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40102108829 TEST REPORT

Reg.No : 40102108829 Reg.Date : 22-Jan-2024 15:51 Collection : 22-Jan-2024 15:52

Name : MS. PIYALI PAL Received : 22-Jan-2024 15:52
Age : 36 Years Sex : Female Report : 22-Jan-2024 18:26
Referred By : NIRVANA @ KOLKATA Dispatch : 23-Jan-2024 16:43
Referral Dr : S DASGUPTA Status : Final Location : KOLKATA

Parameter Result Biological Reference Interval
Hb Variant Analysis By HPLC

HB A0 81.7 %

HB A2 3.2 2.3 - 3.5 %

Hb F 0.8 0.1 - 1.2 %

40102108829-Ms. PIYALI PAL-36 Years-Female

Hb S 0.0 %

Hb D Punjab 0.0 %

Hb E 0.0 %

Interpretation-HPLC No abnormal Hb detected.

Sample Type: EDTA Whole Blood

Dr. Mandeep Bedi

55315 (WBMC)
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40102108829 TEST REPORT
Reg.No : 40102108829 Reg.Date : 22-Jan-2024 15:51 Collection : 22-Jan-2024 15:52
Name : MS. PIYALI PAL Received : 22-Jan-2024 15:52
Age : 36 Years Sex : Female Report : 22-Jan-2024 18:26
Referred By : NIRVANA @ KOLKATA Dispatch : 23-Jan-2024 16:43
Referral Dr : S DASGUPTA Status : Final Location : KOLKATA

HPLC ToshoG11
1.Recent blood transfusion interfere with HPLC result and can cause misinterpretation.
2.If concomitant iron deficiency occurs HbA2 may fall, sometimes into normal range (J Lab Clin Med 1968; 71:85-91).
3.Megaloblastic anemias have been associated with HbA2 concentrations that exceed normal (Alperin et al., 1977; Henshaw et al., 978).
4.HbA2 levels may be consistently elevated in hyperthyroidism and low in untreated, nonanemic, hypothyroidism. (Kendall, and Bastomsky, 1981; Krishnamoorthy et al.,
1982; Kuhn et al., 1983).
5.Rarely an individual with thalassemia minor has normal HbA2 (Weatherall D J Clegg JB. The Thalassemia Syndrome, 4th edn 2001).
6.The HbA2 levels determined by HPLC were found elevated in samples containing HbS (m Shokrani et al, Ann Clin Lab Sci Spring 2000 Vol 30, no.2:191-194).
7.Family and molecular study is required for confirmation of diagnosis.
40102108829-Ms. PIYALI PAL-36 Years-Female


While Hb HPLC serves as a robust screening tool, molecular testing becomes imperative for comprehensive confirmation and a detailed characterization of mutations.

In specific cases, we recommend the following molecular tests:

1. Beta Globin Gene Sequencing: For individuals with heterozygous beta thalassemia, heterozygous HbE, Homozygous HbE, or those with compound heterozygosity for
HbE-beta thalassemia, beta globin gene sequencing is strongly advised. This test provides a precise identification of mutations in the beta globin gene.

2. Alpha Globin Gene Cluster MLPA: In cases related to alpha thalassemia, we recommend the alpha globin gene cluster MLPA. This test helps detect deletions in the alpha
globin genes, providing valuable information for diagnosis.

3. Thalassemia Complete Workup: For rare and complex variants that may not be adequately characterized by conventional methods, a thalassemia complete workup is
vital. This comprehensive assessment ensures the accurate diagnosis of challenging cases.

Identifying these mutations not only aids in diagnosing the condition but also serves as a crucial step in screening family members and children for carrier status. This
proactive approach supports early intervention and family planning when necessary.

At Unipath, we are dedicated to providing a holistic approach to thalassemia and hemoglobinopathy diagnosis, encompassing both initial screening and advanced molecular
testing for precise and personalized healthcare.

