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A study on consumer purchasing behavior towards D-Mart Super Market with

reference to Coimbatore city

Article · April 2023


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5 authors, including:

Dr D Renukadevi Devarajan Santhanakrishnan

Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science


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© 2023 IJRAR April 2023, Volume 10, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

A study on consumer purchasing behavior

towards D- Mart Super Market with reference to
Coimbatore city.
1Dr.D.Renukadevi,2Dr.D.Santhanakrishnan,3Mr.V.Prasanth,4 Mr.V.Naveen Amuthan, 5Ms.V.Akhila
Assistant Professor,2Associate professor & Head,3Student, 4 Student, 5Student
B.Com CS,
Sri Ramakrishna College of arts and Science, Coimbatore, India

Abstract : D Mart is a one-stop supermarket procession that aims to suggest consumers a wide variety of
basic home and individual harvest below one roof. Each D Mart store stocks home convenience goods -
including food, toiletries, beauty products, garments, kitchenware, bed and bath linen, home appliances and
more - accessible at aggressive prices that our consumers be grateful for. Our core purpose is to present
client’s good harvest at immense worth. To study further a survey research was conducted in which primary
data was collected from 100 people who had visited D Mart to buy any product. Due to which we will know
that how D Mart has changes the observation of every customers purchasing behavior using unusual

Key words - D Mart, Purchasing Behaviour, Utility Products, Super Market


Trade involves the sale of goods from a single point (malls, markets, department stores etc) honestly to the
shopper in small quantities for his end use. In a layman’s language, retailing is nothing but the operation
of goods between the seller and the end user as a single unit (piece) or in small quantities to satisfy the
needs of the personality and for his direct consumption. The retailers (also called shop owners)
purchase goods in bulk quantities (huge numbers) to be sold to the end-users either in a directly line from
the manufacturers or from beginning to end a trader. D-mart have acquired the space where they are
organization their business nothing like other participant retail stores who get the lands on lease in its place
of buying it which gives them the benefit of discount massive payments of leasing which is a large segment
of the profits
1.1 Objectives of the study
1. To study about consumer preference towards D - Mart Supermarket.
2. To Study about the factors influencing to purchase of the Products.
3. To know about satisfaction of customer.
IJRAR23B1367 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 10
© 2023 IJRAR April 2023, Volume 10, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
Survey Method is occupied to gather the data from the respondents through structured questionnaire
designed on the basis of objectives of the study. Secondary Data have been collected through various
Journals, books & internet which are constrained to the intangible construction of the paper only. The
collected data is then edited, consolidated and subjected to suitable statistical test & the data is presented in
form of tables. A convenient sampling size of 100 respondents has been randomly selected.
1.3 Statistical Tool Used
The following statistical tools have been used in the study for the purpose of analysis:
1. Simple Percentage Analysis
2. Chi - Square test
1.4 Limitation of the study
1. This research is conducted on a sample size, so it might be potential that the in order specified by
such respondents may not match with the play again of total consumers to be had in the D-Mart that time.
2. The study was constrained only to the consumers of D - Mart

