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Table of Contents

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS..........................................................................................................................1

LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................................................1

LIST OF FIGURES..........................................................................................................................................1


1. QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH..................................................................................................................3

1.1. Research model............................................................................................................................................3

1.2. Quantitative research method......................................................................................................................4

1.3. Quantitative research results........................................................................................................................9

2. RESEARCH IMPLICATION...................................................................................................................11

3. REFERENCES...........................................................................................................................................11

4. APPENDICES.............................................................................................................................................12
Gen Z: Generation Z

A: Ambiance

FQ: Food quality

SQ: Service quality

PF: Price fairness

Le: Location and environment

P: Promotion

Table 1. The descriptive statistics for the distribution of PV, CS and SQ

Table 2. Chi-Square test of A-CS

Table 3. Cramer’s V analysis of A-CS

Table 4. Chi-Square test of SQ-CS

Table 5. Cramer’s V analysis of SQ-CS

Table 6. Chi-Square test of FQ-CS

Table 7. Cramer’s V analysis of FQ-CS

Table 8. Chi-Square test of PF-CS

Table 9. Cramer’s V analysis of PF-CS

Table 10. Chi-Square test of Le-CS

Table 11. Cramer’s V analysis of Le-CS

Table 12. Chi-Square test of P-CS

Table 13. Cramer’s V analysis of P-CS

Table 14. The independent-samples t test of A across gender

Table 15. The independent-samples t test of SQ across gender

Table 16. The independent-samples t test of FQ across gender

Table 17. The independent-samples t test of PF across gender

Table 18. The independent-samples t test of Le across gender

Table 19. The independent-samples t test of P across gender

Figure 1. The eating frequency of respondents at KFC

Figure 2. Gender

Figure 3. Age

Figure 4. Living place

Figure 5. Occupation

Figure 6. Income

Fast food is becoming more and more popular due to its convenience. It leads to the emergence

of more and more fast food restaurants. Besides, Gen Z is currently the most prospective

customer base in this industry. Understanding Gen Z customer satisfaction is therefore crucial.

This research aims to investigate the factors that affect Gen Z customer satisfaction toward KFC.

There are six potential factors based on the previous qualitative but in this quantitative research 2

of them were exchanged because the scale couldn't be found. Data was collected using the

convenience sampling method. There were a total of 150 valid responses out of 162 responses.

The findings show that all of the factors have a relationship with customer satisfaction. In

addition, service quality is the factor that affects them the most.

1.1.Research model

Since we could not find the pricing and location variables so we replaced them with price fairness and

location and environment. Therefore, this is the new research model:

1.2.Quantitative research method

1.2.1. Measurements and questionnaire design

The relevant study instrument from earlier research was used to measure the potential factors

affecting customers’ satisfaction toward KFC. The construct of customer satisfaction was

measured through Slack et al. (2020) scale. It consists of 3 items which are mainly about the

overall satisfaction of the customer. Ambiance was gauged by Heung and Gu (2012) with 5

items related to ambiance such as plants/flowers, paintings/pictures, temperature, aroma, and

lighting. Following that, the scale of Uddin (2019) was used to assess location including 5 items.

Regarding promotion, the 3 items of Tiganis et al. (2023) were used.

Both factors food quality and service quality used the Slack et al. (2020) scale to measure, which

comprise 5 items for food quality and 4 items for service quality. For variable price, we found a

scale of Konuk (2019) which is made up of 3 items about price fairness. (see more in Appendix


A questionnaire containing 3 sections was used to conduct the survey. The opening part would

screen survey participants by asking whether they had experienced KFC before. Those who have

eaten KFC would continue to be transferred to the main portion of this questionnaire.

The primary section focused on customers' overall satisfaction and 6 factors that were identified

through qualitative research. It started with some questions about the general satisfaction of

Generation Z (Gen Z) with KFC. Then, we conducted measurements of the research's

independent variables, which included ambiance, service quality, food quality, pricing, location,

and promotion.

