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Teoh LL Biology for Engineering Sessional Examination Maximum Marks ~20 ‘Time ~ 1.30 Hr {Quon 1. Muli Cole Questions (Amer al tony ~4 Mars Que, — i, Which of the following is correct ~ (@) Cells are the structural and functional unit (&) All colls of. cells ofa multicellular organism act co- of life ordinately 7 (©) The cells arse from pre-existing cell. (@s All are correct Que. = ii, The cell organelle which originates from the outer nuck i e outer nuclear membrane and joined the cell membrane forming a continuous channel ~ = (@) Golgi Body (®)s Endoplasmic Reticulum (©) Ribosome (@ Mitochondria Que. — iii. Single membrane-bound organelles found between the cell membrane and cell wall in plants (®) Golgi Body (©) Transosome (©)-Lomasome (@ Mitochondria Que. —iv. Which of the following is known as the powerhouse of the cell— (8) Ribosome (&) Vacuole © ER (@). Mitochondria Que. = v. Meiosis cell division takes place when ~ (@ DNA=RNA (©) DNASRNA (0, DNAZRNA © None Que. —vi. At which stage of mitosis cell division chromosomes get arranged inthe equatorial plane — (2) Prophase (&) “Metaphase (© Anaphase (@) Telophase Que. — vii. Cytokinesis does start at which stage — (@) Early Prophase (©) Early Anaphase Que. — viii. Caffeine obtained from the plant Coffea arabica is. (@) Reserve food (&) Secretory product (©), Nitrogenous waste @ None (b) Late Prophase (@), Late Anaphase Questi6a 2. Write short notes about any four cell organelles: 6 Marks (1.5 Marks each) ti. Plasma membrane Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Body Ribosome ‘ Mitochondria Centrosome Question 3. ic and Eukaryotic cells. 2 Marks ones Deseribe the membrane transport system. 2 Marks cuz’ ete Cte wih ante dian. 2 Nar Explain Mitosis with a suitable diagram and its signifieance. 4 Marks exon Write down the difference between Prokaryotic. Mesokaryoti Questipn 6. OR the Meiosis with a suitable diagram and its significance. Expl Central University of Jharkhand Biology for Engineers (AUD 610090) 7 Sessional Examination Maximum Marks — 20 Time —1.30 Hrs. Question — 1. Multiple Choice Questions (Answer all questions) — 4 Marks Que. =i, The Centromere present at the median and arms are equal are called — (a) Isobracheal (b)_ Sub-metacentric f (c) Acrocentric (@) Telocentric Que. ~ ii, Histone protein acts as linker histone is — @ HI. () HA © #3 (@) 44 Que. ~ iii, Sugar present in DNA is— (@) Ribose sugar (b) L-deoxyribose sugar (©).2-deoxyribose sugar @ 2- hydroxy ribose sugar Que. — iv. Which of the following is absent in RNA~ (@®) Adenine (b) Guanine (©). Thymine @ Uracil Que. — v. In DNA number of base pair per turn is — (a) Sbp (b) 10.bp (©) 15bp (@) 20 bp Que. — vi. Which RNA is known as soluble RNA — (@ m-RNA (>) rRNA, (© tRNA - @ DNA Que. — vii. When the same base sequence is repeated for several time in a DNA is called — (a) Palindromic DNA (b) Repetitive DNA (©) Complimentary DNA (@) Ribosomal DNA Que. — viii. Enzyme which joins the Okazaki fragments of DNA by forming phosphodiester bond — (a) DNA Helicase (®) Primase (©) DNA Polymerase I (d) DNA Ligase Question 2. Write short notes about any three: 6 Marks (2 Marks each) i. Bio-conerete Types of RNA iii, Optical and thermal properties of DNA iv. Genetic Code Briefly describe the structure of DNA and its various forms. Write down the difference between DNA and RNA. 2 Marks OR ii Question 3. Describe the DNA Replication process. 2 Marks ‘What are the “Nucleic Acids”? Elaborate on the formation of the polynucleotide ct 2 Marks Question 5. OR What is Cancer? Describe the type of cancer its test and methods of treatment. Explain the process of Transcription and its significance. 2 Marks Describe how the inter-relationship between biology and various engineering branches creates new technological solutions. 4 Marks Question 6. Question 7. = XXXII

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