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Guidelines for Development of Secondary School Grade 6-12 Student Textbooks and Teacher’s Guides

Guidelines for Development of

Secondary School Grade 6-12
Student Textbooks and Teacher’s Guides

Ministry of Education

September 2017

Guidelines for Development of Secondary School Grade 6-12 Student Textbooks and Teacher’s Guides

Guideline sections
1. Instructions for Writing Student Textbooks and Teacher’s Guides
2. Structure of the Student Textbooks and Teacher’s Guides
3. Student Textbook page layout and design template
4. Teacher’s Guide page layout and design template
5. Design and Printing Specifications

1. Instructions for writing Student Textbooks and Teacher’s Guides

The student textbook and teacher’s guide for each subject and grade will be written in
parallel to ensure direct correspondence between the two documents, and for consistency in
content presentation and focus.

The student textbook will provide information for the students.

The teacher’s guide will provide related information for the teachers.

A list of references will be included at the end of each student textbook and teacher’s guide
to comply with international copyright norms.

“What Make a Good Text Book?” – feedback from an SES CDT workshop
ü The textbook should include summary sections
ü Textbook design and organization should be interesting and attractive to students
ü Textbooks should be suitable for the different age/grade levels of students
ü Examples and content of new textbooks should be relevant to students’ lives
ü A range of skill levels should be included (i.e. progression from easy to difficult)
ü Examples of assessment tasks should be included
ü Clearer pictures/ colors and images are needed
ü Contents must be up-to-date and spelling should be correct
ü Text should have sub-titles: no lengthy paragraphs and no repetition
ü There should be a balance between theory and practice
ü Instructions should be easy to understand
ü Different types of skills should be included
ü There should be a variety of class activities to suit different student interests
ü Textbooks should reflect culture, gender, disability and other social dimensions
ü Don’t put too many examples in the student textbook, only necessary examples
and other explanations should be included in teacher guide
ü Provide a time frame for each topic and lesson
ü Include follow up and extension activities
ü Use of footnotes & glossary/vocabulary list
ü Applicable/ practical teaching aids / TLM should be provided
ü Font size is important

Guidelines for Development of Secondary School Grade 6-12 Student Textbooks and Teacher’s Guides

2. Structure of the Student Textbooks and Teacher’s Guides

Structure of the Student Textbook Structure of the Teacher’s Guide

(see separate template file) (see separate template file)
Front Cover Front Cover
• Subject / title and grade • Subject/title and grade
• Student Textbook • Teacher’s Guide
• Simple line drawing • Simple line drawing
• Ministry of Education, Government of • Ministry of Education, Government of
Myanmar (year of publication) Myanmar (year of publication)
Inside Cover page Inside Cover page
• Published by Ministry of Education, • Published by Ministry of Education,
Government of Myanmar Government of Myanmar
• Copyright • Copyright
Contents page Contents page
A clear chapter title for each topic A clear chapter title for each topic
Clear subtitles for each topic section/lesson Clear subtitles for each topic section/lesson
Introduction (max 1 page) Introduction (max 6 pages)
• The topics you will be learning in Grade • How to use this Teachers Guide
… • Overview of student centered pedagogy
• How you will be learning – THE 4 C’S • Overview of classroom based student
• What you will know and be able to do at assessment
the end of the grade • An overview of social dimensions in the
ICONS and Text Boxes secondary school classroom (gender,
ethnic and disabilities)
• Year plan - time allocation per topic for
the year (see attached template)
• Overview of the content knowledge and
skills coverage for this grade/subject
(content/learning outcomes)
• Topic Plan (see Annex 1 template)
For each topic the following will need to For each topic the following will need to
be included in the Student Textbook be included in the Teacher’s Guide:
(i) Basic information about the topic/lesson Topic / Lesson Plan (see Annex 1)
(ii) Example(s)
(iii) Exercise(s)
At the end of the chapter/topic: At the end of the chapter/topic:
(i) Chapter Review (i) Chapter Review
At the end of the book: At the end of the book:
Glossary of Words – including definitions and Glossary of Words – including definitions and
key terminology in Myanmar and English key terminology in Myanmar and English
• List of References • List of References
• Date of publication (year), • Date of publication (year),