The final section was to gather the demographic information of the respondents. Their income,

living location, occupation, gender, and age are all included. Simple multiple-choice questions

were used in the survey's opening and closing to collect data. A five-point Likert scale is used in

the main portion of the questionnaire to gauge respondents' satisfaction or dissatisfaction with a

set of statements that represent their positive or negative assessments of different parts of their


1.2.2. Sample and data collection

The survey focuses on everybody belonging to Gen Z, who usually consume fast food and have

already been to KFC. Convenience sampling was the most suitable method to conduct the survey

considering some factors such as cost, time, respondents' convenience, and so on.

After completing the questions, Google Forms was used to generate the survey. The survey

lasted for 3, from 23 to 25 March 2024. Our goal is to achieve about 200 respondents of which at

least 150 people have used KFC products. Besides, respondents were deemed valid for this study

if they answered every question on the questionnaire.

1.2.3. Sample characteristics

According to the survey results, there were 162 respondents, among them 150 people have eaten

KFC and the rest have never eaten KFC.

Figure 1. The eating frequency of respondents at KFC

In terms of gender, there are 51 males and 99 females, accounting for 34% and 66% respectively.

The chart displays a gender disparity of about 30% among respondents.

Figure 2. Gender

Nearly 75% of the participants are between the ages of 19 and 22. The age group occupying the

second position in the chart is from 15 to 18 years old. In contrast, there are relatively few

individuals whose ages are from 23 to 25 (5.3%) and over 25 (3.3%).

Figure 3. Age

As can be seen from the chart, the number of people who live in Ho Chi Minh City is the largest

(64%), while that of people in Ha Noi and other places accounts for a small percentage, at 6.7%

and 29.3% respectively.

Figure 4. Living place

The majority of the respondents are students, with 78%. Exactly 14% of people are students and

have a job. There are a small number of workers accounting for 6% and only 2% of people are

looking for work.

Figure 5. Occupation

The proportion of people with income under 1 million VND and from 1 to 4 million VND is

quite equal, with approximately 35%. The remaining three groups make up only a small number

in the chart which is 19.3% for 4-8 million VND, 3.3% for 8-10 million VND and 7.3 for over

10 million VND.

Figure 6. Income

1.2.4. Data analysis methods

The research uses 3 methods run by SPSS:

● Frequency distributions
● Cross-tabulation with some statistics such as Chi-square, Cramer's V which are associated

with it.

● Independent samples t-test

1.3.Quantitative research results

Out of the 162 responses received, 12 participants have never used KFC. Consequently, 150

replies were valid for the research. The research will be carried out using frequency distributions,

cross tabulation, and t-test hypothesis.

● Frequency distributions:

There are 6 factors including ambiance (A), service quality (SQ), food quality (FQ), price

fairness (PF), location and environment (Le), promotion (P). Service quality has the highest

mean score, at 4.16. After that, with average satisfaction ratings of 3.81, 3.87, 3.744 and

3.742, respectively, are ambiance, food quality, price fairness, location and environment.

The lowest mean score belongs to the promotion factor with only 3.71. Almost the mode

and median for each item of every variable is 4.0, hence, the most common rating is 4 out

of 5. (see more in Appendix C)

Except for location and environment, most factors have a negative skew (see more in

Appendix C). It demonstrates that the distribution is concentrated on the right; however, the

distribution of the price fairness variable is almost balanced. As for the location and

environment element, its distribution is slightly concentrated to the left.

The results indicate that the six factors—rated mostly positively by participants—can

influence customer satisfaction toward KFC. Customers are most satisfied with KFC's

service quality, whereas, promotion is the factor that has the least influence on them.

● Cross-tabulation:

The goal is to determine whether there is a relationship between the six factors (ambiance,

service quality, food quality, price fairness, location and environment, promotion) and

customer satisfaction (CS). The null hypothesis is proposed:

H0 : There is no association between the factors and customer satisfaction.

H1 : There is an association between the factors and customer satisfaction.

