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The City School

PECHS Junior Boys

2nd Term 2018-19
Ans key Ms Excel- Task 4,5-Worksheet
Q1) Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers. 3. The returned value from a logical function cannot be text. (False)
4. The only way to use a Logical function is to insert it from the Function
1. In computer language we call text as string. Library. (False)
2. If you are typing the logical formula instead of inserting it you need 5. The value that is returned if a Logical_test is true is always text.
to write the text inside Qoutes- “ .
6. The value that is returned if a Logical_test is false can be the addition
3. We can only type numbers or formulas without quotes.
of two numbers. (True)
4. A chart or a graph is a visual representation of information.
7. The criteria you type in a Logical_testmust always contain
5. The vertical axis is also called the value axis. comparison operators. (True)
6. The horizontal axis is also known as the category axis.
Q3) Write the given statements in the form of formulas, 1st is solved for
7. Columns and bars are useful for comparing values.
8. Lines are usually used to display data through time.
1. If D6 is greater than D7 display true or else false
9. Pie charts are used for percentages.
= IF(D6>D7,"True","False")
10. To change the style of your chart we go to Chart style. 2. If the sum of B5 and C5 is less than 90 the grade is B or else A.
11. The format tab gives you the options to Formate your chart. =IF(B5+C5<90,”B”,”A”)
12. To change the shape of your chart we click the Shape Style group. 3. If D2 cell gets a grade equal to “A” then display the sum of B2 and C2,
if not then display “Good”.
Q2) State whether the given statement is true or false.
1. The “IF” logical function returns a value if the condition is true. (True)
2. The “IF” function can return another function as a result. (True)
Q4) Short question answer?
1. What is Auto fill feature use for in Ms .Excel?
Ans Repeat/Duplicate the formula in other cells.
2. Define Charts.
Ans: A chart or a graph is a visual representation of information.
Q4) Match the Column A with Column B and write the answer in Column C.

Column A Column B Column C

1 Average Function a It is a logical function 1b

2 IF b It calculates the total of a range of cells. 2a

Q5) Fill the picture with given condition and criteria below;
Condition and Criteria: If Ahmed’s marks are higher than 90, then give him ’A, if not give him ‘B’.


Q6) Look carefully at the chart given below and determine whether the given statements are true of false.
1. The horizontal Axis shows the categories that you have in your table. This example shows the names of the months. (True)

2. The Vertical Axis gives you the range you have in your data (temperatures) from the largest number to the smallest. (False)

3. The Legend explains what each bar in the chart represents using colors and titles from the data. (True)

4. It is more common to use lines when we want to compare values. (False)

5. We use a pie chart in order to show percentages or parts of something compared to the total. (True)

6. Each time you change something in your table you have to reinsert a chart or graph in order to represent your information. (False)

7. Excel automatically puts the columns as the legend and the rows as values on the x axis. (False)

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