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2016 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽總決賽

2016 亚洲国际数学奥林匹克公开赛总决赛
Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Open 2016 Final

五年級 / 小學五年級 問題簿

五年级 / 小學五年级 问题簿
Grade 5 / Primary 5 Question Book





Write down the answer according to the instruction given in questions. If the calculation result is a fraction,
please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction. If the answer is in surd form, represent the answer
which is in the simplest form. No need to write down any unit. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.


(C) 2016 Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association 香港數學奧林匹克協會 (HKMO)
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association.
甲部:每題 3 分
Section A – each question carries 3 marks

1) 求以下算式的值。
Evaluate the following expression.
20.162  22.66 17.66

2) 求以下算式的值。
Evaluate the following expression.

0.1253  210  2016

3) 求以下算式的值。(答案以分數表示)
Evaluate the following expression. (Express your answer in fraction.)

1 1 1 1
   
3  3.2 3.2  3.4 3.4  3.6 5.8  6

4) 求以下算式的值。
Evaluate the following expression.

0.125 1.2

5) 求 20612061...2061  18 的餘數。
2016 位數

求 20612061...2061  18 的余数。
2016 位數

Find the remainder of 20612061...2061 18 .

2016 -digit number

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. You may use square root to represent the answer which is in the simplest form.
Unless otherwise stated, no need to write down any unit. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
6) 小奧、小林、小匹、小克、小力五人排成一橫行合照,但規定身高最高的排中間;排最左的比排
Ann, Bob, Cat, Dan, Eve stand in a row to take a group photo. The tallest is to stand in the middle. The
leftmost is taller than the second from the left. The rightmost is taller than the second from the right.
Given that no two among these five people are of the same height, how many ways are there to arrange

7) 買 2 隻熱狗和 4 包薯條要付 80 元;買相同的 3 隻熱狗和 2 包薯條要付 64 元。問 1 隻熱狗和 1 包

买 2 只热狗和 4 包薯条要付 80 元;买相同的 3 只热狗和 2 包薯条要付 64 元。问 1 只热狗和 1 包
2 hot dogs and 4 packets of French fries cost 80 dollars. 3 hot dogs and 2 packets of French fries of the
same kind cost 64 dollars. How much is the difference between 1 hot dog and 1 packet of French fries?

1 1
8) 小奧、小林同時從農場出發,步行到山頂。小奧的步行速度為每秒 米,是小林的 ;小奧每行
6 10
1000 米需要休息 10 分鐘;小林每行 1 分鐘需要休息 10 分鐘。已知農場和山頂相距 5 公里,問他
1 1
小奥、小林同时从农场出发,步行到山顶。小奥的步行速度为每秒 米,是小林的 ;小奥每行
6 10
1000 米需要休息 10 分钟;小林每行 1 分钟需要休息 10 分钟。已知农场和山顶相距 5 公里,问他
Olly and Lenny sets off at the farm at the same time to get to the hilltop. Olly’s walking speed is m/s,
which is of that of Lenny. Olly needs a 10-minute rest for every 1000 m. Lenny needs a 10-minute
rest for each 1 minute walk. Given that the farm and the hilltop is 5 km apart, how many minutes is the
difference between their reaching times?

9) 將 0、2、4、6、7 分為一個 2 位數和一個 3 位數,求這兩個數的積之最大值。

将 0、2、4、6、7 分为一个 2 位数和一个 3 位数,求这两个数的积之最大值。
Separate 0, 2, 4, 6 and 7 to form a 2-digit number and a 3-digit number. Find the maximum value of the
product of these two numbers.

10) 有三個質數,它們的乘積是 1771,這三個質數之和是多少?

有三个质数,它们的乘积是 1771,这三个质数之和是多少?
The product of three prime numbers is 1771. What is their sum?

(C) 2016 Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association 香港數學奧林匹克協會 (HKMO)
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association.
11) 下圖由兩個邊長為 16 厘米的正方形組成,其中一個正方形的角落在另一個的中心上。問它的總面
下图由两个边长为 16 厘米的正方形组成,其中一个正方形的角落在另一个的中心上。问它的总面
The following figure is formed by two squares with a side of 16 cm. The corner of a square lies on the
centre of another. How many cm2 is its total area?

第 11 題
第 11 题
Question 11

12) 下圖由三個不同大小的正方形重疊而成,總面積為 180 平方厘米,而三個正方形重疊部分面積為

12 平方厘米。已知三個正方形的邊長分別為 6、8、12 厘米,問陰影部分的面積為多少平方厘米?
下图由三个不同大小的正方形重迭而成,总面积为 180 平方厘米,而三个正方形重迭部分面积为
12 平方厘米。已知三个正方形的边长分别为 6、8、12 厘米,问阴影部分的面积为多少平方厘米?
The following figure is formed by overlapping 3 squares of different size. The total area is 180 cm2,
while the area overlapped by the 3 squares is 12 cm2. Given that the sides of the 3 squares are 6, 8 and 12
cm respectively, how many cm2 is the area of the shaded area?