After running SPSS, since p-value of chi-square of all the above variables and CS < 0.05

(see more in Appendix C), thus, the H0 is rejected. The conclusion is that there is a

relationship between the six factors and customer satisfaction. Also, the cramer’s V of A

and CS is the greatest and that of P and CS is the smallest, which is 0.569 and 0.372

respectively (see more in Appendix C). This shows that ambiance and customer satisfaction

has the highest degree of association and vice versa.

● Independent t-test:

The null hypothesis for Levene’s test:

H0 : The population variances are equal.

H1 : The population variances are not equal.

The null hypothesis for independent t-test:

H0 : There is no significant difference between the mean score of each factor across gender.

H1 : There is a significant difference between the mean score of each factor across gender.

After running SPSS, the p-value of every factor in Levene’s test > 0.05 so H0 is accepted.

Then, for the independent sample t-test, the p-value of all factors are also > 0.05 so it fails

to reject H0. The conclusion is that there is no significant difference between the mean

score of each factor across gender. (see more in Appendix C)

Here are some recommendations for KFC based on the findings of quantitative research:

● Focus on their strengths: According to the research, Gen Z customers are most satisfied with

KFC's services. KFC can make the most of this strength by keeping employees trained and

motivated to deliver superior customer service. Besides, due to the strong association between

ambiance and customer satisfaction, it is suggested to invest in a restaurant space that creates a

sense of comfort for customers through lighting, scent, and temperature.

● Address their weaknesses: The findings show that promotion factor has the least impact on Gen

Z customer satisfaction. Examining prior promotions to determine which ones didn't connect as

much with Gen Z, then offering more targeted deals or rewards programs that resonate with this



Heung, V. C. S., & Gu, T. (2012). Influence of restaurant atmospherics on patron satisfaction and behavioral

intentions. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(4), 1167–1177.

Konuk, F. A. (2019). The influence of perceived food quality, price fairness, perceived value and satisfaction

on customers’ revisit and word-of-mouth intentions towards organic food restaurants. Journal of

Retailing and Consumer Services, 50, 103–110.

Slack, N. J., Singh, G., Ali, J., Lata, R., Mudaliar, K., & Swamy, Y. (2020). Influence of fast-food restaurant

service quality and its dimensions on customer perceived value, satisfaction and behavioural

intentions. British Food Journal, 123(4), 1324–1344.

Tiganis, A., Grigoroudis, E., & Chrysochou, P. (2023). Customer satisfaction in short food supply chains: A

multiple criteria decision analysis approach. Food Quality and Preference, 104, 104750.

Uddin, M. B. (2019). Customer loyalty in the fast food restaurants of Bangladesh. British Food Journal,

121(11), 2791–2808.


Appendix A: Measurement scales of the constructs

Construct Definition Scale (adapted Source


Ambience (A) Ambience is a term used to A1: Plants/flowers at KFC Heung & Gu,
describe background stores make me feel happy 2012
intangibles including Plants/flowers make me
temperature, music, and scent. feel happy
Cây/hoa ở cửa hàng KFC
khiến tôi cảm thấy vui vẻ
A2: Paintings/pictures at
KFC stores are visually
Paintings/pictures are
visually appealing.
Những bức tranh/hình ảnh
tại cửa hàng KFC rất hấp
dẫn về mặt thị giác
A3: Temperature at KFC
stores is comfortable
Temperature is
Nhiệt độ tại cửa hàng
KFC thoải mái
A4: Aroma at KFC stores
is enticing
Aroma is enticing.
Hương thơm tại các cửa
hàng KFC thật hấp dẫn
A5: Lighting at KFC
stores creates a
comfortable atmosphere
Lighting creates a
comfortable atmosphere.
Ánh sáng tại các cửa hàng
KFC tạo ra bầu không khí
thoải mái

Customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction refers to CS1: I am satisfied with Slack et al., 2020
(CS) how the consumer feels about my overall experience at
the assessment of the KFC
perceived difference between I am satisfied with my
the product's actual overall experience at fast-
performance as perceived after food restaurants

consumption and their Tôi hài lòng với trải
previous expectations (or some nghiệm chung của mình
other performance tại KFC
benchmark). CS2: Overall, KFC put me
in a good mood
Overall, fast-food
restaurants put me in a
good mood
Nhìn chung, KFC khiến
tôi có tâm trạng tốt
CS3: I really enjoy myself
at KFC
I really enjoy myself at
fast-food restaurants
Tôi thực sự tận hưởng bản
thân mình ở KFC

Service quality (SQ) Like perceived value, service SQ1:Employees served Slack et al., 2020
quality is usually defined from me KFC’s food exactly as
the perspective of the client I ordered
and is one of those "abstract Employees served me
concepts with varying food exactly as I ordered
meanings depending on the Nhân viên phục vụ món
context." ăn KFC của tôi đúng như
món tôi đã gọi
SQ2: Employees provided
prompt and quick KFC’s
Employees provided
prompt and quick service
Nhân viên cung cấp dịch
vụ KFC nhanh chóng và
kịp thời
SQ3:Employees at KFC
are always willing to help
Employees are always
willing to help me
Nhân viên tại KFC luôn
sẵn sàng giúp đỡ tôi
SQ4: KFC’s employees
made me feel comfortable
in dealing with them
Employees made me feel
comfortable in dealing
with them

Nhân viên của KFC khiến
tôi cảm thấy thoải mái khi
làm việc với họ

Food Quality (FQ) Food quality comprises a FQ1 Slack et al., 2020
complex amalgam of factors The food at KFC was
and cues (such as physical delicious
aspects, composition and The food at fast-food
microbial characteristics,
restaurants was delicious
nutritional value, processing
Đồ ăn ở KFC rất ngon
and storage and safety) used
by customers to evaluate the FQ2 KFC offer a variety
quality of food, differentiate of menu items
food products and determine KFC cung cấp một thực
the degree of acceptability đơn đa dạng
Fast-food restaurants offer
a variety of menu items
FQ3 KFC restaurants
offer fresh
KFC cung cấp thực phẩm
tươi sống
Fast-food restaurants offer
FQ4 The smell of KFC’s
fresh food was enticing
The smell of fresh food
was enticing
Mùi thức ăn tươi ngon của
KFC thật hấp dẫn
FQ5 The food
presentation was visually
The food presentation was
visually attractive
Trình bày món ăn ở KFC
hấp dẫn về mặt thị giác

Price fairness (PF) "A consumer's assessment and PF1: The price of KFC’s Konuk, 2019
associated emotions of food is reasonable
whether the difference (or lack The price of organic food
thereof) between a seller's is reasonable
price and the price of a Giá đồ ăn của KFC hợp lý
comparative other party is PF2: KFC’s food price is
reasonable, acceptable, or fair

justifiable" is how price Organic food price is fair
fairness is conceptualized. Thực phẩm của KFC có
một mức giá tốt
PF3: KFC’s food price is
Organic food price is
Giá thực phẩm của KFC
có thể chấp nhận được

Location and The environment is the LE1: KFC’s car parking Uddin, 2019
environment (Le) perception of the customers arrangement is good
regarding the quality of their Car parking arrangement
atmosphere. This perception is is good
different for a different group Cách bố trí bãi đỗ xe của
of customers according to their KFC rất tốt
difference (i.e. age and gender) LE2: KFC has a sufficient
and consumption orientation and comfortable seating
(individual consumption vs arrangement
social consumption). Easy to This restaurant has a
go location and attractive sufficient and comfortable
environment both have a seating arrangement
contribution to improved sales KFC có sự sắp xếp chỗ
and consumer spending in the ngồi đầy đủ và thoải mái
LE3: Existence of
funspace for kids and
youth in KFC
Existence of funspace for
kids and youth in this
Có không gian vui chơi
dành cho trẻ em và thanh
thiếu niên ở KFC
LE4: KFC situated in
good location
Situated in good location
KFC nằm ở vị trí tốt
LE5: KFC decorates
This restaurant decorate
KFC trang trí hấp dẫn

