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VOL 1. NO.

11 November 3, 2011

A publication of the Bowie County Republican Party

Bowie County Blade

Cutting through to the truth.

November 3, 2011

George Lavender Speaks to TTRTA District Representative George Lavender visited October 26, 2011 with the Texarkana Texas Retired Teachers Association to give a report on current legislative issues. One of his concerns has been to restore local control to the Texas schools. He commented that the system says that and then takes it back again. The issue is one that must overcome an entrenched bureaucracy to bring it about. Number two on his list was the budget. Before he arrived in Austin in January, the talk was $15 billion shortfall. When he arrived in Austin, it was $27 billion. He remarked that out of a budget of $180 billion, that is a huge chunk. The mandate was to balance the budget with no new taxes. This was done with some smoke and mirrors such as school funding for 23 months instead of 24, thus a theoretical saving of $2.2 billion. He voted against it because he didnt believe that legislators were being honest with the citizens. One notable accomplishment during the session was passing the Voter ID bill. People with be required to have a photo ID in order to vote. Pro-life legislation was passed with the sonogram bill. It is being challenged but he believes it will stand. Protection of private property from eminent domain seizure was included in a bill to prevent government takeover of property for anything other than fundamental public interest such as roads, bridges, etc.. That is, no takeover and then transfer to private developers. Another crucial right was protected when legislation was passed assuring property owners that water under their land was theirs. San Antonio attempted to

VOL 1. NO. 11 November 3, 2011

A publication of the Bowie County Republican Party

prevent farmers west of town from harvesting water from under their land so the city could have it. Water under your land belongs to you. Redistricting takes place every ten years after the census and this rearranges the elected officials districts. Our district, district 1 has included Bowie, Cass, Marion, and Morris counties. After redistricting, it will be Bowie, Red River, Lamar, and Frankling. Other less critical issues were covered: You can shoot wild hogs from a helicopter, and you can grab fish from the water with your hands Several questions were raised by the TTRTA members, including the voting changes with redistricting, Riverbend/Marvin Nichols, retiree raises, and defined benefits. Lavender explained that though the Texas Teacher Retirement Fund is probably in the best shape of any state, the future doesnt look very promising for raises. Also, he said the defined benefits issue was at the mercy of the Medicaid bomb if the Obamacare mandates werent overturned. On the positive side, Texas sales tax revenue has risen for eighteen months in a row. It is near to the 2008 level, giving some optimism to getting our fiscal house in order. Lavender said when that takes place, the educators should be first in line for their raise. ********************************


October 5, 2011 Wasilla, Alaska After much prayer and serious consideration, I have decided that I will not be seeking the 2012 GOP nomination for President of the United States. As always, my family comes first and obviously Todd and I put great consideration into family life before making this decision. When we serve, we devote ourselves to God, family and country. My decision maintains this order.

************************ Thursday-10/06 Glenn Addison, US Senate Candidate, will be the featured speaker at the Bowie County Patriots meeting at Smokey Joe's in Nash beginning at 6pm. Tuesday-11/01 United States Senate Debate in Texarkana beginning at 7pm.

VOL 1. NO. 11 November 3, 2011

A publication of the Bowie County Republican Party

A dozen TEA Party/Patriot/912 groups hosted a United States Senatorial forum over the weekend in Dallas. The results from the straw poll has suprised many so called experts in the political world. No one was too surprised that Ted Cruz won the straw poll but the big news was the rise of newcomer Lela Pittenger. Glenn Addison placed third ahead of the former mayor of Dallas Tom Leppert. Here are the results: Cruz - 40% Pittenger - 31% Addison - 17% Leppert - 5% Cleaver - 4% Castanuela - 2% Jones - <1% Dewhurst - <1% Sanchez - 0% Hubbard - 0% The next United States Senatorial debate/forum will be held in Tyler on October 15 with the final one being held in Texarkana on November 1st. ************************

Congressman Jim Ryan (of budget balancing fame) has jumped into the Tea Party fundraising campaign with several chosen candidates. Evidently, by calling it the Madison Project, he wants to emphasize the firm Constitutional basis of their platforms.


VOL 1. NO. 11 November 3, 2011

A publication of the Bowie County Republican Party


Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way you can understand them. This quote came from the Czech Republic . Someone over there has it figured out. We have a lot of work to do. "The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting an inexperienced man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."

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