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Medical faculty in Mostar

Radiology exam, January 8. 2024.

1. The diagnostic method that has the highest sensitivity in the diagnosis of breast cancer is:

a) mammography

b) ultrasound

c) Doppler ultrasound

d) magnetic resonance imaging

e) elastography

2. What is true for mammography:

a) can be a diagnostic and screening method

b) uses ionizing X-rays

c) not recommended before the age of 40 except exceptionally

e) can be native and contrasting

e) all is true

3. Total opacification of the hemitorax with ipsilateral mediastinal shift is typical for:

a) pleural effusion

b) atelectasis

c) pneumonia

e) tuberculosis

e) sarcoidosis

4. An X-ray of the thoracic organs shows tension pneumothorax on the right side, so what can we
expect on this image?

a) dislocated the ipsilateral hemidiafragm

b) contralateral mediastinal shift

c) ipsilateral mediastinal shift

d) lack of lung drawing contralaterally

e) a + b
Medical faculty in Mostar
Radiology exam, January 8. 2024.

5. How many pulmonary lobes are at the right side of the lungs

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

e) 6

6) What is true for breast cyst

a) can be complicated

b) can be detected by ultrasound

c) can be detected by MRI

d) can be simple

e) all is correct

7. Breast malignancy

a) is usually vertically orientated

b) can be palpabile

c) can have microcalcifications

d) is usually hypoechoic

e) all is true

8. BIRADS 2 means

a) normal mammograms

b) it is necessary to do some additional breast diagnostics

c) the lesion has a low risk of malignancy

d) the lesion has higher risk of malignancy

e) the lesion is suspisious for malignancy

Medical faculty in Mostar
Radiology exam, January 8. 2024.

9. What is true for pleural effusion

a) mediastinal ispilateral shift

b) medistinal contralateral shift

c) narrow intercostal spaces

d) elevated hemidiafragm

e) all is true

10. Bronchial carcinoma

a) can metastasize to brain

b) can metastasize to suprarenal glands

c) can metastasize to bones

d) can metastasize to liver

e) all is true

11. Which claim for radiography is not true:

a. Plain film radiography remains as the 1rst order diagnostic imaging modality in
musculoskeletal trauma
b. X-rays are a form of electromagnetic waves similar to visible light but of longer wave length
c. X-ray tube generates x-rays and beams them toward the patient. Some of the energy is
absorbed; rest passes through patient and hits the film plate.
d. Shades of gray on film are a representation of the different densities of the anatomic tissues
through which the x-rays have passed.

12. Which claim for ultrasonography is true:

a. Reproducible in trained hands

b. Excellent for superficial soft tissue elements including tendons and muscle
c. Potential for dynamic imaging
d. All claims are correct

13. What is not advantage of MRI in MSK diagnostic:

a. No radiation
b. „look” inside bone – bone marrow evaluation
Medical faculty in Mostar
Radiology exam, January 8. 2024.

c. Good for looking at the soft tisssue (muscles, ligaments, cartilage)

d. Better then CT for cortical bone

14. What is advantages of CT in MSK diagnostic:

a. Poor contrast resolution
b. Always gives images only in coronal plane
c. Measures the tissue attenuation coefficient
d. There is no radiation exposure of patients

15. Arthrogrphy:
a. Is diagnostic method with application of contrast agentinto the joint space
b. Use negative contrast iodine iodide solution
c. MR arthrography can not replaced conventional x-ray arthrography
d. Shows extraarticular structures

16. What is not indication for MRI in musculoskeletar system:

a. Trauma(acute or chronic)
b. Tumors evaluation
c. Metabolic disease classification
d. Evaluation of the blood flow direction

17. What is not absolute contraindication for MR examination in MSK system:

a. Cardiac Pacemakers (old types)
b. Metallic foreign bodiesin the body
c. Claustrophobia
d. Electronic stimulators

18. Which claim is incorrect:

a. Compact Bone: forms outer shell or cortex of bone; dense
b. Cancellous Bone: forms the inner aspect of bone except for the marrow cavity; spongy
c. Periosteum: Covers the cortex; fibrous layer which contains blood vesselsand nerves
d. Endosteum: Membrane lining the outer aspect of the cortex and medullary cavity
Medical faculty in Mostar
Radiology exam, January 8. 2024.