Promotion (P) Promotion is the collective P1: KFC provides Tiganis et al.,
term for a set of activities that information during sales 2023
help a business better evaluate Information during sales
and segment the market based KFC cung cấp thông tin
on its target consumer base trong quá trình bán hàng
and market its goods. P2: Presentation of the
Kim et al., 2019 KFC's products
Presentation of the
KFC giới thiệu sản phẩm
của họ
P3: KFC gives
opportunity of a free trial
Opportunity of a free trial
KFC mang đến cơ hội
dùng thử miễn phí

Appendix B: Questionnaire of quantitative research

Phần 1: Opening

1. Bạn đã từng trải nghiệm chuỗi nhà hàng KFC chưa ?

☐ Đã từng

☐ Chưa từng

Phần 2: Key questions


Ở phần này, chúng mình sẽ đưa các câu hỏi liên quan sự hài lòng về trải nghiệm của các bạn khi

đến ăn uống tại nhà hàng KFC.

Khi trả lời các câu hỏi, bạn vui lòng chọn một trong các mức độ từ 1- 5, tùy theo mức độ đánh giá

được định nghĩa sau đây:

1. Hoàn toàn không đồng ý

2. Không đồng ý

3. Trung lập

4. Đồng ý

5. Hoàn toàn đồng ý

1. Tôi hài lòng với trải nghiệm chung của mình tại KFC

2. Nhìn chung, KFC khiến tôi có tâm trạng tốt

3. Tôi thực sự tận hưởng bản thân mình khi ở KFC


Ở phần này, chúng mình sẽ đưa các câu hỏi liên quan sự hài lòng của bạn về không gian tại nhà

hàng KFC.

Khi trả lời các câu hỏi, bạn vui lòng chọn một trong các mức độ từ 1- 5, tùy theo mức độ đánh giá

được định nghĩa sau đây:

1. Hoàn toàn không đồng ý

2. Không đồng ý

3. Trung lập

4. Đồng ý

5. Hoàn toàn đồng ý

1. Cây/hoa ở cửa hàng KFC khiến tôi cảm thấy vui vẻ

2. Những bức tranh/hình ảnh tại cửa hàng KFC rất hấp dẫn về mặt thị giác

3. Nhiệt độ tại cửa hàng KFC thoải mái

4. Hương thơm tại các cửa hàng KFC thật hấp dẫn

5. Ánh sáng tại các cửa hàng KFC tạo ra bầu không khí thoải mái


Ở phần này, chúng mình sẽ đưa các câu hỏi liên quan sự hài lòng của bạn về chất lượng phục vụ

của nhà hàng KFC.

Khi trả lời các câu hỏi, bạn vui lòng chọn một trong các mức độ từ 1- 5, tùy theo mức độ đánh giá

được định nghĩa sau đây:

1. Hoàn toàn không đồng ý

2. Không đồng ý

3. Trung lập

4. Đồng ý

5. Hoàn toàn đồng ý

1. Nhân viên phục vụ món ăn KFC của tôi đúng như món tôi đã gọi

2. Nhân viên cung cấp dịch vụ KFC nhanh chóng và kịp thời

3. Nhân viên tại KFC luôn sẵn sàng giúp đỡ tôi

4. Nhân viên của KFC khiến tôi cảm thấy thoải mái khi làm việc với họ


Ở phần này, chúng mình sẽ đưa các câu hỏi liên quan sự hài lòng của bạn về chất lượng thức ăn

của nhà hàng KFC.

