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Singapore International School

Semester 1 Assessment
Year 7

NAME : _____________________________
EXAMINATION: English Writing Spot Test 1


DURATION: 60 Minutes



1. Answer all questions in the spaces provided on the question paper.
2. Pupils are reminded to read the questions carefully.

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AY 2021- 2022 SA1 Y7 English Writing Spot Test 1
Section A: Situational Writing: Formal email (30 marks)

You are advised to write between 150-250 words for this section.
You should read the information carefully and plan your answer before you

The 2020 Video Game Awards is coming up and they need your help to decide
which title should win the Greatest Game of All Time award.
Write a formal email to the Awards Department chairman, Dr Mario Sky, telling him
which video game you think deserves the award.

Include all the prompts from the list below in your email.
● Introduce yourself and describe your history with video games.
● Give some background to the game so that the chairman knows what title you
are discussing.
● Describe why you think the game you have chosen deserves the award.
● Mention one other game you know well and give a reason why you don’t think
it should win.


The World Wildlife Organisation in Vietnam is hosting a charity event next weekend
and have asked you to write a special email to your favourite celebrity to convince
them to attend the event and donate to the charity.

Include all the prompts from the list below in your email.
● Introduce yourself and describe why this cause is important to you.
● Give some background to the organisation and mention some things they
have done before.
● Explain what the charity will do with all donations.
● Describe the event the celebrity will be attending, and what the celebrity can
look forward to.

Remember to create a plan and proofread your work before submitting.


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AY 2021- 2022 SA1 Y7 English Writing Spot Test 1

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