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Benchmark Adverse situations

Benchmark – Adverse Situations

Anthony Porter II

Grand Canyon University

EAD 536 Strategic Leadership and Management

Dr. Gary McDaniel

November 15, 2023

Benchmark Adverse situations

Management and Operational Systems

As the principal of Sunset Hills, I would be worried about the welfare of the students and

staff at the school. The failure of the HVAC system and being in the state of Arizonia and the

temperatures that we reach by noon has me worried about the health of all. I will have to

contact the district officials and let them know what is going on at the school and see just how

fast we can get facility maintenance to the school. The students at Sunset hills ages range from

the 5 to 13. The conditions at the schools are deplorable, and as a principal I feel that the

students should be sent home for the day or until the air conditioning can be fixed.

Human, Fiscal, and Technological Resources

Benchmark Adverse situations

The school district will be notified first of the decision that will be made, then the

parents and the other stakeholders. All information released will be contingent upon the

district’s response to the broken HVAC system. The physical education coach, school nurse, and

the stakeholders will be consulted about the best possible action to be taken. Early dismissal

will be the plan that the stakeholders and I will suggest because of the heat. Parents will have

the option of picking their students from the school, those students that rely on schoolboard

transportation will have arrangements made for them. Dismissal will start with the younger

grade level, if the students have older siblings, they will also be released when the younger

students are. I will then provide each teacher with a cooler of ice water for the students in the

class, this will continue until all the students are gone from the school premises.

Safety and Welfare of Students and Staff

The safety and welfare of the students and staff at the school is the is paramount, first

making sure that the students and staff with health issues are taken care of first because with

the HVAC system being out the school is subject to possible litigation from students and staff

because the inclement weather and a broken HVAC system puts their health at risk. To prevent

this and the possibility of harming students and staff. Studes have shown that heat can often

affect students behavior and the way that they learn (Aydoğdu, S., & Bozkuş, K. 2023) We

the administration made it contingent to district officials, that due to the recent events of the

HVAC system failure that we feel it be in the best interest of all to close the school until a date
Benchmark Adverse situations

where the HVAC system is functional. Teachers need conditions that are conducive to teaching

and learning (WEINGARTEN, R. 2021). We plan to call all parents to let them know about

what is going on and that they can come to the school to pick up their students.

Collaboration with Faculty and Community

Working with school district officials, admin, teachers, students, teachers, and legal

guardians to find the best possible solution for the problem at hand. As with all things I am sure

that the school district would want me to make the best possible decision to keep the students

and staff safe. For those students that ride the school bus to school we will have to contact the

bus compound to make sure that the buses can accommodate the students leaving early,

parents will be contacted to see if this is the mode of transportation, they want their child

taking. After collaborating with all the stakeholders, the decision has been made to cancel

school until the HVAC system is repaired. Parents and staff will all receive text messages and

robo-calls informing them of the decision and that when the system is fixed when school should

possibly resume. Before all students leave the campus, each student will be given a bagged

lunch. If the problem lasts more than one day, we will prepare bagged lunches each day for the

students that will be available for pickup until the issue is resolved.

Solution and Rationale

Looking at the whole problem, the only possible solution that we can have is to cancel school

until the HVAC system is working again. Being in the state that we are in and experiencing the

temperatures that we do continuing school would be at the risk of the students and staff.
Benchmark Adverse situations

Continuing to have school during this crisis would not be the responsible thing. As the

principal I are responsible for the well-being of the students and staff that are on your campus

and allowing the students and staff to be at school dealing with those conditions could

eventually set the school and myself up for possible litigation. Knowing that the students are

already facing so many challenges, having a student work in a room where temperatures could

reach 100 degrees not beneficial to them.

Benchmark Adverse situations


Aydoğdu, S., & Bozkuş, K. (2023). School Administrators’ Concerns about Student

Safety at School. Education Sciences & Psychology, 67(2), 52–58.

WEINGARTEN, R. (2021). Reopening Schools Means Prioritizing Safety for Students

and Staff: Creating Welcoming and Safe Environments Where All Students Thrive.

American Educator, 45(3), 1.

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