DLP Science Roselyn

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Binalonan, Pangasinan

First Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024

Lesson Plan




Content Standards (C): Performance Standards (P):

The learners demonstrate understanding ofthe importance of things found in the surroundings The learners should be able to:participates in taking care of his/her surroundings

Learning Competencies:

The learners should be able to:observes the surroundings at home, in school, in the community, in the locality (town, city, province)  relates the importance of the surroundings to people and
other living things


Topic: The Surroundings

Value Integration:


Learning Resources: K to 12 Science Curriculum

Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024

A. Preliminary Activities Good Morning, Class! Good Morning, Teacher !

Did Eveyone eat their snacks? Yes, Teacher!
Good to hear that
Before we proceed, Let’s all stand and pray.
Okay, arrange your tables and chairs first. (Pupils Following)
Before we proceed to our lesson, We will have a classroom rules
First Raise your hands if you want to answer or stand.
Second avoid talking to your seatmates.
And Lastly if you have question ask teacher not your seatmate
Do you understand?
Yes, Teacher!
Alright, and do not forget to follow directions quickly.

B. Reviewing the Previous Okay, Class before we start our new lesson, can I ask the class what you have learn
Lesson yesterday?
Yes, Ken?
I’ve learn about the sources and uses of light, sound, electricity and
heat teacher.

Can someone in the class, can give one example of these sources ?
Yes, Train?
Sun is the biggest sources of light teacher, and the sound is produces
by us, or the animals
Okay Verygood!
How abou the uses of electricity ?
Yes, thalia? The uses of electricity teacher it empowers my toy car and our
televesion at home.
Okay Verygood!
Anything else? (Pupils Responded )
Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024
C. Establishing a Purpose
for the Lesson 4 Pics 1 Word

The class will be divided into four groups.Each group will have 1min to discuss the
picture and after that,One representative to anser the pictures from the blackboard.


1. Mountains
2. Ocean
3. River
4. Falls
Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024


Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024


Have you all seen it personally?

Yes, Teacher
Glad to hear.What can you say about these places?
Yes, Geng?
Alright,where you can see them? The places are lands and bodies of water from the enrironment,
Yes, Viy? Techer
That is right or from our Surrounding

D. Presentation and This morning class we will going to talk about Our Surroundings.
Development of the Many things make up of living things and Non living things. Can u look around and
Lesson tell me what are the living things and non livings you can see in our surroundings ?

(Pupils Followed)
Yes, Mikaela?
Teacher the living thing I see is the plant beside you, and the non
Okay, your right Verygood. livingthing is my pen and paper.

These living things inlucding people, plants and animals while non livingthings
include bodies of water, soil, rocks and lanforms.
The environment includes plants, animals, people the air, sun, weather and earth
itself.Plants are primary habitat for thousands of other organismns. They provide
shade, help to moderate the temperature,and protect animals from wind. Because of
their usefulness,Plants are important elements of our human world. Every little thing
is important whether it is living or nonliving things, we need to take a good care of
Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024

Do all of you understand, class?

Yes, Teacher!

E. Developing Mastery Alright, 1 whole sheet of paper and answer the following
(leads to Formative A. Direction: Read the sentences and write T if it’s real and F if It’s not.
______1. There are living and non living things in the surroundings.
______2. People, animals, and plants are found in the surroundings.
______3. People may not take care of the surroundings
______4. The surroundings can provide fresh air to people.
______5. The Suroundings cant provide food for the people.

F. Finding practical Remember:

application of concepts in  Living things are alive.They need food,water and air . They can
daily lives reproduce,grow,changes in environment.
 Non Living things are those things that can’t move on their own.They don’t need
food and water.They don’t reproduce and breeath.
The importance of surroundings and how we should take care of it :
 The environment has a significant impacr on human health.It is significant
because it is the only home that humans have and provides air,food, and other
neccessities.The entire life support system of humanity is dependent of the
health of all environmental factors.
 Surroundings helps our daily lives improve for the better.
 We can take care of it by taking a goof care of our surroundings.
 Plant trees to avoid soil erosion and floods.
 Throw trashes properly.
Do you all understand?

Yes, Teacher!
Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024
G. Making generalization What are the things we can see from our surroundings ?
and abstraction about the Yes ken? Animals,Plants,People and Mountains Teacher!
Verygood. What is an example of living things and non living things ?
Yes, Benny? An example of living things are animals and non livingthing are
mountains and rocks
Verygood. Why are the surroundings important and how do we take care of it ?
Yes? Alliana

Surroundings help our daily lives improve for the better and we can
Correct! Verygood. take care of it by taking good care of our surroundings.


Instructions: Choose the best answer or fill in the blank.

1. What do we call things like air, water, and trees that we find in nature? a) Human-made b) Natural resources c) Toys d) Computers
2. Where do plants get their energy from? a) Water b) Sunlight c) Soil d) Rocks
3. Which of these is not alive? a) Tree b) Bird c) Rock d) Fish
4. What should we do with our trash to keep our surroundings clean? a) Throw it on the ground b) Leave it at home c) Put it in the trash can d) Give it to someone else
5. Why is it important to take care of our surroundings? a) Because it's fun b) Because it helps animals and plants c) Because it doesn't matter d) Because it's someone else's job
6. What is a natural resource? a) Something made by humans b) Something found in nature that people use c) Something that comes from space d) Something that is not important
7. Where does the energy for plants come from? a) Water b) Sunlight c) Soil d) Air
8. Which of these is NOT a living thing? a) Tree b) Bird c) Rock d) Fish
9. What can harm the environment? a) Planting trees b) Throwing trash on the ground c) Recycling d) Using less plastic
10. Why do we need to take care of our surroundings? a) Because it's fun b) Because it's important for animals and plants c) Because it's not necessary d) Because it's someone else's job
Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024

Directions: Go out from you classroom or house and explore five places and list it down to your science notebook and sescribe the places you have visisted.

VII. REFLECTION (Please accomplish after execution for your lesson)

a. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

b. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation

c. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught
up the lesson.

d. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

e. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these


f. What difficulties did I encounter which my

Resource/Cooperating Teacher can help me solve?

g. What Innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which

I wish to share with other pre-service teachers?

Prepared by: Checked & Approved by:

Nitz d. Tibay
Roselyn D. Navarrete

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