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Nature and Historical Dimension - Social Teaching of the Church is a more recent
development. This refers to the body of official
of Social Doctrine - history of the social teaching on social, political, and economic affairs
teachings of the Church that has been compiled incrementally over more
than a century. This is founded on the recognition
- Social Teaching of the Church (STC) is not a very
that Jesus Christ wills the salvation of every
popular teaching of the Church. There are even
human person whose dignity is rooted in having
theologians who call it the “best-kept secret of the
been created as the image and likeness of God.
His promised salvation is not only spiritual but
- STC which for some are too radical and will also concrete.
demand changes in the social structure. That’s
- The Encyclical Letters of the Magisterium focused
why until now, STC remains unpopular and
the attention of the teaching office of the Church
unknown to many Catholics. Many of those who
to social and practical issues facing mankind.
know it do not want to preach it because they do
not want to “rock the boat” and be branded as = Pope Leo XIII kick-started this style of reflection
rebellious, subversive, or anti-government. in 1891, letter titled: ‘Rerum Novarum’. -
injustices imposed by the ruling classes and
- The call to justice and peace has always been an
property owners upon the working classes
essential part of the life of the Christian. Our
sacred texts offer a constant reminder of the - The underlying insight is that everyone has the
centrality of this call. In the Old Testament, the right and responsibility to live in our world
prophet Micah tells us: “This is what Yahweh asks constructively, not destructively, and to ensure
of you: only this, to act justly, to love tenderly, and that we leave it in a better state than when we
to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). entered it. At the core of Catholic Social Teaching
are a number of key concepts and principles. Chief
- The writings of all the prophets provide
among these is justice, human dignity, the
reminders of the sort of life Yahweh wishes from
common good, the principles of participation,
the people of the Covenant: a life of justice,
solidarity, and subsidiarity, the universal
mercy, compassion and loving-kindness. The
destination of the world’s goods, and the option
prophets denounce the hypocrisy of their society.
for the poor.
To be a hypocrite is to wear a “false face”, pretend
to be someone or something that you are not. - John Paul makes the human person, his rights
What the prophets lamented was a society that and dignity central in every discussion around the
neglected the most vulnerable within it. theme of human work
- For Amos, worship of God is meaningless unless - It may be concluded that this kind of
it is also put into daily action. “I hate, I despise salvation is not only salvation or liberation
your feasts, I take no delight in your solemn from something, but also it is a salvation
assemblies … but let justice roll down like waters for something new- a human life that is
and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream” open to God

- The Gospel challenges us not to be indifferent or

hostile to the world we inhabit but to take it
seriously and to take responsibility for it. As
women and men of faith, who strive to shape our
lives around the Gospel, our presence in the world
is meant to be a dynamic, engaging presence that
contributes to the transformation of the world.”

The Dignity of the Human - Saint John XXIII included in the papal
encyclical Pacem in Terris a full listing of the
Person as the Core and many types of human rights, calling these rights
Foundation of Catholic Social “universal, inviolable, and inalienable.”
Teaching – Nature of Human Dignity - When Jesus equates himself with the least of
his brothers and sisters, He elevates everyone
- God’s gift by virtue of creation
including slaves, prisoners, and the poorest of
- strive to be open, hospitable and caring to the poor to His own inestimable Divine dignity.
1. Because all humans marvelously
- imitate the example of Christ through reflect the image of God, they are all
promoting human dignity in whatever cost. entitled to be treated with the
greatest respect and dignity.
Human Dignity - is derived by virtue of his
creation as God’s ultimate masterpiece. 2. Because we are intelligent, rational,
Understanding that human dignity is the first and free beings, God intends us to
be immune from all forms of slavery,
and foremost social principle means that we manipulation, or exploitation. At all
owe each and every human being respect and stages of our lives—from the
recognition of his or her personhood. moment of conception through the
vulnerable years of childhood and
- Christians hold the belief that human beings old age to the very moment of
are made in God’s image and likeness (imago natural death—we deserve the care
Dei), and therefore the human person has an and attention that belong to beings
innate dignity that must be honored. This way of inestimable worth.
of looking at the person is enhanced by the
Christian understanding of God as Trinity. 3. This insistence on the sanctity and
immeasurable value of each human
- The qualities of the interrelationships of life has led the Catholic Church to
Father, Son and Holy Spirit are mutuality, uncompromising opposition to all
threats to human dignity, including
respect, equality (none is subordinate to any
elective abortion, euthanasia, and
other Person) and uniqueness. Even within the capital punishment.
close relations of the Three, as ancient Christian
writers envisaged the life of God, each divine
Person has the space and opportunity to ensure
that his uniqueness emerges.