Guidelines for Development of Secondary School Grade 6-12 Student Textbooks and Teacher’s Guides

Estimated / Indicative number of TB and TG pages for each subject / grade (TBC)

Approx. No. of TB/TG G6-9 G10-11 G12

Myanmar 64 150 96 150 96 180
Myanmar - prose, etc 64 - 120 - 120
Optional Myanmar - - 100 - 100
English 82 180 120 150 120 180
Mathematics (M1 & M2) 150+150 200 140+140 180 140+140 200
General Science 150 150
Physics - 100 180 100 180
Chemistry - 100 180 100 180
Biology - 100 150 100 150
Geography 72 100 120+120 180 120+120 180
History 60 100 100+100 180 100+100 180
Economics - 150 150 150 150
Life Skills 108 80 72 80 - -
Physical Education 0 80 0 80 - -
Moral and Civics 72 80 80 80 - -
Art 0 80 0 80 - -
Music 0 80 0 80 - -
Basic Computer Skills
60 80 60 80 60 80
(part of Local Curric)

(i) Grade 10-12 Maths and Science, and Grade 12 Economics will be taught in English. TB
and TG for these subjects / grades will be in English (TBC).

(ii) The content of all 93 Student Textbooks and 88 Teacher’s Guides will be redesigned –
retained, revised, removed or replaced (the 4 Rs). A record of the sections retained, revised,
removed or replaced will be prepared by CDT members and approved by the SWC.

3. Student Textbook page layout and design template

A Student Textbook template is provided in a separate document/file.

Examples of images, charts, diagrams, icons and specific information to be included in text
boxes must be prepared for each topic and lesson.

Icons and Text boxes will be used consistently across all textbooks and teacher’s guides as

Guidelines for Development of Secondary School Grade 6-12 Student Textbooks and Teacher’s Guides

Suggested Icons

& Read
? Write
Discuss in your group
Option Optional subject lesson

Suggested Text Boxes to be inserted where relevant

Ñ Key Messages Did you know?

Amazing Facts TIPS

4. Teacher’s Guide page layout and design

A Teacher’s Guide template is provided in a separate document/file.

A template for the Topic Plans is shown in Annex 1.

Each Topic Plan will be between 2-4 pages, A4 double page spread.
Each Topic Plan will include activities for each of the lessons to be covered under the topic.

Each topic will include the following four stages I – T – P – R:

I Introduction
T Teach
P Practice
R Review

I Introduction Include a check on Prior Learning for example use the entry-exit strategy:
ENTRY: What three things do you recall learning about triangles?
EXIT: What three new things have you learned about triangles?
T Teach This part of the lesson will be mostly teacher centred
P Practice This part of the lesson will be mostly student centred
R Review This will include a Topic / Lesson Summary / Review Questions

The Teach – Practice stages may be repeated several times in a topic or lesson.
For example:

Introduce Teach Practice Teach Practice Review

Guidelines for Development of Secondary School Grade 6-12 Student Textbooks and Teacher’s Guides

For each topic plan the following will need to be included in the Teachers Guide:
Learning Outcomes for the topic Use the Learning Outcomes from the Syllabus
Preparation: Teaching Learning TLM to support students learning, e.g, equipment for
Materials, etc language, science and maths lessons. TLMs required
for SES lessons should be low cost, realistic and
readily available for all schools in Myanmar.
Reference books, posters and handouts for the lesson
Soft Skills to develop Consider which soft skills (5 C’s) are most relevant to
the activities in the lesson. For example activities which
encourage development of skills in critical thinking,
collaboration / group work, communication, creativity
and innovation, and citizenship.
Teaching and Learning Process Lesson Objectives, Steps (I-T-P-R) and example
(I-T-P-R) questions for each lesson to be covered within a topic.
Clear description of student centred activities to be
covered under each topic (refer to activities in the
syllabus). Numbering in Teachers Guide and Student
Textbook must correspond.
Follow-Up Activities to reinforce Include examples of open questions and answers to be
learning and thinking covered in a specific lesson e.g. what three new things
did you learn? What do you want to learn next?
Assessment Activities Assessment activities are directly linked to the key
learning outcome(s).
Include examples of open questions, peer to peer Q&A,
and assessment strategies from the Syllabus
The teacher can assess individual student’s progress
at the beginning, middle and end of a lesson, and
provide feedback to improve their learning.
Ñ Key Messages Information the teacher will convey to the students,
also included in Student Textbook
Information for the teacher Reference materials, etc. that will assist the teacher to
teach and explain the lesson
Glossary of Words Definitions / key terminology in Myanmar and English
List of References Reference to any sources of information used in the
Teacher’s Guide or Student Textbook, for copyright.