Khi trả lời các câu hỏi, bạn vui lòng chọn một trong các mức độ từ 1- 5, tùy theo mức độ đánh giá

được định nghĩa sau đây:

1. Hoàn toàn không đồng ý

2. Không đồng ý

3. Trung lập

4. Đồng ý

5. Hoàn toàn đồng ý

1. Đồ ăn ở KFC rất ngon

2. KFC cung cấp một thực đơn đa dạng

3. KFC cung cấp thực phẩm tươi sống

4. Mùi thức ăn tươi ngon của KFC thật hấp dẫn

5. Trình bày món ăn ở KFC hấp dẫn về mặt thị giác


Ở phần này, chúng mình sẽ đưa các câu hỏi liên quan sự hài lòng của bạn về giá cả các loại thức ăn

của nhà hàng KFC.

Khi trả lời các câu hỏi, bạn vui lòng chọn một trong các mức độ từ 1- 5, tùy theo mức độ đánh giá

được định nghĩa sau đây:

1. Hoàn toàn không đồng ý

2. Không đồng ý

3. Trung lập

4. Đồng ý

5. Hoàn toàn đồng ý

1. Giá đồ ăn của KFC hợp lý

2. Thực phẩm của KFC có một mức giá tốt

3. Giá thực phẩm của KFC có thể chấp nhận được


Ở phần này, chúng mình sẽ đưa các câu hỏi liên quan sự hài lòng của bạn về vị trí chuỗi các nhà

hàng KFC.

Khi trả lời các câu hỏi, bạn vui lòng chọn một trong các mức độ từ 1- 5, tùy theo mức độ đánh giá

được định nghĩa sau đây:

1. Hoàn toàn không đồng ý

2. Không đồng ý

3. Trung lập

4. Đồng ý

5. Hoàn toàn đồng ý

1. Cách bố trí bãi đỗ xe của KFC rất tốt

2. KFC bố trí chỗ ngồi đầy đủ, thoải mái

3. KFC có không gian vui chơi dành cho trẻ em và thanh thiếu niên

4. KFC nằm ở vị trí tốt

5. KFC trang trí hấp dẫn


Ở phần này, chúng mình sẽ đưa các câu hỏi liên quan sự hài lòng của bạn về cách nhà hàng KFC

khuyến mãi cho khách hàng của họ.

Khi trả lời các câu hỏi, bạn vui lòng chọn một trong các mức độ từ 1- 5, tùy theo mức độ đánh giá

được định nghĩa sau đây:

1. Hoàn toàn không đồng ý

2. Không đồng ý

3. Trung lập

4. Đồng ý

5. Hoàn toàn đồng ý

1. KFC cung cấp thông tin trong quá trình bán hàng

2. KFC giới thiệu sản phẩm của họ

3. KFC mang đến cơ hội dùng thử miễn phí

Phần 3: Closing

1. Giới tính của bạn là gì ?

☐ Nam

☐ Nữ

☐ Khác

2. Bạn bao nhiêu tuổi ?

☐ 15 - 18 tuổi

☐ 19 - 22 tuổi

☐ 23 - 25 tuổi

☐ Trên 25 tuổi

3. Hiện tại bạn đang sinh sống ở đâu ?

☐ Hà Nội

☐ Hồ Chí Minh

☐ Nơi khác

4. Nghề nghiệp của bạn là gì ?

☐ Sinh viên

☐ Người đi làm

☐ Vừa học vừa đi làm

☐ Đang tìm việc

5. Thu nhập một tháng của bạn là bao nhiêu ?

☐ Dưới 1 triệu VND

☐ Từ 1 đến 4 triệu VND

☐ Từ 4 đến 8 triệu VND

☐ Trên 10 triệu VND

Appendix C: Outputs of SPSS

1. Frequency distributions



N 150 150 150 150 150 150

Mean 3.8080 4.1600 3.8747 3.7422 3.7440 3.7133

Mode 3.60 5.00 3.40 4.00 5.00 4.00

Median 3.8000 4.2500 3.8000 3.6667 3.8000 3.6667

Standard deviation 0.70621 0.64784 0.68915 0.76183 0.75658 0.81103

Variance 0.499 0.420 0.475 0.580 0.572 0.658

Skewness -0.165 -0.583 -0.111 -0.061 0.155 -0.262

Kurtosis .196 .237 -.261 -.282 -.850 -.059

Range 3.60 3.25 3.20 3.33 3.00 3.67

Table 1. The descriptive statistics for the distribution of PV, CS and SQ

2. Cross-tabulation

Chi-Square Tests

Value df 2-sided asymptotic Significance (p-value)

Pearson Chi-Square 583.081* 192 0.000 (4.8754E-41)

N of Valid Cases 150

*: 221 cells (100.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .01.