- twentieth century witnessed a remarkable

movement toward a worldwide consensus
regarding human rights.

- Pacem in Terris in 1963, the documents of

Catholic social teaching also use the language of
human rights as one way of expressing what is
owed to all human beings by virtue of their
innate dignity.

Private Property, Universal

Distribution of Goods, and Principles of Subsidiarity and
Common Good Solidarity
- Civil society or the political community is not a
- Human beings are social beings by nature.
mere collection of men but is a true society, an
Every person needs another person. By
organic unity. Like every society, the political
ourselves, we cannot establish a fully human
community has the fundamental principle of its
condition of life. Because of this, we see the
existence the end toward which all must work
need for a wider community which we may call
the political community, or more commonly, the
Universal destination of goods - God wills that State, in which each individual is expected to
His creation of the earth (and its fruitfulness) make his specific contribution and collaborate
sustains all people. with others for a broader implementation of the
common good.
The Compendium describes it as follows: The
universal right to use the goods of the earth is - The mission, of the state is to encourage,
based on the principle of the universal assist, and supplement the initiatives of its
destination of goods. Each person must have citizens when necessary. The social doctrine of
access to the level of well-being necessary for the Church calls this the principle of subsidiarity.
his full development. - the State should help (subsidium) local
- Namely the advocacy of the universal right to groups and not try to control or replace their
share in the earth’s goods as well as the right decision-making abilities.
to private property and the right to participate - Though solidarity is ideal for all social and
in the free market. civil structures, it is first and foremost a
moral virtue in every individual.
Private property - This means that the right to
private property must be regulated so that the - The principle of solidarity applies not only to
accumulation of wealth by some individuals will social structures of a particular community,
not lead to the deprivation of the earth’s goods state, and nation but also to social and market
from other individuals or groups of individuals. structures among nations throughout the world.
This means that citizens must be vigilant about
Second Vatican Council goes on to explain “the
assuring that international market forces and
social and community dimension of the
global political structures are oriented toward
moral good.” - To fulfill the principle of the
common good, every individual, societal justice, and the common good—that is, that
group and the governmental body must they do not exploit or oppress less wealthy and
commit themselves to certain ends and less influential peoples and nations.
objectives - Education and the introduction of inexpensive
- It encompasses much more than just new technologies that will advance
the material commodities, services, and communication, agriculture, energy
utilities that perhaps we tend to think of production, and banking/financing
first. Christian notion of the common
good also makes much of those social
relationships that are vital to both
individual and societal flourishing.

Fundamental Values of Social

- The attainment of a society that respects and
promotes human rights necessitates the
promotion of social values.

- A society can never become humane and

respectful of human rights unless it is founded
on truth.

- Christian teaching tells us that God is

the source of our freedom.

- He explained that true justice is

manifested in a true concern for the
neighbor’s welfare rather than with an
external, legalistic fulfillment of the
words of the law.

- Love is the most creative power in the world. It

is also a great human need- to love and be
loved. Love opens up the human being to
another and to the world.

- It is necessary that economic undertakings be

governed by justice and charity as the principal
laws of social life (Mater et magistra, 39). An
economic system that is governed by something
else, like, profit, selfishness, and greed, is an
economic system that surely, after short time,
will eventually go against the laws of charity and
justice and dehumanize not only its victims but
even those who benefit from it.

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