducting a Wireless LAN (WLAN) security audit.
- Answer: Perform a WLAN security audit by assessing encryption protocols, analyzing
authentication mechanisms, checking for rogue access points, and reviewing security configurations.


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