Table 2. Chi-Square test of A-CS

Symmetric Measures

Value Approximate Significance

Cramer's V 0.569 0.000(4.8754E-41)

N of Valid Cases 150

Table 3. Cramer’s V analysis of A-CS

Chi-Square Tests

Value df 2-sided asymptotic Significance (p-value)

Pearson Chi-Square 377.746* 132 0.000 (1.5476E-25)

N of Valid Cases 150

*: 155 cells (99.4%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .01.

Table 4. Chi-Square test of SQ-CS

Symmetric Measures

Value Approximate Significance

Cramer's V 0.478 0.000(1.5476E-25)

N of Valid Cases 150

Table 5. Cramer’s V analysis of SQ-CS

Chi-Square Tests

Value df 2-sided asymptotic Significance (p-value)

Pearson Chi-Square 515.258* 180 0.000 (4.5366E-34)

N of Valid Cases 150

*: 208 cells (100.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .01.

Table 6. Chi-Square test of FQ-CS

Symmetric Measures

Value Approximate Significance

Cramer's V 0.535 0.000(4.5366E-34)

N of Valid Cases 150

Table 7. Cramer’s V analysis of FQ-CS

Chi-Square Tests

Value df 2-sided asymptotic Significance (p-value)

Pearson Chi-Square 221.310* 120 0.000 (5.2169E-8)

N of Valid Cases 150

*: 138 cells (96.5%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .01.

Table 8. Chi-Square test of PF-CS

Symmetric Measures

Value Approximate Significance

Cramer's V 0.384 0.000(5.2169E-8)

N of Valid Cases 150

Table 9. Cramer’s V analysis of PF-CS

Chi-Square Tests

Value df 2-sided asymptotic Significance (p-value)

Pearson Chi-Square 376.205* 180 0.000 (6.1112E-16)

N of Valid Cases 150

*: 208 cells (100.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .01.

Table 10. Chi-Square test of Le-CS

Symmetric Measures

Value Approximate Significance

Cramer's V 0.457 0.000(6.1112E-16)

N of Valid Cases 150

Table 11. Cramer’s V analysis of Le-CS

Chi-Square Tests

Value df 2-sided asymptotic Significance (p-value)

Pearson Chi-Square 228.339* 132 0.000 (3.9493E-7)

N of Valid Cases 150

*: 155 cells (99.4%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .01.

Table 12. Chi-Square test of P-CS

Symmetric Measures

Value Approximate Significance

Cramer's V 0.372 0.000(3.9493E-7)

N of Valid Cases 150

Table 13. Cramer’s V analysis of P-CS

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed)

Equal variances .260 .611 .485 148 .628


Equal variances .468 91.851 .641

not assumed
Table 14. The independent-samples t test of A across gender

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed)

Equal variances .319 .573 .488 148 .626


Equal variances .486 99.688 .628

not assumed
Table 15. The independent-samples t test of SQ across gender

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed)

Equal variances .067 .796 .397 148 .692


Equal variances .396 100.236 .693

not assumed
Table 16. The independent-samples t test of FQ across gender

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed)

Equal variances .274 .601 .786 148 .433


Equal variances .783 99.908 .436

not assumed
Table 17. The independent-samples t test of PF across gender

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed)

Equal variances 1.503 .222 .104 148 .918


Equal variances .107 109.875 .915

not assumed
Table 18. The independent-samples t test of Le across gender

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed)

Equal variances .071 .790 .556 148 .579

Equal variances .557 101.731 .579

not assumed
Table 19. The independent-samples t test of P across gender


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