第 12 題
第 12 题
Question 12

~ 甲部完 ~
~ End of section A ~

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. You may use square root to represent the answer which is in the simplest form.
Unless otherwise stated, no need to write down any unit. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
乙部:每題 5 分
Section B – each question carries 5 marks

13) 求以下算式的值。(答案以分數表示)
Evaluate the following. (Express your answer in fraction.)
2 80648064 10 82
   。
3 60486048 9 81

14) 求以下算式的值。(答案以分數表示)
Evaluate the following. (Express your answer in fraction.)
505 10

999 333

15) 1 至 400 中 (包括 1 和 400) 有多少個數字可以被 4、5、7 或 12 整除?

1 至 400 中 (包括 1 和 400) 有多少个数字可以被 4、5、7 或 12 整除?
Between 1 and 400 (1 and 400 inclusive) how many numbers can be divided by 4, 5, 7 or 12?

16) 某工場運來了一批煤,如果每天燒煤 2250 公斤,會在原定計劃前一天燒完;如果每天燒完 1000

某工场运来了一批煤,如果每天烧煤 2250 公斤,会在原定计划前一天烧完;如果每天烧完 1000
Some coal is transported to a workshop. If 2250 kg of coal is burnt every day, all coal will be burnt one
day earlier than scheduled. If 1000 kg is burnt every day, then all coal will burnt four days later than
scheduled. If all coal is to be burnt as scheduled, how much coal should be burnt every day?

17) 一艘船在一條水速每小時 12 公里的河道上行駛,逆流而上行了 252 公里需要 14 小時;然而,因

一艘船在一条水速每小时 12 公里的河道上行驶,逆流而上行了 252 公里需要 14 小时;然而,因
A boat travels in a river with flow speed of 12 km/h. It takes 14 hours to sail 252 km against the flow.
However, a burst in the riverbank on the return trip makes the flow speed one time slower. How many
hours does it take the boat to return?

18) 暑期體育活動共有籃球、足球、排球和乒乓球四項,五年級同學必需在其中選擇至少一項活動參
加。已知五年級共有 78 人,問最多同學參加的組合最少有多少人?
加。已知五年级共有 78 人,问最多同学参加的组合最少有多少人?
There are 4 activities for the summer vacation, namely basketball, football, volleyball and table-tennis.
Primary 5 students have to choose at least one activity to take part in. Given that there are 78 students in
Primary 5, how many students at least does the combination that most students take part in have?

(C) 2016 Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association 香港數學奧林匹克協會 (HKMO)
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association.
19) 一道有 3 級的樓梯,每一步只可以上 1 或 2 級,走上這道樓梯共有 3 種方法{(1 級 1 級 1 級),(1
級 2 級),(2 級 1 級)}。問一道有 9 級的樓梯,每一步只可以上 1 或 2 級,走上這道樓梯共有多少
一道有 3 级的楼梯,每一步只可以上 1 或 2 级,走上这道楼梯共有 3 种方法{(1 级 1 级 1 级),(1
级 2 级),(2 级 1 级)}。问一道有 9 级的楼梯,每一步只可以上 1 或 2 级,走上这道楼梯共有多少
There is a 3-step stairway. One can only walk 1 or 2 stairsteps for each footstep. There are 3 ways to walk
up this stairway {(1 footstep 1 footstep 1 footstep),(1 footstep 2 footsteps),(2 footsteps 1 footstep)}.
Now there is a 9-step stairway. One can only walk 1 or 2 stairsteps for each footstep. How many ways to
walk up this stairway are there?

20) 某自然數加 5 後的和除以 9 餘 4,某數加 11 後的和除以 23 餘 10,問該數最小是多少?

某自然数加 5 后的和除以 9 余 4,某数加 11 后的和除以 23 余 10,问该数最小是多少?
The sum of a natural number and 5 has a remainder of 4 when divided by 9. The sum of a number and 11
has a remainder of 10 when divided by 23. What is the minimum of the number?

21) 下圖由長方形 ABCD 和正方形 DEFG 重疊而成,其中 BC 長 25 厘米,DE 長 20 厘米,問 DC 長多

下图由长方形 ABCD 和正方形 DEFG 重迭而成,其中 BC 长 25 厘米,DE 长 20 厘米,问 DC 长多
The following diagram is formed by overlapping rectangle ABCD and square DEFG, where BC is 25 cm
long and DE is 20 cm long. How many cm long is DC?


第 21 題
第 21 题
Question 21

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. You may use square root to represent the answer which is in the simplest form.
Unless otherwise stated, no need to write down any unit. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
22) 問下圖中有多少個長方形?
How many rectangles are there in the following diagram?