II.Review of Literature:
Ms. Harsha S.Parecha, Dr. Mahesh C. Dabre “A Study on the Consumer Buying Behaviour of D-Mart
Shopping Center with Special Reference to Amravati City. D-Mart executives and staff were very helpful
all the way through my research work. The consumers have revealed optimistic quality towards this
shopping axis. They have built a relative of faith more than these years with this shopping hub. The giant
succession of this mart has given away solidity and sustainability. Consumers’ commonly stopover D-Mart
to procure an assortment of things. Community appointment once or twice a week and make massive
acquire. The factors which have residential beneficial approach are mentioned in the prearranged study. D-
Mart has also pretentious on the sales of retailers of the city. Retail stores did not reach the heights of
consumer’s fulfillment as D - Mart. Consumers show encouraging perceptions towards the operational style,
manufactured goods range and the amenities provided by D-Mart mall. generally to finish it becomes
obligatory to talk about that customers have played a central role in the accomplishment of D-Mart.
Sharda Vijay Nikhare1 , Rutika Dilip Nipane2 “Consumers Buying Behavior towards D Mart” The
study was conducted to identify the regulars wholesale performance towards D-mart. It is beloved position
of shopping for one and all due to accessibility of varieties of products. Now a day’s purchaser fulfillment is
must for the industry. Thus the accessibility of wide assortment of well-known goods in within your means
prices at particular place changes the business way of life of each customers of the social order. To study
additional a investigation do research was conducted in which most important data was together from 100
people who had visited D-mart to buy any item for consumption. Due to which we will know that how D-
mart has changes the discernment of every customers buying performance using dissimilar strategies.
Akshay Kumar G Bhat, Rajendra Prasad “A Study on Customer approval towards D Mart Retail Outlet
in Karwar city” The investigate paper considers sympathetic customer’s contentment towards DMART. The
objectives of the study are to understand customer fulfillment towards various foodstuffs sold by DMART
and also analyze the happiness level of purchaser understanding while shopping at DMART. This research
IJRAR23B1367 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 11
© 2023 IJRAR April 2023, Volume 10, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
study mainly focuses on the advertising behavior and shopper response towards D-MART. Research
methodology adopted in the study is explanatory in nature and non-probability expediency sampling
technique was used with a sample size of 100 respondents through online planned questionnaire with
Google forms. Data collected was later analyzed and interpreted using SPSS software. The answer and
suggestions provided in the research study will definitely help DMART to make necessary changes to
provide improved customers to its consumers in the said outlet.
Swapna Dubha “A Study on Consumer Behavior toward D-Mart's” D-mart is an Indian chain of
hypermarkets in India which provides wide variety of every day family circle need goods to its regulars for
best prices. This study is to understand patron overall behavior and satisfaction on D-mart goods and
services and also to recognize which level proceeds people are buying more from D-marts. This study
reveals that the regulars are contented with the services of D-marts.
Shobika. S, Dr. R. Guna Sundari “A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Hypermarket with Special
Reference to D-mart” The opinion of this study is to locate out generally contentment towards D-mart.
Some people are satisfied with price, some people about manufactured goods assortment etc. Research was
done through questionnaire and also discus with some patrons in college university grounds who are clients
of D-Mart This paper was thus built-up to examine the fulfillment levels of consumers in D-mart.
The study examined the consequence of overall magnitude and explicit fundamentals of buyer satisfaction
towards the quantity of fulfillment levels. This research is conducted on a sample size, so it might be
promising that the in sequence given by such respondents may not match with the replay of total consumers
obtainable in the D-Mart that time.
III. D Mart – An Overview
D-Mart is a one-stop supermarket chain that aims to present consumers a extensive assortment of
fundamental home and delicate yield under one roof. Each DMart store stocks home utility products -
including food, toiletries, beauty products, garments, kitchenware, bed and bath linen, home appliances and
more - available at competitive prices that our customers be glad about. Our core objective is to offer
consumers good products at great value.
D-Mart was started by Mr. Radhakishan Damani and his family to address the growing needs of the Indian
family. From the launch of its first store in Powai in 2002, DMart today has a well-established presence in
302 locations across Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana,
Chhattisgarh, NCR, Tamil Nadu, Punjab and Rajasthan. With our assignment to be the lowest priced seller
in the regions we function, our production continues to grow with new locations considered in more cities.
The supermarket chain of D-Mart stores is owned and operated by Avenue Super marts Ltd. (ASL). The
company has its headquarters in Mumbai.
* The brands D Mart, D Mart Minimax, D Mart Premia, D Homes, Dutch Harbour, etc are brands owned by
3.1 Strategic & Organization Structure of D-Mart
The eventual start with D-Mart requirements to construct a picture among the majority of a rebate store that
offers the vast majority of the items from over every single real brand. Essentially, a store that offers an
incentive for cash. Presently, since persons for the most part come to D-Mart on the grounds that they all
IJRAR23B1367 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 12
© 2023 IJRAR April 2023, Volume 10, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
what they need under one rooftop, as a result, D-Mart stores are prepared in high rush hour congestion
territories and crosswise over three organizations together with Hypermarkets that are spread crosswise over
30,000-35,000 sqft, Express group, that is spread more than 7,000-10,000 sqft and in wrapping up, the
Super Centers, that are set up at more than 1 lakh sqft.
What's more, D-mart's proposed concentration assembly being the inside pay congregation, it uses Discount
offers as a special instrument for baiting the clients and expanding deals too. Generally speaking D-mart's
prosperity is centered on three things: Customers, Vendors, and Employees! Take Customers. Since D-mart
is focusing on center salary family units, every one of their stores is in, or near, neighborhoods and not in
shopping centers.
Their thought isn't to meet each customer's need like different contenders, yet rather, D-mart tries to meet
most normal shopper needs, while payment some benefit for their cash. Furthermore, since, 90% of these
stores are possessed reasonably by D-mart; they don't need to stress over month-to-month rentals and their
ascent, or migration chance. Moreover, this is helping them construct property on their books.
This likewise keeps D-mart all approximately promoted and responsibility light, while its everyday jobs
create additional money. All the cash that is secure utilizing this process is at the end accessible back to the
customers as limits. Sellers, Seller relations are the second foundation of their model. Since he originates
from dealer groundwork, his seller associations have been his maximum excellence.
3.2 D-Mart - Business Model & Supply chain Model
The business model lies at the core of a victorious companionship. A good, perfect business mold not only
acts as a mainstay for a production to grow but also helps it do well in an absolutely less amount of time.
D-Mart, often termed as the Wal-Mart of India, has been quite flourishing in its production so far, and a
major credit goes to the dynamic manufacture model it has residential in excess of the years.
The succession of D-Mart operates on a B2C (Business to Consumer) model in which the company sells its
goods from the manufacturer’s house to that of the end-user. D-Mart sells a wide range of products ranging
from home care and individual care to grocery and staples, daily essentials, home appliances, footwear,
luggage, fruits and vegetables, men’s and women’s apparel, and more. These goods, as we all know, fulfill
our each day needs, and hence, have a important command all the way through the year. Therefore, they
clean out the possibilities of fluctuations due to high demand and help the brand get the reliability that a lot
of others sleep about.
IV.Data Analysis and Interpretation
Table 1: Gender of the respondents:
Gender Respondents Percentage
Male 49 49%
Female 51 51%
Total 100 100%