Dr. Mandeep Bedi

55315 (WBMC)
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40102108829 TEST REPORT
Reg.No : 40102108829 Reg.Date : 22-Jan-2024 15:51 Collection : 22-Jan-2024 15:52
Name : MS. PIYALI PAL Received : 22-Jan-2024 15:52
Age : 36 Years Sex : Female Report : 22-Jan-2024 18:26
Referred By : NIRVANA @ KOLKATA Dispatch : 23-Jan-2024 16:43
Referral Dr : S DASGUPTA Status : Final Location : KOLKATA
40102108829-Ms. PIYALI PAL-36 Years-Female

Dr. Mandeep Bedi

55315 (WBMC)
Page 3 of 5
40102108829 TEST REPORT
Reg.No : 40102108829 Reg.Date : 22-Jan-2024 15:51 Collection : 22-Jan-2024 15:52
Name : MS. PIYALI PAL Received : 22-Jan-2024 15:52
Age : 36 Years Sex : Female Report : 22-Jan-2024 16:34
Referred By : NIRVANA @ KOLKATA Dispatch : 23-Jan-2024 16:43
Referral Dr : S DASGUPTA Status : Final Location : KOLKATA

Parameter Result Biological Reference Interval

Rubella IgG 0.75 Negative : <7 IU/mL

Equivocal : 7-10
Positive : >=10

Rubella (German or 3-day measles) is a member of the Togavirus family and humans remain the only natural host for this virus. Transmission is typically through
inhalation of infectious aerosolized respiratory droplets and the incubation period following exposure can range from 12 to 23 days. Primary in utero rubella infections
can lead to severe sequelae for the fetus, particularly if infection occurs within the first 4 months of gestation. Congenital rubella syndrome is often associated with
hearing loss and cardiovascular and ocular defects. Rubella antibody IgM is for acute infection and IgG antibody is for immune status to rubella virus.

PROLACTIN 3.98 Non pregnant - 2.8-29.2 ng/mL

40102108829-Ms. PIYALI PAL-36 Years-Female

Pregnant - 9.7-208.5

Post menopausal- 1.8-20.3

Increased in (Hyperprolactinemia)
1.Prolactin seceting pituitory adenoma
2.Functional disease of Hypothalamus
3.Primary hypothyroidism
4.Renal insufficiency
5.Chest wall lesions
Decreased In
1. Hypopituitarism: postpartum pituitary necrosis, hypogonadism
2. Drugs : Dopamine agonists, ergot derivatives, levodopa, apomorphine, clonidine

Dr.Niranjan Mondal
MBBS, DO, MD (Biochemistry)
Consultant Biochemist
Reg No.:- 64023 (WBMC)
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40102108829 TEST REPORT
Reg.No : 40102108829 Reg.Date : 22-Jan-2024 15:51 Collection : 22-Jan-2024 15:52
Name : MS. PIYALI PAL Received : 22-Jan-2024 15:52
Age : 36 Years Sex : Female Report : 22-Jan-2024 16:34
Referred By : NIRVANA @ KOLKATA Dispatch : 23-Jan-2024 16:43
Referral Dr : S DASGUPTA Status : Final Location : KOLKATA

INSULIN FASTING (Serum) 9.7 3 - 25 mU/L

Sample Type: Serum

1. A single random blood sample for insulin may provide insufficient information due to wide variation in the time responses of insulin levels and blood glucose.
2. Stimulation of insulin secretion may be caused by many factors like hyperglycemia, glucagon, amino acids, growth hormone and catecholamines
3. Interference in insulin assay is seen due to insulin antibodies which develop in patients treated with bovine or porcine insulin.

Clinical Utility
• Evaluation of fasting hypoglycemia
40102108829-Ms. PIYALI PAL-36 Years-Female

• Evaluation of Polycystic Ovary syndrome

• Classification of Diabetes mellitus
• Predict Diabetes mellitus
• Assessment of Beta cell activity
• Select optimal therapy for Diabetes
• Investigation of insulin resistance
• Predict the development of Coronary Artery Disease

Increased Levels-Insulinoma, Some Type II diabetic patients, Infantile hypoglycemia, Hyperinsulinism, Obesity, Cushing's syndrome, Oralcontraceptives, Acromegaly,

Decreased Levels - Untreated Type I Diabetes mellitus

------------------ End Of Report ------------------

Dr.Niranjan Mondal
MBBS, DO, MD (Biochemistry)
Consultant Biochemist
Reg No.:- 64023 (WBMC)
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