第 22 題
第 22 题
Question 22

~ 乙部完 ~
~ End of section B ~

丙部:每題 8 分
Section C – each question carries 8 marks

23) 於下圖中的每個頂點染色,有棱相連的不能同色。如果有 4 種顏色(不一定要全部使用)可供使用,

于下图中的每个顶点染色,有棱相连的不能同色。如果有 4 种颜色(不一定要全部使用)可供使用,
Each vertex is to be coloured in the following figure. Those linked by edges must be of the same colour.
If 4 colours (not necessarily to use all) are available to be chosen, how many ways of colouring are there?

第 23 題
第 23 题
Question 23

24) 求以下算式的值。
Evaluate the following expression.
52  122  192   1032

(C) 2016 Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association 香港數學奧林匹克協會 (HKMO)
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association.
25) 在 1 至 100 這 100 個數中最少任意挑出多少個整數,才必定有其中兩個數之乘積是 432?
在 1 至 100 这 100 个数中最少任意挑出多少个整数,才必定有其中两个数之乘积是 432?
Among the 100 numbers from 1 to 100, how many integers at least have to be selected so that there must
be 2 numbers that have a product of 432?

26) 蜘蛛有 8 條腿,沒有翅膀;蜻蜓有 6 條腿,2 對翅膀;蟬有 6 條腿,1 對翅膀。現在有這三種昆蟲

共 20 隻,它們共有腿 130 條和翅膀 22 對。問其中有多少隻蟬?
蜘蛛有 8 条腿,没有翅膀;蜻蜓有 6 条腿,2 对翅膀;蝉有 6 条腿,1 对翅膀。现在有这三种昆虫
共 20 只,它们共有腿 130 条和翅膀 22 对。问其中有多少只蝉?
A spider has 8 legs but no wings. A dragonfly has 6 legs and 2 pairs of wings. A cicada has 6 legs and 1
pair of wings. Now these 3 kinds of insects have 20 in total. They have 130 legs and 22 pairs of wings in
total. How many cicadas are there?

27) 一艘船經一河道來回 A、B 兩地一次需時 300 小時,已知該船的速度是 30 公里每小時,該河道的

水流速度是 9 公里每小時,那麼 A、B 兩地相距多少公里?
一艘船经一河道来回 A、B 两地一次需时 300 小时,已知该船的速度是 30 公里每小时,该河道的
水流速度是 9 公里每小时,那么 A、B 两地相距多少公里?
It takes 300 hours for a boat to travel back and forth between Places A and B once. Given that the speed
of the boat is 30 km/h and the flow speed of the river is 9 km/h, how many km are Places A and B apart
from each other?

28) 某七位數除以 13 餘 12,除以 15 餘 14,除以 41 餘 40 並且是 7 的倍數。求它的最小值。

某七位数除以 13 余 12,除以 15 余 14,除以 41 余 40 并且是 7 的倍数。求它的最小值。
A 7-digit number has a remainder of 12 when divided by 13, has a remainder of 14 when divided by 15,
has a remainder of 40 when divided by 41 and is a multiple of 7. Find the minimum of the number.

29) 現有 64%濃度的鹽水 1170 克,由於要將鹽水濃度調低至 48%,所以將一些清水倒入瓶中。但不小

心倒了過多的水,結果鹽水濃度降至 45% 。那麼要加多少克鹽,才可將鹽水濃度調高至 48%?
现有 64%浓度的盐水 1170 克,由于要将盐水浓度调低至 48%,所以将一些清水倒入瓶中。但不小
心倒了过多的水,结果盐水浓度降至 45% 。那么要加多少克盐,才可将盐水浓度调高至 48%?
There is 1170g of salt solution of concentration 64%. In order to lower the concentration to 48%, some
clean water is poured into the bottle. However, too much water is poured. Therefore, the concentration of
the salt solution is lowered to 45%. So how many grams of salt needs to be added in order to raise the
concentration of the salt solution to 48%?

30) 5 年 A 班有 43 人。現在馬老師招待全班同學吃炸雞而炸雞分別為 4 件裝、6 件裝和 9 件裝。如果

只能剛剛好買 43 件炸雞,在全部可能的情況下,最少要買多少盒炸雞?
5 年 A 班有 43 人。现在马老师招待全班同学吃炸鸡而炸鸡分别为 4 件装、6 件装和 9 件装。如果
只能刚刚好买 43 件炸鸡,在全部可能的情况下,最少要买多少盒炸鸡?
Class 5A has 43 students. Now Mr. Ma treats the whole class to eat fried chicken and they are packaged
as 4-piece boxes, 6-piece boxes and 9 piece boxes. If just 43 pieces of fried chicken are to be bought,
under all possible circumstances, how many boxes of fried chicken have to be bought?

~ 全卷完 ~
~ End of Paper ~
Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. You may use square root to represent the answer which is in the simplest form.
Unless otherwise stated, no need to write down any unit. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.

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