IJRAR23B1367 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 13

© 2023 IJRAR April 2023, Volume 10, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
Graphical Representation:

60 Percentage
40 Respondents
Male Female Total

From the above data the study has 51% of female respondents and 49% of male respondents.

Table 2: Respondents visit to D- Mart:

Visit Respondents Percentage

Daily 2 2%
Weekly 22 22%
Monthly 76 76%
Total 100 100%

Graphical Representation:



From the above data it shows that 76% respondents visit monthly, 22% of the respondents visit D-
mart weekly and 2% of the respondents visit daily. Most people like to visit D-mart is monthly.

IJRAR23B1367 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 14

© 2023 IJRAR April 2023, Volume 10, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Table 3: Types of products respondents prefer to purchase:

Type of Product Most Likely Not Not at all Total

Likely Frequently
Groceries 73 19 5 3 100
Clothes 62 23 13 2 100
Household 71 21 7 1 100
Food Products 79 15 4 2 100

Graphical Representation:

From the above data, it shows that food items and groceries are prefers to purchase Most likely,
Clothes are purchased not frequently. Household items are purchase likely
Findings and Suggestions:
From our study it is observed that 51% of the respondents are Female. Products availability, Quality,
Offers and Discounts are the main reasons for buying from D-mart stores in Coimbatore city. Most of the
customers are not aware of D-mart online services. D-mart should concentrate on Clothes and Household
items, So that it can increase the sales. Offers and Discounts are needed to be provided more, as it is the
main motivation at the back purchasing.
D mart is a hypermarket as it provides various kinds of goods like apparels, grocery, stationary, food items,
electronic items, leather items, watches, jewellery, crockery, decorative items, chocolates and many more. It
completes all socially stores of different product which provides good at a not exclusive rate all the way
from beginning to end the year. It holds a substantial shopper based and it seemed from the study that the
purchaser is quite satisfied with D-mart. According to the analysis we finish that Quality of the service
rendered by D- Mart Coupled with the attractive pricing strategy followed by it. D-mart also has massive
diversity of product all under one roof which is one of its major competencies.

IJRAR23B1367 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 15

© 2023 IJRAR April 2023, Volume 10, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
1. Ms. Harsha S.Parecha, Dr. Mahesh C. Dabre “A Study on the Consumer Buying Behaviour of D-Mart
Shopping Center with Special Reference to Amravati City. International Journal of Social Sciences &
Humanities (IJSSH) ISSN (Online) : 2395-5996 ISSN (Print) : 2454-275X
2. Sharda Vijay Nikhare1 , Rutika Dilip Nipane2 “Consumers Buying Behavior towards D-Mart”
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Journal homepage: www.ijrpr.com ISSN 2582-
3. Akshay Kumar G Bhat, Rajendra Prasad “A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards D Mart Retail
Outlet in Karwar city” International E Conference on Adapting to the New Business Normal – The way
ahead December 3-4, 2020 Mysuru, India
4. Swapna Dubha “A Study On Consumer Behavior Toward D-Mart's” JETIR2112383 Journal of
Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org © 2021 JETIR December 2021,
Volume 8, Issue 12 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
5. Shobika. S, Dr. R. Guna Sundari “A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Hypermarket With
Special Reference To D-mart” SJIF Impact Factor 2021: 8.013| ISI I.F.Value:1.241| Journal DOI:
10.36713/epra2016 ISSN: 2455-7838(Online) EPRA International Journal of Research and
Development(IJRD) Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | April 2021
6. https://tradebrains.in/dmart-business-model/
7. https://www.dmartindia.com/about-us

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