Think 1A Unit 1. 7° GRADE

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FUNCTIONS: talking about routines

and everyday activities; expressing
likes and dislikes; giving warnings
and stating prohibition
GRAMMAR: present simple review;
like + -ing; adverbs of frequency
VOCABULARY: hobbies; collocations
with hove

1 Match the activities in the list with the
photos. Write 1-8 in the boxes.
3 liA#MIIUd Work in groups of three and compare
sleeping 5 reading your ideas from Exercise 2.
2 doing homework 6 dancing
3 playing football 7 tidying up
4 studying 8 singing
/ thin i.t's m · -es (un.
2 Are these activities fun? Write always,
sometimes or never. 4 liA#+i31Ud Think of more activities and say what
Sleeping is fun. you think.
2 Doing homework is fun.
R.idin3 a bike is afways fuM.
3 Playing football is fun.
4 Studying is fun.
5 Reading is fun.
6 Dancing is fun. 5 -...-- Read and listen to the
7 Tidying up is fun. pictures with the questio
8 Singing is fun. in the boxes.

Do you take good

care of yourself?
a a
Does your teacher give you a lot of homework? Do
your parents always want your bedroom tidy? School
work, housework; life's not always easy. There are How many hours
Do you like exercise?
a lot of things to do and there isn't always time to do you sleep a night?
do it all. But in your busy life it's important to think a) Yes, exercise is fun.
a) nine to ten hours
about yourself. It's important to do things you like, b) It's OK.
b) about eight
things that make you happy. Everyone needs fun. e) No. It's really boring.
e) less than eight
So take our quiz and find out. Do you take good care
of yourself?

you smile a lot? a
Yes, I smile all the time.
Do you like puzzles
and crosswords?
a) I love them.
b) I only smile when I'm happy. b) They're OK.
e) My best friend says I don't e) I don't really like
smile very often. them. They're boring.


When do you relax?

a) In the morning, afternóon Which of these things do you
and in the evening. do most?
b) I relax when I have time. a) Talk with friends and family.
e) I never relax. I'm always busy. b) Meet friends online.
e) Watch TV and play computer games.

•Tt-1iNK VALUES Mostly As: You take good care of yourself. You know how
Taking care of yourself to have fun and enjoy lite.
Mostly Bs: You take care of yourself OK, but can you do
1 Which questions in the quiz tell us that these more? Try and find more time for yourself.
things are important for us?
Mostly Cs: You don't take good care of yourself. Try and
a [2J Being with people have more fun.
b D Enjoying exercise
e O Sleep
d O Getting rest 2 li#+i(lmd Compare your ideas with a partner.
e D Giving your brain exercise
f O Being positive Question 7 shows us that bei119
g O Having interests with peopfe is imporia11t.

GRAMMAR 3 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple
of the verbs.
Present simple review
o I d@'t [ike (not like) roller coasters. I _JCL
1 Complete the sentences with the words in the (get) really scared on them.
list. Check your answers in the quiz on page 13.
My dad (not sleep) a lot. He only _
~ 1 do I does I don't I says (need) five or six hours.
o I never r:elax 2 A you (study) English?
My best friend I don't smile very often. B Yes,I _

2 1 really like them. 3 My dad (cook) really well but he says he

___ (not enjoy) it.
3 your teacher give you a lot of
homework? 4 A your sister (play) in the school
football team?
4 you like exercise?
B No,she _
2 Look at the sentences in Exercise 1 and the table. 5 My grandparents (not like) travelling. lhey
Complete the rule with do, does, don't or doesn't. ___ (prefer) to stay at home.
Positive Negative 6 My brother (watch) TV all day. He _
(not do) anything else.
I like milk. I don't like milk.
Workbook pa e 1 O
You like milk. You don't like milk.
He/She/lt likes milk. He/She/lt doesn't like milk.
We like milk. We don't like milk.
Pronunciation .,
They like milk. They don't like milk. Is/, /z/, /1z/ sounds
Go to page 120.
Questions Short answers
Do I like milk? Yes, you do. No, you don't.
Do you like rnílk? Yes, 1 do. No, 1 don't. VOCABULARY
Does he/she/it Yes, he/she/it No, he/she/it Hobbies
like milk? does. doesn't.
1 Complete the phrases with the . ords in the list.
Do we like milk? Yes, we do. No, we don't.
~ 1 write I keep I take I be I co set
Do they like milk? Yes, they do. No, they don't.
O to -f2Í.ªl- an instrument 3 to __ photos
to in a club 4 to __ a pet
2 to __ a blog 5 to __ things
RULE: Use the present simple for things that
happen regularly or that are always true. 2 liQ#..1ijjjm1 Work in pairs.
Ask questions about
In positive sentences: the hobbies in the pictures.
• with l, you, we and they, use the base form of the verb.
Wha.t do you play?
• with he, she and it, add -s (or -es with verbs that end
-s, -sh, -ch, -x, or -z).
"Do you collect somethivtf wha.t ... ?
In negative sentences:
• with l,you, we and they, use Workbookpa e 12
• with he, she and it, use 2 __ .