Guidelines for Development of Secondary School Grade 6-12 Student Textbooks and Teacher’s Guides

5. Design and Printing Specifications

The G6-12 Student Textbooks and Teacher’s Guides will be in Black and White to ensure
cost efficiency and affordability in future.

Student Textbook Specifications (indicative – to be confirmed)

a) Size A4 or B5 (height 9.5 inch x width 6.875 inch (241.3 ml x 174.6 ml)
b) Color B/W
c) Word heading 14pt, text 11pt
d) Font
English text Arial 11pt
Myanmar text Myanmar2 Myanmar3 Unicode
Check requirements from Department of Myanmar Ethnic Languages
e) Layout design of exercises and graphics will be drafted by CDT and created by
graphic designer (CDT) for each topic / lesson as required.
f) Two open pages (double page) will use as basic unit for Student Textbooks.

Teacher’s Guide Specifications (indicative – to be confirmed)

a) Size A4 (height 11.69 inch x width 8.27 inch (297 ml x 210 ml)
b) Color B/W
c) Word heading 14pt, text 11pt
d) Font
English text Arial 11pt
Myanmar text Myanmar2 Myanmar3 Unicode
Check requirements from Department of Myanmar Ethnic Languages
e) Layout design of exercises and graphics will be drafted by CDT and created by
graphic designer (CDT) for each topic / lesson as required.
f) Two open pages (double page) will use as basic unit for Teacher’s Guides.

Decisions pending (TBD):

• Summary of agreed number of pages per TB / TG and subject (see p.4 above)
• Paper size A4 or B5 – note: preference for TB and TG to be A4
• Font (note: Myanmar2 is problematic on laptops)
• Spacing (proposed at least 1.2 pt; 0 pt before; 6 pt after )
• Page margins (proposed based on G1 English TB top 2cm bottom 2.5cm LH1.9cm RH
1.5cm mirrored; TG top 1.5cm bottom 2cm LH1.5cm RH 1cm mirrored)
• Font Size (proposed Arial; 11pt for main text; 14pt for headings)
• Appointment of CDT layout/graphic designers

Guidelines for Development of Secondary School Grade 6-12 Student Textbooks and Teacher’s Guides


1. The physical characteristics (paper quality and binding) will be evaluated for durability to
ensure that books last at least three years.

2. In order to introduce a textbook re-use scheme, training of teachers and students in

classroom book maintenance and management will be provided. Students will write only
in exercise books and NOT in textbooks in future.

3. Graphic designers in Myanmar will need to be identified and selected.

4. Illustration and graphics should be reviewed and replaced with simple black and white
line graphics/drawings.

5. Page layout will be revised to reflect modern pedagogical requirements and a more
informative, attractive and interesting presentational style for teachers and students.

6. Printing options: National or International Competitive Bidding (NCB or ICB) with paper
purchased by the printer and included in the quoted unit price. To be confirmed under
ADB EYE project procurement requirements.

7. The DBE will remain responsible for distribution to township level as under the current
system. Township Education offices will be responsible for distribution to schools.

8. During curriculum writing, source reference will be made to curricula and textbooks from
other countries. CDT and MOE will ensure that there is no infringement of copyright.

Process of writing the Student Textbooks and Teacher's Guides

CDT members prepare draft SWC review and provide NCC approves each section
sections feedback for CDT to revise after approval of SWC

Editing and Proof Reading the Student Textbooks and Teacher's Guides
CDT, SWC and NCC proof read section by
CDT members edit the text

Layout and Graphic Design

Layout and graphic designers draft, edit and
NCC approves final manuscript
finalise the manuscript

Printing and Distribution

Printing following PMU/ADB procurement Distribution by DBE to Township Education
guidelines Offices and from TEOs to schools

Student Textbooks and Teacher's Guides to schools

Teachers Guide: Subject …………………….………………………… Grade: ………. Week …..

