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Daily News Health

18th June 2019

UK News

Why do we need a good night’s sleep?

• The amount of sleep you get can help
you to lead a healthier lifestyle.

• How much sleep you need depends
on your age.

Photo: A good night’s sleep has many benefits.

Children Not Getting Enough Sleep

A recent survey says that a third of more likely to respond positively to other
primary school children are not getting the people, helping everyone to get on with
recommended amount of sleep. each other.
The British Nutritionist Foundation asked Sometimes, however, getting a good night’s
6000 schoolchildren and 1500 adults about sleep can be difficult. Health experts suggest
how much sleep they had. some ideas that you can follow.
The amount of sleep a person needs Some scientists claim that you should limit
depends on their age: the younger they are, the amount of screen time before going to
the more sleep they will need. For example, a sleep as this can stop you from relaxing.
five-year-old child should sleep for 11 hours; They also claim that regular exercise is
whereas, an 11-year-old needs 9 hours and beneficial for the amount of sleep we need.
30 minutes. Others also suggest doing mindfulness
Getting the right amount of sleep is really activities to help you relax before sleeping.
important for your health. Firstly, experts
say sleep can improve people’s concentration Glossary
and attention. Both are essential for learning
at school! nutritionist A person who studies
Furthermore, sleep can improve people’s healthy eating.
self-esteem. Health experts also claim that self-esteem Confidence in your
if people get enough sleep, they will choose own abilities.
healthier food to eat.
screen time The time spent on a device,
Another reason why sleep is important
such as a computer,
is that it improves your mood. Often, when television or games console.
you have a good night’s sleep, you will feel
happier. Experts say this means that you’re beneficial Something that is good.


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