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“THEROADS AND ROAD TRAFFIC ACT, [SECTION 68 (5) OF REGULATION 3, OF "THE ROADS AND ROAD TRAFFIC REGISTRATION AND LICENCING REGULATIONS, ‘90180887 ‘OWNER: Road Transport and Safety Agency Company 80687 SILTEKK ENGINEERING LIMITED BOX 37048 LUSAKA ABSOLUTE OWNER: 20687 SILTEKK ENGINEERING LIMITED BOK 37048 uusaKa ee ase aia, he Unny tee Pe nae wns epson cece ive Engine Capacity: Seating Capacity Registration Authority Interpot number REPRINTED Receipt Number = 6877038 ‘Transaction : ‘Amount Received : ZK 260.20 ‘Method of Payment : Date 2019/12/05 Received By Payment Reference Sco ied rst + 8467898 2006 2013/12/05 LL1 40298 998) 46 ‘Normal Registration Cash ‘10000829 NOT APPLICABLE No: 2H LOB 7346 73 “THEROADS AND ROAD TRAFFIC ACT, [SECTION 68 (5) OF REGULATION 3, OF "THE ROADS AND ROAD TRAFFIC REGISTRATION AND LICENCING REGULATIONS, "90180801 ‘OWNER: Road Transport and Safety Agency Company 80687 SILTEKK ENGINEERING LINITED Box 37048, LUsaka ABSOLUTE OWNER: 20687 SILTEKK ENGINEERING LIMITED BOK 37048 uusaKa ee ase aia, he Unny tee Pe nae wns epson cece ive Sco ied rst VEHICLE DETAIL: z pitas Aner . National Registration Number: avec | ‘MIN / Chassis Number: SS Engine Capacity: Seating Capacity Registration Authority + 9467806 2006 2013/12/05 vi 640234 Interpot number: 84 1 46 REPRINTED Receipt Number = 6877038 ‘Transaction : Normal Registration ‘Amount Received : ZK 260.20 Method of Payment : Cash Date 2019/12/05 Received By» 10000839 Payment Reference: NOTAPPUICABLE wy. 7 398934570 “THEROADS AND ROAD TRAFFIC ACT, [SECTION 68 (5) OF REGULATION 3, OF "THE ROADS AND ROAD TRAFFIC REGISTRATION AND LICENCING REGULATIONS, 0180518 ‘OWNER: Road Transport and Safety Agency Company 80687 SILTEKK ENGINEERING LIMITED BOX 37048 LUSAKA ABSOLUTE OWNER: 20687 SILTEKK ENGINEERING LIMITED BOK 37048 uusaKa ee ase aia, he Unny tee Pe nae wns epson cece ive Engine Capacity: Seating Capacity Registration Authority Interpot number REPRINTED Receipt Number - 6877038 ‘Transaction : ‘Amount Received : ZK 260.20 ‘Method of Payment : Date 2019/12/05 Received By Payment Reference Sco ied rst Livingstone + 8987806 2006 2013/12/05 vi c40208 83 1 46 ‘Normal Registration Cash ‘10000829 HOT AsPuehens isl 2a SORT ANe EY “THEROADS AND ROAD TRAFFIC ACT, [SECTION 68 (5) OF REGULATION 3, OF "THE ROADS AND ROAD TRAFFIC REGISTRATION AND LICENCING REGULATIONS, ‘9018080 ‘OWNER: Road Transport and Safety Agency Company 80687 SILTEKK ENGINEERING LINITED Box 37048, LUsaka ABSOLUTE OWNER: 20687 SILTEKK ENGINEERING LIMITED BOK 37048 uusaKa ee ase aia, he Unny tee Pe nae wns epson cece ive Sco ied rst VEHICLE DETAIL: . mo ANC8«72T | National Registration Number Sie Engine Capacity: Seating Capacity Registration Authority: Livingstone + 8467898 2006 2013/12/05 Lv 040234 Interpot number: 86 1 46 REPRINTED Receipt Number = 6877038 ‘Transaction : Normal Registration ‘Amount Received : ZK 260.00 Method of Payment : Cash Date 2015/12/05 Received By» 10000839 Payment Reference: NOTAPPLICABLE Wy. 24 18734840 ‘THEROADS AND ROADTRAFRIC ACT, s MOTOR VENICLE ‘SECTION 66 (6) OF REGULATION 3, OF REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE “THE ROADS AND ROAD TI REGISTRATIONANDLICEICING REGULATIONS, ra MI omer Road Transport