The Night of The Scorpion

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he Ninht g the Storpion- Nissim Exehtl

The poct Says tha he Remembered that nic

ahen hi Umothay was tung by a seerbien.
tHe says that the ten hous ontinuu
made the Seanpion olaiuen knto his house aho
entereol into te dank H¡om, the Storpibn
bit his mother toe anc went back to' the
aun aetsiole

tlearing the entident de villagens usl to ta

Paet's home like the Swdrm and
buxxed the nane o Choda hetn&eneol tmu
t0 parlyse the Cuit Seorpion Ihe
vålaaers botiened that ebry mouement
Hhe Storpion wbulod spread?tae paison
Hhe mether's blo0d'so the
Seancheol oo hei howe with teuitiagtrs
' canales
and lantirn to
-he uilagers Aanlyseen te sconpion
Shadew sbut
ppeaeel as a
tle pset
Thuy staateo gining Hasinown nlespaztainto
thad bittng ntha georpon Sonme of tham Said
hat tie ns o motaer' priioeu bix tl
qts wauhed aiay and sonie tUssuned
that -le poun
leereae tle dro ublee in her6 nor t ith.
Thuy said Aer good deds wt be kalan eeol
pusitiu hel flest o desine cnd Aer sprit
bmbito,Thie hsas a pea ce belauie tay
Hhougl that she Aad app204thao herent
mony eighbous were eRtenág
etirika the httue
witiN merk canalles lankns, te inseis wene
His mother wbs and
qoling Bn he sHoat witl sere pdn but
noboely Caures fór her exept hs ather
Sceptèe anod tationalist perien
whs trtecl pbwoleri mixtures anel hex hs to.
panoffin pon she bètte ta e nol burntt.
hély mån perlomng hes neli'giow pites

-A4 the end She thentec god dhat tae
Seurpionpicked ker ane spbrecl her

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