Handling Unit Type Check at Putaway Aginst Storage Bin Type - SAP Blogs

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8/9/2020 Handling Unit Type Check at Putaway aginst storage bin Type | SAP Blogs


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August 8, 2020 3 minute read

Handling Unit Type Check at Putaway aginst storage bin

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This blog explains, how the EWM system checks suitable storage bins during HU/Product putaway in
Extended warehouse management.

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8/9/2020 Handling Unit Type Check at Putaway aginst storage bin Type | SAP Blogs

If we observe the above image, loose products ( without HUs ) stored in the lower level, carton boxes stored
at the middle level, and Pallets stored at top level.]

It means the system able to identify suitable storage bins with reference to product packaging attributes (
without HUs ‘or’ with reference to di erent HU types ).

To achieve this it is required to activate ‘ HU Type Check ” at the storage type level under the putaway
control area.

Spro-SCM Extended Warehouse Management-Extended Warehouse Management-Master Data-De ne

Storage Type

The HU type check and the storage bin type check are only performed if activated the attribute HU Type
Check for the storage type.

Now, it is required to assign permitted HU types for putaway in this storage type

De ne HU Types for Each Storage Type

Spro-SCM Extended Warehouse Management-Extended Warehouse Management-Goods Receipt Process-

Strategies-Storage Bin Determination-HU Types-De ne HU Types for Each Storage Type
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8/9/2020 Handling Unit Type Check at Putaway aginst storage bin Type | SAP Blogs

here a blank entry also maintained to allow loose products into this storage type.

Assign Storage Bin Types to Storage Types

In this area, maintain di erent types of storage bin types within the storage type.

Spro-SCM Extended Warehouse Management-Extended Warehouse Management-Goods Receipt Process-

Strategies-Storage Bin Determination-Assign Storage Bin Types to Storage Types

De ne HU Types for Each Storage Bin Type

Maintain allowed storage bin types for each HU type, the system checks whether a storage bin can be used.

Spro-SCM Extended Warehouse Management-Extended Warehouse Management-Goods Receipt Process-

Strategies-Storage Bin Determination-HU Types-De ne HU Types for Each Storage Bin Type

One blank entry ( ‘ ‘ ) in the HU type eld maintained to allow in the bin type BT01. It means the system
allows to store loose products in the storage bins, which are assigned with bin type ‘ BT01.’

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8/9/2020 Handling Unit Type Check at Putaway aginst storage bin Type | SAP Blogs

HU Type ‘PALT‘ assigned for bin type ‘ BT02 ‘

HU Type ‘CABX‘ assigned to bin type ‘ BT03 ‘

Maintain storage bins with relevant bin types.

Maintain HU Types for packaging materials


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Process ow for validating putaway process

Create inbound delivery and items pack into di erent packaging materials ( which are assigned to di erent
HU Types in EWM ).

Out of three line items, two are packed in two di erent packaging materials and HUs are built.

As per the decentralized WMS parameters shipping noti cation distributed to EWM.

Check the inbound delivery in EWM system

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Now check the HU details against inbound delivery

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Create warehouse tasks

The system creates three WTs, one is product WT and two are HU WTs

1. Product warehouse task

Here system performed HU type check and HU type is initial ( HU type is ‘ ‘ ( blank ) and assigns to Bin type
‘ BT01 ‘

2. HU warehouse task for carton box ( HU Type: CABX )

Here system performed HU type check and HU type ‘ CABX ‘ and assigns to Bin type ‘ BT02 ‘
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3. HU warehouse task for carton box ( HU Type: PALT)

Here system performed HU type check and HU type ‘ PALT ‘ and assigns to Bin type ‘ BT03 ‘

Conclusion: We can perform the HU type check during putaway with maintaining ‘blank ‘ value also against
required storage bin types also.

Highly appreciate for valuable comments and suggestions.

Best Regards

C K Reddy

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s surakasi

August 8, 2020 at 5:54 pm

Nice to see your blogs again Ck…after a long time…



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August 8, 2020 at 7:17 pm

Informative. Thanks CK!


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