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Biotechnology Notes

1. The term "biotechnology" refers to the use of biological processes for industrial,
scientific, and other purposes, particularly the genetic engineering of microorganisms to
create antibiotics, hormones, and other products. Transgenesis, DNA cloning, and DNA
profiling are examples of biotechnology applications.

Example of biotechnology 1: Cloning

2. In biotechnology, DNA cloning refers to a molecular biology process that creates several
identical copies of a DNA fragment, such as a gene. The gene or other DNA fragment of
interest (perhaps a gene for a therapeutically significant human protein) is first put into a
circular piece of DNA called a plasmid in a DNA cloning method.

3. Two advantages of cloning include it can help a parent/s have a child if they are unable
to have a child on their own as well as cloning has the ability to create organs that
doctors can use when needed for surgery. Reproductive cloning benefits society as it
ultimately ameliorates the barrier of infertility, thereby enabling parents to still have the
chance to fulfill having a child. Reproductive cloning also benefits society because if a
person needs an organ, it is extremely difficult to find an organ donor that has the organ
suitable for the person’s blood type and expensive. Hence, if an organ was designed
specifically for the person who needs it, it would be extremely beneficial as it diminishes
the hardship of finding a suitable organ donor.

4. The most frequently used objection to cloning invlove the unknown consequences for
society. Genetic variety might decrease if parents were able to "make" their offspring to
fit particular genetic profiles. As a result, humanity would eventually start to inbreed with
itself, making us more susceptible to sickness and physical abnormalities and
necessitating greater genetic selection. Additionally, if a clone is a precise reproduction
of the host, embryos might be implanted solely for the benefit of the host's health rather
than treating the clone with the same respect as a human being. A clone may be used to
extract embryonic stem cells. Clones could serve as pre-programmed organ donors.
They could be made to perform forced labour. With this kind of technology, there is a
huge potential for abuse. Essentially, cloned people ay e treated like cattle if cloning
were to become the new 'norm.'

Example of biotechnology 2: Transgenesis

5. Transgenesis is the process of introducing a new gene to an organism's genome. These

organisms are subsequently referred to as GM, or genetic manipulation.

6. Transgenesis enables the enhancement of the amount, overall quality, and particular
nutritional composition of nutrients in animal products. Transgenic technologies might
make it possible to increase or transmit features that are good for nutrition. For instance,

Shanel Lawson
increasing the omega-3 fatty acid content of fish consumed by people may help to
reduce the occurrence of coronary heart disease. Additionally, the transgenic plant
process offers benefits such as increased shelf life, higher yield, higher quality, pest
resistance, heat, cold, and drought resistance, and resistance to a variety of biotic and
abiotic stresses.

7. Because of the lengthy gestation time, large litter size, and increased maintenance costs
of the recipient animals, the production of transgenic animals is also expensive. In
addition the this, research animals used to develop transgenic breeds might have a high
mortality rate and other detrimental effects (highly unethical).

Example of biotechnology 3: DNA profiling

8. Human DNA profiles can be used to establish parentage or determine the source of a
DNA sample from a crime scene. Identification of the likely source of a body fluid sample
linked to a crime or crime scene is one use for DNA profiling.

9. There are numerous advantages to DNA profiling including the procedure can be used
to find possible suspects and connect suspects to a crime by establishing their
attendance at a certain location. DNA profiling also improves the precision of the criminal
justice system. Eyewitness statements are rarely trustworthy, especially when a crime is
being committed under pressure. DNA profiling allows parents to reconnect with their

10. Law enforcement storing DNA information from convicted offenders raises ethical and
privacy issues as well. Even if someone has been found guilty of a crime, keeping their
DNA can be viewed as a breach of their fundamental right to privacy. The process of
DNA profiling is a further issue. It is extremely accurate but not entirely error-free. A
partial DNA profile, for instance, may match with numerous people and shouldn't be
used as proof in and of itself.

Shanel Lawson

Gaille, L. (2017, October 4). 11 Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloning. Retrieved

December 1, 2022, from website:

Currency- 5 years old

Relevance- Advantages and disadvantages of cloning, journal article
Authority- author is unknown
Accuracy- same information has been found on different websites that are reliable
Purpose- inform audiences on two perspectives of cloning
There are a lot of ads on this blog, which means the information presented may be unreliable.
There is no bias in the article as it provides 2 viewpoints.

Transgenic Animals in Agriculture | Scitable Learn Science. (2013) Retrieved December 4,

2022, from the/#:~:text=For% website:

Currency- 8 years old

Relevance- transgenic animals in agriculture, journal article
Authority- Matthew B. Wheeler. A graduate from the university of Illinois.
Accuracy- same information has been found on different websites that are reliable.
Purpose- Inform audiences on transgenic animals through an overview, risks etc.
There is a note at the top of the website that states ‘This page has been archived and is no
longer updated.’ The information presented is not biased as the information both advantages,
risks and disadvantages of transgenic livestock. The author is not well known hence the
information provided my be unreliable.

Jhansi Rani, S., & Usha, R. (2013). Transgenic plants: Types, benefits, public concerns and
future. Journal of Pharmacy Research, 6(8), 879–883. Retrieved December 1, 2022, from:

Currency- 9 years old

Relevance- transgenic plants, journal article
Authority- The website is an extremely credible journal source whose writers are reliable.
Accuracy- same information has been found on different websites that are reliable.
Purpose- To highlight a multitude of perspectives on transgenic plants and to provide basic
info on them.
This source is well known, hence the information is reliable. However, the information
presented is nearly a decade old, meaning that the information may not be accurate.

Shanel Lawson
Transgenic Animals: Advantages and Disadvantages. (2016, May 16). Retrieved December 3,
2022, from BioTechnology Notes website:
%3A&text=(b)%20Generation%20of%20transgenic%20animals,researchers%20to% 20create

Currency- no date specified

Relevance- Advantages and disadvantages of transgenic animals, journal article.
Authority- There is an author stated, however does not provide whether or not the author had
qualifications relevant to the topic.
Accuracy- The information has not been found on any other websites.
Purpose- inform the audience with regards to transgenic animals.
This source is not well known, has ads, the author is unknown, and there are few dot points,
demonstrating that there is inaccuracy and unreliability with the information presented.

‌ NA Profiling: How Is It Used in Criminal Justice? (2019, December 31). Retrieved December
4, 2022, from Maryville Online website:
used-to-solve-crimes/#:~:text=The%20process%20can%20be%20used, the%20commission

Currency- Published in 2022.

Relevance- DNA profiling, journal article.
Authority- published by Maryville University by former students with a bachelor's in forensic
Accuracy- Information has been found on several reliable websites.
Purpose- reveal the purpose of DNA profiling and specify its role in forensics.
This source is well known, and the information is reliable as it is from a university. The
information provided is also unbiased, as it provides both pros and cons of DNA profiling.

-no author, however it is from a university.

Shanel Lawson

Shanel Lawson

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