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CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF JHARKHAND * CENTRE FOR ENERGY ENGINEERING Basic Electrical Lats Manual EXPER!MENT NO. 03 AIM: To determine power factor of RLC series circuil and draw phasor diagram APPARATUS: 1. Ammeter AC. (0-1.5A) 01 No. 2 Voltmeter AC. (0-300V}, 1 No. 5. Wattmere'= (EA, 440¥),,O1'No. Ri gostat (62032) 01 No 4, Capacitor 2.Smicro farad), 01 No 6 Soke Ot Ne 7 Multimeter O1No 8, Auto transformer OINo 9.Connesting Wires 9s required THEORY :The basic VI 1elationships of resistance, in I: Vae RA Las Vi =Ldi/dt HL:Ve=U/Cfle dt And Va=Rim sine wt Ve= (iwe)hie cuswt=(I/we) le asin(ovt-90) Itean ‘tance and capacitance are given hy wove! ded that th: wort ge acines « resistance 18 in @ phase swith thy current through it alle vo tage neross a inductance leads the current by 90 degree and the volinge across a capacitor lags by 96 degre The phase relaiions con by conventionally expressed in - phasor diagram given below. GReurr pt or CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF .ManeHAND CENTRE FOR ciicHGY ENGINEERING Bar ic Electrics !tab Manual EXPERIMEN P60. 05 AIM: TO VERIFY SUP POSITION TE A GIVEN CIRCUIT. APPARATUS: 1.B1ead Board: 01 2.Revstor 0-500. 2 3.Resister 50-1009 ot a Ammeterd- nk on 5 ‘ot neter/te altimeter 0-20V f 6H curated Powers Supp ViRFS}-0-15V 01 7. Connecting Wires- As Reavired THE volta; ORY: Ina linear and bilateral network the superpo in any branch jou theorem states that thy current or iced by several source acting simvltencously is the algebrats! Vector sunt ei the eutren's or s oltage produced io that branch by ch sours vcting separately CIRCUIT DIAGRAM mags as cert ec tive it tie nt shows in figures i veitege V1’ he core spond 2anG take from the ammeter, 3. Now is short circuited. Vary Vsi &take the corresponding reading 1' from the ammeter as shown in figure 2 4. Now vst is short circuited. Vary Vs2 &take the corresponding reading 12" fro the ammeter as shown in figure 3 5, Finally Verify whether l2= I2'+ [2" OBSERVATION TABLE: ‘Tabled: Table 2 (for I2' & 2"): ‘Vsiacting alone, Vs2 Vs2acting alone, Vst I(mA) replaced by internal replaced by internal b+ bn resistance(v)__————_| resistance (v) [LWsi@ [2(ma) V2 (vy [2"(mA) "| Theoretical | Practical Theotetical | Practical ‘Theoretical | Practical pee ee L —_ fe - Note: «lll theoretical values can be found by using either mesh analysis ov itodal analysis and also using voltage division rule and current division rule where it is applicable. RESULT: PRECAUTIONS: 1. Switch off the supply when not in use,

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