In questions:
• with 1,you, we and they, use the auxiliary 3 __ .

• with he, she and it, use the auxiliary 4__ .


1 CNIM Listen to the conversations. Match each one with a picture.

2 CNIM Listen again. Complete the sentences with 2 Copy the diagram into your notebooks and
the names in the list. complete it with the hobbies in the list.
=Fem I Carla I Lisa I Lisa's dad I James I James's mum playing the piano I joining a ten nis club
collecting stamps I writing a blog
O Tom has got a headache.
dancing I cooking I watching TV
___ L. r_· _-_ wants to join a football club.
playing online games I taking photos
2 __ , ·_'. :_ .::......_. • _.,_ doesn't have time to relax.

3 (. • thinks music is good for relaxing. Make friends

4 ;:..,,-\
: .:.__._ wants to b e a famous piano p I ayer.
5 __ /" ~.,,._ thinks football is for boys.

Why it's good to have a hobby
1 ~ the person from Listening Exercise 1.
I think it's good to have a hobby because ...
1 you can make new friends.
A Carla ([)Lisa e James
2 it helps you relax.
A Carla B Lisa (Sjames
3 ~u can discover you have new talents.
~ Carla B Lisa C James Relax Discover your talents

3 liQ:fflijjmj Work in pairs. Compare diagrams

with your partner.

'PlayiJ.19 the piaMo is 9ood.. /t helps you to relax.

4 What hobbies have you got? Think about why

they are good for you. Make notes.

5 Tell your partner about your hobbies.

I d.aMce. l'm Mot very 9ood. but it helps me to relax.

1 Read the blog and answer the questions.
How many people like collecting things?
2 Who has got the strangest hobby?

So what do you do in your free time?

OK, we know you ali like watching TV and playing
computer games but we want to know sorne of the
other things you do when you've got sorne free time.
Write us a line or two and let us know.


I love collecting autographs of my I can't stand walking to school so I I like watching the news on TV. 1 watch
friends and family. Now I want to get sometimes invent little games to help it every day. My friends think l'm weird.
sorne from sorne famous people. pass the time. For example I try to
think of an animal, or football team or KUBA
CH LOE city for every letter of the alphabet. I hate being on my own. So when I
I enjoy lying on my back and looking am by myself I usually start talking to
at the clouds. 1 try to find different LIZ ~ my imaginary friends. But don't tell
shapes in· them. lt's really relaxing and I like doing my homework as soon anyone!
I occasionally fall asleep dolng it. as I get home from school. Is there
something wrong with me? JASMINE
IZZY I rarely ge bored but if I do I just go
Once a week my granddad takes me REBECCA to the library and get a book to learn
out for a milkshake. 1 love listening to I really like golng for a walk on my own about something new. lt works every
his stories. lt's the best. in the forest near our house. There's time.
always something interesting to see
and I never get bored. DAISY
I like writing poems. 1 often write a
LEWIS poem when I' e got nothing to do.
I collect bottle tops. 1 always take one
home every time I go to a restaurant.

2 Read the sentences. Which of the people above

do you think is saying each one?

o A cou11try tha.t siaris with R.?

Adam R.uss la.

Have you 3ot a. hook a.hout hirds?

2 Te{{ me more, please!

3 Ca.11 you write your

far me i11 my hook?

4 Sorry, I ca.111 t come to the pa.rk

11ow. I wa.11t to p-11ish my maths.

5 Hey, that 011e looks like a w.


GRAMMAR 6 Complete the sentences so they are true for you.

like + -ing ____ do my homework when I get home.
2 ____ write 'thank you' cards for my presents.
1 Look at the sentences from the blog on page 16.
3 1 am late for school.
Draw ü or r. next to each one.
4 watch TV in the mornings.
I love collectiog autographs. 5 Mum is angry íf I don't tidy my room.
2 1 can't stand walkiog to school.
6 turn off the lights when I leave the room.
3 1 hate beiog on my own.
4 1 like writiog poems. 7 Complete these sentences from the blog on page
16. Check your answers and complete the rule.
2 Use the sentences in Exercise 1 to complete
____________ my granddad
the rule.
takes me out for a milkshake.
2 1 watch it (the TV news) _
RULE: Use the 1
form of the
verb after verbs which express likes and dislikes,
e.g. like, /ove, hate, enjoy, can't stand. RULE: Words like sometimes, never, always come
• To make this form add 2 to the base verb.
befare/ after the verb to be but 2before / after
other verbs.
• lf the verb ends in -e, drop the final -e (e.g. live - living).
Phrases like every day or twice a week can come at the
• lf a short verb ends in a consonant + vowel +
beginning or at the end of a sentence.
consonant, we usually double the final consonant
befare adding the -ing (e.g. swim - swimming).