Annex 1 Topic / Lesson Plan Template

Chapter: …………………. Number of Periods:
Topic: Period Duration:
Learning Outcome(s) for the topic:
Students will be able to . . .

Preparation: Teaching Learning Materials, etc

Soft Skills to develop:

Teaching and Learning Process (I-T-P-R):
Lesson 1: ………….. sub-title ……………………
Lesson Objectives:

STEP 1. Introduction – including Review of Prior Learning and new terminology (Time = __ min)

STEP 2. Teach (Time = __ min)


STEP 3. Practice (Time = __ min)


STEP 4. Review (Time = __ min)


Lesson 2: ………….. sub-title ……………………

Lesson Objectives:

STEP 1. Introduction - including Review of Prior Learning and new terminology (Time = __ min)

STEP 2. Teach (Time = __ min)


STEP 3. Practice (Time = __ min)


STEP 4. Review (Time = __ min)


Lesson 3: ………….. sub-title ……………………

Lesson Objectives:

Teachers Guide: Subject …………………….………………………… Grade: ………. Week …..

STEP 1. Introduction – including Review of Prior Learning and new terminology (Time = __ min)

STEP 2. Teach (Time = __ min)


STEP 3. Practice (Time = __ min)


STEP 4. Review (Time = __ min)


Lesson 4: ………….. sub-title ……………………

Lesson Objectives:

STEP 1. Introduction – including Review of Prior Learning and new terminology (Time = __ min)

STEP 2. Teach (Time = __ min)


STEP 3. Practice (Time = __ min)


STEP 4. Review (Time = __ min)


Follow-Up Activities to reinforce learning and thinking:

Assessment Activities:

Ñ Key Messages:

Information for the Teacher:

…. and so on for all chapters within agreed page limit …...

Guidelines for Development of Secondary School Grade 6-12 Student Textbooks and Teacher’s Guides

Annex 2 Proposed Evaluation Criteria for Textbooks

Grade: …………
Subject: ………………………
Evaluation Team: …………………………………..
In the right hand column beside each item indicate Y = Yes = 2; P = Partial = 1; N = No = 0
1. Textbook content and definitions are appropriate to students’ vocabulary
and reading level (apply a readability formula if available).
2. Examples, concepts, contents and activities of the textbooks are relevant to
students’ lives, and are realistic and interesting to the age range and
experience of the students.
3. Textbook content and concepts are explicitly linked to students’ prior
knowledge with sufficient relevant concrete examples, avoiding overload
and irrelevant detail.
4. Textbook content and activities cover a range of ability /skill levels,
progressing from easy to difficult and including activities to develop higher
level thinking skills.
5. The teacher can support content information from the text and can extend
the lesson from the examples provided.
6. The text includes headings and sub-headings that clearly define the content
of the text for each section, breaking the text into manageable parts.
7. The print size is appropriate to the level of the students and concepts are
spaced appropriately through the text, rather than being too many in too
limited a space.
8. All charts, graphs, pictures and/or illustrations appear on the same or
opposite page as the related text, and the student does not have to turn the
page to find them.
9. All charts, graphs, pictures and/or illustrations are of high quality, easy to
read and are supportive of the textual material.
10. Technical terms and/or specialized vocabulary stand out from the rest of the
text (e.g., they are in a different font style).
11. An adequate context is provided to allow students to determine the
meanings of technical terms and/or specialized vocabulary, and the
glossary (if included) defines all key technical terms.
12. The writing style, chapter titles, headings and sub-headings, layout and
overall appearance of pages is interesting and captures the reader’s
attention. The activities are motivating and will encourage students to
pursue the topic.
13. The text provides positive and motivating models for both girls and boys as
well as for all ethnic and socio-economic groups.

Guidelines for Development of Secondary School Grade 6-12 Student Textbooks and Teacher’s Guides

14. The essential understanding, knowledge and skills are covered and a
variety of opportunities are provided for students to practice essential skills
15. Content is aligned with the learning outcomes and achievement indicators,
and includes appropriate examples of assessment tasks.
16. The textbook is presented in an organized, logical manner Content appears
accurate, clear and in sequential order.
17. Format design includes titles, subheadings, summary sections and
appropriate cross-referencing for ease of use.
18. Writing style, syntax, and vocabulary are appropriate to all social / cultural
situations. Vocabulary consists of both familiar and challenging words
19. Graphics and illustrations are accurate, support the text, and enhance
student understanding.
20. Instructional strategies in teachers’ guide promote deeper understanding of
student-centered learning approaches and a variety of activities to suit
different learners’ abilities and interests.
21. The textbook and teachers’ guide are directly aligned.

