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CE432A: Geographical Information System 2023-24/II

Name: Nishant Tripathi Roll Number: 200644

Laboratory Exercise Report – 10

The primary objectives of this exercise are aimed at enhancing comprehension and
application skills in point interpolation techniques, with a particular focus on allocating
service areas around a point layer. Moreover, the exercise delves into employing various
interpolation methods for handling quantitative data. Among these methods, Inverse Distance
Weighted (IDW) interpolation and Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) interpolation stand
out for their utility in spatial analysis. Through this exercise, participants will gain insights
into how these techniques operate and their practical applications in geospatial analyses,
enabling them to effectively distribute service areas based on specific point data.


To conduct a comprehensive analysis using point interpolation techniques in GIS, follow

these condensed methodologies steps:

Data Preparation:
1. Acquire two point datasets: "Supermarkets" and "Ozone_Measurements".
2. Confirm that both datasets use the EPSG:28992 - Amersfoort / RD New reference system
for spatial accuracy.
3. Import these layers into QGIS for analysis.

Understanding the Data:

1. Determine that "Ozone_Measurements" includes quantitative data (e.g., ozone levels),
while "Supermarkets" encompasses qualitative data (e.g., names, types).
2. Recognize quantitative data as measurable, numerical values and qualitative data as
descriptive attributes, crucial for different GIS analyses.

IDW Interpolation:
1. Use "Ozone_Measurements" for IDW interpolation, focusing on numerical values.
2. Adjust IDW parameters such as power and search radius based on data distribution.
CE432A: Geographical Information System 2023-24/II

3. Execute IDW interpolation, producing a raster layer of ozone concentration.

4. Apply the same IDW process to "Supermarkets", although its qualitative nature may
require creative numerical representation.
5. Examine the differences in IDW results, considering the nature of each dataset.

TIN Interpolation:
1. Choose "Ozone_Measurements" for TIN interpolation, constructing a model from the
2. Convert the TIN model to a raster format for easier analysis.
3. Repeat the TIN process for "Supermarkets", noting the method's adaptation to different
data types.
4. Compare TIN outcomes, evaluating how each interpolation method handles the dataset's
unique characteristics.

This approach offers a succinct yet thorough roadmap for utilizing IDW and TIN
interpolation techniques on diverse datasets within QGIS, enabling a detailed spatial analysis
based on both quantitative and qualitative data types.

Questions & Answers

CE432A: Geographical Information System 2023-24/II

Q1. What are these two interpolation techniques and how are these two different?

Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) and Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) interpolation
are foundational in geospatial analysis, each with unique approaches to estimating unknown
values. IDW leverages the proximity and values of neighboring points, assuming that points
closer to each other are more alike than those further apart. Conversely, TIN constructs a
mesh of triangles from the input points, using the vertices of these triangles to interpolate val-
ues across the surface. The key difference lies in their approach: IDW emphasizes distance-
based weighting, while TIN relies on geometric structuring.

Q2. Which layer contains quantitative and qualitative data? What is the difference in these
two in GIS?

In the given context, "Ozone_Measurements" exemplifies quantitative data, offering measur-

able and numerical values indicative of ozone concentrations. "Supermarkets," on the other
hand, is qualitative, characterized by non-numeric descriptors such as names or types of
stores. The distinction is crucial in GIS: quantitative data lends itself to statistical and spatial
operations that output numerical results, while qualitative data aids in classification, identific-
ation, and thematic mapping.

Q3. What method of point data transformation will be suitable for the two layers (TIN or

Considering the nature of the data, IDW interpolation aligns well with "Ozone_Measure-
ments" due to its quantitative aspect, allowing for a nuanced estimation of ozone levels based
on spatial proximity. TIN interpolation, with its ability to represent discrete points through a
network of triangles, suits the "Supermarkets" layer, enabling the delineation of areas influ-
enced by each supermarket.

Q4. Perform both interpolation methods on both the data sets and explain the analysis in the
results obtained (compare the results).

Upon applying IDW and TIN to both datasets, a comparative analysis highlights IDW's profi-
ciency in rendering a smooth gradient of values for the "Ozone_Measurements," reflecting
gradual spatial changes in ozone concentration. TIN, in the context of "Supermarkets," ad-
eptly demarcates areas closest to each supermarket, though it may offer less intuitive results
when forced on quantitative data. The comparison underscores the importance of matching
data characteristics with the appropriate interpolation method for accurate spatial representa-

Q5. Explore other interpolation techniques like Krigging, Spline, Thiessen Polygons, Trend
surface Interpolation. Explain the differences among the techniques.

Beyond IDW and TIN, methods like Kriging, Spline, Thiessen Polygons, and Trend Surface
Interpolation offer diverse approaches to spatial estimation. Kriging accounts for spatial auto-
correlation, providing statistically optimized results. Spline ensures a smooth surface that
passes through or near the observed values, ideal for modeling elevation. Thiessen Polygons
generate distinct zones around each point, useful for defining areas of influence. Trend Sur-
CE432A: Geographical Information System 2023-24/II

face Analysis fits a mathematical surface over the points, capturing broad spatial trends. Each
method has its applications, strengths, and limitations based on the data's nature and the ana-
lysis's goals.

Q6. Explore interpolation techniques mentioned in the above using another open source soft-
ware ‘ILWIS’. Also, write a brief description about the software.

ILWIS (Integrated Land and Water Information System) stands as a versatile open-source
platform for GIS and remote sensing. It supports a wide range of interpolation methods, in-
cluding those mentioned above. ILWIS's strength lies in its integration of GIS data handling,
remote sensing, and geospatial analysis within a single framework, making it a valuable tool
for exploring spatial patterns and relationships using different interpolation techniques. Its
user-friendly interface and comprehensive toolkit facilitate the application of complex geos-
tatistical methods to various datasets, enabling researchers and practitioners to derive mean-
ingful insights from spatial data.

The analysis of IDW and TIN interpolations on "Ozone_Measurements" (quantitative) and
"Supermarkets" (qualitative) datasets highlighted IDW's effectiveness for mapping
continuous ozone levels with a smooth raster surface, while TIN excelled at defining discrete
service areas for supermarkets through polygons. Investigating additional interpolation
techniques like Kriging and Spline further illuminated their applicability and constraints
relative to data type. A comparison across QGIS and ILWIS platforms affirmed the
consistency and efficacy of these interpolation methods in geospatial analysis.


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