Test To Pass

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1) CT or hounsfield number depends upon

A. Mass density
B. Electron density
C. Atomic number
D. Atomic mass

2) Which of the following statement is true ?

A. By reducing kVp by 50% radiation dose is reduced to half
B. In pediatric patients dose should be reduced
C. CT dose index is not useful for control exposure in multi slice CT
D. kV has no control over CT dose index

3) Which artery is dissected most commonly following arteriography by

femoral route?
A. Celiac trunk
B. Superior mesenteric artery
C. Inferior mesenteric artery
D. Gastroduodenal artery

4) Earliest investigation for diagnosis of Ankylosing spondylitis

A. MRI STIR sequence
B. Bone scan
C. CT scan
D. X-ray

5) How much area is covered by spiral CT in 30 second?

A. Entire organ
B. Entire abdomen
C. Entire trunk
D. Whole body

6) In CT scan, Hounsfield unit depends on

A. Electron density
B. Mass density
C. Effective atomic number
D. Linear attenuation number

7) X-ray view of choice for lumber spondylosis is/ are

A. PA view
B. Lateral view
C. Left oblique view
D. Right oblique view

High resolution CT of the lung is a specialized CT technique for a greater

detail of lung parenchyma and it utilizes
A. Special lung filter
B. Thick collimation
C. Bone algorithm for image reconstruction
D. Large field of view

9) Which of the following is non – ionizing radiation

A. X-ray
B. Beta Rays
C. Alpha rays
D. Microwave
E. Gamma rays

10) Time sector scanning of neonates is preferred because of the following

reason. Most practical reason
A. Open fontanelles
B. Inexpensive
C. Children more co – operative
D. Better resolution

11) PET stand for

A. Positive electron tomography
B. Proton electron therapy
C. Positron emission tomography
D. Photon emitting tomography

12) What modification is needed for proper radiographic image In a heavy

bony built person?
A. Increased mA
B. Increased kVp
C. Increased exposure time
D. Increased developing time

13) Maximum radiation exposure occurs in

A. Bone scan
B. X-ray
D. CT scan

14) USG is definitive investigation of

A. Vasa previa
B. Abruption placenta
C. Placenta previa
D. Imperforate hymen

15) Investigation of choice in whole body imaging in metastasis is

B. Angiography
C. Venography
D. PET scan

16) Gyromagnetic property of proton is seen in


17) Most reliable test for spinal tuberculosis

A. Raised ESR
B. PPD skin test
C. CT guide biopsy

18) In MRI , paramagnetic substance cause

A. Shortening of both T1 and T2 relaxation times
B. Shortening T2 relaxation times only
C. Shortening of T1 relaxation time only
D. No effect on T1 or T2 relaxation times

19) SI unit of absorbed dose of radiation is

A. Roentgen
B. Gray
C. Sievert
D. Coulomb

20) Frequency of Ultrasound wave in Usg

A. 200 Hz
B. 500 Hz
C. <2 MHz
D. > 2 MHz

21) Which of the following is a non – iodine containing contrast?

A. Gadolinium
B. Visipaque
C. Iopamidol
D. Diatrizoate

22) In CT , the attenuation value are measured in Hounsfield unit . An

attenuation value of ‘0’ ( zero) HU corresponds to
A. Water
B. Very dense bone structure
C. Air
D. Fat

23) The best contrast to perform an IVU in the contemporary era is

A. Iodinated ionic water soluble contrast
B. Iodinated non ionic water soluble contrast
C. Gadolinium based contrast
D. Lipidol

24) All of the following are true about iodinated intravascular contrast
A. They are used in digital substraction angiography
B. They are radio – opaque
C. They can cause anaphylactic reaction
D. They are used in MRI
E. They are excreted mainly by the kidneys

25) BIRADS stand for

A. Breast imaging reporting and data system
B. Best imaging reporting and data system
C. Brain imaging reporting and data system
D. Breast investigation reporting and data system

26) Doppler effect is due to

A. Change in frequency in relation to the movement of source or observer
B. Change in attenuation
C. Change in absorption
D. Change in reverberation

27) Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism is primarily made by

A. Multidetector CT contrast
B. Angiography
C. Ventilation perfusion scan
28) Alpha is similar to
A. Electron
B. Proton
C. Neutron
D. Helium

29) Neural tube defects is best detected by

B. Chromosomal analysis
C. Amniocentesis
D. Placentography

30) Light ray and x-ray have same

A. Velocity
B. Wavelength
C. Energy
D. Frequency

A patient comes in complaining of abdominal pain and the

doctor orders an x-ray of the abdomen. Afterwards, you
compare it to the last image the patient had taken and you
see this x-ray. What is the name of this x-ray position?
a. KUB
(Kidneys, ureter, and bladder) b. Lateral Decubitus c.
Upright Abdominal x-ray d. IVP (Intra venous Pyelogram)

What condition does this patient have?

a. Broken rib b. Situs inversus c. Pleural effusion

d. Dislocated shoulder

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