8 Write down things you do ...

3 Complete the sentences. Use the -ing form of the every day: Lgive my mum a kiss every day.
verbs in the list. three times a week: _
ftffl I visit I swim I eat I ride I talk once ayear: _
O I hate ru1111i11g to catch the bus to school.
9 liQt+i3md Work in small groups. Compare your
My mum and dad enjoy in nice
answers to Exercises 6 and 8.
2 My brother can't stand on the How o~e1,1 d.o you
telephone. Jº to the ci1,1ema?
3 They quite like in the sea when it's warm.
·4 Don na really likes her horse. Workbook pa e 11

5 We love new places on holiday.

4 fij¡jljjUij What about you? Write two or three
sentences about yourself. Your routine
Complete the sentences so they are true for you.
Adverbs of frequency I rarely at the weekend.
5 Complete the diagram with the words in the list. 2 . 1 can't stand

always I occasionally I never often 3 three times every day.

4 I love in August.
5 I never when l'm ti red.
6 once a week.
7 I occasionally
8 I enjoy after school.

Adverbs of frequency
0% 100%

rarely 2 sometimes 3 usually 4 _

' '

• -. · :·;..:.r! ·-- ·;!..:~\: . - -"~~- . , '··. \:~~::. · ··;·ú,~:/.(

Look at the photos and answer the questions.
What do you think Olivia's hobby is?

0\iv-ia'S bb" Why does Ryan look worried?

neW bo ,1 CPIII Now read and listen to the photostory.

Check your answers.

OLIVIA Hi, Ryan. Hi, Luke.

RYAN Hi, Olivia. So what are you two doing'?
LUKE Look. It's Olivia and Megan. OLIVIA It's my new hobby. I take photos of Megan
RYAN What are they up to'? reading a book in strange places.
LUKE I'm not sure what they're doing but LUKE Cool! Can I video you on my phone'?
they're definitely having a good time. OLIVIA Of course you can. Come on.
RYAN Let's go and find out.

LUKE This is great. I think I've gota new hobby OLIVIA That's great, Megan.
too - making videos. MEGAN Hurry up. My arms are tired.
RYAN Be careful, Luke. Don't push too hard. I need to have a rest.
OLIVIA That's right. Be careful. OLIVIA Justa few more.
MEGAN Don't stop, Luke. I'm having fun. RYAN Look out, Olivia! You're very clo e
to the water.



3 Work in pairs. Discuss what happens next in the .. ..... ········•••··· 1 ,,,,,,, ••••••••••••••••••••

story. Write down your ideas.
We thivik. Olivia. faf ls in the water.
fr WordWise i
4 i ti:h11 Watch to find out how the story continues.
: Collocations with have
1 Match the sentence parts from the story.
5 ~the correct word in each sentence.
.• D l'rn not sure what they're doing :
O Ryan(E§) doesn't try to warn Olivia.
• 2 D Don't stop, Luke. :
Ryan and Luke help / don't help her out of the water.
•... 3 O You're really dirty. You need to go home :
2 Olivia críes! doesn't cry when she falls into the water.
.• 4 O My arms are ti red .
3 Olivia loughs ! doesn't lough when she sees
her camera. .••• 5 O Olivia, think you hove o problem.

4 is! isn't broken.

Her camera 6 D We're just hovin9 dinner.
5 Luke tells! doesn't tell them what the surprise is. a l'm hovin9 fun.
6 Luke qives ! doesn't give Olivia the money. b I think your camera's broken.
e lt's pizza. Would you like sorne?
PHRASES FOR FLUENCY d I need to hove o rest.
e but they're definitely hovin9 o qood time.
1 Find the expressions 1-5 in the photostory. Who
says them? Match them to the definitions a-f. f and hove o shower.

o (What are they) up to? Bsen

;, 0 2 Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
Cool! D ..
•• Who do you have the most fun with?

2 Comeon. D 2 Do you have a good time at school?

-3 That's right. D 4
3 What do you do when you have a problem?
What time do you have dinner?
4 Hurry up. D .•. 5 Do you have a rest after school?
5 Look out! D ..• 6 When do you have a shower?
a Be quick. d's start. .. Workbook page 12
Be careful.
... ··••···•·•·••····•·•
• •

2 Complete the conversation with the
expressions in Exercise 1. Giving warnings and stating prohibition
In the park 1 Put the words in order to make sentences.
SARAH Hi, Nancy. What are you O ..ap...hi? 1 Dan / Be/ careful 3 do! that / Don't
!COLE Nota lot.Just walking. Are you here for 2 out! Lucy ! Look 4 push / Don't / hard / too
a walk1to~ •.,, ,\
' • V .. ... • ,
2 Match the sentences in Exercise 1 with the
SARAH 1 ~. lm a bit Hored at home.
pictures A-D.
NI COLE Me)oo. t,Ne can walk together, if you want.
SARAH 2~JJ Oh no - 3l_'. _ ! Mike Smith is
c~mi~g. 1 tJ<;>n't ~i~~ _him ! · .
NI COLE { ~')- let's waik over here. { , ~,,.,
,· j\
SARAH I don't want him to see me. 5 .J .......:....... , Nancy!

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