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Interstitial sites

Classification of Crystal Defects Point Defects

• Defects related to a single atom
• Point defects • Specific for crystalline materials
• Line defects or dislocations

• Planer or surface defects

• Bulk defects

Vacancy Defect Interstitial Defect


Frenkel Defect Schotty Defect

Impurity Substitutional Defect Impurity Interstitial Defect

Line Defects or Dislocations Edge Dislocation

• Related to line of atoms.

• Specific for crystalline materials.
• There are three types of dislocations.
– Edge dislocation
– Screw dislocation
– Mixed dislocation


Screw Dislocation

Edge Dislocation Vs Screw Dislocation

Edge Dislocation

Mixed Dislocation Dislocation Motion

A plane that contains both the dislocation line and the Burgers
vector is known as a slip plane. When a sufficiently large shear
stress acting parallel to the Burgers vector is applied to a
crystal containing a dislocation, the dislocation can move
through a process known as slip. The bonds across the slip
plane between the atoms in the column to the right of the is
location shown are broken. The atoms in the column to the
right of the dislocation below the slip plane are shifted slightly
so that they establish bonds with the atoms of the edge
dislocation. In this way, the dislocation has shifted to the right.
If this process continues, the dislocation moves through the
crystal until it produces a step on the exterior of the crystal in
the slip direction


• Slip is supported by dislocations.

• When number of dislocation is high plastic
deformation becomes easy.
• When plastic deformation is easy, material
strength goes down.

Planar Defects
Grain boundaries
• Two dimensional defects.
– Grain boundaries (Interfaces)
– Stacking faults
– Twin boundaries

Twin boundaries Bulk Defects

• Three dimensional/ volumetric defects.
• Common for all material types.
• Cracks
• Voids
• Segregations
• Inhomogeneity
• Residual Stresses


Formation of Grain Structure

Optical Microscopy
• light is used to study the microstructure
• opaque materials use reflected light,
where as transparent materials can use
reflected or transmitted light

Electron Microscopy Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM)

• beams of electrons are used for imaging • 3D topographical map of material
• electrons are accelerated across large voltages surface
• a high velocity electron has a wavelength of about 0.003 nm • probe brought into close proximity of
• the electron beam is focused and images are formed using magnetic lenses material surface
• reflection and transmission imaging are both possible • probe rastered across the surface
experiencing deflection in response to
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) interactions with the material surface
• an electron beam scans the surface and • an electron beam passes through the • useful with many different types of
the reflected (backscattered) electrons material Animation of SPM on epitaxial silicon.
are collected • thin samples
• sample must be electrically conductive • details of internal microstructure
• material surface is observed observed
• 200,000x magnification possible • 1,000,000x magnification possible

SPM image of 70 nm photoresist lines.

SPM image of a butterfly wing. SPM image of silica coated
gold nanoparticles.


X-ray Diffraction
• x-rays are a form of light that has high
energy and short wavelength
• when x-rays strike a material a portion of
them are scattered in all directions
• if the atoms in the material is crystalline
or well-ordered constructive interference
can order

Bragg’s Law: 2d sin q = nl


Diffraction angle 2q

Structure – Property Relationships


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