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Assessment Title: Tessellation Exploration

Objective: The objective of this assessment is for students to demonstrate their

understanding of tessellations by identifying, analyzing, and classifying tessellating
patterns found around the school. Students will investigate the symmetries present in
each tessellation, including reflection, rotation, and translation, and accurately label the
preimage and the image for each case.


1. Explore the school environment and take 10 clear pictures of objects or buildings
that exhibit tessellation patterns. Ensure that the patterns are clearly visible in
each picture.
2. For each tessellation observed:
• Identify the type of Transformation present (reflection, rotation, or
• Label the preimage (original position) and the image (resulting position
after the tranformation operation) in each case.
3. Compile your findings into a report or presentation format(Using your laptop).
4. Turn in your findings though your teacher’s email,

Assessment Criteria:

1. Identification of Tessellations (10 marks):

• Provides 10 clear pictures of objects/buildings that exhibit tessellation
2. Analysis of Transformations (10 marks):
• Accurately identifies the type of transformation present (reflection,
rotation, or translation) for each tessellation.
3. Labeling of Preimage and Image (10 marks):
• Clearly labels the preimage (original position) and the image (resulting
position after the transformation operation) for each tessellation.

Total Marks: 30
Note to Students:

• Ensure that your pictures are clear and accurately capture the tessellating
• Pay attention to detail when identifying symmetries and labeling the preimage
and image for each tessellation.
• Prepare to present your findings confidently and be ready to answer questions
from your classmates regarding your observations and analysis.

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