and Safety Agency So eee: Vie ise ABSOLUTE OWNER: 687 . SUTERK ENSNEERGING UMTED. ‘ P.O Bx 201 ssa eee arrsmenncannganir inn inte eo a a icon naitte hosed cats tbe tana me Sao eek et ee ener rae sip iea oo syDtst gin veHigie DETAIL: Veh Conta Number - 650200 Registration Mart ALz. te ze National Registration Number: AD04432M r “MINI Chassis: Number: wwwwezzzenz1c089309 Engine Number: 49-3320 Make: Miubihi = adel» Center ——= WodelNumber: $500 Colour: White “| Mehicle Category: Naw. loadin ' Propelled by, Olesel | a! NetWieight. fo000 vntkg : 10900 Engine Capacity: 2530 Seating Capaciy: 3 Ragisration Aunoriy: Lusaka . Corificalo Number: 5110072 Year ofMeke: 1997 FirglRegistraton Date : 2010/04/19 ‘Sebsnitisielearance number ; 61298081 SS == interpol number: 60/493/10 RECEIPT : Recelpt Number 41486 ‘Transaction Change of Owner ‘Amount Received : ZK 260,208.00 Nethod of Payment, Cash Date 2014/11/04 Received By : 10000390 Payment Refersnce ; NOT APPLICABLE No: ZM AOBLG 2047 BECTION 86 (5) OF REGULATION 3, OF THE ROADS AND ROAD TRAFFIC REGISTRATION ANO LICENCING REGULATIONS. REGISTRAT.ON CERTIFI ‘owner Company 20887 ‘Sltekk Engineering Limited PO Box 27048 Lusaka ABSOLUTE OWNER company 0687 Silt Enginzering Limited PO Box s7048 Usaha om $6 gore wernt Le Hy in ne 4 ert iRea whe me ences Tre ree TBrcoarapsas pai ciavemmpapeivnsnienp arses eS ENSUES ema ran capesnnea om ecvamptpigponenemenawene (Beenetigensasitemnttasnnebpcie-oaeags penentibermaaeaye Haq clears |e oceeenerencree ene ae amie nrmntraenmismennienas, 2S ae “ VEHICLE DETAIL: Vehicle Control Number : 223248 Registration M rk : ABMSS28 National Registration Nui er : ABD41222M + FEegose-592516 4032-A90867 ‘ Mitsubishi : «it ; Soe pine Es Ugh load vohicle (GVM 600K, of oss) Diesel 115150 ¢ 115150 * Engine Cepacity ; 5000 Seating Capacity : 3 Registration Authorty; Lusakei Certifcate Number : 2034868 Year of Map 1994 istration Dole : 2010/05/20 Ryace numbar : RECEIPT | Recaip! Number ; 1673557 Transaction : Conversion” Amount Received: ZK 0.00 Method of Payment NOT APPL ioaBle Date +: 2010/05/20 Received By: Payment Referericg ou |e ROKDS AND ROAD TRAFMC ACT, |SECTION6S (3) OF REGULATION, OF |" THEROADS AND ROAD TRAC | REGSTRATION AND LICENCING i TEGULATIONS comer: Road Transport and Zambian Comoe 208e7 . |__Sitekk Engineering Limited | POBen ole | Uke | assoLuTe owner: ‘0887 Sitti Engnering Lined | POBox s7008 | Teak | vente Dera: Vehicle Control Number: Registration Wark j Nations! Registration Number WN /Chassis Number: Engine Number Hoke Mode! Medel Numbet Colour Vehicle Catagory Propelled by. ! Net Weight ! GWtig ! Engine Capacity Seating Capacity Registration Authority Certincate Number FR Yoar of Make station Date rence number Interpol number REPRINTED RE Receipt Number 3807003 ‘Amount Received 2K 260.00 Transaction Method of Payment Received By Payment Reference Date 2018/12/05 MOTOR VEHCLE REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE Nn afety Agency 03068 Asce434T ACGA05720 AESHM4OWB6FBKZ067 ‘NF TV SBE Sino Howo owser 3800 White Heavyload ven(GVM> 360K) Notappticable 5000) 19000 10.000 2 Livingstone 5467595, 2006 2019/12/05 Lvicoo23s 85/45 Normal Registration Cash 10000030 NOTAPPLICABLE 2M bO8i048 10

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