19. What is not common radiological features of arthritis:

a. Soft tissue swelling
b. Subchondral sclerosis and erosion
c. Joint effusion
d. Intramuscular haemathoma

20. In evaluation of osteoarthritis (OA) for MRI is true:

a. MRI can assess all structures of the joint, including cartilage, meniscus, ligaments,
muscle, subarticular bone marrow and synovium,
b. Because of higher radiation dose MRI is not appropriate for OA evaluation.
c. MRI can evaluate joints a whole organ
d. MRI can directly assess of cartilage morphology an composition

21. What is not radiological sign of degenrativne spine disease:

a. Intervertebral disk –space narrowing

b. Osteophytes
c. Interspinosus ligament rupture
d. Facete joint narrowing and sclerosis

22. Radiographic features of osteomyelitis do not includes:

a. The changes may not be obvious until 5 to 7 days from onset in children and 10 to 14 days in
b. Regional osteopenia
c. Periosteal thickening
d. Soft-tissue calcifications

23. Which cause is not part of the classification of cerebral infarct:

a. trauma
b. thromboembolic
c. hemodynamic
d. small vessels disease
Medical faculty in Mostar
Radiology exam, January 8. 2024.

24. „High risk“ group of head trauma patients caracterizes:

a. disturbance of consciousnessor focal neurological deficit
b. open injury
c. urgent CT and consultation with neurosurgeon
d. all answers are correct

25. MRI advantage over CT in head trauma is not:

a. nonhemorhagic lesions
b. Intraventricular haemorhage
c. cortical contusions
d. DAI

26. For CT features of extraaxial head trauma is not correct:

a. acute SDH: hyperdense lesion, bone-bound, sharply demarcated, crescent-shaped, with or
without a compressive effect
b. subacute SDH: over time the lesion becomes isodense with the brain parenchyma, the
hematoma may be inhomogeneous
c. chronic SDH: it is isodense
d. acute EDH: hyperdense, sharply demarcated spindle-shaped lesion, protruding towards
the parenchyma, with or without

27. Inner cerebral trauma includes lesions in:

a. corpus calosum and septum pelucidum
b. periventricular complex and meningeal sheaths
c. brain steam and entorinal complex
d. a + c

28. For algoritm of radiological methodes in head trauma it is not correct:

a. CT is for acute trauma
b. MRI is for subacute trauma and chronic sequele
c. Angiography is mandatory in each trauma patient
d. Scul x-ray has limited value
Medical faculty in Mostar
Radiology exam, January 8. 2024.

29. X-ray signs of orbital disease do not include:

a. Change in optical nerve
b. Size of orbit
c. Change in orbital shape
d. Dehiscience of orbital bone

30. Intraorbital calcification are seen in:

a. Retinoblastoma
b. Optic nerve sheath meningeoma
c. Optic neuritis
d. Orbital varix

31. For malignant neoplasm of lacrimal gland it is correct:

a. Mass with good defined margins
b. Never shows intralesional calcification
c. Surrounding bone destruction
d. Generally tend to extend anteriorly

32. Which claim for meningeoma is not correct:

a. Native CT: these are sharply delineated, homogeneous, hyperdense lesions, located near the
b. Usualy with homogeneous CM imbibition and calcifications and bone hyperostosis
c. Never causes bone erosion or bone destruction due to microinvasion
d. on MRI: isointense or hypointense signal intensity on T1 , while hyperintense signal
intensity on T2 WI
Medical faculty in Mostar
Radiology exam, January 8. 2024.

33. The sound waves in ultrasonography are unable to penetrate bone and which one of the
A) Gas
B) Fluid
C) Fat
D) Brain

34. The appearances of intimal flap and false lumen at CT angiography is the sign of
A) Aortic aneurism
B) Aortic dissection
C) Pneumomediastinum
D) Aortic coarctation

35. CT performed without contrast is typically used for

A) Detection of renal or ureteral calculi
B) To evaluate kidney excretory function
C) Baseline scans to evaluate for lesion enhancement after contrast administration
D) a+c

36. Advantages of ultrasonography are all except

A) Wide availability
B) Lack of ionizing radiation.
C) The kidneys are generally well seen
D) Can easily asses ureters
Medical faculty in Mostar
Radiology exam, January 8. 2024.

37. The method of choice in emergency setting of brain stroke imaging is


b. Classic X-ray image

c. X-ray diascopy

d. MR

38. For metastatic brain tumors, everything is correct except

a) mostly show "ring" marginal imbibition by contrast medium

b) are the rarest type of brain tumor

c) mostly cause perifocal edema

d) can be multiple, which is not uncommon

e) MRI of the brain is more sensitive than CT in detecting metastatic brain tumors

39. For puncture of blood vessels in interventional radiology is used mainly:

a. Trocar technique

b. Dotter's technique

c. Seldinger technique

d. Amplatz technique

e. None of the above techniques

40. The appearance of an acute epidural hematoma on the MDCT is:

a. Hyperdense extraaxial biconvex formation

b. Hypodense extraaxial formation

c. Hyperdense extraaxial crescent formation

d. Hypodense intraaxial formation

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