ECB1 Tests Grammar Check 6.4B New2018

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Grammar Check B 6.

4 Modal verbs for speculation: must, could, might/may, can’t

Name: _______________________________________ Class: ______

1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

0 Tom’s walked a really long way today. He must / might / can’t be tired.

1 I don’t know where Sam is. He must / can’t / could be in his room, I guess.

2 Karen leaves for work at 8 every morning. It’s 10 am so she can’t / may / must be at home now.

3 Sarah didn’t spend all her birthday money in town yesterday, so she must / might / can’t still have some
money left.

4 Take a jacket, because it must / may / can’t be cold this evening.

5 Tom said he was leaving for Spain yesterday but it must / might / can’t be true, I’ve just seen him in the

6 I’m not sure whose bag it is. It must / could / can’t be Ryan’s, I suppose.

7 It must / might / can’t be raining outside. People are walking around with their umbrellas up.

8 Do you think this suitcase will be OK for my holiday? - I’m not sure – it can’t / might / must be too heavy for
you to carry.

______ / 8

2 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using must, can’t or
0 I’m sure Dad’s tired. He’s been at work all day.
Dad must be tired. He’s been at work all day.
1 I’ve got some bread in the cupboard, but perhaps it’s stale.
I’ve got some bread in the cupboard but it __________________________ stale.
2 I’m sure these aren’t my keys. Mine are in my bag.
These __________________________ my keys, as mine are in my bag.
3 I’m not sure but I suppose John is at work today.
John __________________________ be at work today.
4 This isn’t Anna in the photo, is it? Anna’s hair is blond, not dark.
This __________________________ Anna in the photo.
5 Paul’s staying in a tent this week. I’m sure he’s cold.
Paul __________________________ cold in his tent!
6 Perhaps Harry is already travelling to work.
Harry __________________________ on his way to work.
7 I’m sure that Matt’s going on holiday soon. Here’s his ticket!
Matt __________________________ going on holiday soon.

______ / 7
Total: ______ / 15
English Class B1 © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

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