Comments or concerns related to content accuracy, bias, or editing:

Sources: Virginia Board of Education (2011) accessed from the internet; Learning
General Textbook Readability Checklist adaptation

Guidelines for Development of Secondary School Grade 6-12 Student Textbooks and Teacher’s Guides

Annex 3 Proposed Evaluation Criteria for Teacher’s Guides

Grade: …………
Subject: ………………………
Evaluator(s): …………………………………..
In the right hand column beside each item indicate Y = Yes = 2; P = Partial = 1; N = No = 0
1. Teachers’ guide content and definitions are appropriate for student age and
level of learning.
2. Examples, concepts, content and activities described can be related to
students’ lives.
3. Examples, concepts, content and activities described are realistic and
interesting to the age range and experience of the students.
4. Teachers’ guide content and concepts provide explicit links to students’ prior
learning with sufficient relevant and appropriate examples.
5. Teachers’ guide content and activities cover a range of ability and skill levels.

6. Teachers’ guide content and activities include numerous activities designed to

develop higher level thinking skills.
7. The teachers’ guide can be used to support content information from the text
and can provide extensions of the basic lesson described.
8. The teachers’ guide includes headings and sub-headings that clearly link to
the textbook.
9. The print size is appropriate and concepts are spaced appropriately to allow
for easy use and lesson planning.
10. All charts, graphs, pictures and/or illustrations appear on the same or opposite
page as the related text.
11. All charts, graphs, pictures and/or illustrations are of high quality, easy to read
and are supportive of the textual material.
12. Technical terms and/or specialized vocabulary stand out from the rest of the
text (e.g., they are in a different font style).
13. An adequate context is provided to support the development of effective
lessons that enhance the learning of all students.
14. An adequate context is provided to support the development of conceptual
meanings of technical terms and/or specialized vocabulary.

Guidelines for Development of Secondary School Grade 6-12 Student Textbooks and Teacher’s Guides

15. The writing style, chapter titles, headings and sub-headings, layout and overall
appearance of pages is interesting and encourages teacher use.
16. The lesson material provides positive and motivating models for both girls and boys
as well as for all ethnic and socio-economic groups.
17. The essential understanding, knowledge and skills are covered and a variety of
opportunities are provided for teachers to guide student practice of essential skills.
18. Content is aligned with the learning outcomes and achievement indicators, and
includes appropriate examples of assessment tasks.
19. Lesson material provides clear links to learning outcomes and appropriate
achievement indicators that are described in the curriculum.

20. The teachers’ guide is presented in an organized, logical manner, and content
appears accurate, clear and in an appropriate order,
21. Format design includes titles, subheadings, summary sections and direct cross-
referencing to student textbooks for ease of use.
22. Writing style, syntax, and vocabulary are appropriate. Vocabulary includes words
that teachers can use to enhance student learning.
23. Graphics and illustrations are accurate, support the text, and enhance teacher
24. Instructional strategies in teachers’ guide promote deeper understanding of student-
centered learning approaches and a variety of activities to suit different learners’
abilities and interests.
25. The teachers’ guide provides a range of instructional strategies able to address
different learning styles.
26. The teachers’ guide includes explanations, timeframes and lesson plans, follow-up
and extension activities, and guidance on use of teaching and learning materials,
where appropriate to the lesson content, and directly linked to the student textbook.
27. The instructional information for teachers includes guidance on teaching of soft skills
(4 C’s) and 21st century skills
28. The lesson plans and instructional information includes guidance on assessment of
learning during the lesson, suggestions for feedback and feed-forward to improve
students learning and assessment of soft skills and 21st century skills
Comments or concerns related to content accuracy, bias, or editing:

Sources: Virginia Board of Education (2011) accessed from the internet; Learning
General Textbook Readability Checklist adaptation


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